Guidelines for Academic Promotions in Medical School

Academic Promotion
Annette Reboli, MD, Dean, CMSRU
John Baxter, MD, Chair, CMSRU A&P Committee
Anne Peatman, MBA, Director, Faculty Affairs
Rationale for Promotion
A reward for accomplishments
A recognition of stature
Keeps the faculty member competitive
Advances the interests of the institution
A fully engaged member of the medical school
community recognized for promotion is one who
demonstrates teaching effectiveness, engages in
scholarly activity, performs clinical service (if
applicable), and actively participates in service to the
medical school, hospital, the university community
and to the wider and professional community.
General Points
Academic promotions are subject to full review and
Promotion is based on meritorious achievements over
and above mere competency
Time in rank is not a sufficient criterion for promotion
General Points
It is expected that every member of the faculty will
participate in the medical school’s mission
All faculty will contribute to service to the school
Outstanding service is not sufficient as the sole basis
for promotion
Scholarly activity can take place in clinical,
teaching/education, or research areas
Academic Investigator
Dedicated majority of time to independent and original investigation
within basic science realm
Clinician Investigator
Participates in some clinical service (patient care) but majority of
faculty effort in research (basic, translational or clinical)
Clinician Educator
Majority of effort to clinical service and education of students,
residents and fellows
Academic Educator
Basic scientist with majority of effort in education
Clinical Faculty
Non-Tenure / Coterminous
Faculty whose principal duties are involved with teaching and either
clinical service, patient care, or research that is not sufficient to
fulfill the requirements of the Tenure Track will be placed on the
Non-Tenure Track
Faculty employed by Cooper University Health Care at full academic
rank on the 
non-tenure track 
are considered 
. Faculty
appointment is dependent on employment at CUHC.
Traditional Pathway
(BMS & Clinical Faculty)
Scholarship of Practice & Teaching Pathway
(Clinical only)
Clinical Faculty – Traditional Pathway
Non-Tenure Track
             Clinician Educator             Clinician Investigator
(dedicates majority of effort           (minimal patient care, majority effort in
to clinical service & education)        basic, translational or clinical research)
   Assistant Professor
                                                  Associate Professor
Clinical Faculty – Scholarship of Practice &
Teaching Pathway
(No specific publication/research requirement; excellence in other domains)
Non-Tenure Track
Clinician Educator
    Assistant Professor of Clinical (Department)
    Associate Professor of Clinical (Department)
                 Professor of Clinical (Department)
Time in Rank
Clinical Faculty
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
1-2 years
7-10 years 
(at least 5 years at
   time of application)
7-10 years 
(at least 5 years at
         time of application)
Traditional Pathway
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Domains of Faculty Development
Teaching (Education)
Research/Scholarly Activity
Service to CMSRU, the hospital, Rowan University, the
community, professional or discipline related
Clinical Service
Distinguished participation in student, resident,
fellow and/or peer teaching programs
Leadership in student, resident, fellow and/or peer
teaching programs
Development of innovative teaching and educational
materials and/or programs
Invited speaker at educational programs and Grand
Scholarly Activity
Publications in peer reviewed journals
Authorship of books, book chapters, monographs
Participation as a principal investigator or co-
investigator in peer-reviewed, grant supported
research (investigator initiated or cooperative group,
clinical, translational, or basic research)
Scholarly Products 5-Year Cumulative Data
Promotion to Assistant Professor
2018-2023:  18 promotions
2018-2023 Average number of scholarly products = 
Promotion to Associate Professor
2018-2023:  42 promotions
2018-2023 Average number of scholarly products = 
Promotion to Professor
2018-2023:  14 promotions
2018-2023 Average number of scholarly products: 
3 promotions
*Committee will expect to see current publication activity within the past five
Other Scholarly Activity
Development of innovative teaching and educational
curriculum, materials or programs with significant local,
regional, or national impact
Mentoring students, residents, fellows, and junior faculty
in scholarly activity
Membership on scientific review boards
Membership in scientific societies
Leadership role in regional or national meetings and
Service a as peer-reviewer/editor for clinical and scientific
Participation as a reviewer for granting agencies (including
foundations and the NIH)
Contributions by faculty to the medical school,
university, CUHC, and wider community
Examples of service include:
CMSRU standing committee or subcommittee membership
Capstone mentor for medical student scholarly project
Medical student & resident advising
Blinded interviews
CUHC educational, QI, or leadership committees
Community volunteerism
Local boards or organizations, national committees
Academic Clinical Performance
Record of high quality patient care and establishment
of a productive clinical practice in an academic
Record of support for clinical service, demonstration
projects, and clinical research endeavors
Development of innovative treatments, systems of
healthcare delivery, or clinical programs
Membership in scholarly clinical societies
Academic Clinical Performance
Leadership role in regional or national meetings and
clinical societies
Participation in regional national, or international
professional meetings
Establishment of a referral based clinical practice
Participation as a Board Examiner for recognized
certification programs
Demonstrated effectiveness as a clinical mentor
Assistant Professor of (Department)
Board certification
Excellence in training, teaching, and advising of
undergraduate, medical and graduate students,
Evidence of scholarly activity (abstracts acceptable)
Consistent contributions to the education of students
Evidence of professional development activities
Associate Professor of (Department)
Excellence in 2 
of the domains and 
in the others
Documented excellence in education, including directorship or
development of major courses and electives; sustained excellence
in educating medical students, residents and colleagues and
Scholarship, including publication, preferably as first or last or
corresponding author, of original substantive work in peer-reviewed
Reputation, including leadership in local or regional scientific
Emerging regional/national/international reputation for scholarly
activity and/or research accomplishments supported by letters
from external referees.
Service to the medical school, hospital, community and professional
Professor of (Department)
Excellence in 2 
of the domains and 
above average 
in the others
Excellence in education, including directorship or development of
major courses and electives; sustained excellence in training
medical students, residents, ..and colleagues; mentorship, ..formal
awards, peer review, local, regional, national, and international
invited lectures. Mentoring.
Excellence in research, including independent and original
investigation recognized by peers and by external funding;
Scholarship, including publication as first or last author, of original
substantive work in peer-reviewed journals (should include recent
scholarly activity within the last 5 years);
Reputation, including national and international recognition for
research contributions, service on study sections, editorial boards,
named lectureships, leadership in professional societies and
governing boards.
Professor of (Department)
Clinical faculty applying for promotion to the rank of Professor in
the traditional pathway 
early in their eligibility period 
(less than
customary time in rank 
[>5 and < 7 years] 
) as an Associate
Professor at time of application should have demonstrated
exceptional achievements as evidenced by meeting at least one of
the below listed criteria.
candidate must document 
significance of 
in their 
Summary of Accomplishments 
and their
Department Chair 
must provide 
justification for promotion 
in their eligibility period in the nomination letter.
A number of high impact factor journal publications, as first or last
author, and total publications that exceed the historical average
number of faculty scholarly products for promotion to Professor at
Professor of (Department)
Early in Eligibility Period Cont.
A significant number and/or amount of extramural funding grants as
principal investigator.
Major research accomplishments beyond that which has been
historically normative in a promotion packet for Professor at CMSRU.
Major contributions within the field of specialty leading to change in the
practice of medicine.
National/international reputation in their field as demonstrated by
leadership positions in national/international organizations, visiting
professorships, editorial positions for major journals in their field
(including appointment to the editorial board of the journal),
membership on national/international grant review panels, and similar
activities at the national/international level.
Extraordinary contributions to the field of medical education, as
evidenced by educational leadership activities within CMSRU/CUHC and
at the national/international level.
Accelerated Promotion
Clinical faculty applying for accelerated promotion to the rank of
Associate Professor or Professor in the traditional pathway, 
prior to
completion of five years 
at current rank at time of application
should have demonstrated exceptional achievements as evidenced
by meeting 
at least two 
of the previously listed criteria.
 promotion is 
not available 
for candidates on the
Scholarship of Practice and Teaching Pathway
Scholarship of Practice and Teaching
Assistant Professor of Clinical (Department)
Associate Professor of Clinical (Department)
Professor of Clinical (Department)
Promotion Based on Scholarship of Practice
and Teaching for Clinical Faculty
For faculty whose primary activity is clinical medicine and
Demonstrated excellence and impact in clinical area
Publications are not required but scholarship is encouraged
“Clinical” prefix before discipline
Example:  “Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine”
Expertise and leadership in clinical field
Local, regional, national reputation
Local, regional, national impact
Promotion Based on Scholarship of Practice
and Teaching for Clinical Faculty
Note that this pathway is not an easier route to promotion.
Promotion will require presentation of evidence by the
clinical faculty of excellence and impact in their respective
clinical area.
Applicants in this pathway should have an area of “special
expertise” in their clinical practice, clinical teaching, or in
clinical community service.
The faculty candidate should provide a specific metric
applicable to their area of special expertise and provide a
robust description of their activity (intervention, outcome,
and impact, if feasible) in their application.
Promotion Based on Scholarship of Practice
and Teaching for Clinical Faculty
Examples for achievement of excellence, reputation, and impact:
Quality Improvement
Clinical practice development and growth
Practice-related awards
Clinical teaching/mentoring
Participation in community outreach, education
development, service to the medical school, university and
Promotion Calendar
Clinical Faculty
August 1:  
Faculty with the intent to apply for promotion indicate
their intent in writing to the Departmental Chair and the CMSRU
September 15: 
Faculty submit 3 names of letter writers (at
appropriate rank) to departmental A&P Coordinator. 
All letters of
recommendation requested by the Departmental Chair/Head.
October 1-15: 
Faculty submit required forms, teaching dossier and
portfolio binder to departmental A&P Coordinator
Departmental A&P Committees review all faculty
submissions and vote.
November 15-November 30:  
Electronic vote by all department
Associate Professors & Professors
Clinical Calendar Continued
December 1:  
Departmental committee concludes work.
Documents are submitted to the CMSRU Advisory Committee on
Appointments and Promotions.
April 1: 
The CMSRU Advisory Committee on Appointments and
Promotions concludes work and transmits recommendations to the
CMSRU Dean, who then forwards affirmative action to the President
of Rowan University.
The Board of Trustees of Rowan University acts on promotion
recommendations at regularly scheduled meeting.
All promotions are effective September 1
Departmental A &P Committees
Biomedical Sciences
Emergency Medicine
Family Medicine &
Orthopedics & Radiation
Neurology, Neurosurgery &
Departmental Contacts
CMSRU Advisory Committee on
Appointments and Promotions
Advisory to the Dean
Appointments and promotions
12 voting members
All Associate or Full Professors
CMSRU A & P Committee Members
John Baxter, MD 
Amanda Burden, MD 
Amy Colcher, MD
Kevin Currie, PhD
Tina Edmonston, MD
Pauline Germaine, DO
Rose Kim, MD 
Alla Kushnir, MD
Elizabeth Leilani Lee, MD
Anne Peatman 
Sebastian Rachoin, MD
Lisa Reid, MD
Andrea Russo, MD
Francis Spitz, MD
Promotion Documents
Letter of Intent
One-three page summary of career highlights / achievements
Faculty Promotion Review Sheet (4a)
Departmental Voting Form (4b)
Nomination Letter by Department Chair
Report from Departmental A&P
Letters of Recommendation (3 Required; Up to an additional 3 letters
may be included)
Curriculum Vitae (Must comply with CMSRU Format)
Teaching Portfolio (must submit binder to Dept. A&P)
Teaching Dossier: one-three page summary of teaching portfolio
Signed by the Chair – MUST
Personal Statement (Optional)
Letters of Recommendation
Letter writers 
must be at a rank that is equal to, or greater than
rank being applied 
for. Emeritus faculty letters will be
accepted. Letters of recommendation WILL NOT be accepted from
adjunct or volunteer faculty.
Candidates at CMSRU/CUH require three (3) letters.
(1) letter from within CMSRU
, but 
 of the candidate’s
immediate department;
and two 
(2) letters 
from persons 
outside of CMSRU/CUH
Preparing Your CV for Promotion Packet
CMSRU A&P Documents 
Physician Reviewers use your CV to tell your story
This document represents you and your career—make it perfect!
Follow CMSRU CV format exactly.  A&P Committee Reviewers need to be
able to review CVs in consistent format.
Check all publications and make sure that citation information follows
AMA citation guidelines. PMID or DOI must be included at end of each
List all activity in chronological order from least recent first to most
recent last.  Month and year on all dates.
Gaps over one year in your education, board certification or work
history must be explained at end of CV.
Mistakes on your CV will cause the CMSRU A&P Committee members to question
how seriously you take the desire to be promoted.  CVs will be sent back for
correction until correct.
Common Errors in Packet Submissions
Letters of Intent not on letterhead and signed
Titles missing from name (MD, DO, PhD)
Department missing from Academic Rank
Letter Writers not at appropriate rank, no rank
indicated or volunteer status.
LORs not on letterhead
Forms handwritten
Forms electronically signed (not permitted)
Nomination letters do not speak to required domains
Common Errors in Packet Submissions
Teaching and Clinical activities – not completed on
review sheet or CV or describe activities at another
institution not CUHC/CMSRU
Publication totals on review sheet do not match CV
CV Publications Section A = Line 1 of lifetime publications on Review Sheet
CV Publications Section B = Line 2 of lifetime publications on Review Sheet
CV publications not in correct order, do not follow
proper citation format, no PMID or doi
Chronological order of CV incorrect (oldest to most
Teaching Dossier
1-3 page summary of the teaching portfolio
Organized with the same general headings
Address your teaching philosophy
 be reviewed and signed by the division head or
departmental chair
Teaching Portfolio
A summary of the faculty member as an educator
Concise and selective
Sufficient description & 
to provide a record of teaching
activities and evidence of teaching effectiveness
Part One: Data Relevant to Teaching Activities
Teaching Activities (UME, GME, Peers)
Curriculum Development (see next slide)
Teaching Portfolio
Curriculum Development
List educational materials created (lectures, cases, assessment tools, OSCEs, web
Courses, Clerkships, Residency/Fellowship programs
Education and teaching materials
Part Two: Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness
Student and resident evaluations
Course materials
Peer review
Professional recognition
Participation in Professional Development
Teaching Portfolio
Part Three:  Additional Teaching/Educational Activities
Noteworthy, creative, innovative peer-reviewed or indicative of recognition
outside the institution:
Contributions to scholarly teaching societies
Teaching awards
Invited lectures on teaching/education
Refer to Pages 24-26 in the 
CMSRU A&P Policy
Thank you!
Contact information:
Slide Note

Academic promotions in a medical school are crucial for recognizing achievements, maintaining competitiveness, and serving the institution's interests. Promotion criteria include teaching effectiveness, scholarly activity, clinical service, and active participation in various communities. Meritorious achievements beyond competency are essential for promotion, emphasizing the importance of faculty engagement in the school's mission. Different designations like Academic Investigator, Clinician Investigator, Clinician Educator, and Academic Educator cater to faculty specializing in various roles. Faculty on the Non-Tenure Track are involved in teaching, clinical service, patient care, or research and contribute significantly to the school's academic environment.

  • Academic promotions
  • Medical school
  • Faculty guidelines
  • Scholarly activity
  • Faculty engagement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Academic Promotion Annette Reboli, MD, Dean, CMSRU John Baxter, MD, Chair, CMSRU A&P Committee Anne Peatman, MBA, Director, Faculty Affairs

  2. Rationale for Promotion A reward for accomplishments A recognition of stature Keeps the faculty member competitive Advances the interests of the institution

  3. A fully engaged member of the medical school community recognized for promotion is one who demonstrates teaching effectiveness, engages in scholarly activity, performs clinical service (if applicable), and actively participates in service to the medical school, hospital, the university community and to the wider and professional community.

  4. General Points Academic promotions are subject to full review and approval Promotion is based on meritorious achievements over and above mere competency Time in rank is not a sufficient criterion for promotion

  5. General Points It is expected that every member of the faculty will participate in the medical school s mission All faculty will contribute to service to the school Outstanding service is not sufficient as the sole basis for promotion Scholarly activity can take place in clinical, teaching/education, or research areas

  6. Designations Academic Investigator Dedicated majority of time to independent and original investigation within basic science realm Clinician Investigator Participates in some clinical service (patient care) but majority of faculty effort in research (basic, translational or clinical) Clinician Educator Majority of effort to clinical service and education of students, residents and fellows Academic Educator Basic scientist with majority of effort in education

  7. Clinical Faculty Non-Tenure / Coterminous Faculty whose principal duties are involved with teaching and either clinical service, patient care, or research that is not sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the Tenure Track will be placed on the Non-Tenure Track. Faculty employed by Cooper University Health Care at full academic rank on the non-tenure track are considered coterminous. Faculty appointment is dependent on employment at CUHC.

  8. Pathways Traditional Pathway (BMS & Clinical Faculty) Or Scholarship of Practice & Teaching Pathway (Clinical only)

  9. Clinical Faculty Traditional Pathway Track Non-Tenure Track Designation Clinician Educator Clinician Investigator (dedicates majority of effort (minimal patient care, majority effort in to clinical service & education) basic, translational or clinical research) Ranks Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor

  10. Clinical Faculty Scholarship of Practice & Teaching Pathway (No specific publication/research requirement; excellence in other domains) Track Non-Tenure Track Designation Clinician Educator Ranks Assistant Professor of Clinical (Department) Associate Professor of Clinical (Department) Professor of Clinical (Department)

  11. Time in Rank Clinical Faculty Instructor 1-2 years Assistant Professor 7-10 years (at least 5 years at time of application) Associate Professor 7-10 years (at least 5 years at time of application) Professor

  12. Traditional Pathway Ranks Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor i. Lecturer

  13. Domains of Faculty Development Teaching (Education) Research/Scholarly Activity Service to CMSRU, the hospital, Rowan University, the community, professional or discipline related organizations Clinical Service

  14. Teaching Distinguished participation in student, resident, fellow and/or peer teaching programs Leadership in student, resident, fellow and/or peer teaching programs Development of innovative teaching and educational materials and/or programs Invited speaker at educational programs and Grand Rounds

  15. Scholarly Activity Publications in peer reviewed journals Authorship of books, book chapters, monographs Participation as a principal investigator or co- investigator in peer-reviewed, grant supported research (investigator initiated or cooperative group, clinical, translational, or basic research)

  16. Scholarly Products 5-Year Cumulative Data Promotion to Assistant Professor 2018-2023: 18 promotions 2018-2023 Average number of scholarly products = 6 Promotion to Associate Professor 2018-2023: 42 promotions 2018-2023 Average number of scholarly products = 25 Promotion to Professor 2018-2023: 14 promotions 2018-2023 Average number of scholarly products: 46 3 promotions *Committee will expect to see current publication activity within the past five years*

  17. Other Scholarly Activity Development of innovative teaching and educational curriculum, materials or programs with significant local, regional, or national impact Mentoring students, residents, fellows, and junior faculty in scholarly activity Membership on scientific review boards Membership in scientific societies Leadership role in regional or national meetings and societies Service a as peer-reviewer/editor for clinical and scientific journals Participation as a reviewer for granting agencies (including foundations and the NIH)

  18. Service Contributions by faculty to the medical school, university, CUHC, and wider community Examples of service include: CMSRU standing committee or subcommittee membership Capstone mentor for medical student scholarly project Medical student & resident advising Blinded interviews CUHC educational, QI, or leadership committees Community volunteerism Local boards or organizations, national committees

  19. Academic Clinical Performance Record of high quality patient care and establishment of a productive clinical practice in an academic setting Record of support for clinical service, demonstration projects, and clinical research endeavors Development of innovative treatments, systems of healthcare delivery, or clinical programs Membership in scholarly clinical societies

  20. Academic Clinical Performance Leadership role in regional or national meetings and clinical societies Participation in regional national, or international professional meetings Establishment of a referral based clinical practice Participation as a Board Examiner for recognized certification programs Demonstrated effectiveness as a clinical mentor

  21. Assistant Professor of (Department) Board certification Excellence in training, teaching, and advising of undergraduate, medical and graduate students, residents Evidence of scholarly activity (abstracts acceptable) Consistent contributions to the education of students Evidence of professional development activities

  22. Associate Professor of (Department) Excellence in 2 of the domains and satisfactory in the others Documented excellence in education, including directorship or development of major courses and electives; sustained excellence in educating medical students, residents and colleagues and mentoring; Scholarship, including publication, preferably as first or last or corresponding author, of original substantive work in peer-reviewed journals; Reputation, including leadership in local or regional scientific affairs; Emerging regional/national/international reputation for scholarly activity and/or research accomplishments supported by letters from external referees. Service to the medical school, hospital, community and professional organizations

  23. Professor of (Department) Excellence in 2 of the domains and above average in the others Excellence in education, including directorship or development of major courses and electives; sustained excellence in training medical students, residents, ..and colleagues; mentorship, ..formal awards, peer review, local, regional, national, and international invited lectures. Mentoring. Excellence in research, including independent and original investigation recognized by peers and by external funding; Scholarship, including publication as first or last author, of original substantive work in peer-reviewed journals (should include recent scholarly activity within the last 5 years); Reputation, including national and international recognition for research contributions, service on study sections, editorial boards, named lectureships, leadership in professional societies and governing boards.

  24. Professor of (Department) Clinical faculty applying for promotion to the rank of Professor in the traditional pathway early in their eligibility period (less than customary time in rank [>5 and < 7 years] ) as an Associate Professor at time of application should have demonstrated exceptional achievements as evidenced by meeting at least one of the below listed criteria. The candidate must document the significance of these accomplishments in their Summary of Accomplishments and their Department Chair must provide justification for promotion early in their eligibility period in the nomination letter. A number of high impact factor journal publications, as first or last author, and total publications that exceed the historical average number of faculty scholarly products for promotion to Professor at CMSRU.

  25. Professor of (Department) Early in Eligibility Period Cont. A significant number and/or amount of extramural funding grants as principal investigator. Major research accomplishments beyond that which has been historically normative in a promotion packet for Professor at CMSRU. Major contributions within the field of specialty leading to change in the practice of medicine. National/international reputation in their field as demonstrated by leadership positions in national/international organizations, visiting professorships, editorial positions for major journals in their field (including appointment to the editorial board of the journal), membership on national/international grant review panels, and similar activities at the national/international level. Extraordinary contributions to the field of medical education, as evidenced by educational leadership activities within CMSRU/CUHC and at the national/international level.

  26. Accelerated Promotion Clinical faculty applying for accelerated promotion to the rank of Associate Professor or Professor in the traditional pathway, prior to completion of five years at current rank at time of application should have demonstrated exceptional achievements as evidenced by meeting at least two of the previously listed criteria. Accelerated promotion is not available for candidates on the Scholarship of Practice and Teaching Pathway.

  27. Scholarship of Practice and Teaching Pathway Ranks Assistant Professor of Clinical (Department) Associate Professor of Clinical (Department) Professor of Clinical (Department)

  28. Promotion Based on Scholarship of Practice and Teaching for Clinical Faculty Rationale For faculty whose primary activity is clinical medicine and teaching Demonstrated excellence and impact in clinical area Publications are not required but scholarship is encouraged Title Clinical prefix before discipline Example: Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine Criteria Expertise and leadership in clinical field Local, regional, national reputation Local, regional, national impact

  29. Promotion Based on Scholarship of Practice and Teaching for Clinical Faculty Note that this pathway is not an easier route to promotion. Promotion will require presentation of evidence by the clinical faculty of excellence and impact in their respective clinical area. Applicants in this pathway should have an area of special expertise in their clinical practice, clinical teaching, or in clinical community service. The faculty candidate should provide a specific metric applicable to their area of special expertise and provide a robust description of their activity (intervention, outcome, and impact, if feasible) in their application.

  30. Promotion Based on Scholarship of Practice and Teaching for Clinical Faculty Examples for achievement of excellence, reputation, and impact: Leadership/Administration Quality Improvement Clinical practice development and growth Outcomes Practice-related awards Clinical teaching/mentoring Participation in community outreach, education development, service to the medical school, university and hospital.

  31. Promotion Calendar Clinical Faculty August 1: Faculty with the intent to apply for promotion indicate their intent in writing to the Departmental Chair and the CMSRU Dean. September 15: Faculty submit 3 names of letter writers (at appropriate rank) to departmental A&P Coordinator. All letters of recommendation requested by the Departmental Chair/Head. October 1-15: Faculty submit required forms, teaching dossier and portfolio binder to departmental A&P Coordinator. November: Departmental A&P Committees review all faculty submissions and vote. November 15-November 30: Electronic vote by all department Associate Professors & Professors

  32. Clinical Calendar Continued December 1: Departmental committee concludes work. Documents are submitted to the CMSRU Advisory Committee on Appointments and Promotions. April 1: The CMSRU Advisory Committee on Appointments and Promotions concludes work and transmits recommendations to the CMSRU Dean, who then forwards affirmative action to the President of Rowan University. June: The Board of Trustees of Rowan University acts on promotion recommendations at regularly scheduled meeting. All promotions are effective September 1st

  33. Departmental A &P Committees Anesthesiology Biomedical Sciences Emergency Medicine Medicine OB/GYN Pediatrics Surgery Pathology Family Medicine & Psychiatry Orthopedics & Radiation Oncology Radiology Neurology, Neurosurgery & PM&R

  34. Departmental Contacts Department Departmental Chair/Head Departmental A&P Chair A&P Coordinator Anesthesiology Alann Solina, MD Amanda Burden, MD Evelyn Rodriguez Biomedical Sciences Darren Boehning, PhD Brad Fischer, PhD Paige Devereaux Emergency Medicine Michael Chansky, MD Brigitte Baumann, MD Ramie Hood Family Medicine Bennett Shenker, MD Dina Silverman, PhD Alexandra O Neill Medicine Stephen Trzeciak, MD Perry Weinstock, MD Pat McGahey Neurology Tudor Jovin, MD Amy Colcher, MD Janna Yacovetti Neurosurgery Ajith Thomas, MD Amy Colcher, MD Janna Yacovetti Ob/Gyn Robin Perry, MD Saiduffin Mama, MD Eileen Boardman Orthopaedic Surgery David Fuller, MD Richard Lackman, MD Julia Valentin Pathology Roland Schwarting, MD Xinmin Zhang, MD Kim Persick Pediatrics Michael Goodman, MD Gary Stahl, MD Eileen Boardman Physical Medicine & Rehab Michael Saulino, MD, PhD Amy Colcher, MD Donna Quinlan Psychiatry Anthony Rostain, MD, MA Dina Silverman, PhD Rosy Espinal /Paige Persons Radiation Oncology Anthony Dragun,MD Richard Lackman, MD Patricia French Radiology (Diagnostic Imaging) Todd Siegal, MD Pauline Germaine Tisha Banks Surgery Jeffrey Carpenter, MD Frank Spitz, MD Paula Marques

  35. CMSRU Advisory Committee on Appointments and Promotions Advisory to the Dean Appointments and promotions 12 voting members All Associate or Full Professors

  36. CMSRU A & P Committee Members Alla Kushnir, MD Elizabeth Leilani Lee, MD Anne Peatman (staff) Sebastian Rachoin, MD Lisa Reid, MD Andrea Russo, MD Francis Spitz, MD John Baxter, MD (Chair) Amanda Burden, MD (Vice Chair) Amy Colcher, MD Kevin Currie, PhD Tina Edmonston, MD Pauline Germaine, DO Rose Kim, MD (ex-officio)

  37. Promotion Documents Checklist Letter of Intent One-three page summary of career highlights / achievements Faculty Promotion Review Sheet (4a) Departmental Voting Form (4b) Nomination Letter by Department Chair Report from Departmental A&P Letters of Recommendation (3 Required; Up to an additional 3 letters may be included) Curriculum Vitae (Must comply with CMSRU Format) Teaching Portfolio (must submit binder to Dept. A&P) Teaching Dossier: one-three page summary of teaching portfolio Signed by the Chair MUST Personal Statement (Optional)

  38. Letters of Recommendation Letter writers must be at a rank that is equal to, or greater than, the rank being applied for. Emeritus faculty letters will be accepted. Letters of recommendation WILL NOT be accepted from adjunct or volunteer faculty. Candidates at CMSRU/CUH require three (3) letters. One (1) letter from within CMSRU, but outside of the candidate s immediate department; and two (2) letters from persons outside of CMSRU/CUH.

  39. Preparing Your CV for Promotion Packet CMSRU A&P Documents Physician Reviewers use your CV to tell your story This document represents you and your career make it perfect! Follow CMSRU CV format exactly. A&P Committee Reviewers need to be able to review CVs in consistent format. Check all publications and make sure that citation information follows AMA citation guidelines. PMID or DOI must be included at end of each citation. List all activity in chronological order from least recent first to most recent last. Month and year on all dates. Gaps over one year in your education, board certification or work history must be explained at end of CV. Mistakes on your CV will cause the CMSRU A&P Committee members to question how seriously you take the desire to be promoted. CVs will be sent back for correction until correct.

  40. Common Errors in Packet Submissions Letters of Intent not on letterhead and signed Titles missing from name (MD, DO, PhD) Department missing from Academic Rank Letter Writers not at appropriate rank, no rank indicated or volunteer status. LORs not on letterhead Forms handwritten Forms electronically signed (not permitted) Nomination letters do not speak to required domains

  41. Common Errors in Packet Submissions Teaching and Clinical activities not completed on review sheet or CV or describe activities at another institution not CUHC/CMSRU Publication totals on review sheet do not match CV CV Publications Section A = Line 1 of lifetime publications on Review Sheet CV Publications Section B = Line 2 of lifetime publications on Review Sheet CV publications not in correct order, do not follow proper citation format, no PMID or doi Chronological order of CV incorrect (oldest to most recent)

  42. Teaching Dossier 1-3 page summary of the teaching portfolio Organized with the same general headings Address your teaching philosophy Must be reviewed and signed by the division head or departmental chair

  43. Teaching Portfolio A summary of the faculty member as an educator Concise and selective Sufficient description & documentation to provide a record of teaching activities and evidence of teaching effectiveness Part One: Data Relevant to Teaching Activities Teaching Activities (UME, GME, Peers) Curriculum Development (see next slide) Mentoring/Advising

  44. Teaching Portfolio Curriculum Development List educational materials created (lectures, cases, assessment tools, OSCEs, web materials) Courses, Clerkships, Residency/Fellowship programs Education and teaching materials CME Part Two: Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness Student and resident evaluations Course materials Peer review Professional recognition Participation in Professional Development

  45. Teaching Portfolio Part Three: Additional Teaching/Educational Activities Noteworthy, creative, innovative peer-reviewed or indicative of recognition outside the institution: Contributions to scholarly teaching societies Teaching awards Invited lectures on teaching/education Refer to Pages 24-26 in the CMSRU A&P Policy

  46. Questions/Comments

  47. Thank you! Contact information:


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