The Dimensions of Living
Embark on a journey to uncover the seven major dimensions of existence, delving into realms such as God's intelligence, human spirit, and channels of communication. Discover how these dimensions shape our understanding of life both before and after the fall of man, offering insights into the intricate fabric of our reality.
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Dimensional Living Part 1 Dimensional Living Part 1 An Introduction to the Dimensions An Introduction to the Dimensions
GENESIS 1:26 Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. GENEIS 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
ROMANS 8:3 For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, ROMANS 8:4 That the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
As we begin a new series it will be many things that we have learned in our foundation of the message. It reveals to us that we have seven major dimensions in our present condition after the fall of man in Genesis 3. We will first look at these seven dimensions and unravel the purposes and functions of each dimension. When we move back past the fall we will go back to the original dimensions functioning throughout eternity.
And in all actuality it is a three dimensional setting. We will see as we begin to reveal the functions of the different dimensions. We will always have seven dimensions. Although they will change in the functions of each dimension there will always be seven of which we will use as needed. Listed below are the dimensions. Let s Review them so that when we begin to use the dimensional language we will understand and know what we are talking about.
7th dimension God alone, The Intelligence, The Mind of Christ 6th dimension God s Expressions, Word Form, Christ, Theophany, Melchisedec
5th dimension Satans kingdom, The Human Spirit, Perverted, Temporal Forms, Unrest, Hell, Shadows. 4th dimension Channels of Communication, Voice, Science, Ether Waves, Internet, Satellites, etc.
3rd dimension Time, Measurement of Eternal and Temporal, John 1:1, and Genesis 3 Fallen Time 2nd dimension Matter, Earth, the 16 Elements that make up our bodies 1st dimension Space, A dimension giving all matter (16 elements) its occupancy
Understanding dimensional functions will help in your Christian life. Knowing in what dimensions you are operating is a must. When you understand the dimensions you are dealing with, you can fulfill your purpose of redemption here. The scripture says, Resist the devil (The 5th dimensional carnality causing unrest) and he will flee from you! Then the scripture says, Draw nigh unto God (6th & 7th dimensional functions of God s intelligence and expressions) and He will draw nigh unto you!
We see the importance of knowing your dimensions and how God and Satan deal with you continually? The 7th dimension is an eternal dimension of the intelligence of Elohim, the self existent one. The 7th dimension is the self existent one, He is Eternal Thought.See the scripture, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word Was God. 6th dimensional expressions are Word Form.
All expressions have a beginning. The great Rainbow Fountain, the Logos or the Word Form, the Theophany or Melchisedec, had a beginning in expression. The beginning of the 6th dimension is found in John 1:1. Expressions of God coming from the eternal fountain of God! The Word is an expression and has a beginning. In the beginning was the 6th dimension expression and the 6th dimension was with God and the 6th dimension was God!
We are an Eternal God reveal Himself in Word Form. We are the 7th dimensional Intelligence creating expressions of ourselves.The 6th dimension is the highest form of expressing God s Intelligence. We have moved into yet another Word Form. The 6th dimension is Word expressions in the celestial realms. Then in order to move our expression into the earth, our celestial Being expressed himself. The Word of God (6th dimension) expressed Himself in yet another expression. A lesser expression called The Terrestrial Flesh .
Its another expression of God in a terrestrial form. 2nd dimensional (Matter, the earth, the 16 elements).It is a temporal form or mixture of the sixteen elements that will fade away and never return after it has accomplished the purpose of the glorification of the celestial realm within. Mary, the Holy Ghost shall overshadow you and you shall conceive and that Holy Thing shall be of the Holy Ghost . The birth of Jesus, it is the Word Made Flesh! Not the flesh of man but the celestial substance revealing itself and letting us eat from his Body Word. This brings a new creation!
Not the old creation made over, but a new creation. We are made new creatures in Christ. Notice it says Creatures . The Soul and Spirit realms, the twain are made One New Unit, One New Man, by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. We have a Spirit Man and it is our very Soul/Theophany as ONE BEING! The prophet said, Death to the first Being, and life to the second Being.
Our Spirit Man is of the new creation and it is a Being! We are made new creatures, or Spoken Word Body, making us the Word made Flesh for the hour.We are starting to understand that the 2nd dimension is brought into the equation as a form of Godliness but not a permanent mixture as the celestial substance is the eternal mixture of the elements.!
Our natural birth gave us a Form of Godliness that denied the power of the Holy Ghost. Then when our flesh unit was converted He revealed His brand new unit of Spirit Man in a Spoken Word Body. The Holy Ghost baptism made you a new creature! We are viewed as natural born but by the Spoken Word of God. The Spoken Word is the Original Seed and that is what we have become in Spirit Man and Creature.The Spirit Man is the celestial Word Form Expression. So what do we have for a Spirit Man in us? It s the 6th & 7th dimensional expression.
Gods intelligence expressing himself in us! We have the understanding of our inside house. The inside house is the 6th & 7th dimensional functions of the Spirit Man inside of us. The twain has become one new Spirit Man . The flesh is 2nd dimensional and is an expression of the Spirit Man. The Word Made Flesh is the celestial expressing himself in the 2nd dimension by the new birth. If you have not been born again then your flesh is expressing the old perverted life form of the natural birth.
A person who has not been born again has a form of godliness but they are living in sinful flesh. On the other hand, if a person has been born again, they are the expression of God and not just a form of godliness denying the power of the inception of the Holy Ghost. A born again believer is in the likeness of sinful flesh. If we took a sinner and a Christian and stood them together you would not see the difference between the two. They walk alike, stand alike, and look alike as far as humans and you would not know the difference.
However, one is actually the expression of God in the likeness of sinful flesh while the other is a form of godliness denying the power of the Holy Ghost and is living in sinful flesh of the first birth. What makes our terrestrial flesh Holy? The same thing that made the ground that Moses stood on Holy when he spoke with the Pillar of Fire. As long as the Theophany is in you your ground is holy. When the Theophany leaves the body then it is just another piece of dirt again.
Think on these dimensional things! It is a 6th & 7th dimensional relationship, a Spirit Man relationship with the very nature of God. We understand the new creation. Jesus was the first of this new creation. How could it be when Adam was a spoken word condition by creation? Jesus was First, the Head of this new creation. The Spirit Man is the invisible God expressing himself in 6th dimensional substance and he has a Godly nature. He is a complete unit of soul, spirit and body. The terrestrial flesh is not a part of the eternal body.
336-4 LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE - C.A.B.CPT.9 But now He is standing in the midst of the Church. As He stands there revealing Who He is in this last age, He calls Himself the "Author of the creation of God". This is ANOTHER CREATION. This has to do with the church. This is a special designation of Himself. He is the CREATOR of that church. The heavenly Bridegroom created his own bride. As the Spirit of God, He came down and created in the virgin Mary the cells from which His body was born. I want to repeat that. He created the very cells in the womb of Mary for that body.
It was not enough for the Holy Spirit to simply give life to a human ovum supplied by Mary. That would have been sinful mankind producing a body. That would not have produced the "Last Adam". Of Him it was said "Lo a body hast Thou (Father) prepared for Me." God (not Mary) provided that body. Mary was the human incubator and she carried that Holy Child and brought Him to birth. It was a God-man.He was the Son of God. He was of the NEW creation. Man and God met and joined; He was the first of this new race. He is the head of this new race.
Adam did not experience Flesh and Bone before the terrestrial mix! He had his Spirit Man unit, but was put into a flesh and blood body. Adam never entered the new creation of flesh and bone! Jesus was the first of this new creation! When did he become the first! Not at the birth in the manger, not at the temple talking with the Pharisees, not at the River Jordan, not in the Garden of Gethsemane! We know it was only at the resurrection of Jesus Christ that he took on another form that no person had ever experienced!
He was a new creation at the resurrection. Adam and Eve had Spoken Word Bodies like his as they had flesh and blood creation without sexual order. When Jesus ascended to flesh and bone, Melchisedec form, then he became the Head of the New Creation! Now do we see the dimensional relationship of these three dimensions? The 2nd will never become functionally one with the 6th 7th dimensional oneness on an eternal basis, but only temporal.
We have ascended to a flesh and bone relationship, a garment that the Spirit Man will use as a part of his unit in a holy manner while we are in these temporal realms.It will be a different mixture altogether as the terrestrial mixture will cease to exist. When we are freed from this terrestrial mixture we are using the sixteen elements freely without the limitations of flesh and blood hindering the Spirit Man.
The earth becomes my garment. Watch what the prophet says in the Future Home! I can pick up any part of it and wear it because all the earth is a glorified garment. And I hope that we are not thinking of terrestrial flesh and bone by natural birth. We are speaking of the New Earth by New Birth and that is the substance of the 6th dimension. It is up to date bodies more like the saints are dwelling 6th dimensionally.
FUTURE.HOME.64-0802 44-3 148 When He went up out of the water, he said, "I saw heavens open." The prophet saw it. He saw the heavens open, and here come descending out of heaven a form of a Dove and a voice saying, "This is My part of the earth that I have redeemed, and from this part of the earth I will redeem the rest of it, for He is My Word made manifest. And the whole world, I spoke it into existence by My Word (Hebrews 11), and Satan's held it all this time, but I've come to redeem it,
(so much of it has made His Body), and I'm coming to dwell in it. John said, "I saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem descending out of heaven, as a bride adorned for her husband." And where did it settle on? Just exactly like it did on there, upon the earth. Jesus was part of that earth that the Holy Ghost descended upon (Is that right?) and remained upon Him forever. It never can leave Him, It's always there (He and God are one.), always has to remain.
And so John saw the holy City, the New Jerusalem descending like a comet or a-- a dove, coming down out of heaven and settling upon a redeemed entire earth. To do what? To claim every attribute that He made the earth for; every man that was represented in the eternity and every woman is redeemed then.
FUTURE.HOME.64-0802 49-1 163 Look, them hands designed this for His Beloved Bride: designed in tenderly love for His Bride. Remember that the Holy Ghost descended on Jesus, which Jesus was a part of the earth. Why? The germ of God, the Life of God was designed in the womb of a woman (That right?), which was the earth. All right. And then the Life of God came in, so He was the beginning of the creation of God. See? And then that Blood of God, that was there by that germ,
when it was shed at Calvary, dropped back upon the earth. What for? To redeem the earth. Now, it's been justified; it's been sanctified, called and claimed; and now it's to receive its baptism of fire, and be cleansed for Jesus and His Bride. And you are these other parts that's drawed out of this earth--the earth. You are part of the earth, your body. Your soul is part of God, a attribute of God, displayed here on earth in a body. The body's to be redeemed.
Once the entire earth is redeemed it is our expression! The whole earth is our expression, and not just a little piece of it! We use the highest form of expression and that is celestial Word Form the Spirit Man. We are John 1:1 and then it is our privilege to be John 1:14 in the eternal substance as we express ourselves in that form. This understanding is the Spirit Man using the earth the way it was in the foreknowledge of God before the beginning of flesh and blood terrestrial limitations.
We said earlier that it is really three dimensional and we want to tell you why we said that. Look at what we just reviewed. It is the 7th, the 6th, dimensions that are the very heart of eternity.All the other dimensions are used for communication and occupying. The 7th & 6th dimensions are eternal and the 6th dimension is a dual dimension of Spirit and body. The 7th dimension is the nature, Zoe, God s own life in you.
Paul explains the glory of the celestial verses the glory of the terrestrial and shows us that there are actually different glories for one and the other. The glory of the celestial is different than the terrestrial. Don t expect the terrestrial to have the same glory as the celestial.The celestial has promises, functions, and expressions and the terrestrial has its own set of expressions. However, one will never be the other. They work in relationship!
The Spirit Man unit is functionally one and has a relationship with the terrestrial earth until its mixture no longer exists. Heaven and Earth hugged and kissed one another! The Spirit Man hugs and kisses the earth and in the manner of relationship work as one. The One is a Being, and the other is a Holy creation until the celestial is finished with the terrestrial. The Spirit Man is the head of the New Creation!
We wanted to show the function of the Spirit Man (7th & 6th) together and the relationship with the earth (2nd). It is inter-dimensional functions of the Spirit Man Celestial unit and the Fleshman unit.The human spirit was given to contact the earth realm. As we continue we will break down the fifth dimension and how it came in under Genesis 3 and is not eternal. It has a starting time at the fall and an ending time at the new earth.
The same is true of the terrestrial mix as it came to be after the original creation. The temporal life forms of the 5th dimension are like shooting stars. The 5th dimensional forms burn out and fade away and go completely out of existence. Satan and his dimension is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That tree of temporal life came out from the Tree of Life and dies after the plan of redemption is complete.
There are dimensions and they are eternal and they are of the unseen as Paul taught us in his writings. When we step into the complete glorification there are dimensions that relate to man and his existence. And there is one dimension that is the very essence and intelligence of God. Use your thinking cap of revelation in spiritual intelligence and we will break some veils while discussing Dimensional Living.