The Central Reconciliation Process at PeaceHealth System

Central System Reconciliation at
A look at PeaceHealth CDI and
Reconciliation Process
Cathie Murphree- LPN, CCDS Manager
Carla Watts- RN/BSN, CCDS Manager CDI
PeaceHealth Southwest
Learn how reconciliation works in a multi-hospital system
Gain insight into a how a reconciliation team functions in
collaboration with CDI and Coding
Pro’s and Con’s of having a central reconciliation team
How having a reconciliation team can help improve integrity of
the data
How having a reconciliation team aids in highlighting
educational needs by site
Polling Question 1
How many of you work at a facility where there is
a official Reconciliation Process??
Who does the Reconciliation?
No Reconciliation is Done
Manager for Coding, CDI or Both?
Dedicated Reconciliation Team
What is Reconciliation?
“Reconciliation is the process of reviewing
medical record documentation and comparing this
information to the coding summary: principal
diagnosis, secondary diagnoses, present on
admission indicators, procedure(s), and discharge
disposition. Documentation and coding inpatient
reconciliation practices exist as a second look at
both the CDI specialist and coding reviews after
the patient is discharged and the record is
Judy Schade, RN, MSN, CCM, CCDS
Schade, J. (2015). Note from the Advisory Board: Create a
CDI/Coding Reconciliation Process.
PeaceHealth System Overview
PeaceHealth Consists of a Central Shared Service Center, and multiple Hospitals
throughout the Pacific NW
SSC: System Services Center- Located in Vancouver, WA.  The SSC is the central administration hub
for the entire system.  Reconciliation is based out of the system office. Coding reviews cases at all
sites.  Additionally, the coding team has a Regulatory Review and Training team (12 experienced
coders).  This is who reconciliation collaborates on cases with primarily.
We have 4 Large Acute Care Hospitals: St Joseph Medical Center (WA), St. John’s Medical Center
(WA), Southwest Medical Center (WA), Sacred Heart Medical Center at Riverbend (OR)
There are 3 CDI managers, one for St Joseph and St. John’s (Staff: 10), one for PHSW (Staff: 10),
one for SHRB (Staff: 7).  Additionally, there is a system manager for Reconciliation (Staff: 3).  All
programs are overseen by the Director of CDI.
EPIC & JATA Guide- 
since the CDI process is essentially the same at all sites, and we are
fully electronic, any CDI can work at any site, and have the option of working at home on occasion.
Smaller facilities not supported by CDI:  Ketchikan Medical Center (AK), Peace Harbor Medical
Center (OR), Cottage Grove Medical Center (OR), Peace Island Medical Center (WA), University
District (OR), United General Medical Center (WA)
History of Reconciliation Department
Prior to Systemization
SHRB: The Lead did all reconciliation for that site
Southwest: Coding did all reconciliation for the site
St. John: The individual CDI’s did reconciliation, but did not send cases back to
coding re-review
St. Joseph: The CDI would do their own reconciliation if no query.  The Lead did
reconciliation of cases with queries. Standing meeting with Coding to discuss
After Systemization
Reconciliation of auto-reconciled cases with queries was done by site
managers to make sure the impact was properly identified
Reconciliation of all non-reconciled cases was done by the system
reconciler.  Any questions regarding coding were sent back to the CDI site
managers to discuss with the Coding site manager.
Eventually it was decided that it was too much for 1 person, so a part
time reconciler was hired, with one additional backup person.
Over time, all post discharge reconciliation and coding discussions were
taken over by the reconciliation team, and staffing was increased to
accommodate the increased workload.  Currently, there 2 full-time
reconcilers and a manager, who also reconciles.
Current State of Reconciliation
CDIs review cases concurrent and post discharge if needed. Once
complete the CDI will discharge the case.  If coding and CDI match
on the selected DRG then the case will bypass the reconciliation
team.  However, if the DRG does not match, then reconciliation
team will review the case.
Any questions regarding queries, or educational opportunities
identified by the reconciler are discussed at a weekly meeting
amongst all CDI leaders.
Any coding issues are sent to an issue tracker for review by the
coding education and review team.
Data is from 1/1/2017-12/31/2017
SHRB Hospital:
Total cases: 16,570
Reconciled: 6020  36.3%
Coder/CDI collaboration : 392
St Joseph Hospital
Total cases: 10,360
Reconciled: 3186  30.7%
Coder/CDI collaboration: 238
St John’s Medical Center
Total cases: 5118
Reconciled: 1464  28.6 %
Coder/CDI collaboration : 124
SW Hospital:
Total cases:  13,439
Reconciled:  4490  33.4%
Coder/CDI collaboration: 416
System Wide
Total cases: 45,487
Auto reconciled: 30,3327  66.7%
Reconciled: 15,160 33.3%
Coding/Reconciliation Collaboration: 1170  8.0%
of total cases and 13% of reconciled cases.
Case Examples
Example 1
This case started at DRG 191 –
COPD. CDI asked a query for
acute heart failure as the PDX and
for acute respiratory failure for
the mcc and both were agreed
and moved this to DRG 291/ MDC
5. By taking it to MDC 5, it now
allows the heart cath to be a valid
OR procedure and puts you in a
surgical DRG of 286. Trak page
will reflect the initial DRG 191
w/cc to possible 286 (where CDI
hoped to take it) and final 286
(where coder took it).  Impact box
is marked.
Example 2
Case was sent for review as
coder took it to DRG 439 with
PDX other diseases of
pancreas.  Pt was treated for
hypoglycemia and hepatic
encephalopathy.  Sent back for
review and PDX changed to
hepatic failure for DRG 442.
Track page will reflect the initial
as what the coder coded with
the possible and final what the
CDI reconciler suggested. If the
review had not been agreed to,
there would be no change to the
track page and initial and
possible would have been what
the CDI thought (392 as there is
no query) and final would reflect
what the coder got (439). Impact
box is marked.
Example 3
Track page shows initial of 684
w/o mcc and possible DRG of
682 w/ mcc impact due to
query but when final coded,
the coder had a mcc with
acute systolic heart failure so
the query was changed to
severity because the CDI did
not move the DRG. Also the
impact box is not checked on
the track page. Type of query
and impact box are what drive
the data for the reports.
Example 4
Straight forward case
where CDI asked PDX
query and it was
agreed so track page
shows initial 193 and
possible/final 871 and
the impact box is
Example 5
PDX was NSTEMI but consult by
Cardiology said ‘no MI’. CDI did a
query to the attending to get the
MI ruled out.  The query is
marked as a procedure type even
though the query was addressing
the PDX . A heart cath is a non-
valid OR procedure with an MI
and is bundled into the payment.
By get the r/o documented this
allowed the heart cath to be a
valid OR procedure so CDI was
responsible for capturing the
procedure. Not that the codes on
the track tab are different than
what the CDI had. This is due to
there being a mcc on the case
caught by the coder and not the
CDI so track will only reflect what
the CDI actually impacted.
Pro/Con Of Having a Reconciliation Team
Thank You!
Please feel free to ask any
Questions you have at this time!
Slide Note

Explore the central reconciliation process at PeaceHealth, where a dedicated team collaborates with CDI and coding professionals to ensure data integrity. Learn about the objectives and benefits of having a reconciliation team in a multi-hospital system. Discover how reconciliation improves documentation accuracy and identifies educational needs. PeaceHealth consists of a Central Shared Service Center and multiple hospitals in the Pacific NW.

  • Reconciliation Process
  • CDI
  • Coding
  • Data Integrity
  • Healthcare

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Central System Reconciliation at PeaceHealth A look at PeaceHealth CDI and Reconciliation Process Cathie Murphree- LPN, CCDS Manager Reconciliation Carla Watts- RN/BSN, CCDS Manager CDI PeaceHealth Southwest

  2. Objectives Learn how reconciliation works in a multi-hospital system Gain insight into a how a reconciliation team functions in collaboration with CDI and Coding Pro s and Con s of having a central reconciliation team How having a reconciliation team can help improve integrity of the data How having a reconciliation team aids in highlighting educational needs by site

  3. Polling Question 1 H o w m a n y o f y o u w o r k a t a f a c i l i t y w h e r e t h e r e i s a o f f i c i a l R e c o n c i l i a t i o n P r o c e s s ? ? W h o d o e s t h e R e c o n c i l i a t i o n ? o N o R e c o n c i l i a t i o n i s D o n e o C o d i n g ? o C D I ? o M a n a g e r f o r C o d i n g , C D I o r B o t h ? o D e d i c a t e d R e c o n c i l i a t i o n Te a m

  4. What is Reconciliation? R e c o n c i l i a t i o n i s t h e p r o c e s s o f r e v i e w i n g m e d i c a l r e c o r d d o c u m e n t a t i o n a n d c o m p a r i n g t h i s i n f o r m a t i o n t o t h e c o d i n g s u m m a r y : p r i n c i p a l d i a g n o s i s , s e c o n d a r y d i a g n o s e s , p r e s e n t o n a d m i s s i o n i n d i c a t o r s , p r o c e d u r e ( s ) , a n d d i s c h a r g e d i s p o s i t i o n . D o c u m e n t a t i o n a n d c o d i n g i n p a t i e n t r e c o n c i l i a t i o n p r a c t i c e s e x i s t a s a s e c o n d l o o k a t b o t h t h e C D I s p e c i a l i s t a n d c o d i n g r e v i e w s a f t e r t h e p a t i e n t i s d i s c h a r g e d a n d t h e r e c o r d i s c o m p l e t e . J u d y S c h a d e , R N , M S N , C C M , C C D S S c h a d e , J . ( 2 0 1 5 ) . N o t e f r o m t h e A d v i s o r y B o a r d : C r e a t e a C D I / C o d i n g R e c o n c i l i a t i o n P r o c e s s . h t t p : / / w w w . h c p r o . c o m / H O M - 3 2 2 1 9 1 - 5 7 2 8 / N o t e - f r o m - t h e - A d v i s o r y - B o a r d - C r e a t e - a - C D I c o d i n g - r e c o n c i l i a t i o n - p r o c e s s . h t m l

  5. PeaceHealth System Overview

  6. PeaceHealth Consists of a Central Shared Service Center, and multiple Hospitals throughout the Pacific NW SSC: System Services Center- Located in Vancouver, WA. The SSC is the central administration hub for the entire system. Reconciliation is based out of the system office. Coding reviews cases at all sites. Additionally, the coding team has a Regulatory Review and Training team (12 experienced coders). This is who reconciliation collaborates on cases with primarily. We have 4 Large Acute Care Hospitals: St Joseph Medical Center (WA), St. John s Medical Center (WA), Southwest Medical Center (WA), Sacred Heart Medical Center at Riverbend (OR) There are 3 CDI managers, one for St Joseph and St. John s (Staff: 10), one for PHSW (Staff: 10), one for SHRB (Staff: 7). Additionally, there is a system manager for Reconciliation (Staff: 3). All programs are overseen by the Director of CDI. Software: EPIC & JATA Guide- since the CDI process is essentially the same at all sites, and we are fully electronic, any CDI can work at any site, and have the option of working at home on occasion. Smaller facilities not supported by CDI: Ketchikan Medical Center (AK), Peace Harbor Medical Center (OR), Cottage Grove Medical Center (OR), Peace Island Medical Center (WA), University District (OR), United General Medical Center (WA)

  7. History of Reconciliation Department Creation

  8. Prior to Systemization SHRB: The Lead did all reconciliation for that site Southwest: Coding did all reconciliation for the site St. John: The individual CDI s did reconciliation, but did not send cases back to coding re-review St. Joseph: The CDI would do their own reconciliation if no query. The Lead did reconciliation of cases with queries. Standing meeting with Coding to discuss discrepancies.

  9. After Systemization Reconciliation of auto-reconciled cases with queries was done by site managers to make sure the impact was properly identified Reconciliation of all non-reconciled cases was done by the system reconciler. Any questions regarding coding were sent back to the CDI site managers to discuss with the Coding site manager. Eventually it was decided that it was too much for 1 person, so a part time reconciler was hired, with one additional backup person. Over time, all post discharge reconciliation and coding discussions were taken over by the reconciliation team, and staffing was increased to accommodate the increased workload. Currently, there 2 full-time reconcilers and a manager, who also reconciles.

  10. Current State of Reconciliation CDIs review cases concurrent and post discharge if needed. Once complete the CDI will discharge the case. If coding and CDI match on the selected DRG then the case will bypass the reconciliation team. However, if the DRG does not match, then reconciliation team will review the case. Any questions regarding queries, or educational opportunities identified by the reconciler are discussed at a weekly meeting amongst all CDI leaders. Any coding issues are sent to an issue tracker for review by the coding education and review team.

  11. DATA

  12. Data is from 1/1/2017-12/31/2017 SW Hospital: Total cases: 13,439 Reconciled: 4490 33.4% Coder/CDI collaboration: 416 SHRB Hospital: Total cases: 16,570 Reconciled: 6020 36.3% Coder/CDI collaboration : 392 St Joseph Hospital Total cases: 10,360 Reconciled: 3186 30.7% Coder/CDI collaboration: 238 St John s Medical Center Total cases: 5118 Reconciled: 1464 28.6 % Coder/CDI collaboration : 124

  13. System Wide Total cases: 45,487 Auto reconciled: 30,3327 66.7% Reconciled: 15,160 33.3% Coding/Reconciliation Collaboration: 1170 8.0% of total cases and 13% of reconciled cases.

  14. Case Examples

  15. Example 1 This case started at DRG 191 COPD. CDI asked a query for acute heart failure as the PDX and for acute respiratory failure for the mcc and both were agreed and moved this to DRG 291/ MDC 5. By taking it to MDC 5, it now allows the heart cath to be a valid OR procedure and puts you in a surgical DRG of 286. Trak page will reflect the initial DRG 191 w/cc to possible 286 (where CDI hoped to take it) and final 286 (where coder took it). Impact box is marked.

  16. Example 2 Case was sent for review as coder took it to DRG 439 with PDX other diseases of pancreas. Pt was treated for hypoglycemia and hepatic encephalopathy. Sent back for review and PDX changed to hepatic failure for DRG 442. Track page will reflect the initial as what the coder coded with the possible and final what the CDI reconciler suggested. If the review had not been agreed to, there would be no change to the track page and initial and possible would have been what the CDI thought (392 as there is no query) and final would reflect what the coder got (439). Impact box is marked.

  17. Example 3 Track page shows initial of 684 w/o mcc and possible DRG of 682 w/ mcc impact due to query but when final coded, the coder had a mcc with acute systolic heart failure so the query was changed to severity because the CDI did not move the DRG. Also the impact box is not checked on the track page. Type of query and impact box are what drive the data for the reports.

  18. Example 4 Straight forward case where CDI asked PDX query and it was agreed so track page shows initial 193 and possible/final 871 and the impact box is marked.

  19. Example 5 PDX was NSTEMI but consult by Cardiology said no MI . CDI did a query to the attending to get the MI ruled out. The query is marked as a procedure type even though the query was addressing the PDX . A heart cath is a non- valid OR procedure with an MI and is bundled into the payment. By get the r/o documented this allowed the heart cath to be a valid OR procedure so CDI was responsible for capturing the procedure. Not that the codes on the track tab are different than what the CDI had. This is due to there being a mcc on the case caught by the coder and not the CDI so track will only reflect what the CDI actually impacted.

  20. Pro/Con Of Having a Reconciliation Team Pro List Con List Could interfere with collaboration between CDI and Coding IF there is a perception by either team that the process is punitive Frees up the CDI's time for concurrent review Small Facilities may not have or want to put their resources into a dedicated reconcilation team Data Integrity Reconcilers develop advanced coding experience to better collaborate on mismatches CDI's may lose sight of the bigger picture regarding what happens to a case once it's discharged (tunnel vision) Smaller team allows for a more consistent process CDI loses some control over their own educational needs Opportunity to see trends in educational needs for CDI specialists Removes Bias Enhances Transparency Facilitates Collaboration between Coding and CDI

  21. Thank You! Please feel free to ask any Questions you have at this time!

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