Parking Violations and Infractions

Discussion Topics
Parking violations 
– 1993 revision of parking infractions to admin. offenses
Vehicle Code section 463 
-  definition of park or parking
Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedule
Page xii regarding Parking Violations
Parking violation infractions
Certain statute sections cite parking violations as infractions
$3 penalty assessment imposed (UB&PS footnotes 41-43 on pages 71 and 72) under
GC section 76000.3
Equipment Violations on Parking Citations  
-  VC section 40225(a) – (c) and
VC 40303.5
Appendix C 
and some applicable statutory sections
Distribution spreadsheets:
Regular parking citation (San Francisco example)
Parking Infraction – Parking in Bus Loading Area
Parking Infraction – Equipment Violation
Parking Violations –
Administrative Offenses
Assembly Bill 408 (stats. 1992, ch. 1244), effective
January 1, 1993, revised and recast the procedures for
processing and adjudicating parking law violations as
administrative offenses 
subject to a civil penalty
The bill required courts to transfer the processing of
parking offenses to 
issuing agencies
not later than
January 1, 1994
Consequently, parking violations that cannot be cited as
infractions have been 
 from the Uniform Bail and
Penalty Schedules.
Parking Defined – VC 463
VC 463 defines “park or parking” as:
“the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied
or not, otherwise than temporarily for the
purpose of and while actually engaged in the
loading or unloading of merchandise or
Uniform Bail and Penalty
Schedule (UB&PS)
Traffic Infraction Fixed Penalty Schedule (TIFPS)
of the UB&PS includes Vehicle Code sections that
may be cited for a 
stopping violation 
on a notice
to appear that is signed by the driver.
     See page xii of the UB&PS regarding Parking Violations.
Parking Violation Infractions
VC 76000.3
Under Government Code section 76000.3,
a $3 penalty assessment is imposed on
every fine for a parking 
violation committed on or after January 1,
76000.3 (a) Notwithstanding any other law, for each
parking offense where a parking penalty, fine, or
forfeiture is imposed, an 
added penalty 
of three
dollars ($
) shall be imposed in addition to the
penalty, fine, or forfeiture set by the city, district, or
other issuing agency.
VC 76000.3(b)
(b) For each infraction parking violation for which a penalty
or fine is collected in the courts of the county, the
county treasurer shall transmit the penalty imposed
pursuant to subdivision (a) to the Treasurer for deposit
in the Trial Court Trust Fund established by Section
These moneys shall be taken from the penalties, fines,
and forfeitures deposited with the county treasurer prior
to any division pursuant to Section 1463.009 of the
Penal Code. The judges of the county shall increase the
bail schedule amounts as appropriate for infraction
parking violations to reflect the added penalty provided
for by subdivision (a).
Vehicle Code Section
c) In those cities, districts, or other issuing agencies which
 to accept parking penalties, and otherwise process
parking violations pursuant to Article 
with Section 40200) of Chapter 1 of Division 17 of the
, that city, district, or issuing agency shall
collect the added penalty imposed by this section. Each
agency that elects to process parking violations shall
pay to the Treasurer for deposit in the Trial Court Trust
Fund three dollars ($
) for each civil parking penalty
collected on each violation. Those payments to the
Treasurer shall be made monthly.
Parking Infraction
Violation Examples
Under VC section 42001.13, a violation of disabled parking provisions in
Vehicle Code section 22507.8 
be cited as an infraction on a notice
to appear.
42001.13 (a) A person who commits a violation of Section 22507.8 is subject to either a
civil notice of parking violation pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 40200) of
Chapter 1 of Division 17 or a criminal notice to appear.
 (b) If a notice to appear is issued and upon conviction of an infraction for a violation of
Section 22507.8, a person shall be punished as follows: (1) A fine of not less than
two hundred fifty dollars ($250) and not more than five hundred dollars ($500) for
the first offense. (2) A fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500) and not more
than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) for the second offense. (3) A fine of not less
than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) and not more than one thousand dollars
($1,000) for three or more offenses.
 (c) The court may suspend the imposition of the fine if the person convicted possessed
at the time of the offense, but failed to display, a valid special identification license
plate issued pursuant to Section 5007 or a distinguishing placard issued pursuant to
Section 22511.55 or 22511.59. (d) A fine imposed under this section may be paid in
installments if the court determines that the defendant is unable to pay the entire
amount in one payment.
Parking Infraction
Violation Examples
Under VC section 42001.5, a violation of Vehicle
Code sections 22500(i), 22500(
), and 22522 
cited as an infraction on a notice to appear.
42001.5 (a) A person convicted of an infraction for a violation of subdivision (i) or
(l) of Section 22500, or of Section 22522, shall be punished by a fine of not less
than two hundred fifty dollars ($250). (b) No part of any fine imposed under this
section may be suspended, except the court may suspend that portion of the fine
above one hundred dollars ($100). (c) A fine imposed under this section may be
paid in installments if the court determines that the defendant is unable to pay
the entire amount in one payment.
Equipment Violations on
Parking Citations
Under VC 40225(a), equipment violations entered on a
notice of parking violation are subject to a civil penalty
established according to VC 40225(c).
VC 40225.
(a) An equipment violation entered on the notice of parking violation attached to the vehicle
under Section 40203 shall be processed in accordance with this article. All of the violations
entered on the notice of parking violation shall be noticed in the notice of delinquent
parking violation delivered pursuant to Section 40206, together with the amount of civil
(b) Whether or not a vehicle is in violation of any regulation governing the standing or
parking of a vehicle but is in violation of subdivision (a) of Section 5204, a person
authorized to enforce parking laws and regulations shall issue a written notice of parking
violation, setting forth the alleged violation. The violation shall be processed pursuant to this
VC 40225(c)
The civil penalty for each equipment violation,
including failure to properly display a license plate,
is the amount established for the violation in the
Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedule, as adopted by
the Judicial Council,
 that upon proof of the correction to the
processing agency, the penalty shall be 
reduced to
ten dollars ($10).
Applicable examples:  
VC 5200, VC 5201, VC 5204,
and VC 5206.
VC 40225(c)
“Compliance Fee” of $10
The reduction provided for in this subdivision
involving failure to properly display license plates
shall only apply if, at the time of the violation,
valid license plates were issued for that vehicle in
accordance with this code.
The civil penalty for each equipment violation is
the amount established for the violation in the
Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedule, as adopted by
the Judicial Council, except that upon proof of the
correction to the processing agency, the penalty
shall be reduced to ten dollars ($10).
VC 40225(d)
Fifty percent 
of any penalty collected pursuant
to this section for registration or equipment
violations by a processing agency shall be 
paid to
the county for remittance to the 
State Treasurer
and the 
remaining 50 percent 
shall be 
issuing agency and processing agency 
to the terms of the contract described in Section
Offenses Eligible for
VC 40303.5: Whenever any person is arrested for
any of the following offenses, the arresting officer
shall permit the arrested person to execute a
notice containing a promise to correct the violation
in accordance with the provisions of Section 40610
unless the arresting officer finds that any of the
disqualifying conditions specified in subdivision (b)
of Section 40610 exist . . .
Refer to page xi of the UB&PS.
Parking Violations Statutes
and Appendix C
GC 76000 (b), (c), and (d)
An additional penalty 
of $2.50 for every parking penalty,
fine, or forfeiture imposed. 
Appendix C, pg. 51
(b) In each authorized county, 
provided that the board of supervisors
has adopted a resolution
 stating that the implementation of this
subdivision is necessary to the county for the purposes authorized,
with respect to each authorized fund established pursuant to Section
76100 or 76101, for every parking offense where a parking penalty,
fine, or forfeiture is imposed, an added penalty of two dollars and fifty
cents ($2.50) shall be included in the total penalty, fine, or forfeiture.
Except as provided in subdivision (c), for each parking case collected in
the courts of the county, the county treasurer shall place in each
authorized fund two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50).
Gov Code 76000(c) and (d)
(c) The county treasurer shall deposit one dollar ($1) of
every two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) collected
pursuant to subdivision (b) into the general fund of the
(d) The authority to impose the two-dollar-and-fifty-cent
($2.50) penalty authorized by subdivision (b) shall be
reduced to one dollar ($1) 
as of the date of transfer of
responsibility for facilities from the county to the Judicial
Council pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section
70321) of Chapter 5.1, 
except as money is needed to
pay for construction
 provided for in Section 76100 and
undertaken prior to the transfer of responsibility for
facilities from the county to the Judicial Council.
Parking Violations Statutes
and Appendix C
GC 70372(b) imposes an 
additional assessment 
on each parking penalty, fine, or forfeiture
violation infraction conviction):
State Court Construction Penalty, 
Appendix C, pg. C-47
100% distribution to State (2/3 to ICNA and 1/3
to State Court Facilities Construction Fund)
Parking Violations Statutes
and Appendix C
GC 76000.3 imposes a 
$3 penalty
every fine
imposed for a 
parking infraction violation
on or after January 1, 2011:
Trial Court Trust Fund Parking Penalty, 
Appendix C, pg. C-51
Distribution to the State Trial Court Trust fund
established by GC 68085
Effective until July 1, 2013
Parking Violations Statutes
and Appendix C
GC 70373 requires a 
assessment of 
Criminal Conviction Assessment, 
Appendix C, pg. C-47
100% distribution to State (ICNA fund GC
Disclaimer: All spreadsheets have been updated to reflect what we
believe are the statutes in effect as of 
Thus, they are subject to
change based on laws that are effective subsequent to today’s training.
When using the spreadsheets, be sure the fines, penalties, and fees
reflect the statutes in effect for the period being reviewed.
Covered the Following:
Parking violations 
– 1993 revision of parking infractions to
administrative offenses
Vehicle Code section 463 
-  definition of “parking”
Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedule – 
parking infractions
Parking Infractions
Equipment Violations on Parking Citations
VC 40225(a) – (c)
VC 40303.5
SCO Appendix C - 
some applicable statutory sections
Parking Distribution Examples
Slide Note

Explore the legislation and regulations surrounding parking violations, administrative offenses, penalty assessments, and definitions of parking under various Vehicle Code sections and Government Codes. Learn about the Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedule, as well as the implications of Assembly Bill 408, which revised procedures for handling parking law violations as administrative offenses.

  • Parking Violations
  • Vehicle Code
  • Administrative Offenses
  • Penalty Assessment
  • Legislation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BREAKOUT SESSION 1 Parking 1

  2. Discussion Topics Parking violations 1993 revision of parking infractions to admin. offenses Vehicle Code section 463 - definition of park or parking Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedule Page xii regarding Parking Violations Parking violation infractions Certain statute sections cite parking violations as infractions $3 penalty assessment imposed (UB&PS footnotes 41-43 on pages 71 and 72) under GC section 76000.3 Equipment Violations on Parking Citations - VC section 40225(a) (c) and VC 40303.5 Appendix C and some applicable statutory sections Distribution spreadsheets: Regular parking citation (San Francisco example) Parking Infraction Parking in Bus Loading Area Parking Infraction Equipment Violation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. b. c. 2

  3. Parking Violations Administrative Offenses Assembly Bill 408 (stats. 1992, ch. 1244), effective January 1, 1993, revised and recast the procedures for processing and adjudicating parking law violations as administrative offenses subject to a civil penalty. The bill required courts to transfer the processing of parking offenses to issuing agencies not later than January 1, 1994. Consequently, parking violations that cannot be cited as infractions have been removed from the Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules. 3

  4. Parking Defined VC 463 VC 463 defines park or parking as: the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the loading or unloading of merchandise or passengers. 4

  5. Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedule (UB&PS) Traffic Infraction Fixed Penalty Schedule (TIFPS) of the UB&PS includes Vehicle Code sections that may be cited for a stopping violation on a notice to appear that is signed by the driver. See page xii of the UB&PS regarding Parking Violations. 5

  6. Parking Violation Infractions VC 76000.3 Under Government Code section 76000.3, a $3 penalty assessment is imposed on every fine for a parking infraction violation committed on or after January 1, 2011: 76000.3 (a) Notwithstanding any other law, for each parking offense where a parking penalty, fine, or forfeiture is imposed, an added penalty of three dollars ($3) shall be imposed in addition to the penalty, fine, or forfeiture set by the city, district, or other issuing agency. 6

  7. VC 76000.3(b) (b) For each infraction parking violation for which a penalty or fine is collected in the courts of the county, the county treasurer shall transmit the penalty imposed pursuant to subdivision (a) to the Treasurer for deposit in the Trial Court Trust Fund established by Section 68085. These moneys shall be taken from the penalties, fines, and forfeitures deposited with the county treasurer prior to any division pursuant to Section 1463.009 of the Penal Code. The judges of the county shall increase the bail schedule amounts as appropriate for infraction parking violations to reflect the added penalty provided for by subdivision (a). 7

  8. Vehicle Code Section 76000.3(c) c) In those cities, districts, or other issuing agencies which elect to accept parking penalties, and otherwise process parking violations pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 40200) of Chapter 1 of Division 17 of the Vehicle Code, that city, district, or issuing agency shall collect the added penalty imposed by this section. Each agency that elects to process parking violations shall pay to the Treasurer for deposit in the Trial Court Trust Fund three dollars ($3) for each civil parking penalty collected on each violation. Those payments to the Treasurer shall be made monthly. 8

  9. Parking Infraction Violation Examples Under VC section 42001.13, a violation of disabled parking provisions in Vehicle Code section 22507.8 may be cited as an infraction on a notice to appear. 42001.13 (a) A person who commits a violation of Section 22507.8 is subject to either a civil notice of parking violation pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 40200) of Chapter 1 of Division 17 or a criminal notice to appear. (b) If a notice to appear is issued and upon conviction of an infraction for a violation of Section 22507.8, a person shall be punished as follows: (1) A fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) and not more than five hundred dollars ($500) for the first offense. (2) A fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500) and not more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) for the second offense. (3) A fine of not less than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) and not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) for three or more offenses. (c) The court may suspend the imposition of the fine if the person convicted possessed at the time of the offense, but failed to display, a valid special identification license plate issued pursuant to Section 5007 or a distinguishing placard issued pursuant to Section 22511.55 or 22511.59. (d) A fine imposed under this section may be paid in installments if the court determines that the defendant is unable to pay the entire amount in one payment. 9

  10. Parking Infraction Violation Examples Under VC section 42001.5, a violation of Vehicle Code sections 22500(i), 22500(l), and 22522 may be cited as an infraction on a notice to appear. 42001.5 (a) A person convicted of an infraction for a violation of subdivision (i) or (l) of Section 22500, or of Section 22522, shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250). (b) No part of any fine imposed under this section may be suspended, except the court may suspend that portion of the fine above one hundred dollars ($100). (c) A fine imposed under this section may be paid in installments if the court determines that the defendant is unable to pay the entire amount in one payment. 10

  11. 11

  12. 12

  13. 13

  14. Equipment Violations on Parking Citations Under VC 40225(a), equipment violations entered on a notice of parking violation are subject to a civil penalty established according to VC 40225(c). VC 40225. (a) An equipment violation entered on the notice of parking violation attached to the vehicle under Section 40203 shall be processed in accordance with this article. All of the violations entered on the notice of parking violation shall be noticed in the notice of delinquent parking violation delivered pursuant to Section 40206, together with the amount of civil penalty. (b) Whether or not a vehicle is in violation of any regulation governing the standing or parking of a vehicle but is in violation of subdivision (a) of Section 5204, a person authorized to enforce parking laws and regulations shall issue a written notice of parking violation, setting forth the alleged violation. The violation shall be processed pursuant to this section. 14

  15. VC 40225(c) The civil penalty for each equipment violation, including failure to properly display a license plate, is the amount established for the violation in the Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedule, as adopted by the Judicial Council, except that upon proof of the correction to the processing agency, the penalty shall be reduced to ten dollars ($10). Applicable examples: VC 5200, VC 5201, VC 5204, and VC 5206. 15

  16. VC 40225(c) Compliance Fee of $10 The reduction provided for in this subdivision involving failure to properly display license plates shall only apply if, at the time of the violation, valid license plates were issued for that vehicle in accordance with this code. The civil penalty for each equipment violation is the amount established for the violation in the Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedule, as adopted by the Judicial Council, except that upon proof of the correction to the processing agency, the penalty shall be reduced to ten dollars ($10). 16

  17. VC 40225(d) (d) Fifty percent of any penalty collected pursuant to this section for registration or equipment violations by a processing agency shall be paid to the county for remittance to the State Treasurer and the remaining 50 percent shall be retained by the issuing agency and processing agency subject to the terms of the contract described in Section 40200.5. 17

  18. Offenses Eligible for Correction VC 40303.5: Whenever any person is arrested for any of the following offenses, the arresting officer shall permit the arrested person to execute a notice containing a promise to correct the violation in accordance with the provisions of Section 40610 unless the arresting officer finds that any of the disqualifying conditions specified in subdivision (b) of Section 40610 exist . . . Refer to page xi of the UB&PS. 18

  19. Parking Violations Statutes and Appendix C GC 76000 (b), (c), and (d) An additional penalty of $2.50 for every parking penalty, fine, or forfeiture imposed. Appendix C, pg. 51 (b) In each authorized county, provided that the board of supervisors has adopted a resolution stating that the implementation of this subdivision is necessary to the county for the purposes authorized, with respect to each authorized fund established pursuant to Section 76100 or 76101, for every parking offense where a parking penalty, fine, or forfeiture is imposed, an added penalty of two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) shall be included in the total penalty, fine, or forfeiture. Except as provided in subdivision (c), for each parking case collected in the courts of the county, the county treasurer shall place in each authorized fund two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50). 19

  20. Gov Code 76000(c) and (d) (c) The county treasurer shall deposit one dollar ($1) of every two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) collected pursuant to subdivision (b) into the general fund of the county. (d) The authority to impose the two-dollar-and-fifty-cent ($2.50) penalty authorized by subdivision (b) shall be reduced to one dollar ($1) as of the date of transfer of responsibility for facilities from the county to the Judicial Council pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 70321) of Chapter 5.1, except as money is needed to pay for construction provided for in Section 76100 and undertaken prior to the transfer of responsibility for facilities from the county to the Judicial Council. 20

  21. Parking Violations Statutes and Appendix C GC 70372(b) imposes an additional assessment of $4.50 on each parking penalty, fine, or forfeiture (violation infraction conviction): State Court Construction Penalty, Appendix C, pg. C-47 100% distribution to State (2/3 to ICNA and 1/3 to State Court Facilities Construction Fund) 21

  22. Parking Violations Statutes and Appendix C GC 76000.3 imposes a $3 penalty on every fine imposed for a parking infraction violation committed on or after January 1, 2011: Trial Court Trust Fund Parking Penalty, Appendix C, pg. C-51 Distribution to the State Trial Court Trust fund established by GC 68085 Effective until July 1, 2013 22

  23. Parking Violations Statutes and Appendix C GC 70373 requires a criminal conviction assessment of $35: Criminal Conviction Assessment, Appendix C, pg. C-47 100% distribution to State (ICNA fund GC 70371.5) 23

  24. Distribution Spreadsheets Disclaimer: All spreadsheets have been updated to reflect what we believe are the statutes in effect as of TODAY. Thus, they are subject to change based on laws that are effective subsequent to today s training. When using the spreadsheets, be sure the fines, penalties, and fees reflect the statutes in effect for the period being reviewed. 24

  25. Parking Violations Example 1 Notice of Parking Citation -- City and County of San Francisco Local Traffic Code Violation -- TC 202.1 Parking Meter/Downtown $72.00 Assumptions: 1 Under GC 76000 (b), the County Board of Supervisors has by resolution established the following two funds: a. GC 76100 - Courthouse Construction Fund b. GC 76101 - Criminal Justice Construction Fund 2 Assessment of a $3 penalty as the citation is a fine imposed for a parking infraction violation committed on or after January 1, 2011. The citation here is not a parking infraction violation. 3 No late fee under VC Section 40203.5 and SF Transportation Code Section 301. DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS BOS Req RECEIPIENT APPLICABLE FUND AMOUNT Ticket San Francisco TC 202.1 Parking Meter/Downtown 72.00 $ Specific Distributions 2 Gov. Code section 70372(b) State $ 4.50 State Court Facilities Construction Fund Immediate and Critical Needs 1/3 2/3 1.50 3.00 GC 70371.5 3 Gov. Code section 76000 (b) 76000 (d) 76000 (b) County County County Courthouse Construction Fund Criminal Justice Construction Fund County General Fund GC 76100 GC 76101 BOS BOS $ $ 1.50 1.50 100% 100% 1.50 1.50 2.00 4 Gov. Code section 76000 (c) $1 / $2.50 Total Specific Distributions 9.50 Amount to distribution to 'city' of the residual amount 62.50 $ Distribution by Entity City County State $ $ 62.50 5.00 4.50 72.00 NOTES: 1 BOS = Board of Supervisors of the County 2 GC section 76000(d) amount is reduced to $1 as of the date of transfer of responsibility for facilities from the county to the Judicial Council pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 70321 of Chapter 5.1, except as money is needed to pay for construction provided for in Section 76100 and undertaken prior to the transfer of responsibility for facilities from the county to the Judicial Council. 3 GC Section76000 (c) is the deposit of $1 of every $2.50 collected pursuant to subdivision (b) of 76000. 4 On each PARKING VIOLATION INFRACTION, a $3 penalty is added. The above example is not an infraction. Gov. Code section 76000.3 State State Trial Court Trust Fund Notwithstanding any other law, for each parking offense where a parking penalty, fine, or forfeiture is imposed, an added penalty of three dollars ($3) shall be imposed in addition to the penalty, fine, or forfeiture set by the city, district, or other issuing agency. 5 Gov. Code section allow for a criminal conviction assessment of $35 for each infraction conviction and $30 for each felony or misdemeanor conviction. GC 68085 $ 3.00 100% 25

  26. As of: 20- Parking Infraction RDTR-0313-PKINF001 3/5/2013 To ISSUE SUMMARY CASE INFORMATION COUNT 1 TEST STEPS (color codes): 1. Enter Case Information Case Number RDTR-0313-PKINF001 VC 22500(l) BASE FINE 250 2. Enter the base fine of violation per currrent UBS Violation Date 1/15/2013 Violation Description Parking in Bus Loading Area Priors 3. Enter the Court's GC 76000 PA per 10 amts Disposition Date 1/20/2013 Violation Type Traffic Infraction Enhanced BASE 250 4. Enter standard and Court-specific fees Arresting Agency Disposition Bail Forfeiture 5. If case's total fine is NOT standard, enter total fine and select TOP-DOWN from drop-down list County % 0% COUNT 2 (if any) BASE FINE 0 City % 100% Violation Description Priors 6. Enter Court's distribution codes & amts TOTAL Enhanced Base Violation Type Enhanced BASE 0 $250.00 7. Tickmark any FINDINGS numerically then detail below Portion of 10 Disposition 25 STANDARD BASE-UP COURT DISTRIBUTION FINDINGS 2% Per 10 DISTRIB ENTITY Standard- Per UBS DISTRIBUTION 2% Amt FINAL (After 2%) DISTRIB CODE or DESCRIPTION DISTRIB AMT VARIANCE Over/ (Under) COMMENTS Y - Def N BASE-UP (B-A) A B Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N PC 1463.001 - Base County PC 1463.002 - Base City PC 1464 - State PA (7/10) COUNTY CITY STATE COUNTY COUNTY STATE COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY STATE STATE STATE STATE 0.00 250.00 175.00 75.00 25.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 4.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 1029.00 40.00 35.00 0.00 5.00 3.50 1.50 0.50 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.08 1.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 245.00 171.50 73.50 24.50 98.00 49.00 49.00 24.50 24.50 24.50 49.00 3.92 73.50 49.00 50.00 1009.42 40.00 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (245.00) (171.50) (73.50) (24.50) (98.00) (49.00) (49.00) (24.50) (24.50) (24.50) (49.00) (3.92) (73.50) (49.00) (50.00) (1009.42) (40.00) (35.00) 7 3 1 4 PC 1464 - County PA (3/10) GC 76104.6 - DNA PA (1/10) GC 76104.7 - DNA Addl PA (4/10 eff 6-27-12; prev 3/10) 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 GC 76100 - LCCF GC 76101 - LCJF GC 76104 - EMS GC 76104.5 - DNA ID GC 76102 - Auto Fingerprint GC 76000 PA ($7 for every 10) breakdown per local board of supervisor resolution (BOS). GC 76000.5 - EMS Addl PA (BOS: 2/10) GC 76000.10(c) - EMAT Penalty ($4 eff 1-1-11) GC 70372(a) - SCFCF (5/10 minus LCCF) GC 70372(a) total is $5 for every 10 3.00 2.00 GC 70372(a) - ICNA (equal to LCCF) PC 1465.7 - 20% Surcharge SUBTOTAL 0.00 N N N N PC 1465.8 - Court Ops Assmnt ($40 eff 10-19-10) GC 70373 - Crim Conv Assmnt ($30 for misd/$35 for infr) VC 40508.6 - Priors/DMV Admin Fee (up to $10) PC 1205(e) - Install Fee OR AR Fee (BOS: Actual Costs OR up to $30) STATE STATE COURT COURT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Y N N VC 76000.3 - Parking Infraction Violation Assmnt ($3) VC 42006 - Night Court Assmnt ($1) GC 68090.8 - 2% State Automation (for fines, penalties & forfeitures STATE STATE STATE 3.00 1.00 0.06 0.00 2.94 1.00 19.64 (2.94) (1.00) (19.64) 19.64 TOTAL FINE 1108.00 1108.00 TOTAL 0.00 (1108.00) FINDINGS 26 1

  27. As of: 21- Traffic Infraction Equipment Violation RDTR-0313-TRINFEQ001 3/5/2013 To ISSUE SUMMARY CASE INFORMATION TEST STEPS (color codes): 1. Enter Case Information 2. Enter the base fine of violation per currrent UBS Case Number Violation Date RDTR-0313-TRINFEQ001COUNT 1 1/15/2013 VC 24400 (a) BASE FINE 25 Violation Description Headlamp Equipmnt Reqmnt Priors 3. Enter the Court's GC 76000 PA per 10 amts 4. Enter standard and Court-specific fees Disposition Date Arresting Agency 1/20/2013 Violation Type Traffic Infraction Disposition Bail Forfeiture COUNT 2 (if any) Enhanced BASE 25 5. If case's total fine is NOT standard, enter total fine and select TOP-DOWN from drop-down list County % 0% BASE FINE 0 City % 100% Violation Description Violation Type Priors 6. Enter Court's distribution codes & amts TOTAL Enhanced Base Enhanced BASE 0 $25.00 7. Tickmark any FINDINGS numerically then detail below Portion of 10 Disposition 3 STANDARD BASE-UP 2% Amt COURT DISTRIBUTION DISTRIB CODE or DESCRIPTION FINDINGS 2% Per 10 DISTRIB ENTITY Standard- Per UBS DISTRIBUTION FINAL (After 2%) DISTRIB AMT VARIANCE Over/ (Under) COMMENTS Y - Def N BASE-UP (B-A) A B Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N PC 1463.001 - Base County PC 1463.002 - Base City COUNTY CITY STATE COUNTY COUNTY STATE COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY COUNTY STATE STATE STATE STATE 0.00 25.00 21.00 9.00 3.00 12.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 4.00 9.00 6.00 5.00 121.00 40.00 35.00 0.00 0.50 0.42 0.18 0.06 0.24 0.12 0.12 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.12 0.08 0.18 0.12 0.00 0.00 24.50 20.58 8.82 2.94 11.76 5.88 5.88 2.94 2.94 2.94 5.88 3.92 8.82 5.88 5.00 118.68 40.00 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (24.50) (20.58) (8.82) (2.94) (11.76) (5.88) (5.88) (2.94) (2.94) (2.94) (5.88) (3.92) (8.82) (5.88) (5.00) (118.68) (40.00) (35.00) 0.00 0.00 7 3 1 4 PC 1464 - State PA (7/10) PC 1464 - County PA (3/10) GC 76104.6 - DNA PA (1/10) GC 76104.7 - DNA Addl PA (4/10 eff 6-27-12; prev 3/10) GC 76100 - LCCF GC 76101 - LCJF GC 76104 - EMS GC 76104.5 - DNA ID GC 76102 - Auto Fingerprint GC 76000.5 - EMS Addl PA (BOS: 2/10) GC 76000.10(c) - EMAT Penalty ($4 eff 1-1-11) GC 70372(a) - SCFCF (5/10 minus LCCF) 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 GC 76000 PA ($7 for every 10) breakdown per local board of supervisor resolution (BOS). GC 70372(a) total is $5 for every 10 3.00 2.00 GC 70372(a) - ICNA (equal to LCCF) PC 1465.7 - 20% Surcharge SUBTOTAL 0.00 N N N N PC 1465.8 - Court Ops Assmnt ($40 eff 10-19-10) GC 70373 - Crim Conv Assmnt ($30 for misd/$35 for infr) VC 40508.6 - Priors/DMV Admin Fee (up to $10) PC 1205(e) - Install Fee OR AR Fee (BOS: Actual Costs OR up to $30) VC 42006 - Night Court Assmnt ($1) STATE STATE COURT COURT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N N STATE STATE 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.32 (1.00) (2.32) GC 68090.8 - 2% State Automation (for fines, penalties & forfeitures 2.32 TOTAL FINE 197.00 197.00 TOTAL 0.00 (197.00) FINDINGS 27 1

  28. BREAKOUT SESSION 1 Recap Covered the Following: Parking violations 1993 revision of parking infractions to administrative offenses Vehicle Code section 463 - definition of parking Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedule parking infractions Parking Infractions Equipment Violations on Parking Citations VC 40225(a) (c) VC 40303.5 SCO Appendix C - some applicable statutory sections Parking Distribution Examples 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 28


  30. END OF BREAKOUT SESSION 1 Parking 30


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