Understanding Strengths and Contributions in Work Environments

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Explore different roles and contributions individuals bring to a work environment through metaphors such as being an Achiever or an Activator. Discover how strengths, values, and requirements shape one's work style and interactions. Uncover insights into productivity, motivation, and goal orientation within teams or groups.

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  1. Cards (I am; I will; I bring; etc.)

  2. In the context of your work environment, I am (being) Who or what are you? I will (doing) What do you do or what role do you play? What do you bring or contribute to a group or work environment? I bring (contribution) What do you need or require from a group or work environment? I need (requirement) I love (value) What do you love or value? I hate (value) What do you dislike or not value? Metaphor/Image What metaphor or image best illustrates your strengths?

  3. Ask yourself the following questions Who or what are you? Example: An Achiever is a hard worker. I am (being) What do you do or what role do you play? Example: An Activator will create momentum for the group. I will (doing) What do you bring or contribute to a group or work environment? Example: Someone with strength in Competition brings an aspiration to be the best. I bring (contribution) What do you need or require from a group or work environment? Example: Someone with strength in Connectedness needs to be part of something bigger than myself: a family, team, organization, global community, or even a cosmos. I need (requirement) What do you love or value? Example: Someone with strength in Focus needs a goal to establish priorities. I love (value) What do you dislike or not value? Example: Those with a strength in Individualization hate a one-size-fits- all approach. I hate (value) What metaphor or image best illustrates your strengths? Example: The glass being half full, not half empty, appeals to someone with strength in Positivity Metaphor/ Image

  4. Achiever I am (being) a hard worker I will (doing) set the pace for production I bring (contribution) intensity and stamina of effort I need (requirement) freedom to work at my own pace I love (value) completing tasks I hate (value) a lack of diligence Metaphor/Image completing a race, getting to the finish line Hard working Stamina Busy, long to do list Highly productive Goal-oriented Highly motivated

  5. Activator I am (being) impatient with inactivity I will (doing) create momentum I bring (contribution) a catalytic sense of urgency I need (requirement) less discussion, more action I love (value) initiation, instigation I hate (value) waiting, wasting time Metaphor/Image getting out of the blocks quickly Turn ideas into actions Impatient with talking about doing things wants to do them now Powerful force in making things happen Action is the best method for learning learn by doing

  6. Adaptability I am (being) a here-and-now person I will (doing) react with immediacy to the immediate I bring (contribution) a willingness to follow the lead of change I need (requirement) present pressures that demand an immediate response I love (value) spontaneity I hate (value) predictability Metaphor/Image like a river, go with the flow Live in the moment Future will be determined by the choices made today Adjust easily Go with the flow Handle the unexpected well

  7. Analytical I am (being) logical and objective in approach I will (doing) find simplicity in the midst of complexity I bring (contribution) dispassionate thinking to emotional issues I need (requirement) time to think I love (value) data and facts I hate (value) things that are not or cannot be proven Metaphor/Image a reduction boiling down to essence Search for reasons for why things are Cause and effect Want to see the evidence Ask questions Objective and data-driven Look for patterns and connections Logical and rigorous

  8. Arranger I am (being) comfortable with lots of moving parts I will (doing) work effectively and efficiently through others I bring (contribution) flexibility and interactivity I need (requirement) a dynamic environment I love (value) initiating and managing necessary change I hate (value) resistance to necessary change Metaphor/Image a maestro, a coordinator Highly organized Flexible Order out of chaos Multi-tasker Able to find the right combination of people and resources to get things done At their best in dynamic situations, confronting the unexpected

  9. Belief I am (being) passionate, uncompromising about core values I will (doing) make sacrifices for things that are important I bring (contribution) values stability, clarity, conviction I need (requirement) a cause or purpose for which to live I love (value) altruism I hate (value) anything that does not mesh/align with my beliefs Metaphor/Image missionary for some idea Enduring core values Deeply held ideas about life, purpose, and how things should be Energized by activities that are mission-congruent Dependable, consistent Highly ethical

  10. Command I am (being) direct and decisive I will (doing) push back when pushed I bring (contribution) emotional clarity I need (requirement) challenge and conflicts I love (value) exerting control in situations that seem out of control I hate (value) passivity and avoidance Metaphor/Image comfortablein the driver s seat See what needs to be done and say so Willing to confront Take charge in a crisis Very willing to share opinions with others Push others to take risks Presence and poise

  11. Communication I am (being) verbally expressive I will (doing) connect with others through words I bring (contribution) attention to messages that must be heard I need (requirement) a sounding board, an audience I love (value) stories and storytellers I hate (value) experience without expression Metaphor/Image silence is not golden Enjoy talking and do it well Good at explaining clearly Captivating stories, images, metaphors Inspirational and motivating

  12. Competition I am (being) aware of my competitors I will (doing) strive to win I bring (contribution) an aspiration to be the best I need (requirement) peers for comparison and motivation I love (value) a chance to go against the best I hate (value) coming in second Metaphor/Image no consolation prizes the gold medal is the only medal Wants to excel, to win Tend to compare self to others Pushes self and others to be the best Good at selecting venues where they can excel and achieve Performance-oriented

  13. Connectedness incredibly aware of the borderless and timeless human family I am (being) I will (doing) integrate parts into wholes an appreciation of the mystery and wonder of life and all creation I bring (contribution) to be part of something bigger than myself: a family, a team, an organization, a global community, a cosmos I need (requirement) I love (value) circles of life and threads of continuity I hate (value) an us vs. them mentality Metaphor/Image person as body, mind and spirit See that all things happen for a reason Believe that all things are connected to each other Respectful, considerate, accepting, caring for others because of this connection Bridge builder Strong sense of purpose in life

  14. Consistency I am (being) more interested in group needs than individual wants I will (doing) reduce variance and increase uniformity I bring (contribution) rules and policies that promote cultural predictability I need (requirement) standard operating procedures I love (value) repeating things in the exact same way I hate (value) unnecessary customization Metaphor/Image the beauty and efficiency of a consistent golf swing Balance is important Clear rules and procedures enable them to treat everyone fairly and equally Warrior against special treatment or favoritism Predictable and even-handed Fair and just in their treatment of others Good at designing and implementing policy

  15. Context I am (being) appreciative of my predecessors and prior events I will (doing) remember important history I bring (contribution) accurate memories and valuable memorabilia I need (requirement) relevant background for discussions/decisions I love (value) the retrospective I hate (value) when the past is forgotten Metaphor/Image rearview mirror essential for safe driving Look to the past to understand the present See patterns that emerge from studying what happened before Need to understand the history of an event and the surrounding dynamics of decisions Want to understand how we got to where we are Understanding initial intentions and underlying structure gives them confidence to make decisions

  16. Deliberative I am (being) a vigilant observer of potential risk I will (doing) anticipate things that could go wrong I bring (contribution) a thorough and conscientious approach I need (requirement) time to listen and think before being expected to speak I love (value) restraint and caution in the face of risk I hate (value) a rush to judgment an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure; a jury must deliberate before there is a verdict Metaphor/Image Think through all the pros and cons before making a decision Making the right decision is more important than the timing of the decision Almost always make good decisions just not quickly Thorough and careful, often a private person Good at seeing the risks inherent in any decision

  17. Developer I am (being) patient with the inexperienced and unseasoned I will (doing) get satisfaction from the growth of others I bring (contribution) a commitment (time and energy) to human growth I need (requirement) someone to invest in I love (value) human potential and progress I hate (value) wasted or unrealized potential Metaphor/Image a parent s patience with a baby learning to walk See the potential in others Love to see progress they appreciate the baby steps others ignore Encouraging Like to help others experience success

  18. Discipline I am (being) an efficient manager of limited resources I will (doing) plan in advance and then follow the plan I bring (contribution) precision and detail orientation I need (requirement) a structured and organized environment I love (value) things that are organized and orderly I hate (value) chaos and confusion, flying by the seat of one s pants Metaphor/Image having their ducks in a row Highly organized Get things done on time Create order and structure where needed Efficient, effective, & task-oriented Need predictability Most productive when there is a routine and can feel in control of the situation

  19. Empathy I am (being) an emotional person I will (doing) make the visceral explicit I bring (contribution) emotional intelligence I need (requirement) freedom to laugh, cry, vent I love (value) the gladness, sadness, madness of humanity I hate (value) those things that block or limit emotional expression Metaphor/Image a person s affect will often determine their effect Instinctive understanding of others Sense what it is like to be someone else Pick up on the pain and joy of others, sometimes before they express it People felt heard and understood by them and are drawn to them by this Form close supportive relationships with others

  20. Focus I am (being) intensely and intentionally single-minded I will (doing) persevere until the goal is reached I bring (contribution) clarity through concentration and direction I need (requirement) a goal to establish priorities I love (value) to begin with the end in mind I hate (value) going off on misdirected tangents Metaphor/Image in the zone Prioritize actions Good follow-through Goal-oriented need to see a clear destination Stay on track Filter out anything that doesn t get them toward the goal

  21. Futuristic I am (being) fascinated with tomorrow I will (doing) anticipate and imagine what could or should be I bring (contribution) previews, predictions, forecasts I need (requirement) opportunities to talk about the foreseen future I love (value) the inspiration that comes from dreaming I hate (value) contentment with the status quo Metaphor/Image visionary Can see in detail what the future might hold See possibilities Visionary Energized by what lies ahead Can paint a picture for others

  22. Harmony I am (being) calm, even-keeled I will (doing) seek to eliminate the waste of emotional energy I bring (contribution) a peace-loving, conflict-resistant approach I need (requirement) areas of agreement, common ground the sacrifice of personal agendas to facilitate group performance I love (value) I hate (value) negative effects of friction Metaphor/Image smoothing ruffled feathers Peacemakers Seek consensus Can see points of view that people have in common Good at helping others work together Hold conflict to a minimum Practical

  23. Ideation I am (being) unaffected by the ambiguity and risk of innovation I will (doing) think outside the box I bring (contribution) new and fresh perspectives I need (requirement) freedom to explore possibilities without restraints or limits I love (value) coming up with something brand new I hate (value) doing what we have always done Metaphor/Image creativity of an artist, blank canvas or page, lump of clay Creative and original Love to brainstorm Always look for connections and new perspectives See possibilities Good at helping others reframe things Can synthesize a lot of different ideas into simpler concepts

  24. Includer I am (being) aware of exclusion ad understand its repercussions I will (doing) shrink the gap between the haves and have-nots I bring (contribution) a high level of tolerance with and acceptance of diversity I need (requirement) room for everyone I love (value) assimilation and integration I hate (value) cliques Metaphor/Image cliques are breeding grounds for cliched thinking Reach out to the outsider Accepting of others Want others to feel a part of things Nonjudgmental Believe everyone is equally important and valued

  25. Individualization I am (being) a customizer I will (doing) see the potential in human diversity rather than its problem I bring (contribution) an understanding of people that is valuable for placement I need (requirement) individual expectations that are created to fit a person I love (value) people getting to do what they do best I hate (value) a one-size-fits-all approach Metaphor/Image casting director uses intelligence about people See others as distinct, unique persons Can see how people who are very different can work together Can build productive teams because they see the talents and strengths and structure their teams around those strengths Form powerful relationships with others that build on trust and being taken seriously

  26. Input I am (being) utilitarian resource collector I will (doing) hang on to things that could be helpful resources for others I bring (contribution) tangible tools that can facilitate growth and performance I need (requirement) space to store the resources I naturally acquire I love (value) to provide relevant and tangible help I hate (value) not having things that would be useful to others Metaphor/Image sponge absorbent (input) dispenser (output) Inquisitive collectors Crave information Active curiosity Expert May feel they don t have enough information yet to make a decision

  27. Intellection I am (being) conceptual, deep, solitary I will (doing) see thinking as synonymous with doing I bring (contribution) depth of understanding and wisdom I need (requirement) time for reflection and meditation I love (value) the theoretical because it is the precursor to the practical I hate (value) a thoughtless approach to anything Metaphor/Image drilling deep, plumbing the depths Love to study and engage in intellectual discussions Need time to think really enjoy the thinking process Love to reflect and ponder need time alone to do that Introspective

  28. Learner I am (being) one who enjoys the experience of being a learner I will (doing) follow the things that interest me I bring (contribution) a learning perspective I need (requirement) exposure to new information and experiences I love (value) to live on the frontier/the cutting edge I hate (value) knowing it all and know-it-alls Metaphor/Image yes to learning curves, not to learning plateaus Love the process of learning as much as what is actually learned Want to continuously improve Learning builds confidence Thrive in dynamic work environments and short term projects

  29. Maximizer I am (being) committed to excellence I will (doing) focus on what is strong and manage around what is weak I bring (contribution) a quality orientation I need (requirement) quality to be valued as much as quantity I love (value) a maximum return on investments I hate (value) an obsession with weakness fixing Metaphor/Image good-to-great, good-better-best See talents and strengths in others, sometimes before they do Love to help others become excited by their potential Capacity for seeing what others do best and how to match people to tasks Good networker Stimulate group excellence

  30. Positivity I am (being) optimistic, hopeful, fun-loving I will (doing) life and lighten emotional environments I bring (contribution) contagious energy and enthusiasm I need (requirement) freedom to experience the joy and drama of life I love (value) living life to its fullest I hate (value) negative people who drain the life out of others Metaphor/Image Glass is half full, not half empty Enthusiastic Optimistic Energetic Stimulate others to be more productive and hopeful Generate energy and enthusiasm in others Generous with praise, quick to smile

  31. Relator I am (being) genuine and authentic I will (doing) get to know more about the people closest to me I bring (contribution) social depth and transparency I need (requirement) time and opportunities for one-on-one interactions I love (value) close, caring, mutual relationships I hate (value) the initial social discomfort of meeting someone new Metaphor/Image knowing and being know by friends Enjoy working hard with close friends to achieve a goal together Deep relationships with a small circle Pulled toward people they already know Comfortable with intimacy Self-disclosing

  32. Responsibility I am (being) someone others often trust to get things done I will (doing) keep promises and follow through on commitments I bring (contribution) dependability and loyalty I need (requirement) freedom to take ownership I love (value) the respect of others I hate (value) disappointing others and being disappointed by others Metaphor/Image serious owner not disinterested renter Dependable Others count on them Keep their word Take psychological ownership for anything they commit to Good follow-through Conscientious No excuses

  33. Restorative I am (being) not intimidated by points of pain or dysfunction I will (doing) look for the bug in the system, diagnose what ails I bring (contribution) courage and creativity to problematic situations I need (requirement) problems that must be solved I love (value) finding solutions I hate (value) the idea that problems will disappear if they are ignored Metaphor/Image medical model Energized by problem-solving Readily take on projects others see as unsalvageable Can analyze a situation and see immediately what needs to be fixed Quickly recognize problems others don t see Love to save the day

  34. Self-Assurance I am (being) internally confident in the midst of external uncertainty I will (doing) seek to exert influence rather than be influenced I bring (contribution) a willingness to take necessary risks I need (requirement) freedom to act unilaterally and independently I love (value) being in control of my own destiny I hate (value) others telling me what to do Metaphor/Image internal compass, marches to beat of different drum Self-confident Have faith in their strengths Able to take risks, meet challenges, deliver on promises Confident in own judgment and ability to manage their own life Resilient bounce back from disappointments Not pressured by what others may think

  35. Significance interested in being seen as significant so that I can accomplish something significant I am (being) I will (doing) be motivated and influenced by the perceptions of others I bring (contribution) a desire for wanting more I need (requirement) an appreciative audience that will bring out my best I love (value) associating with successful people I hate (value) being invisible to or ignored by others natural performer who is comfortable with the visibility of center state/bright lights Metaphor/Image Want to have an impact on others making a difference in the world is important Powerful contributors Enjoy recognition Goal-oriented and achievement-oriented Independent want to be given choices and do things their own way

  36. Strategic willing to consider all the possibilities so the best isn t missed I am (being) I will (doing) find the best route moving forward I bring (contribution) creative anticipation, imagination, persistence I need (requirement) freedom to make midcourse corrections I love (value) seeing a way when others assume there is no way I hate (value) doing things the way we have always done them Metaphor/Image great peripheral vision can see the whole field Create multiple ways to do things Always have Plan B Can quickly see relevant patterns and issues in any problem Always ask what if? Can see different ways of reaching a goal or solving a problem

  37. Woo I am (being) social fast and outgoing I will (doing) take the social initiative I bring (contribution) energy to social situations I need (requirement) social variability I love (value) meeting someone I haven t met before I hate (value) a static or shrinking social network Metaphor/Image hand-shaking politician, building her constituency Winning others over Capacity to quickly connect with others and generate positive responses from them Comfortable with strangers and crowds always seem to know what to say Enjoy the challenge of meeting new people and getting people to like them Rarely at a loss for words


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