Pharmacodynamics: Potency and Efficacy

Pharmacodynamics    (cont.)
Graded Dose-response Relationships
Agonist drugs mimic the action of the original endogenous ligand for the
receptor (for example, isoproterenol mimics norepinephrine on β1 receptors of
the heart). The magnitude of the drug effect depends on the drug concentration
at the receptor site, which, in turn, is determined by both the dose of drug
administered and by the drug’s pharmacokinetic profile, such as rate of
absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination.
As the concentration of a drug increases, its pharmacologic effect also
gradually increases until all the receptors are occupied (the maximum
effect). When the response of a particular receptor-effector  system is
measured against increasing concentrations  of a drug, the graph of the
response  versus the drug concentration or dose is called a graded  dose-
response curve. The curve can be described as a rectangular hyperbola.
Two important properties of drugs, 
, can be
determined by graded dose–response curves.
1. Potency: 
Potency is a measure of the amount of drug necessary to
produce an effect of a given magnitude. The concentration of drug
producing 50% of the maximum effect 
 is usually used to
determine potency. Potency is determined mainly by the affinity of the
receptor for the drug and the number of receptors.
In the figure Drug A is more potent than Drug B, because a lesser
amount of Drug A is needed when compared to Drug B to obtain 50-
percent effect.
Therapeutic preparations of drugs reflect their potency. For example,
candesartan and irbesartan are angiotensin receptor blockers that are
used to treat hypertension. The therapeutic dose range for candesartan
is 4 to 32 mg, as compared to 75 to 300 mg for irbesartan. Therefore,
candesartan is more potent than is irbesartan (it has a lower EC
similar to Drug A).
Since the range of drug concentrations (from 1% to 99% of the
maximal response) usually spans several orders of magnitude,
semilogarithmic plots are used so that the complete range of doses can
be graphed. As shown in Figure B, the curves become sigmoidal in
shape, which simplifies the interpretation of the dose– response curve.
2. Efficacy: 
Efficacy is the magnitude of response a drug causes
when it interacts with a receptor.
Efficacy is dependent on the number of drug–receptor complexes
formed and 
the intrinsic activity 
of the drug (its ability to activate
the receptor and cause a cellular response).Maximal efficacy of a
drug (
) assumes that all receptors are occupied by the drug,
and no increase in response is observed if a higher concentration
of drug is obtained. Therefore, the maximal response differs
 partial agonists
, even when 100% of the
receptors are occupied by the drug. Similarly, even though an
antagonist occupies 100% of the receptor sites, no receptor
activation results and E
 is zero.
Drug efficacy is of greater clinical importance than potency because
a greater therapeutic benefit may be obtained with a more
efficacious drug, while a more potent drug may merely allow a
smaller dose to be given for the same clinical benefit. In turn,
efficacy and potency  need to be balanced against drug toxicity to
produce the best balance of benefit and risk for the patient.
Graded Dose-binding Relationship & Binding Affinity
It is possible to measure the percentage of receptors bound by a
drug, and by plotting this percentage against the log of the
concentration of the drug, a dose-binding  graph similar to the
dose-response curve is obtained. The concentration of drug
required to bind 50% of the receptor sites is denoted by the
dissociation constant (K
and is a useful measure of the affinity
of a drug molecule for its binding site on the receptor molecule.
The smaller the K
, the greater the affinity of the drug for its
receptor. If the number of binding sites on each receptor molecule
is known, it is possible to determine the total number of receptors
in the system from the 
As drugs may act preferentially on particular receptor types or subtypes,
such as 
1- and 
2-adrenoceptors, it is important to be able to quantify the
degree of selectivity of a drug. For example, it is important in
understanding the therapeutic efficacy and unwanted effects of the
bronchodilator drug salbutamol to recognize that it is  approximately 10
times more effective in stimulating the  
2-adrenoceptors  in the airway
smooth muscle than the 
1-adrenoceptors in the heart.
 In  pharmacological   studies,   selectivity   is   likely   to be investigated
by measuring the effects  of the drug in vitro  on  different  cells or  tissues,
each expressing  only one of the receptors  of interest.
 Comparison of the two log dose–response curves in the Fig. shows that
for a given response, smaller doses of the drug being tested are required to
stimulate  the 
1-adrenoceptor  compared with those required to stimulate
2-adrenoceptor;  the drug is therefore said to have  selectivity of
action at the 
1-adrenoceptor. An example might be dobutamine, which is
used to selectively stimulate 
1-adrenoceptors on the heart in heart failure.
 The degree of receptor selectivity is given by the ratio of the doses of the
drug required to produce a given level of response via each receptor type.
It is clear from the Fig. that the ratio is highly dose-dependent and that the
selectivity disappears at extremely high drug doses, because the dose then
produces the maximal response of which the biological tissue is capable.
should be remembered that many drugs and most neurotransmitters can
bind to more than one type of receptor, thereby causing both desired
therapeutic effects and undesired side effects.
Intrinsic Activity
Intrinsic activity describes the ability of the bound drug to induce the
conformational changes in the receptor that induce receptor signalling. It
determines drug ability to fully or partially activate the receptors.
Although affinity is a prerequisite for binding to a receptor, a drug may
bind with high affinity but  have low intrinsic  activity.  A drug with
zero intrinsic activity is an antagonist.
 A. Full agonists
If a drug binds to a receptor and produces a maximal biologic response
that mimics the response to the endogenous ligand, it is a full agonist
Full agonists bind to a receptor, stabilizing the receptor in its active state
and are said to have an intrinsic activity of one.
 All full agonists for a receptor population should produce the same
. For example, phenylephrine is a full agonist at α1-adrenoceptors,
because it produces the same E
 as does the endogenous ligand,
norepinephrine. Upon binding to α1-adrenoceptors on vascular smooth
muscle, phenylephrine stabilizes the receptor in its active state. This leads to
the mobilization of intracellular Ca2+, causing interaction of actin and myosin
filaments and shortening of the muscle cells. myosin filaments and shortening
of the muscle cells. The diameter of the arteriole decreases, causing an
increase in resistance to blood flow through the vessel and an increase in
blood pressure.
B. Partial agonists
Partial agonists have intrinsic activities greater than zero but less than
one. Even if all the receptors are occupied, partial agonists cannot
produce the same E
 as a full agonist. However, a partial agonist
may have an affinity that is greater than, less than, or equivalent to
that of a full agonist. When a receptor is exposed to both a partial
agonist and a full agonist, the partial agonist may act as a weak
antagonist of the full agonist because it prevents access to the receptor
of a molecule with higher intrinsic ability to initiate receptor signalling;
this results in a reduced response.
This potential of partial agonists to act as both an agonist and
antagonist may be therapeutically utilized. For example, aripiprazole,
an atypical antipsychotic, is a partial agonist at selected dopamine
receptors. Dopaminergic pathways that are overactive tend to be
inhibited by aripiprazole, whereas pathways that are underactive are
stimulated. This might explain the ability of aripiprazole to improve
symptoms of schizophrenia, with a small risk of causing extrapyramidal
adverse effects.
So, partial agonists can act as stabilizers of the variable activity of the
natural ligand, as they enhance receptor activity when the endogenous
ligand levels are low or zero, but block receptor activity when
endogenous ligand levels are high.
C. Inverse agonists
Typically, in the absence of ligand, a receptor might be fully active
or completely inactive. However, many receptor systems exhibit
some activity in the absence of ligand, suggesting that some fraction
of the receptor is always in the activated state. Activity in the
absence of ligand is called 
constitutive  activity
Inverse agonists, unlike full agonists, stabilize the inactive R form
and cause R
 to convert to R
. This decreases the number of
activated receptors to below that observed in the absence of drug.
Thus, inverse agonists have an intrinsic activity less than zero,
reverse the activity of receptors, and exert the opposite
pharmacological effect of agonists.
 An inverse agonist can be distinguished from the typical
antagonists, which, on their own, bind to the receptor without
affecting receptor signalling, as they have zero intrinsic activity
 ‘silent’ antagonists
). The action of a neutral antagonist
depends on depriving the access of agonists to the receptor.
D. Antagonists
Antagonists bind to a receptor with high affinity but possess
zero intrinsic activity. An antagonist has no effect in the
absence of an agonist but can decrease the effect of an
agonist when present. Antagonism may occur either by
blocking the drug’s ability to bind to the receptor or by
blocking its ability to activate the receptor.
1. Competitive antagonists: 
If both the antagonist and the
agonist bind to the same site on the receptor in a reversible
manner, they are said to be “competitive.” The competitive
antagonist prevents an agonist from binding to its receptor and
maintains the receptor in its inactive state. For example, the
antihypertensive drug terazosin competes with the endogenous
ligand norepinephrine at α1-adrenoceptors, thus decreasing
vascular smooth muscle tone and reducing blood pressure.
However, this inhibition can be overcome by increasing the
concentration of agonist relative to antagonist. Thus, competitive
antagonists characteristically shift the agonist dose–response
curve to the right (increased EC
) without affecting E
2- Irreversible antagonists:
Irreversible antagonists bind covalently to the active site of the
receptor, thereby reducing the number of receptors available to the
agonist. An irreversible antagonist causes a downward shift of the
, with no shift of EC
 values (unless spare receptors are
present).In contrast to competitive antagonists, the effect of
irreversible antagonists cannot be overcome by adding more agonist.
Thus, irreversible antagonists and allosteric antagonists (see below)
are both considered noncompetitive antagonists
A fundamental difference between competitive and noncompetitive
antagonists is that competitive agonists reduce agonist potency
(increase EC50) and noncompetitive antagonists reduce agonist
efficacy (decrease E
Allosteric antagonists: 
An allosteric antagonist also causes a
downward shift of the E
, with no change in the EC
 value of an
agonist. This type of antagonist binds to a site (“allosteric site”) other
than the agonist-binding site and prevents the receptor from being
activated by the agonist. An example is picrotoxin, which binds to
the inside of the GABA-controlled chloride channel. When
picrotoxin is bound inside the channel, no chloride can pass through
the channel, even when the receptor is fully activated by GABA.
4. Functional antagonism:
An antagonist may act at a completely separate receptor, initiating
effects that are functionally opposite those of the agonist. A classic
example is the functional antagonism by epinephrine to histamine-
induced bronchoconstriction. Histamine binds to H1 histamine
receptors on bronchial smooth muscle, causing bronchoconstriction of
the bronchial tree. Epinephrine is an agonist at β2-adrenoceptors on
bronchial smooth muscle, which causes the muscles to relax. This
functional antagonism is also known as “
physiologic antagonism
5. Chemical Antagonists:
A chemical antagonist  interacts directly with the drug being
antagonized to remove it or to prevent it from binding to its
target. A chemical antagonist does not depend on interaction
with the agonist’s receptor (although such interaction may occur).
Common examples of chemical antagonists are dimercaprol, a
chelator of lead and some other toxic metals, and pralidoxime,
which combines with the phosphorus in organophosphate
cholinesterase inhibitors.
Quantal Dose-response Relationships
Another important dose–response relationship is that between the
dose of the drug and the proportion of a population that responds
to it. These responses are known as quantal responses, because, for
any individual, the effect either occurs or it does not. Graded
responses can be transformed to quantal responses by designating a
predetermined level of the graded response as the point at which a
response occurs or not. For example, a quantal dose–response
relationship can be determined in a population for the
antihypertensive drug atenolol. A positive response is defined as a
fall of at least 5 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure.
 Quantal dose–response curves are useful for determining doses to
which most of the population responds. They have similar shapes as
log dose–response curves, and the ED
 is the drug dose that causes
a therapeutic response in half of the population.
Therapeutic index
Quantal relationships can be defined for both toxic and therapeutic
drug effects to allow calculation  of the therapeutic index (TI). TI of
a drug is the ratio of the dose that produces toxicity in half the
population (TD) to the dose that produces a clinically desired or
effective response (ED
) in half the population: 
  / ED
The TI is a measure of a drug’s safety, because a larger value indicates a wide
margin between doses that are effective and doses that are toxic.
The therapeutic window
, a more clinically useful index of safety, describes the
dosage range between  the minimum effective therapeutic concentration or
dose, and the minimum toxic concentration or dose. For example, if the
average minimum therapeutic plasma concentration of theophylline  is 8 mg/L
and toxic effects are observed  at 18 mg/L, the therapeutic window is 8–18
Although high TI values are required for most drugs, some drugs with low
therapeutic indices are routinely used to treat serious diseases. In these cases,
the risk of experiencing side effects is not as great as the risk of leaving the
disease untreated.
Warfarin ,oral anticoagulant (example of a drug with a small therapeutic
As the dose of warfarin is increased, a greater fraction of the patients
respond (for this drug, the desired response is a two- to threefold increase in
the international normalized ratio [INR]) until, eventually, all patients
respond. However, at higher doses of warfarin, anticoagulation resulting in
Penicillin, an antimicrobial (example of a drug with a large therapeutic index):
For drugs such as penicillin, it is safe and common to give doses in excess of
that which is minimally required to achieve a desired response without the
risk of adverse side effects.
Slide Note

Pharmacodynamics explores how drugs interact with receptors in the body, affecting the magnitude of drug effects based on concentration. Graded dose-response relationships, potency, and efficacy play key roles in determining drug efficiency. Potency reflects the amount of drug needed for a specific effect, influenced by receptor affinity. On the other hand, efficacy measures the response magnitude a drug elicits when interacting with receptors, crucial for therapeutic benefit assessment and balancing with drug toxicity.

  • Pharmacodynamics
  • Potency
  • Efficacy
  • Drug interactions
  • Therapeutic benefit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pharmacodynamics (cont.)

  2. Graded Dose Graded Dose- -response Relationships response Relationships Agonist drugs mimic the action of the original endogenous ligand for the receptor (for example, isoproterenol mimics norepinephrine on 1 receptors of the heart). The magnitude of the drug effect depends on the drug concentration at the receptor site, which, in turn, is determined by both the dose of drug administered and by the drug s pharmacokinetic profile, such as rate of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination. As the concentration of a drug increases, its pharmacologic effect also gradually increases until all the receptors are occupied (the maximum effect). When the response of a particular receptor-effector measured against increasing concentrations response versus the drug concentration or dose is called a graded dose- response curve. The curve can be described as a rectangular hyperbola. Two important properties of drugs, potency determined by graded dose response curves. system is of a drug, the graph of the potency and efficacy efficacy, can be

  3. 1 1. . Potency Potency: : Potency is a measure of the amount of drug necessary to produce an effect of a given magnitude. The concentration of drug producing 50% of the maximum effect (EC determine potency. Potency is determined mainly by the affinity of the receptor for the drug and the number of receptors. In the figure Drug A is more potent than Drug B, because a lesser amount of Drug A is needed when compared to Drug B to obtain 50- percent effect. Therapeutic preparations of drugs reflect their potency. For example, candesartan and irbesartan are angiotensin receptor blockers that are used to treat hypertension. The therapeutic dose range for candesartan is 4 to 32 mg, as compared to 75 to 300 mg for irbesartan. Therefore, candesartan is more potent than is irbesartan (it has a lower EC50 value, similar to Drug A). Since the range of drug concentrations (from 1% to 99% of the maximal response) usually spans semilogarithmic plots are used so that the complete range of doses can be graphed. As shown in Figure B, the curves become sigmoidal in shape, which simplifies the interpretation of the dose response curve. (EC50 50) ) is usually used to several orders of magnitude,

  4. 2 2. . Efficacy Efficacy: : Efficacy is the magnitude of response a drug causes when it interacts with a receptor. Efficacy is dependent on the number of drug receptor complexes formed and the the intrinsic intrinsic activity activity of the drug (its ability to activate the receptor and cause a cellular response).Maximal efficacy of a drug (E Emax and no increase in response is observed if a higher concentration of drug is obtained. Therefore, the maximal response differs between full full and partial partial agonists agonists, even when 100% of the receptors are occupied by the drug. Similarly, even though an antagonist occupies 100% of the receptor sites, no receptor activation results and Emax is zero. later). Drug efficacy is of greater clinical importance than potency because a greater therapeutic benefit may be obtained with a more efficacious drug, while a more potent drug may merely allow a smaller dose to be given for the same clinical benefit. In turn, efficacy and potency need to be balanced against drug toxicity to produce the best balance of benefit and risk for the patient. max) assumes that all receptors are occupied by the drug,

  5. Graded Dose-binding Relationship & Binding Affinity It is possible to measure the percentage of receptors bound by a drug, and by plotting this percentage against the log of the concentration of the drug, a dose-binding graph similar to the dose-response curve is obtained. The concentration of drug required to bind 50% of the receptor sites is denoted by the dissociation constant (Kd) and is a useful measure of the affinity of a drug molecule for its binding site on the receptor molecule. The smaller the Kd, the greater the affinity of the drug for its receptor. If the number of binding sites on each receptor molecule is known, it is possible to determine the total number of receptors in the system fromthe Bmax.

  6. Selectivity As drugs may act preferentially on particular receptor types or subtypes, such as 1- and 2-adrenoceptors, it is important to be able to quantify the degree of selectivity of a drug. For example, it is important in understanding the therapeutic efficacy and unwanted effects of the bronchodilator drug salbutamol to recognize that it is approximately 10 times more effective in stimulating the 2-adrenoceptors in the airway smooth muscle than the 1-adrenoceptors in the heart. In pharmacological studies, selectivity by measuring the effects of the drug in vitro on different cells or tissues, each expressing only one of the receptors of interest. Comparison of the two log dose response curves in the Fig. shows that for a given response, smaller doses of the drug being tested are required to stimulate the 1-adrenoceptor compared with those required to stimulate the 2-adrenoceptor; the drug is therefore said to have selectivity of action at the 1-adrenoceptor. An example might be dobutamine, which is used to selectively stimulate 1-adrenoceptors on the heart in heart failure. is likely to be investigated The degree of receptor selectivity is given by the ratio of the doses of the drug required to produce a given level of response via each receptor type. It is clear from the Fig. that the ratio is highly dose-dependent and that the selectivity disappears at extremely high drug doses, because the dose then produces the maximal response of which the biological tissue is capable. It should be remembered that many drugs and most neurotransmitters can bind to more than one type of receptor, thereby causing both desired therapeutic effects and undesired side effects.

  7. Intrinsic Intrinsic Activity Intrinsic activity describes the ability of the bound drug to induce the conformational changes in the receptor that induce receptor signalling. It determines drug ability to fully or partially activate the receptors. Although affinity is a prerequisite for binding to a receptor, a drug may bind with high affinity but have low intrinsic zero intrinsic activity is an antagonist. Activity activity. A drug with A A. . Full Full agonists agonists If a drug binds to a receptor and produces a maximal biologic response that mimics the response to the endogenous ligand, it is a full agonist Full agonists bind to a receptor, stabilizing the receptor in its active state and are said to have an intrinsic activity of one. All full agonists for a receptor population should produce the same Emax. For example, phenylephrine is a full agonist at 1-adrenoceptors, because it produces the same Emax as does the endogenous ligand, norepinephrine. Upon binding to 1-adrenoceptors on vascular smooth muscle, phenylephrine stabilizes the receptor in its active state. This leads to the mobilization of intracellular Ca2+, causing interaction of actin and myosin filaments and shortening of the muscle cells. myosin filaments and shortening of the muscle cells. The diameter of the arteriole decreases, causing an increase in resistance to blood flow through the vessel and an increase in blood pressure.

  8. B. Partial agonists B. Partial agonists Partial agonists have intrinsic activities greater than zero but less than one. Even if all the receptors are occupied, partial agonists cannot produce the same Emax as a full agonist. However, a partial agonist may have an affinity that is greater than, less than, or equivalent to that of a full agonist. When a receptor is exposed to both a partial agonist and a full agonist, the partial agonist may act as a weak antagonist of the full agonist because it prevents access to the receptor of a molecule with higher intrinsic ability to initiate receptor signalling; this results in a reduced response. This potential of partial agonists to act as both an agonist and antagonist may be therapeutically utilized. For example, aripiprazole, an atypical antipsychotic, is a partial agonist at selected dopamine receptors. Dopaminergic pathways that are overactive tend to be inhibited by aripiprazole, whereas pathways that are underactive are stimulated. This might explain the ability of aripiprazole to improve symptoms of schizophrenia, with a small risk of causing extrapyramidal adverse effects. So, partial agonists can act as stabilizers of the variable activity of the natural ligand, as they enhance receptor activity when the endogenous ligand levels are low or zero, but block receptor activity when endogenous ligand levels are high.

  9. C. Inverse agonists C. Inverse agonists Typically, in the absence of ligand, a receptor might be fully active or completely inactive. However, many receptor systems exhibit some activity in the absence of ligand, suggesting that some fraction of the receptor is always in the activated state. Activity in the absence of ligand is called constitutive constitutive activity activity. Inverse agonists, unlike full agonists, stabilize the inactive R form and cause Ra to convert to Ri. This decreases the number of activated receptors to below that observed in the absence of drug. Thus, inverse agonists have an intrinsic activity less than zero, reverse the activity of receptors, pharmacological effect of agonists. and exert the opposite An antagonists, which, on their own, bind to the receptor without affecting receptor signalling, as they have zero intrinsic activity ( neutral neutral or silent silent antagonists antagonists). The action of a neutral antagonist depends on depriving the access of agonists to the receptor. inverse agonist can be distinguished from the typical

  10. D. Antagonists D. Antagonists Antagonists bind to a receptor with high affinity but possess zero intrinsic activity. An antagonist has no effect in the absence of an agonist but can decrease the effect of an agonist when present. Antagonism may occur either by blocking the drug s ability to bind to the receptor or by blocking its ability to activate the receptor. 1 1. . Competitive Competitive antagonists agonist bind to the same site on the receptor in a reversible manner, they are said to be competitive. The competitive antagonist prevents an agonist from binding to its receptor and maintains the receptor in its inactive state. For example, the antihypertensive drug terazosin competes with the endogenous ligand norepinephrine at 1-adrenoceptors, thus decreasing vascular smooth muscle tone and reducing blood pressure. However, this inhibition can be overcome by increasing the concentration of agonist relative to antagonist. Thus, competitive antagonists characteristically shift the agonist dose response curve to the right (increased EC50) without affecting Emax antagonists: : If both the antagonist and the

  11. 2 2- - Irreversible Irreversible antagonists Irreversible antagonists bind covalently to the active site of the receptor, thereby reducing the number of receptors available to the agonist. An irreversible antagonist causes a downward shift of the Emax, with no shift of EC50 values (unless spare receptors are present).In contrast to competitive antagonists, the effect of irreversible antagonists cannot be overcome by adding more agonist. Thus, irreversible antagonists and allosteric antagonists (see below) are both considered noncompetitive antagonists A fundamental difference between competitive and noncompetitive antagonists is that competitive agonists reduce agonist potency (increase EC50) and noncompetitive antagonists reduce agonist efficacy (decrease Emax). 3 3- -Allosteric Allosteric antagonists antagonists: : An allosteric antagonist also causes a downward shift of the Emax, with no change in the EC50 value of an agonist. This type of antagonist binds to a site ( allosteric site ) other than the agonist-binding site and prevents the receptor from being activated by the agonist. An example is picrotoxin, which binds to the inside of the GABA-controlled picrotoxin is bound inside the channel, no chloride can pass through the channel, even when the receptor is fully activated by GABA. antagonists: : chloride channel. When

  12. 4 4. . Functional Functional antagonism An antagonist may act at a completely separate receptor, initiating effects that are functionally opposite those of the agonist. A classic example is the functional antagonism by epinephrine to histamine-induced bronchoconstriction. Histamine binds to H1 histamine receptors on bronchial smooth muscle, causing bronchoconstriction of the bronchial tree. Epinephrine is an agonist at 2-adrenoceptors on bronchial smooth muscle, which causes the muscles to relax. This functional antagonism is also known as physiologic physiologic antagonism antagonism. antagonism: : 5 5. . Chemical Chemical Antagonists A chemical antagonist antagonized to remove it or to prevent it from binding to its target. A chemical antagonist does not depend on interaction with the agonist s receptor (although such interaction may occur). Common examples of chemical antagonists are dimercaprol, a chelator of lead and some other toxic metals, and pralidoxime, which combines with the phosphorus in organophosphate cholinesterase inhibitors. Antagonists: : interacts directly with the drug being

  13. Quantal Quantal Dose Another important dose response relationship is that between the dose of the drug and the proportion of a population that responds to it. These responses are known as quantal responses, because, for any individual, the effect either occurs or it does not. Graded responses can be transformed to quantal responses by designating a predetermined level of the graded response as the point at which a response occurs or not. For example, a quantal dose response relationship can be determined antihypertensive drug atenolol. A positive response is defined as a fall of at least 5 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure. Quantal dose response curves are useful for determining doses to which most of the population responds. They have similar shapes as log dose response curves, and the ED50 is the drug dose that causes a therapeutic response in half of the population. Dose- -response response Relationships Relationships in a population for the Therapeutic Therapeutic index Quantal relationships can be defined for both toxic and therapeutic drug effects to allow calculation of the therapeutic index (TI). TI of a drug is the ratio of the dose that produces toxicity in half the population (TD) to the dose that produces a clinically desired or effective response (ED50) in half the population: TI TI = = TD index TD50 50 / / ED ED50 50

  14. The TI is a measure of a drugs safety, because a larger value indicates a wide margin between doses that are effective and doses that are toxic. The The therapeutic therapeutic window window, a more clinically useful index of safety, describes the dosage range between the minimum effective therapeutic concentration or dose, and the minimum toxic concentration or dose. For example, if the average minimum therapeutic plasma concentration of theophylline is 8 mg/L and toxic effects are observed at 18 mg/L, the therapeutic window is 8 18 mg/L. Although high TI values are required for most drugs, some drugs with low therapeutic indices are routinely used to treat serious diseases. In these cases, the risk of experiencing side effects is not as great as the risk of leaving the disease untreated. Warfarin Warfarin ,oral ,oral anticoagulant anticoagulant (example (example of index) index): : As the dose of warfarin is increased, a greater fraction of the patients respond (for this drug, the desired response is a two- to threefold increase in the international normalized ratio [INR]) until, eventually, all patients respond. However, at higher doses of warfarin, anticoagulation resulting in hemorrhage. Penicillin, Penicillin, an an antimicrobial antimicrobial (example (example of of a a drug For drugs such as penicillin, it is safe and common to give doses in excess of that which is minimally required to achieve a desired response without the risk of adverse side effects. of a a drug drug with with a a small small therapeutic therapeutic drug with with a a large large therapeutic therapeutic index) index): :

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