Music Preferences in French
Dive into the world of music preferences with French vocabulary and structures. Understand expressions like "J'aime chanter" (I like to sing) and "Je vais chanter" (I am going to sing), and learn how to construct coherent answers about favorite music, singers, and songs. Explore a model paragraph expressing love for pop music and Katy Perry, while also delving into personal musical interests and aspirations.
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Pour Commencer... What do each of the sentences below mean in English? 1. J aime chanter 2. Je chante 3. Je chantais 4. J ai chant 5. Je vais chanter 6. Je chanterai 7. Je voudrais chanter
Lesson Outcomes Grade C Can you recall the vocabulary and structures on the topic of music in French? Grade B Can you construct accurate and coherent answers to speaking questions? Grade A Can you develop answers by giving extra details, including using different tenses, opinions, reasons and high-level structures?
Les rponses... 1. J aime chanter = I like to sing 2. Je chante = I sing 3. Je chantais = I used to sing 4. J ai chant = I sang 5. Je vais chanter = I am going to sing 6. Je chanterai = I will sing 7. Je voudrais chanter = I would like to sing Grade C Can you recall the vocabulary and structures on the topic of music in French? Grade B Can you construct accurate and coherent answers to speaking questions? Grade A Can you develop answers by giving extra details, including using different tenses, opinions, reasons and high-level structures?
Music Paragraph 1 What type of music do you like? How often do you listen to it? How does music make you feel? Who is your favourite band / singer? + why? What is your favourite song? + why? Can you describe the lyrics / tempo? What type of music do you not listen to + why? Grade C Can you recall the vocabulary and structures on the topic of music in French? Grade B Can you construct accurate and coherent answers to speaking questions? Grade A Can you develop answers by giving extra details, including using different tenses, opinions, reasons and high-level structures?
Model Paragraph 1 Moi, j adore la musique pop, car a me relaxe beaucoup. Ma chanteuse pr f r e est Katy Perry, car mon avis, elle chante tr s bien. Je dirais qu elle a un super voix! J adore la chanson qui s appelle Firework , car c est amusant! En fait, l ann e derni re, je suis all e au concert de Katy Perry avec mes copains et c tait parfait! Les paroles de ses chansons sont mouvants et j ai dans beaucoup! l autre bout de l chelle, je n aime pas la musique rap car je pr f re la musique classique. Je joue du violon et je voudrais jouer du piano l avenir. Je sais que la musique est ma passion et elle m int resse beaucoup. Grade C Can you recall the vocabulary and structures on the topic of music in French? Grade B Can you construct accurate and coherent answers to speaking questions? Grade A Can you develop answers by giving extra details, including using different tenses, opinions, reasons and high-level structures?
Model Paragraph 1 - extended Moi, j adore la musique et je dirais qu elle est ma passion. Je l coute tous les jours car elle me met de bonne humeur. J aime beaucoup de types de musique et donc la musique sur mon iPod est tr s vari e. J coute souvent de la musique pop, quand je suis heureuse parce que a me donne envie de danser, mais quand je suis triste, je pr f re couter de la musique classique. Je suis fan de la musique danse et j ai toujours aim ce genre de musique, mais en fait j aime plus le rock, car mon avis, c est une tr s bonne musique pour faire la f te. Je joue de la guitare depuis 7 ans et je trouve que la musique m aide exprimer mes sentiments. Mon type de musique pr f r est la musique pop car j adore toutes les chansons de ce genre. Ma chanteuse pr f r e est B yonce, car selon moi elle chante tr s bien Elle a une super voix. J aime ses vid os et je les regarde beaucoup puisqu elle danse super bien ! J adore sa chanson, qui s appelle Run the World car c est original et les paroles sont mouvantes. C est branch et tous mes copains l coutent au coll ge. On l'entend souvent la radio. B yonce est la meilleure et je voudrais lui ressembler ! De plus, j aime bien le tempo de la chanson Single Ladies mais elle n est pas ma chanson pr f r e. Bien que j aime la musique pop, j aime aussi la musique classique par exemple mon compositeur de musique pr f r est Bach. La musique est lente, relaxante et j aime me reposer dans mon lit quand je l coute. Elle m aide me relaxer et dormir. Ce que j aime le moins est la musque reggae et je la d teste ! A mon avis, c est moche et je ne l coute jamais. Grade C Can you recall the vocabulary and structures on the topic of music in French? Grade B Can you construct accurate and coherent answers to speaking questions? Grade A Can you develop answers by giving extra details, including using different tenses, opinions, reasons and high-level structures?
Music Paragraph 2 Have you been to a music concert? Who did you see? When? Where? Who with? What did you think of it? What did you do before / during / after the concert? Grade C Can you recall the vocabulary and structures on the topic of music in French? Grade B Can you construct accurate and coherent answers to speaking questions? Grade A Can you develop answers by giving extra details, including using different tenses, opinions, reasons and high-level structures?
Model Paragraph 2 L ann e derni re, je suis all e voir Rhianna en concert et je dois dire que c tait absolument fantastique. J y suis all e avec mes copains Nottingham Arena ou le concert a eu lieu. J ai d cide d y aller car elle est une de mes chanteuses pr f r es. Nous avons dans toute la nuit car quand j coute ses chansons, j ai toujours envie de danser et de me d fouler. Nous avons chant car nous connaissons toutes ses chansons et bien s r les paroles. J ai pris des photos et apr s avoir vu le concert, j ai achet pleins de souvenirs. Je voulais avoir son autographe mais malheureusement il y avait trop de monde. C tait une exp rience vraiment inoubliable ! Grade C Can you recall the vocabulary and structures on the topic of music in French? Grade B Can you construct accurate and coherent answers to speaking questions? Grade A Can you develop answers by giving extra details, including using different tenses, opinions, reasons and high-level structures?
Music Paragraph 3 Will you go to a concert in the future? Who will you see? When? Where? Who with? What will you do before / during / after the concert? Grade C Can you recall the vocabulary and structures on the topic of music in French? Grade B Can you construct accurate and coherent answers to speaking questions? Grade A Can you develop answers by giving extra details, including using different tenses, opinions, reasons and high-level structures?
Modal Paragraph 3 L ann e prochaine, je vais aller un concert de B yonce avec mes copains. Nous voyagerons en car Nottingham Area o nous allons voir le concert! Avant le concert, nous mangerons dans un restaurant et pendant le concert, nous danserons et nous allons chanter beaucoup. Apr s le concert, je vais acheter un CD et ma copine va prendre un photo de moi avec Beyonc ! Je pense que ce sera super et incroyable! Grade C Can you recall the vocabulary and structures on the topic of music in French? Grade B Can you construct accurate and coherent answers to speaking questions? Grade A Can you develop answers by giving extra details, including using different tenses, opinions, reasons and high-level structures?
Now write your first 3 paragraphs! PARA 3 PARA 1 PARA 2 Will you go to a concert in the future? Who will you see? When? Where? Who with? What will you do before / during / after the concert? What type of music do you like? How often do you listen to it? How does music make you feel? Who is your favourite band / singer? + why? What is your favourite song? + why? Can you describe the lyrics / tempo? What type of music do you not listen to + why? Have you been to a music concert? Who did you see? When? Where? Who with? What did you think of it? What did you do before / during / after the concert? Grade C Can you recall the vocabulary and structures on the topic of music in French? Grade B Can you construct accurate and coherent answers to speaking questions? Grade A Can you develop answers by giving extra details, including using different tenses, opinions, reasons and high-level structures?
Lesson Outcomes Grade C Can you recall the vocabulary and structures on the topic of music in French? Grade B Can you construct accurate and coherent answers to speaking questions? Grade A Can you develop answers by giving extra details, including using different tenses, opinions, reasons and high-level structures?
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