Helping Your Trainee Prepare for ARCP & ESSR March 2021
Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) is crucial for assessing a trainee's progress, determining competency, and providing feedback. Understanding ARCP details, outcomes, and the panel's role is essential. Trainees should aim for satisfactory progress to avoid additional training time. The recently updated Outcome 10 (Covid) offers support for trainees impacted by delays due to Covid-19. Preparation is key to ensure a successful ARCP outcome.
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How to help your trainee prepare for the ARCP & completing the ESSR March 2021
ARCP: Annual Review of Competence Progression Summative assessment, demonstrating trainee has met the curriculum requirements Assesses trainee achievements & learning to determine whether can progress to the next stage Provides feedback to remediate poor performance Be a fair, consistent, documented method Quality assure training Provides advice to responsible officer about revalidation
ARCP details Full details about the ARCP & detailed role of the ES can be found in 'The Gold Guide' A summary can be found on the HEYH website assessments-wpba-appraisal-arcp-and-cct/training-arcps All trainees have an ARCP. This includes LTFT trainees, academic trainees An ARCP results in an outcome
The ARCP Panel Best way to see is in action ie offer to help on the panel! Currently virtual Panel consists of TPD, and minimum of 2 other trainers. May also be lay rep, HoS, APD Good way to learn from other ESs Trainees not usually present* Panel members given virtual access to trainees LLP approx one week prior
ARCP outcomes 1: Satisfactory progress. Achieving progress at expected rate 2: Development of specific competencies/capabilities required. Additional training time not required 3: Inadequate progress. Additional training time required 4: Released from training programme - with or without specified competencies/capabilities 5: Incomplete evidence presented. Additional training time may be required 6: Recommendation for completion of training programme (Core, CCT) Outcomes 7, 8 & no outcome issued Appeals guidance on HEYH website
Outcome 10 (Covid) Updated guidance for outcomes includes additional outcome if trainee achieving progress & development of competencies/capabilities at expected rate but acquisition of some of these delayed due to impact of Covid-19 These outcomes are no fault outcomes Outcomes still active (Jan 2021) either 10.1 or 10.2 & can be awarded at any point in training programme If outcome 10.1 awarded then trainee can progress to next stage If outcome 10.2 awarded, additional training time required. This will be due to trainee being at critical progression point
ARCP Checklists The National RCoA ARCP Checklist has detail about the contents of the ESSR 02/RCoA%20National%20ARCP%20Checklist%20V5.pdf There is an amended checklist for ARCPs during Covid 05/National%20Anaesthetic%20ARCP%20Checklist%20C OVID-19.pdf
Tips for your trainee Trainee needs to edit placement/profile on LLP for each rotation & select ES Encourage to upload evidence to LLP contemporaneously Create PDP at initial meeting. Set goals & close once completed. New objectives can be added throughout the year Logbook: Use of logbook on LLP strongly advised Direct to HEYH website - excellent guide/flowchart to preparation for ARCPs & other FAQs -your-arcp
Supervisory meetings/ Educational review Minimum of three during placement: Initial meeting, midterm review(s) and final meeting/ESSR ideally eight weeks before ARCP No. of midterm review meetings vary depending on duration of attachment, support required etc Each trainee should have an educational agreement (EA) with specific aims/learning outcomes EA is based on most recent ARCP outcome & curriculum requirements EA will need regular review & updating Meeting records must be uploaded onto LLP Regular meetings allow early identification of problems before ARCP
Virtual meetings Become more commonplace during Covid Advantages eg convenience, reduced travel Limitations eg reduced non-verbal feedback Particularly for TEDs/if giving negative feedback Recommendations for improving virtual feedback1
The ESSR End of placement summary, including providing summary of WBPA evidence ie summary of trainee s educational progress Completion is mandatory for ARCP; it is the single most important document if completed accurately and fully Generated by trainee - can be used as documentation of 3rd/final supervisory meeting (trainee can edit by returning to draft form) All evidence on LLP that falls before date of generation automatically collated Must be commented on/completed by ES Sign off by College Tutor Should be completed two weeks before ARCP date
ESs important role in completing ESSR ES is the crucial link between educational review & WBPA processes Educational review process main opportunity to identify any concerns with progress early & address prior to ARCP Directly informs ARCP (& revalidation) process so free text boxes should be completed to support/defend ARCP panel decision Must include info of relevance for revalidation eg SUI & their resolution-Es can take opportunity to encourage learning from these At completion of ESSR with ES, likely ARCP outcome should be apparent Also opportunity for trainee to give feedback to ES Examples of poor practice: not using free text boxes, not reviewing all evidence eg logbooks, clinical sup comments
ES resources for completing the ESSR For ESs, there is guidance specifically for completing the ESSR and follows the ESSR navigation system on the LLP 02/RCoA%20National%20ARCP%20Checklist%20ES%20 guide%20V5.pdf Updated HEE guidance on completing generic ESR peri- Covid on HEYH website with excellent summary/prompt sheet at end & example of good and bad practice iles/educational_supervisor_report_esr_guide_2020.pdf
Clinical training RCOA ESSR guide for ESs has a list of the required units for each stage of training CUT forms for each stage of training Minimum required units for stages of training WBPAs covering whole period of ESSR automatically uploaded ES must comment on progress with each UoT & review feedback comments on CUT forms & comment as necessary
MSF Annual MSF reflecting anaesthetic practice required Minimum 12 respondents Cross section of assessors incl. members of MDT Takes a month to complete but can be opened/added to anytime LLP sends out two-weekly reminders via e-mail to assessors (this is not visible on LLP) Additional MSF for ICM if ICM unit completed Consultant source feedback is summary to be provided by CT (or ES)
Non-clinical activities Advise trainees to file all QI/teaching/research/management activity under Non- clinical bar of LLP to ensure thorough record Must be evidence entered run each domain for ARCP Currently only one CUT for each domain so only do as ST7 Compliance with mandatory training is Trust/national requirement, not for ARCP
Non-clinical activities: QI Evidence of involvement in audit/QI essential for ARCP Everything trainee needs to know about QI methodology & ideas for QI work (updated 2020): departments/raising-standards-rcoa-quality-improvement Encourage collaboration & to present locally/regionally/nationally-multiple opportunities Attendance at departmental QI meetings eg M&M New QI WPBA tool available now on LLP: A-QUIP Further guidance and useful resources Education & QI Soundararajan N. RCoA Bulletin July 2018 and-QI.pdf
Research Encourage trainees to do attend research methodology course and do GCP training (link) Encourage to join RAFT network ie AARMY Get involved with national audits eg NELA, SNAP, NAP Journal club attendance Data collection for national studies
Teaching & training Attendance & delivery of teaching (with feedback) Courses eg GIC, Train the trainers Simulation courses Resus Council courses: None mandated but recommended resus skills kept up to date
Management Management & leadership courses Rota/admin organisation Guideline/policy writing Reps on local/regional/national committee eg GAT, BMA, Associate CT, Trust trainee forum group, STC rep
Form R Mandatory Summarises additional info required for revalidation 2 parts: A & B. Part A completed at start of training programme. Part B submitted prior to ARCP annually Any involvement in SI must be recorded on this form
Reflective practice (RP) Reflection can be done on positive & negative events No specific number of reflections required but must be evidence of reflective practice AoMRC & COPMED statement on reflection recommends documentation of RP focuses on what has been learnt & action taken/changes to practice No factual account of events documented Written reflections can be written for non-clinical & clinical events & uploaded as personal reflections
Reflective practice Useful & valid reflection can be undertaken verbally with an ES - Trainee should be encouraged to discuss experience planning to reflect on with ES ES then documents that discussion with reflection on an event has taken place & trainee demonstrated insightful learning i.e. Demonstration of capability to reflect is key point to record If trainee named in SI, evidence of discussion with ES & reflection must be documented Evidence of reflection must be recorded in ESSR ES comments Resources for your trainee: 1) AoMRC Reflective practice toolkit content/uploads/2018/09/Reflective_Practice_Toolkit_AoMRC_CoPMED_0818.pdf 2) content/uploads/2018/09/the_reflective_practioner_guidance_single_page.pdf
ES comments on the ESSR Essential! Will be more so with new curriculum and GPCs This is an overview of the trainee s progress through the year Give examples of excellence Note any concerns & comment on reflective practice Reference activity in non-clinical domains Summarise main activities to concentrate on in the coming year with goals
Summary Overview of ARCP process ARCP/ESSR checklists for ESs and trainees ES vital role in preparing ESSR Timely ESSR completion in entirety essential