Strategy for a Cancer-Free Childhood at Children's Cancer Hospital 57357
Building on a bold vision of achieving a cancer-free childhood, the 57357 Group outlines a comprehensive strategy encompassing long-term choices, organizational alignment, and a culture of continuous improvement. Through a dedication to involving all members in strategy implementation and a clear focus on key strategic indicators, the hospital aims to make a significant impact in the fight against childhood cancer.
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Before we KNOW strategy, we need to THINK strategy 1st PERSPECTIVE STRATEGY DERIVES FROM VISION AND MISSION 5 Our key choice in 57357 has been always to work towards Cancer free childhood . Our mission is simply the path we chose to get to achieving this Vision . Although the vision may be perceived as too ambitious or even sometimes unrealistic , there is no doubt that setting the par too high was a very effective derive for 57357 Group. This vision has been the key trigger for the growth the Group is currently undergoing; expanding our role beyond healthcare provision to public awareness, research, education, capacity building and technology. Key perspectives that together shape the mindset of the 57357 strategy
2nd 3rd PERSPECTIVE PERSPECTIVE TO STAY AT THE TOP IS WAY MUCH HARDER THAN TO GET TO THE TOP STRATEGY IS A MUST The simplest definition of strategy is Long-Term Choices . The decision of any organization to have a strategy is no longer an option. Strategy has rather become a fundamental tool of survival. The question is not anymore Should we have a strategy? or even What is our strategy? . It has rather become What is the most efficient way to implement it? , How to best measure it? , What to do in order to ensure it s continually validated? and many other questions sharing an assumption that there is already a strategy in place. 57357 Group has been witnessing fast paced growth throughout the past years from inauguration till being looked at as a leading healthcare organization in Egypt and the region. And although this has not been an easy journey, what still to come is even more challenging and demanding as maturity is more demanding than maturing. Accordingly what derives us to grow is not what others do? . It is rather a solid belief that We still can do better so long as We still can do more . 1ST PERSPECTIVE PERSPECTIVE 4th 5th PERSPECTIVE EVERYONE CONTRIBUTES TO STRATEGY STRATEGY IS A FIRST PRIORITY One of the most common reasons for failing to achieve strategy is getting trapped into day-to-day issues and decisions at the expense of pursuing strategy. The fact that such decisions may be urgent should never be an excuse not to give priority to other less urgent yet way more important decisions. In order to achieve synergy and alignment we need a common Direction for which we thrive to strike a balance between what we need to achieve on both the short and long runs. What we believe in 57357 is that short-term thinking may prevent failure, but it is only long-terms thinking that derives success . Even the best strategy, can be badly implemented Kaplan In this context our main concern in 57357 is make our strategy work. And since people involvement has been always a key enabler for successfully implemented strategies, we share a belief that regardless of position or grade, everyone working in 57357 has a contribution to strategy and everyone is accountable for its achievement. Clear communication enables higher levels of involvement which by turn determines levels of achievement. The bottom-line is that strategy only gets implemented by people who understand it and believe in it.
57357 STRATEGY F O U N D AT I O N ARCHITECTURE VISION Cancer Free Childhood This figure summarizes the methodology that has been applied in developing this strategy and the architecture according to which it has been designed. MISSION STATEMENT A R T I C U L AT I O N GOALS Eight BHAG Big Hairy Audacious Goals T R A N S L AT I O N KEY STRATEGIC INDICATORS Four KSIs for each BHAG BHAG KSI (1) KSI (2) KSI (3) KSI (4) C A S C A D I N G DEPARTMENTAL CASCADING KSIs are considered (Objectives) then broken down into (Strategies) which are by turn cascaded into departmental (Key Performance Indicators) and (initiatives) Key Strategic Indicators Departmental KPIs & Initiatives Success Factors
Alleviate The Alleviate The Suffering Of Suffering Of Our Patients Our Patients Challenge The Challenge The Frontiers Of Cure Frontiers Of Cure 1 1 2 2 Build On And Build On And Expand Research Expand Research Core Core Quality In Every Quality In Every Aspect Of Aspect Of Operation Operation 4 4 3 3 Develop Evidence Develop Evidence Based Safe Based Safe Practice Practice A Role Model For A Role Model For Environmental Environmental Responsibility Responsibility 6 6 5 5 Community Community Engagement Engagement And Public And Public Awareness Awareness Build The Build The Capacity Of Capacity Of Professional Professional Calibers Calibers 8 8 7 7
1 1 2 2 Challenge The Challenge The Frontiers Of Frontiers Of Cure Cure Alleviate The Alleviate The Suffering Of Suffering Of Our Patients Our Patients Alleviate the suffering of our patients along their journey through passionate family-centered care Challenge the frontiers of cure towards the best international results Key Strategic Indicators Key Strategic Indicators Key Strategic Indicators Key Strategic Indicators BASELINE TARGET BASELINETARGET 2.1. Variation ratio of measured vs. expected length of stay 1.1. Compliance to standard treatment protocols (*) 0% 78% 100% 2.2. Patient satisfaction rate 1.2. Protocol Overall Survival Rate (*) (*) 73% 80% 2.3. Family satisfaction rate 1.3. Percentage of Infection Free Patients 86% 90% 96% 98% 2.4. Average measured pain across all hospital patients (unadjusted) 1.4. Patient Compliance Index (*) (*) (*) (*) Targets & baselines marked (*) indicates that an initiative is undertaken to measure them
3 3 4 4 Build On And Build On And Expand Expand Research Core Research Core Quality In Quality In Every Aspect Of Every Aspect Of Operation Operation Demonstrate quality in every aspect of operation while instilling an internationally recognized, dynamic and agile model for comprehensive pediatric oncology care Build on and Expand the current Research core inside the hospital Key Strategic Indicators Key Strategic Indicators Key Strategic Indicators Key Strategic Indicators BASELINE TARGET BASELINETARGET 4.1. Number of acquired accreditations 3.1. Number of annual publications by 57357 staff 2 7 10/Y 30/Y 4.2. Percentage of standardized processes and sub-processes 3.2. Date SMAC approval of 3-years specialty-disease based Research strategy 31 Dec. 2016 - (*) (*) 30M (2016- 2020) 15M (2009- 2015) 3.3. Amount of awarded grants 4.3. Percentage of quality engaged staff (*) (*) 3.4. Quality of Documentation and Database (accuracy X completion) 100% 100% 65% Acc. 79% Com. 4.4. Cost of Quality Index (*) (*) Targets & baselines marked (*) indicates that an initiative is undertaken to measure them
5 5 6 6 Develop Develop Evidence Evidence Based Safe Practice Safe Practice A Role Model For A Role Model For Environmental Environmental Responsibility Responsibility Based Develop evidence based safe practice that should be universally employed in applicable clinical care settings to achieve patient safety Provide a role model for environmental responsibility in all our developments particularly energy, waste management and pollution Key Strategic Indicators Key Strategic Indicators Key Strategic Indicators Key Strategic Indicators BASELINE TARGET BASELINETARGET 5.1. Compliance rate with international patient safety goals 6.1. Percentage of reduction in water and power consumption - 25% 95% 100% 6.2. Number of instances of exceeding acceptable limits in internal environment compliance reports 5.2. Percentage of reported events that were not identified as risk (*) (*) 2 0 5.3. Percentage of reported events that has identified preventive measures 6.3. Number of instances of exceeding acceptable limits in external environmental outputs 35% 100% 0 0 5.4. Percentage of applied corrective measures to total reported identified events 100% 65% 6.4. Environmental Culture Index (*) (*) Targets & baselines marked (*) indicates that an initiative is undertaken to measure them
7 7 8 8 Community Community Engagement Engagement And Public And Public Awareness Awareness Build The Build The Capacity Of Capacity Of Professional Professional Calibers Calibers Encourage community engagement and raising public awareness about the prevention, early detection and management of cancer Build the capacity of professional calibers to meet the needs of 57357 hospitals and planned expansions and beyond to healthcare organizations in Egypt and the region Key Strategic Indicators Key Strategic Indicators Key Strategic Indicators Key Strategic Indicators BASELINE TARGET BASELINETARGET 7.1. Percentage of new cases seeking hospital at early stage out of total new cases 8.1. Staff Turnover Rate (*) (*) (*) (*) 7.2. Number of people directly reached by 57357 ATL outreach 8.2. People development index (*) (*) (*) (*) 7.3. Number of people directly reached by 57357 BTL outreach 8.3. Percentage of fulfilled staffing needs (*) (*) 6.5M 13M 8.4. Number of non-staff who participate in trainings offered by 57357 L&D 7.4. Number of volunteers actively participating in hospital events/activities (*) (*) 1000 400 Targets & baselines marked (*) indicates that an initiative is undertaken to measure them
Our Vision Vision Our Mission Mission Building a sustainable foundation to prevent and combat cancer through research, smart education and quality healthcare provided with passion and justice to alleviate the suffering of children with cancer and their families free of charge TO BE THE UNIQUE WORLDWIDE MODEL OF CHANGE TOWARDS A CANCER FREE CHILDHOOD. Our Values Values Love and respect for all children we recognize that children are individuals and deserve the same love and respect as we expect for ourselves especially in the face of catastrophic illness. Integrity build relationships on trust and respect for each other Accountability we are accountable to all stakeholders of the CCHE 57357 community: patients, families, colleagues, donors, public, government and educational agencies Professionalism we conduct all communication and interaction with the utmost professional standards and codes of conduct Teamwork and partnership -collaboration fosters efficiency and effectiveness Thirst for knowledge we seek to continually expand knowledge for personal and professional development. Questioning mind will see what no one else has seen and applies evidence based principles. Creativity to be creative in all that we do and appreciate creativity in others. Change we value change as positive for continuous improvement of the organization and the individual. Diversity the talents and opinions of all are considered as valuable to the organization s culture Social responsibility we recognize our responsibility to our local and world community to provide a center of excellence Passion for excellence to be the best in all we say and do.
7 8 57357 . 1.7 . 1.8 (*) (*) (*) (*) . 2.7 . 2.8 (*) (*) (*) (*) . 3.7 . 3.8 6,5 13 (*) (*) ) ( . 4.8 . 4.7 1000 400 (*) (*) )*(
6 5 . 1.6 . 1.5 % 25 - % 100 % 95 ( ) . 2.6 . 2.5 0 0 (*) (*) ( ) . 3.6 . 3.5 % 100 % 35 0 0 . 4.5 . 4.6 % 100 % 65 (*) (*) )*(
4 3 . 1.3 . 1.4 30 10 7 2 . 2.3 31 . 2.4 - 2016 (*) (*) . 3.4 ( 2009 - 2015) 15 2016 - 2020 ) 30 . 3.3 ( (*) (*) . 4.3 % % 65 79 % % 100 100 . 4.4 (*) (*) )*(
2 1 . 1.2 . 1.1 % 0 % 100 % 78 (*) . 2.2 . 2.1 % 80 % 73 (*) (*) . 3.2 . 3.1 % 90 % 86 % 98 % 96 . 4.2 . 4.1 (*) (*) (*) (*) )*(
3 2 . . . . . . 57357 . 5 4 1ST PERSPECTIVE 57357 . . 57357 . . . . .
2020 57357