The Hidden Messages in Water: Power of Positivity

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Encountering overwhelming situations is common, but maintaining a positive attitude can be transformative. "The Hidden Messages in Water" explores how positivity affects water crystals, emphasizing the impact of words. Discover the unique connection between positivity and well-being, as seen through Dr. Emoto's enlightening water experiment.

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  1. S nowflakes (S now C rystals) U sing the paper provided, create one to two snowflakes (snow crystals) and hang them around the classroom http:/ / (interactive snowflake website) http:/ / snowflakes.html (creating snowflakes instructions) http:/ / ~atomic/ snowcrystals/ photos/ photos.htm (snow-crystal photos) http:/ / (paper snowflakes for children)

  2. T he H idden M essages in W ater T he P ower of B eing P ositive

  3. O verview A s we go about our daily tasks (school, work, etc.), it is inevitable for us to encounter situations that may be overwhelming or frustrating. U sually, these types of situations may elicit negative responses. A lthough a negative response may be typical, it is important for us to understand that something as simple as maintaining a positive attitude can help us through tough times. In the book, T he H idden M essages in W ater, this idea is discussed in detail, while highlighting the power of words.

  4. O ur C onnection W ith W ater T he average human body is 7 0 percent water (P age xv). W e start out life being 9 9 percent water, as fetuses. W hen we are born, we are 9 0 percent water, and by the time we reach adulthood we are down to 7 0 percent. If we die of old age, we will probably be about 5 0 percent water. In other words, throughout our lives we exist mostly as water (P age xv).

  5. T he E xperiment D r. E moto and his associates exposed water to positive and negative words, expressions, and music. S ubsequently, they froze the water and photographed the crystals that formed. T his experiment provided concrete visual evidence of how water reacted to both positive and negative energy. W ater exposed to T hank Y ou formed beautiful hexagonal crystals, but water exposed to the word F ool produced crystals similar to the water exposed to the heavy metal music, malformed and fragmented (P age xxv).

  6. C rystals F ormed after exposure to P ositive W ords (E nergy) T ibet S utra L ove and A ppreciation T hank Y ou M other T eresa B eethoven s P astorale

  7. C rystals F ormed A fter E xposure to N egative W ords (E nergy) Y ou M ake M e S ick H eavy M etal M usic A dolph H itler

  8. B efore and A fter L ake water before positive words L ake water after positive words

  9. W hat does it all M ean? M odern researchers have shown that the condition of the mind has a direct impact on the condition of the body (P age xvi). S ince we are made primarily of water, and since water can be influenced by positive and negative energy, maintaining a positive attitude (and exuding positive energy) can directly impact our whole being

  10. A F amilys E xperiment A family that subscribed to our magazine conducted an experiment. T hey put rice in two glass jars, and every day for a month they said T hank you to one jar and Y ou fool to the other, and then they tracked how the rice changed over the period. E ven the children, when they got home from school, would speak these words to the jars of rice. you started to ferment, with a mellow smell like that of malt, while the rice that was exposed to Y ou fool rotted and turned black (P age 6 5 ). A fter a month, the rice that was told T hank

  11. A dditional P hotographs In the experiment, D r. E moto also compared crystallized water from clean and polluted sources In the experiment, D r. E moto also compared crystallized water from clean and polluted sources F ountain in L ourdes, F rance A ntarctic Ice S pring W ater of S anbuichi Y usui, J apan S pring W ater of S aijo, J apan

  12. S pecific C riticisms of the C laims A little change in E moto s experimental design would do great things for the credibility of his claims. T he following are recommended to ground his work in sound scientific principles: E liminate the possibility of the scientist s bias affecting the experiment s results by implementing double blind procedures. P ublish the entire collection of photos for all water sample tests that he has performed, not just the ones that support his claim. M inimize the sources of possible error in his procedures, such as variation in temperature and humidity between sample. P ay more attention to the time-tested methods of the scientific community rather than disregarding them. E moto s research could go much farther if he could interest scientists around the world in testing his hypothesis.

  13. D oes the C riticism D iscount the E xperiment s V alidity? A lthough D r. E moto s experiment is heavily criticized, there seems to be a significant amount of research reinforcing that people can benefit overall from a positive mind, or exposure to sources of positive energy.

  14. C onclusion M y T akeaways happen in our lives, rather than on the things that make us mad or upset, or don t go the way we like things we do, and what we say to others positive helps us through exhausted, unmotivated and blah the opposite can be achieved by focusing on the positives result in positive energy (vibrations). world, whereas the vibration from negative words has the power to destroy (P age xxv). B eing positive means focusing on the good things that T hinking positively has a major impact on how we feel, the E ven though we all have not-so-good days, remaining W hen we focus on the negatives all the time, we may feel P ositive words, positive actions, and positive thoughts all T he vibration of good words has a positive effect on our

  15. R eflection T ake some time to think about a recent experience of your own that was negative or one in which you responded in a negative way. H ow could you have changed your way of thinking to make it positive? T he life you live and the world you live in are up to you (P age 5 2 ).

  16. C itations E moto, M asaru (2 004). T he hidden messages in water. H illsboro, O R : B eyond W ords V isuals taken from: S harp, S . (2 007 ). M iraculous messages from water. R etrieved F ebruary 1 0, 2 008 , from W ellness G oods W eb site: http:/ / messages.asp P ublishing, Inc..


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