Essential Tips for Corresponding Secretaries in Keeping Chapter Records

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Learn important guidelines and best practices for corresponding secretaries to efficiently manage membership records, reports, and correspondence within a local chapter. Explore tools, procedures, and responsibilities related to maintaining membership data, handling correspondence, and conducting officer transitions effectively.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Corresponding Secretary Staying in Touch 3/24

  2. Training Overview Tools available to execute your responsibilities Forms and processes to use when reporting membership activity

  3. Three Key Areas 1 2 3 Tools and Tips Membership Records Annual Reports

  4. 1 Tools Officer Transition Meeting Constitution Part III, ARTICLE V, Sec. 5 Instructions to Officers of Local Chapters (IOLC) Local Chapter Officers resources on the P.E.O. International website

  5. 1 Tips Corresponding secretary s monthly report to chapter The report of correspondence sent (including forms submitted online) is given only at the first regular meeting of the month. If no correspondence was sent, the report is No correspondence was sent. Reading correspondence received Correspondence received is read or reviewed at every regular meeting. State the name of the sender before reading the message. Electronic correspondence received may be distributed prior to the meeting and noted in your report. If no correspondence was received, the report is No correspondence was received. (continued on next slide)

  6. 1 Tips Reading the Annual Report to your chapter Note final membership count, total active, members becoming inactive and any other membership changes. Reading notification of transfer out Note the date of the member s transfer with your chapter records. (continued on next slide)

  7. 1 Tips Reinstatement Corresponding secretary records reinstatement as date letter/fee received by chapter Corresponding secretary reads reinstatement letter at chapter meeting Chapter receives reinstatement letter and fee Reinstatement and Transfer Chapter receives letter accepting invitation to transfer indicating reinstatement and reinstatement fee Corresponding secretary records reinstatement and transfer date as date of meeting Corresponding secretary reads letter at chapter meeting

  8. 2 Membership Records Member ID Only number to track P.E.O. members Member ID, chapter letter(s) and state/provincial/ district abbreviations are printed on the back mailing panel of The Record. (continued on next slide)

  9. 2 Membership Records Member ID ID numbers can also be found by doing a search on the P.E.O. International website. Membership > Member ID Search (continued on next slide)

  10. 2 Membership Records Core items to track and report membership Member Update form Chapter Membership History (CMH) Membership Roster (continued on next slide)

  11. 2 Membership Records Member Update form Form notifying P.E.O. Membership Department of all membership activity in your chapter, including a member s change in name and/or address and/or email address 1. Only form used for this purpose 2. Important to expediently submit this form 3. Also make entries in your chapter membership records If the P.E.O. Membership Department receives a change of address submitted directly by a member, a notification email will be sent to the corresponding secretary. (continued on next slide)

  12. 2 Membership Records Notice of Member in Your Area Chapter member moves and wishes to transfer to another chapter 1. Submit change of address and contact information on Member Update form (see previous slide). 2. Complete the Notice of Member in Your Area. (continued on next slide)

  13. 2 Membership Records Chapter Membership History (CMH) Historical record of membership Retain for the life of the chapter. General Enrollment Book Keep in the corresponding secretary supplies for the life of the chapter. (continued on next slide)

  14. 2 Membership Records Membership Roster Shows details of membership that occurred during the past year. Use as a reference when completing the Annual Report.

  15. 3 Annual Reports Annual Reports Annual Report Official annual report representing your chapter s membership Due by March 10 each year Separate training video on P.E.O. International website (continued on next slide)

  16. 3 Annual Reports Provide input on records 1. Report of Election of Officers of Local Chapters 2. Local Chapter Report of Project Chairs 3. State/Provincial/District Convention Delegates and Alternates 4. International Convention Nominee for Delegate (select chapters in odd-numbered years only) (continued on next slide)

  17. 3 Annual Reports Keep these items together in the corresponding secretary files. Chapter Membership History (CMH) Membership Roster

  18. Important Additional Resources Trainings for other officers are available and can be found on the P.E.O. International website in the Resources section.

  19. Summary 1. Tools and tips for fulfilling your responsibilities Most of the instructional materials and forms you need to fulfill your duties are available at Become familiar with information regarding corresponding secretary duties provided in the Constitution, IOLC and your state, provincial or district bylaws and standing rules. (continued on next slide)

  20. Summary 2. Membership records Three membership records are vital for corresponding secretaries (Member Update form, CMH and Membership Roster). It is essential that membership activity be reported timely on the Member Update form. Become familiar with, and learn the differences between, the Chapter Membership History and Membership Roster records. The accuracy of your chapter s membership records depends on your efficient management of these records. (continued on next slide)

  21. Summary 3. Annual reports The Annual Report is completed every March and will be electronically submitted to the state/provincial/district chapter secretary or paid assistant by the chapter president or to the P.E.O. Executive Office if in non-chartered territory. The election of officers, delegate(s) and alternate(s) to conventions and the appointment of project chairs are reported online by you or your chapter s technology contact.

  22. Thank you for all you do for the P.E.O. Sisterhood and for taking advantage of this training session. We offer our best wishes to you and your chapter for a wonderfully fulfilling year!
