Internet Footprinting for Enhanced Security

Internet Security
Foot Printing
Defiana Arnaldy, M.Si
0818 0296 4763
Definition of Foot Printing
Internet foot printing
Sun Tzu on the Art of War:
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not
fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory
gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will
succumb in every battle."
Definition: the gathering of information about
a potential system or network (the fine art of
gathering target information)
a.k.a. fingerprinting
Attacker’s point of view
Identify potential target systems
Identify which types of attacks may be useful on
target systems
Defender’s point of view
Know available tools
May be able to tell if system is being footprinted,
be more prepared for possible attack
Vulnerability analysis: know what information
you’re giving away, what weaknesses you have
Information to Gather
System (Local or Remote)
IP Address, Name and Domain
Operating System
Type (Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac)
Version (98/NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7,
Redhat, Fedora, SuSe, Ubuntu, OS X)
Usernames (and their passwords)
File structure
Open Ports (what services/programs are
running on the system)
Information to Gather (2)
Networks / Enterprises
System information for all hosts
Network topology
Overall topology
Network traffic information
Specialized servers
Web, Database, FTP, Email, etc.
Defender Perspective
Identify information you’re giving away
Identify weaknesses in systems/network
Know when systems/network is being probed
Identify source of probe
Develop awareness of threat
Construct audit trail of activity
Why Is Footprinting Necessary?
Footprinting is necessary to systematically and
methodically ensure that all pieces of information related
to the aforementioned technologies are identified
Footprinting is often the most arduous task of trying to
determine the security posture of an entity; however, it
is one of the most important.
Footprinting must be performed accurately and in a
controlled fashion
Without a sound methodology for performing this type of
reconnaissance, you are likely to miss key pieces of
information related to a specific technology or
Internet Footprinting
Step 1: Determine the Scope of Your Activities
determine the scope of your footprinting activities
Are you going to footprint the entire organization, or limit your
activities to certain subsidiaries or locations?
What about business partner connections (extranets), or
disaster-recovery sites?
Are there other relationships or considerations?
Unfortunately, hackers have no sympathy for our struggles.
They exploit our weaknesses in whatever forms they
manifest themselves. You do not want hackers to know
more about your security posture than you do!
Step 2: Get Proper Authorization
One thing hackers can usually disregard that you must pay
particular attention to is what we techies affectionately refer
to as layers eight and nine of the seven-layer OSI Model—
Politics and Funding
Do you have authorization to proceed with your activities?
what exactly are your activities?
Is the authorization from the right person(s)?
Is it in writing?
Are the target IP addresses the right ones?
Step 3: Publicly Available Information
Company web pages
Related organizations
Location details
Phone numbers, contact names, e-mail addresses, and personal
Current events (mergers, acquisitions, layoffs, rapid growth,
Privacy or security policies, and technical details indicating the
types of security mechanisms in place
Archived information
Disgruntled employees
Search engines, Usenet, and resumes
Other information of interest
Step 4: WHOIS & DNS Enumeration
So who is "managing" the Internet today, you ask? These
core functions of the Internet are "managed" by a nonprofit
organization named the Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers (ICANN;
ICANN is a technical coordination body for the Internet.
Created in October 1998 by a broad coalition of the
Internet's business, technical, academic, and user
communities, ICANN is assuming responsibility for a set of
technical functions previously performed under U.S.
government contract by the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority (IANA;
) and other groups.
(In practice, IANA still handles much of the day-to-day
operations, but these will eventually be transitioned to
Specifically, ICANN coordinates the assignment of the
following identifiers that must be globally unique for the
Internet to function:
Internet domain names
IP address numbers
Protocol parameters and port numbers
In addition, ICANN coordinates the stable operation of
the Internet's root DNS server system.
To be thorough, we could have done the same searches via the
command-line WHOIS client with the following three commands:
whois com -h
whois -h
whois -h
There are also several websites that attempt to automate this
process with varying degrees of success:
Last but not least, there are several GUIs available that will assist
you in your searches too:
NetScan Tools Pro
Step 5: DNS Interrogation
After identifying all the associated domains, you can begin
to query the DNS. DNS is a distributed database used to
map IP addresses to hostnames, and vice versa. If DNS is
configured insecurely, it is possible to obtain revealing
information about the organization.
One of the most serious misconfigurations a system
administrator can make is allowing untrusted Internet users
to perform a DNS zone transfer
zone transfer
 allows a secondary master server to
update its zone database from the primary master
This provides for redundancy when running DNS, should
the primary name server become unavailable.
Generally, a DNS zone transfer needs to be performed
only by secondary master DNS servers
Many DNS servers, however, are misconfigured and
provide a copy of the zone to anyone who asks.
A simple way to perform a zone transfer is to use the
nslookup client that is usually provided with most UNIX and
Windows implementations. We can use nslookup in
interactive mode, as follows:
Default Server:
> Server:
set type=any
ls -d >\> /tmp/zone_out
Step 6: Network Reconnaissance
Now that we have identified potential networks, we can
attempt to determine their network topology as well as
potential access paths into the network.
To accomplish this task, we can use the traceroute
) program that
comes with most flavors of UNIX and is provided in
Windows. In Windows, it is spelled tracert due to the 8.3
legacy filename issues.
traceroute is a diagnostic tool originally written by Van
Jacobson that lets you view the route that an IP packet
follows from one host to the next. traceroute uses the time-
tolive (TTL) option in the IP packet to elicit an ICMP
TIME_EXCEEDED message from each router
traceroute may allow you to discover the network
topology employed by the target network, in addition to
identifying access control devices (such as an
applicationbased firewall or packet-filtering routers) that
may be filtering our traffic
Most of what we have done up to this point with
traceroute has been command-line oriented. For the
graphically inclined, you can use
VisualRoute (
NeoTrace (
), or
Trout (
Tools - Linux
Some basic Linux tools -  lower level utilities
Local System
who, last
Remote Systems
nslookup, dig
arp, netstat (also local system)
Other tools
Tools – Linux (2)
Other utilities
wireshark (packet sniffing)
nmap (port scanning) -  more later
Ubuntu Linux
Go to System /  Administration /  Network Tools – get interface
to collection of tools: ping, netstat, traceroute, port scan,
nslookup, finger, whois
Tools - Windows
Sam Spade (collected network tools)
Wireshark (packet sniffer)
Command line tools
Many others…
Determine host name of current system
Usage: hostname
E.g. hostname
// default
E.g. hostname
Configure network interface
Tells current IP numbers for host system
Usage: ifconfig
E.g. ifconfig
   // command alone: display status
Link encap: Ethernet
   HWaddr 00:0C:29:CD:F6:D3
   inet addr:
. . .
Link encap: Local
inet addr:
. . .
Basic tool to show users on current system
Useful for identifying unusual activity (e.g. activity by
newly created accounts or inactive accounts)
Usage: who
E.g. who
Jan 9 12:46
Jan 9 12:52
Show last N users on system
Default: since last cycling of file
-N: last N lines
Useful for identifying unusual activity in recent past
Usage: last [-n]
E.g. last -3
wagnerpj pts/1   Sat Feb  5 15:40   still logged in
flinstf    pts/0     Sat Feb  5 15:38   still logged in
rubbleb pts/0   Sat Feb  5 14:38 - 15:25  (00:46)
Potential Uses
Is system online?
Through response
Gather name information
Through DNS
Tentatively Identify operating system
Based on TTL (packet Time To Live) on each packet line
TTL = number of hops allowed to get to system
64 is Linux default, 128 is Windows default (but can be
Uses ICMP packets
Often blocked on many hosts; more useful within network
Usage: ping 
E.g. ping
E.g. ping localhost
Potential Uses
Determine physical location of machine
Gather network information (gateway, other
internal systems)
Find system that’s dropping your packets –
evidence of a firewall
Can use UDP or ICMP packets
Results often limited by firewalls
Several GUI-based traceroute utilities available
Usage: traceroute 
E.g. traceroute
traceroute example - blocked
[wagnerpj@data ~]$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30
hops max, 38 byte packets
1 (  0.247 ms
0.220 ms  0.208 ms
2 (
0.245 ms  0.229 ms  0.220 ms
(  1.315 ms  1.194 ms  1.343 ms
4  * * *
[wagnerpj@data ~]$
traceroute example - success
Tracing route to
 [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms []
2     4 ms     6 ms     3 ms []
3     2 ms     1 ms     2 ms []
4    17 ms    17 ms    17 ms []
5    18 ms    16 ms    18 ms []
6    17 ms    18 ms    19 ms []
7    18 ms    19 ms    21 ms []
8    18 ms    17 ms    18 ms []
9    15 ms    16 ms    16 ms
10    16 ms    16 ms    18 ms
11    21 ms    19 ms    17 ms
12    18 ms    16 ms    16 ms
Trace complete.
Visual Traceroute Example
Potential Uses
Queries nicname/whois servers for Internet registration
Can gather contacts, names, geographic information,
servers, … - useful for social engineering attacks
Usage: whois 
e.g. whois
whois example - basic
Domain Name: UWEC.EDU
   University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
   105 Garfield Avenue
   Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004
   Administrative Contact:
   Computing and Networking Services
   105 Garfield Ave
   Eau Claire, WI 54701
   (715) 836-5711
Name Servers:
whois example - wildcards
Your search has matched multiple domains.
Below are the domains you matched (up to 100). For
information on one of these domains, please search on
that domain.
Potential Uses
Query internet name servers
Find name for IP address, and vice versa
Now deprecated – generally use dig
Sometimes useful when dig fails
nslookup xxxxxxx
// name or IP addr.
E.g. nslookup
E.g. dig
Potential Uses
Domain Name Service (DNS) lookup utility
Associate name with IP address and vice versa
Many command options
General usage: dig <somehost>
E.g. dig
E.g. dig
Tracks addresses, interfaces accessed by system
Possible uses
Find systems that your system has recently talked to
// display names
arp –n
// display numeric addresses
Shows connections, routing
information, statistics
Possible uses
find systems that your system has recently
talked to, find recently used ports
Many flags
// open sockets, etc.
netstat –s 
// summary statistics
netstat – r
// routing tables
netstat – p
// programs
netstat – l
// listening sockets
Lists open files on your system
Useful to see what processes are working with what
files, possibly identify tampering
Usage: lsof
Windows Tools
Sam Spade
“swiss army knife” of footprinting
Has most of the Linux tools
Plus other functionality
Start application
Fill in name or IP address
Choose option desired in menus
Packet Sniffers
Definition: Hardware or software that can display
network traffic packet information
Network traffic analysis
Example packet sniffers
tcpdump (command line, Linux)
wireshark (GUI interface, Linux, Windows – open source)
Limitations – Packet Sniffing
Packet sniffers only catch what they can see
Users attached to hub – can see everything
Users attached to switch – only see own traffic
Wireless – wireless access point is like hub
Need to be able to put your network interface card (NIC) in
“promiscuous” mode to be able to process all traffic, not just traffic
for/from itself
NIC must support
Need privilege (e.g. root in Linux)
OSI Network Protocol
Layer 7 – Application (incl. app. content)
Layer 6 – Presentation
Layer 5 – Session
Layer 4 – Transport (incl. protocol, port)
Layer 3 – Network (incl. source, dest)
Layer 2 – Data Link
Layer 1 – Physical
Created as tool to examine network problems in 1997
Various contributors added pieces; released 1998
Name change (2007): ethereal -> wireshark
Works with other packet filter formats
Using wireshark
Ubuntu – Applications / Internet / Wireshark (as
Enter your administrative account pw: user
Capture/Interfaces/eth0:, Start
Capture window shows accumulated totals for
different types of packets
Stop – packets now displayed
Top window – packet summary
Can sort by column – source, destination, protocol are
Middle window – packet breakdown
Click on + icons for detail at each packet level
Bottom window – packet content
Wireshark capture analysis
Can save a session to a capture file
Can reopen file later for further analysis
Open capture file
Ubuntu: /home/user/Support/MOBILEcapture.cap
W2K3: C:\Support\MOBILEcapture.cap
Identify and follow different TCP streams
Select TCP packet, Analyze/Follow TCP Stream
MOBILEcapture.cap has http, https, ftp, ssh streams
Any interesting information out there?
HINT: follow stream on an ftp packet
Related Tool
TCP sniffer
Watch and reset connections
Hijack sessions
Spoof MAC address
Spoof DNS name
Related Tool
EtherPEG – image capture on network
Basic tools can generate much information
Remember principle of accumulating information
Attacker will build on smaller pieces to get bigger pieces
Message to defenders: don’t give away any information if you
can avoid it
McClure S., Joel S. Hacking Exposed 5
Slide Note

Internet footprinting, also known as fingerprinting, involves gathering valuable information about a target system or network to identify potential vulnerabilities and prepare against potential attacks. It encompasses data gathering techniques, vulnerability analysis, and perspectives from both attackers and defenders. By understanding the importance of footprinting, organizations can enhance their cybersecurity measures and stay one step ahead of potential threats.

  • Internet Security
  • Footprinting
  • Cybersecurity
  • Information Gathering
  • Vulnerability Analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Internet Security Foot Printing Defiana Arnaldy, M.Si 0818 0296 4763

  2. Overview Definition of Foot Printing Internet foot printing

  3. Sun Tzu on the Art of War: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

  4. WHAT IS FOOTPRINTING? Definition: the gathering of information about a potential system or network (the fine art of gathering target information) a.k.a. fingerprinting Attacker s point of view Identify potential target systems Identify which types of attacks may be useful on target systems Defender s point of view Know available tools May be able to tell if system is being footprinted, be more prepared for possible attack Vulnerability analysis: know what information you re giving away, what weaknesses you have

  5. Information to Gather System (Local or Remote) IP Address, Name and Domain Operating System Type (Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac) Version (98/NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7, Redhat, Fedora, SuSe, Ubuntu, OS X) Usernames (and their passwords) File structure Open Ports (what services/programs are running on the system)

  6. Information to Gather (2) Networks / Enterprises System information for all hosts Network topology Gateways Firewalls Overall topology Network traffic information Specialized servers Web, Database, FTP, Email, etc.

  7. Defender Perspective Identify information you re giving away Identify weaknesses in systems/network Know when systems/network is being probed Identify source of probe Develop awareness of threat Construct audit trail of activity

  8. Why Is Footprinting Necessary? Footprinting methodically ensure that all pieces of information related to the aforementioned technologies are identified is necessary to systematically and Footprinting is often the most arduous task of trying to determine the security posture of an entity; however, it is one of the most important. Footprinting must be performed accurately and in a controlled fashion Without a sound methodology for performing this type of reconnaissance, you are likely to miss key pieces of information related to organization a specific technology or

  9. Internet Footprinting Step 1: Determine the Scope of Your Activities determine the scope of your footprinting activities Are you going to footprint the entire organization, or limit your activities to certain subsidiaries or locations? What disaster-recovery sites? about business partner connections (extranets), or Are there other relationships or considerations? Unfortunately, hackers have no sympathy for our struggles. They exploit our weaknesses manifest themselves. You do not want hackers to know more about your security posture than you do! in whatever forms they

  10. Step 2: Get Proper Authorization One thing hackers can usually disregard that you must pay particular attention to is what we techies affectionately refer to as layers eight and nine of the seven-layer OSI Model Politics and Funding Do you have authorization to proceed with your activities? what exactly are your activities? Is the authorization from the right person(s)? Is it in writing? Are the target IP addresses the right ones?

  11. Step 3: Publicly Available Information Company web pages Related organizations Location details Phone numbers, contact names, e-mail addresses, and personal details Current events (mergers, acquisitions, layoffs, rapid growth, etc.) Privacy or security policies, and technical details indicating the types of security mechanisms in place Archived information Disgruntled employees Search engines, Usenet, and resumes Other information of interest

  12. Step 4: WHOIS & DNS Enumeration So who is "managing" the Internet today, you ask? These core functions of the Internet are "managed" by a nonprofit organization named the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN; ICANN is a technical coordination body for the Internet. Created in October 1998 by a broad coalition of the Internet's business, technical, communities, ICANN is assuming responsibility for a set of technical functions previously government contract by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA; and other groups. (In practice, IANA still handles much of the day-to-day operations, but these will eventually be transitioned to ICANN.) academic, and user performed under U.S.

  13. Specifically, ICANN coordinates the assignment of the following identifiers that must be globally unique for the Internet to function: Internet domain names IP address numbers Protocol parameters and port numbers In addition, ICANN coordinates the stable operation of the Internet's root DNS server system.

  14. To be thorough, we could have done the same searches via the command-line WHOIS client with the following three commands: [bash]$ whois com -h [bash]$ whois -h [bash]$ whois -h There are also several websites that attempt to automate this process with varying degrees of success: Last but not least, there are several GUIs available that will assist you in your searches too: SamSpade SuperScan NetScan Tools Pro

  15. Step 5: DNS Interrogation After identifying all the associated domains, you can begin to query the DNS. DNS is a distributed database used to map IP addresses to hostnames, and vice versa. If DNS is configured insecurely, it is possible to obtain revealing information about the organization. One administrator can make is allowing untrusted Internet users to perform a DNS zone transfer of the most serious misconfigurations a system

  16. A zone transfer allows a secondary master server to update its zone database from the primary master This provides for redundancy when running DNS, should the primary name server become unavailable. Generally, a DNS zone transfer needs to be performed only by secondary master DNS servers Many DNS servers, however, are misconfigured and provide a copy of the zone to anyone who asks.

  17. A simple way to perform a zone transfer is to use the nslookup client that is usually provided with most UNIX and Windows implementations. We can use nslookup in interactive mode, as follows: [bash]$ nslookup Default Server: Address: > Server: Address: Name: Address: > set type=any > ls -d >\> /tmp/zone_out

  18. Step 6: Network Reconnaissance Now that we have identified potential networks, we can attempt to determine their network topology as well as potential access paths into the network. To accomplish ( comes with most flavors of UNIX and is provided in Windows. In Windows, it is spelled tracert due to the 8.3 legacy filename issues. this task, we can use the program traceroute that traceroute is a diagnostic tool originally written by Van Jacobson that lets you view the route that an IP packet follows from one host to the next. traceroute uses the time- tolive (TTL) option in the IP packet to elicit an ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED message from each router

  19. traceroute topology employed by the target network, in addition to identifying access control applicationbased firewall or packet-filtering routers) that may be filtering our traffic may allow you to discover the network devices (such as an Most of what we have done up to this point with traceroute has been command-line oriented. For the graphically inclined, you can use VisualRoute (, NeoTrace (, or Trout (

  20. Tools - Linux Some basic Linux tools - lower level utilities Local System hostname ifconfig who, last Remote Systems ping traceroute nslookup, dig whois arp, netstat (also local system) Other tools lsof

  21. Tools Linux (2) Other utilities wireshark (packet sniffing) nmap (port scanning) - more later Ubuntu Linux Go to System / Administration / Network Tools get interface to collection of tools: ping, netstat, traceroute, port scan, nslookup, finger, whois

  22. Tools - Windows Windows Sam Spade (collected network tools) Wireshark (packet sniffer) Command line tools ipconfig Many others

  23. hostname Determine host name of current system Usage: hostname E.g. hostname localhost.localdomain // default E.g. hostname

  24. ifconfig Configure network interface Tells current IP numbers for host system Usage: ifconfig E.g. ifconfig // command alone: display status eth0 Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:CD:F6:D3 inet addr: . . . lo Link encap: Local Loopback inet addr: . . .

  25. who Basic tool to show users on current system Useful for identifying unusual activity (e.g. activity by newly created accounts or inactive accounts) Usage: who E.g. who root tty1 Jan 9 12:46 paultty2 Jan 9 12:52

  26. last Show last N users on system Default: since last cycling of file -N: last N lines Useful for identifying unusual activity in recent past Usage: last [-n] E.g. last -3 wagnerpj pts/1 Sat Feb 5 15:40 still logged in flinstf pts/0 Sat Feb 5 15:38 still logged in rubbleb pts/0 Sat Feb 5 14:38 - 15:25 (00:46)

  27. ping Potential Uses Is system online? Through response Gather name information Through DNS Tentatively Identify operating system Based on TTL (packet Time To Live) on each packet line TTL = number of hops allowed to get to system 64 is Linux default, 128 is Windows default (but can be changed!) Notes Uses ICMP packets Often blocked on many hosts; more useful within network Usage: ping system E.g. ping E.g. ping localhost

  28. traceroute Potential Uses Determine physical location of machine Gather network information (gateway, other internal systems) Find system that s dropping your packets evidence of a firewall Notes Can use UDP or ICMP packets Results often limited by firewalls Several GUI-based traceroute utilities available Usage: traceroute system E.g. traceroute

  29. traceroute example - blocked [wagnerpj@data ~]$ traceroute traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets 1 ( 0.247 ms 0.220 ms 0.208 ms 2 ( 0.245 ms 0.229 ms 0.220 ms 3 ( 1.315 ms 1.194 ms 1.343 ms 4 * * * <ctrl-c> [wagnerpj@data ~]$

  30. traceroute example - success H:\>tracert Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <1 ms 4 ms 2 ms 17 ms 18 ms 17 ms 18 ms 18 ms 15 ms [] 16 ms 21 ms 18 ms <1 ms 6 ms 1 ms 17 ms 16 ms 18 ms 19 ms 17 ms 16 ms <1 ms [] 3 ms [] 2 ms [] 17 ms [] 18 ms [] 19 ms [] 21 ms [] 18 ms [] 16 ms 10 11 12 16 ms 19 ms 16 ms 18 ms 17 ms 16 ms Trace complete.

  31. Visual Traceroute Example

  32. whois Potential Uses Queries nicname/whois servers for Internet registration information Can gather contacts, names, geographic information, servers, - useful for social engineering attacks Notes Usage: whois domain e.g. whois

  33. whois example - basic Domain Name: UWEC.EDU Registrant: University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire 105 Garfield Avenue Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004 UNITED STATES Contacts: Administrative Contact: Computing and Networking Services 105 Garfield Ave Eau Claire, WI 54701 UNITED STATES (715) 836-5711 Name Servers: TOMATO.UWEC.EDU LETTUCE.UWEC.EDU BACON.UWEC.EDU

  34. whois example - wildcards whois Your search has matched multiple domains. Below are the domains you matched (up to 100). For specific information on one of these domains, please search on that domain. UW.EDU UWA.EDU UWB.EDU UWC.EDU UWEC.EDU UWEST.EDU UWEX.EDU .

  35. nslookup Potential Uses Query internet name servers Find name for IP address, and vice versa Notes Now deprecated generally use dig Sometimes useful when dig fails Usage nslookup xxxxxxx // name or IP addr. E.g. nslookup E.g. dig

  36. dig Potential Uses Domain Name Service (DNS) lookup utility Associate name with IP address and vice versa Notes Many command options General usage: dig <somehost> E.g. dig E.g. dig

  37. arp Tracks addresses, interfaces accessed by system Possible uses Find systems that your system has recently talked to Notes arp // display names arp n // display numeric addresses

  38. netstat Shows connections, routing information, statistics Possible uses find systems that your system has recently talked to, find recently used ports Notes Many flags netstat // open sockets, etc. netstat s // summary statistics netstat r // routing tables netstat p // programs netstat l // listening sockets

  39. lsof Lists open files on your system Useful to see what processes are working with what files, possibly identify tampering Usage: lsof

  40. Windows Tools Sam Spade swiss army knife of footprinting Has most of the Linux tools Plus other functionality Usage Start application Fill in name or IP address Choose option desired in menus

  41. Packet Sniffers Definition: Hardware or software that can display network traffic packet information Usage Network traffic analysis Example packet sniffers tcpdump (command line, Linux) wireshark (GUI interface, Linux, Windows open source) others

  42. Limitations Packet Sniffing Packet sniffers only catch what they can see Users attached to hub can see everything Users attached to switch only see own traffic Wireless wireless access point is like hub Need to be able to put your network interface card (NIC) in promiscuous mode to be able to process all traffic, not just traffic for/from itself NIC must support Need privilege (e.g. root in Linux)

  43. OSI Network Protocol Layer 7 Application (incl. app. content) Layer 6 Presentation Layer 5 Session Layer 4 Transport (incl. protocol, port) Layer 3 Network (incl. source, dest) Layer 2 Data Link Layer 1 Physical

  44. wireshark Created as tool to examine network problems in 1997 Various contributors added pieces; released 1998 Name change (2007): ethereal -> wireshark Works with other packet filter formats Information Demonstration

  45. Using wireshark Ubuntu Applications / Internet / Wireshark (as root) Enter your administrative account pw: user Capture/Interfaces/eth0:, Start Capture window shows accumulated totals for different types of packets Stop packets now displayed Top window packet summary Can sort by column source, destination, protocol are useful Middle window packet breakdown Click on + icons for detail at each packet level Bottom window packet content

  46. Wireshark capture analysis Can save a session to a capture file Can reopen file later for further analysis Open capture file Ubuntu: /home/user/Support/MOBILEcapture.cap W2K3: C:\Support\MOBILEcapture.cap Identify and follow different TCP streams Select TCP packet, Analyze/Follow TCP Stream MOBILEcapture.cap has http, https, ftp, ssh streams Any interesting information out there? HINT: follow stream on an ftp packet

  47. Related Tool Hunt TCP sniffer Watch and reset connections Hijack sessions Spoof MAC address Spoof DNS name

  48. Related Tool EtherPEG image capture on network

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