Grade 3 ELA Review: Weeks 21-22 Practice Activities

Daily ELA Review
Grade 3
Quarter 3
Week 21
Week 21: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1. claire and john is going to ride to school together
2. we is out of school for our labor day holiday
Circle the abstract noun in the sentence below.
3.  The kids worked to regain trust after they lied.
Capitalize the following book titles correctly.
4. green eggs and ham ___________________
5. a wrinkle in time ______________________
Week 21: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1. christmas will be december 25 2019 this year
2.  my favorite day of the week are saturday
Circle the abstract noun in the sentence below.
3. We were full of happiness when we got extra recess time.
Capitalize the following book titles correctly.
4. the cat and the hat ___________________
5. goodnight moon ______________________
Week 21: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1. there is five girl eating in the lunchroom
2.  my mom is going to a big sail at the mall on saturday
Circle the abstract noun in the sentence below.
3. The lizard was full of curiosity as it roamed through the backyard.
Capitalize the following book titles correctly.
4. the snowy day ___________________
5. where the wild things are ______________________
Week 21: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  the orange cat is chasing a mice
2.  do you live in tucson arizona
Circle the abstract noun in the sentence below.
3. Amy was full of bravery when she stood up to the bully.
Capitalize the following book titles correctly.
4. harold and the purple crayon ___________________
5. the tale of peter rabbit ______________________
Week 21: Day 5
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  can i please have a slice of pizza
2.  please hand me the marker over their
Circle the abstract noun in the sentence below.
3. Joseph was full of joy when he got the award.
Capitalize the following book titles correctly.
4. diary of a wimpy kid ___________________
5. dog man ______________________
Daily ELA Review
Grade 3
Quarter 3
Week 22
Week 22: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1.   my favorite book is charlottes web
2.  i love reading the true story of the three little pigs
Place correct commas and quotation marks in the sentence.
3. Tim yelled We are going to the zoo today!
Which pronoun can take the place of the underlined noun? 
The kittens
 were feisty as they ran around the room.
a. I         b. She           c. They            d. Them
5.  I am going to 
Kari and Susan’s
 house for Thanksgiving.
a. their        b. we          c.  me          d. them
Week 22: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1.   i like to add whip cream sprinkles and a cherry to my sunday
2.  i have a pencil eraser and crayons in my pencil box
Place correct commas and quotation marks in the sentence.
3. We got a new puppy for Christmas said Amy.
Which pronoun can take the place of the underlined noun?
 is looking everywhere for her book.
 a. She         b. Her        c. Their           d. We
Kristy and I 
went to lunch at Taco Bell yesterday.
a. She          b. Her        c. Their           d. We
Week 22: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1.   i layed out my clothes for the next day school
2.  my favorite food is tacos and hamburgers
Place correct commas and quotation marks in the sentence.
3. Third grade is the best grade said Joe.
Which pronoun can take the place of the underlined noun?
The boys
 went to the baseball game in the pouring rain.
a. I           b. He           c. Them             d. They
had fun at the beach last summer.
a. I            b. She           c. Them             d. They
Week 22: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  my grandma is making I a blew dress
2.  my favorite color is red green and blue
Place correct commas and quotation marks in the sentence. 
3. There are two more weeks until winter break said Jill.
Which pronoun can take the place of the underlined noun? 
4. Sue looked everywhere for 
a. she              b. her              c. them             d. they
5.  Mr. Johnson found a baseball in 
Mr. Johnson’s
a. him           b. they               c. his              d. them 
Week 22: Day 5
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  my cat has gray white and black stripes  
2. i has a bunny named lilly
Place correct commas and quotation marks in the sentence. 
3. Brad asked When are we going to the store?
Which pronoun can take the place of the underlined noun? 
4.  Makayla was ready to take 
 spelling test. 
a. she              b. her              c. them             d. they
5.  Tyler caught 
 football before it went in the street. 
a. him           b. they               c. his              d. them 
Daily ELA Review
Grade 3
Quarter 3
Week 23
Week 23: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  i wish i could go to disneyland this summer
2.  have you ever been to knots berry farm
Find a word with a prefix or suffix. What does the word mean?
3. Wendy started preschool last July.
Which adjective will best fit the sentence below?
4.   This is the ____________ pizza I have ever had.
a. baddest              b. worsest             c. worst                d. most bad
5. Vicky is the _____________ girl in our class.
a. taller                   b. tall                    c. tallest                 d. most tall
Week 23: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1. do you prefer to go to mcdonalds or burger king
2.  what are your favorite subject in school
Find a word with a prefix or suffix. What does the word mean?
3. Kevin reheated his pizza in the microwave.
Which adjective will best fit the sentence below?
4.   Of these two towels, this one feels the __________________.
a. softly                      b. softest                  c. softer
5.  Sophia’s joke was ______________ than mine.
a. funnier                   b. funniest                    c. funny
Week 23: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1. what time are you go to school tomorrow 
2.  do you have soccer practice on monday or tuesday 
Find a word with a prefix or suffix. What does the word mean? 
3. Sammy untied his shoes before he took them off. 
Which adjective will best fit the sentence below?
4.   The kitten is the ______________ one in the litter.
a. small                      b. smallest                  c. smaller             
5.  Tommy’s test took _______________ then my test.
a. longer                   b. longest                   c. more long            
Week 23: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1. that old toy dont need to be fixed
2.  andys house is always a fun place to be
Find a word with a prefix or suffix. What does the word mean? 
3. She was unlucky when she missed the bus for school.
Which adjective will best fit the sentence below?
4.   John’s bullfrog jumped the ___________ of all the bullfrogs. 
a. higher                     b. highest                  c. high            
5.  Kathy arrived at the movie ______________ than her friend. 
a. early                  b. earliest                  c. earlier         
Week 23: Day 5
Write these sentences correctly.
1. what are you favorite color
2. do you like swim or bike riding more
Find a word with a prefix or suffix. What does the word mean? 
3. Jenny was unhappy when she got a bad grade on her assignment.
Which adjective will best fit the sentence below?
4.   Katie slept the ____________ on Saturday.  
a. longest                     b. longer                 c. more long         
5.  Kayla was the ______________ of all the kids. 
a. more tired               b. tireder                  c. most tired       
Daily ELA Review
Grade 3
Quarter 3
Week 24
Week 24: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1. the irish wear green on st. patricks day
2. i hope you brung a jacket for the field trip
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
3.  We need to find __________ orange sweater for the party.
a. a                    b. an                   c. these
4. Her dad is the ______________ of all of his brothers.
a. shorter          b. short               c. shortest
5. What is the subject of the sentence?
Josh and his dog Rover go on a walk after school.
a. Josh                 b. Josh and his dog Rover             c. go on a walk after school
Week 24: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1. he dont feel good today
2. tom has broke the plant stand again
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
3.  Andrew had a ___________ time at the birthday party.
a. best                   b. well                   c. good
4. The test was hard, but Alice thought she’d done ______________.
a. best                  b. well                    c. good
5. What is the subject of the sentence?
Kelly went to soccer practice on Wednesday.
a. Kelly                b. Wednesday         c. went to soccer practice
Week 24: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  the car need to be painted because it is rusty
2.  will you took me to the swimming pool
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
3.  _________ keys are hanging in the front door.
a. The                  b. and                c. a
4.  Sophia has __________ eyelash on her cheek.
a.  an                 b. a                c. those
5. What is the subject of the sentence?
Lucy was invited to the surprise party.
a. surprise party               b. Lucy         c. invited
Week 24: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1. him dont got no homework
2.  do you got any extra work i can do for you
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
3.  Our plane will be landing within the _______________.
a. hour                  b. our                c. are
4.  ____________ baby-sitting for my niece tonight.
a.  Their                 b. There               c. They’re
What is the subject of the sentence?
5. The frog hopped onto the log that was on the pond shore.
a. hopped onto the log      b. the pond shore        c. The frog
Week 24: Day 5
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  we is going to peter piper pizza tomorrow
2.  do you’ve like watching football on tv
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.
3.  The lizard was ________ along the back wall.
a. run                  b. ran              c. running
4.  ____________  is a paper and pencil sitting on the table.
a.  Their                 b. There               c. They’re
What is the subject of the sentence?
5. The child helped mop the kitchen floor.
a. the kitchen floor        b. helped mop          c. The child
Daily ELA Review
Grade 3
Quarter 3
Week 25
Week 25: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  im gonna be a doctor when i grow up
2.  luke, my brother, will be six years old on friday
Which two words make up each contraction?
3.  don’t ________ _________
4. it’s   _________ _________
What do the following words have in common?
5.     square        rectangle         circle          triangle       ___________
Week 25: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  blake is gonna be a elf in the play
2.   tonya read a book called pinkalicious last night
Which two words make up each contraction?
3.  won’t ________ _________
4. I’ll   _________ _________
What do the following words have in common?
5.    soccer        football       baseball       hockey        ___________
Week 25: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  the falcon caught its pray while hunt at night
2.   we have forgot to water the plants
Which two words make up each contraction?
3.  they’ll ________ _________
4.  they’re   _________ _________
What do the following words have in common?
5.   cow      horse      goat        pig         ___________
Week 25: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  karen have a beautiful voice
2.   they did a very better job on the book report
Which two words make up each contraction?
3.  aren’t  ________ _________
4.  you’ll   _________ _________
What do the following words have in common?
5.   Mars      Earth       Jupiter        Neptune         ___________
Week 25: Day 5
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  ive hear that song on the radio before
2.   ryans dad are a very nice dentist
Which two words make up each contraction?
3.  couldn’t   ________ _________
4.   haven’t    _________ _________
What do the following words have in common?
5.   ten        twenty       thirty         forty        ___________
Daily ELA Review
Grade 3
Quarter 3
Week 26
Week 26: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  there is three boys going to the game in atlanta georgia
2. she are eating at her favorite restaurant in lincoln nebraska
Which conjunction can best fill in the blank in the sentence?
3.  I drank some water, ______ I was thirsty.
a. because          b. but            c. so             d. and
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
     4.   My teacher told me to 
my story neatly.
           a. write a lot        b. write again        c. do not write
     5. My mom asked me to 
 the pizza.
          a. order again        b. order before      c. order after
Week 26: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1. we is playing in the snow in nashville tennessee
2.  the boys is laughing at the play in charleston south carolina
Which conjunction can best fill in the blank in the sentence?
3. He was tired, ______ he had a headache.
a. because         b. but           c. so            d. and
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
4. Frank could see himself in the 
a. gleaming          b. dirty             c. empty            d. small
5. Chad was so cold that he 
a. listened           b. ate                c. shook               d. played
Week 26: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  she are going to disney world in orlando florida
2.  jason said don’t leave me!
Which conjunction can best fill in the blank in the sentence?
3.  I studied a lot, _________ I still did not pass the test.
    a. because         b. but           c. so            d. and
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
4. Jenny heard 
behind the curtain.
 a. loud noises     b. bells ringing         c. kids singing           d. soft sounds
5. Sam ran into the
with his large dog.
a. building            b. school                  c. grassy land               d. restaurant
Week 26: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  the principal office is very big
2.  jack said I want to go to the park
Which conjunction can best fill in the blank in the sentence?
3.  Green is a pretty color, _________ I like blue better.
    a. because         b. but           c. so            d. and
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
4. The tiger was 
 through the tall grass hunting for prey.
a. move loudly     b. move quietly         c.  playing          d. jumping
5. Josh was 
 when he won first place.
a. upset           b. surprised                  c. bored               d. happy
Week 26: Day 5
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  dad will be home from his trip on sunday said mom
2.  the refrigerator door was not closed and someone leaved the light
Which conjunction can best fill in the blank in the sentence?
3.  He can borrow the book, ______ he can buy it from the library.
    a. because         b. but           c. so            d. or
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
4. The door was 
, so we walked right inside.
 a. not locked          b. locked slowly             c.  locked again
5.  The girl was 
 when she did not receive an award.
a. happy                  b. not happy                   c. excited
Daily ELA Review
Grade 3
Quarter 3
Week 27
Week 27: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  we bought shampoo soap and a toothbrush at the store
2.  have you memorize you’re phone number
Is the following sentence a fact or opinion?
3. That book is too long to read in one week.
What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex)
4. They went on a trip to the mountains, but they did not go camping.
Which words have 2 syllables?
5. charming  
because            laughter          beautiful  
Week 27: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  the waitress came to hour table to take our order
2.  the teacher pass our glue stick for our project
Is the following sentence a fact or opinion?
3.  The capital of Arizona is Phoenix.
What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex)
4. We study rocks and minerals in science.
Which words have 2 syllables?
5.  chairs  
  table          flowers        couch 
Week 27: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  i love to listened to music in the car
2.  he has eight all his dinner and the dessert
Is the following sentence a fact or opinion?
3.  Red is the prettiest color in the rainbow.
What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex)
4. Because he has such a great sense of humor, he is always making the class laugh.
Which words have 2 syllables?
5.  Walmart              Target               Fry’s             Safeway
Week 27: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  shelly has went to her grandparents house in texas
2.  he didnt mean to brake the frame
Is the following sentence a fact or opinion?
3.  Twenty is a larger number than ten.
What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex)
4. The boys went to the park to play.
Which words have 2 syllables?
5.  yellow          green         blue          purple
Week 27: Day 5
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  i and jessica have did all the cleaning
2.  we like to swung on the hammock while we camping
Is the following sentence a fact or opinion?
3.  Pizza is the best food the cafeteria serves.
What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex)
4.  We made tacos for dinner and everyone thought it was the best dinner of the week.
Which words have 2 syllables?
5.  baseball              hockey                 swimming                  basketball
Daily ELA Review
Grade 3
Quarter 3
Week 28
Week 28: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1. david saw a dear ran across the highway
2.  amanda will celebrate her birthday on october 25 2019
What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex)
3. We live in San Diego, California.
Break each word apart by syllables?
4.  summer
5. pretty
Week 28: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  leslie want chocolate cake but she got pumpkin pie
2. tom can played the saxophone guitar and piano
What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex)
3. I was born in Phoenix, Arizona, but I live in Tucson, Arizona.
Break each word apart by syllables?
4.  table
5. candle
Week 28: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  before you go outside put on your jacket
2.  italy france and germany are locate in europe
What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex)
3. While he was sleeping he began walking around the house.
Break each word apart by syllables?
4.  beehive
5. cookbook
Week 28: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1. sam grace and kayla went to eat at pizza hut
2. mr jett said try to read a book every night
What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex)
3. We were having a good night, until the dog ran away.
Break each word apart by syllables?
4.  brighten
5. displease
Week 28: Day 5
Write these sentences correctly.
1. brooke has a friend who lives in st louis missouri
2.  logan david and charlie all went to skate country
What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex)
3. Since they were at the football field, Sean and Jeff played and ran around.
Break each word apart by syllables?
4.  uncommonly
5. admitted
Daily ELA Review
Grade 3
Quarter 3
Week 29
Week 29: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  teri hasnt seen that movie yet
2.   james lives on fifth street in houston texas
Compete each sentence by writing the correct word.
3. Yellow is to lemon as red is to _______________. (apple, fruit)
4. Bark is to dog as moo is to ________________. (cat, cow)
 Write down three words that rhyme with “pink.”
  5.       _______________      ___________________      ________________
Week 29: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  ryan love to ride his scotter to school
2.  watch out for the big snake
Compete each sentence by writing the correct word.
3. Bird is to fly and frog is to  _______________. (hop, skip)
4. Green is to grass as blue is to ________________. (mountain, sky)
 Write down three words that rhyme with “nine.”
  5.       _______________      ___________________      ________________
Week 29: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  snakes is my favorite reptile said ashley
2.   the american revolution ending on september 3 1783
Compete each sentence by writing the correct word.
3. Soccer is to goal as basketball is to  _______________. (basket, run)
4. Sweet is to ice cream as salty is to ________________. (pretzels, candy)
 Write down three words that rhyme with “wing.”
  5.       _______________      ___________________      ________________
Week 29: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1. dennis went to the store on monday
2.  captain hamm flew the spaceship to mars
Compete each sentence by writing the correct word.
3.   Fish is to gills as squirrel is  ______________. (lungs, mammal)
4.  Penguin is to Antartica as Panda is to ________________. (Asia, Africa)
 Write down three words that rhyme with “park.”
  5.       _______________      ___________________      ________________
Week 29: Day 5
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  They wore raincoat in the rain
2.  me found ten dollar at the park
Compete each sentence by writing the correct word.
3.   Goose is to flock as fish is to   ______________. (group, school)
4.  Lion is to carnivore as rhino is to  ________________. (omnivore, herbivore)
 Write down three words that rhyme with “dress.”
  5.       _______________      ___________________      ________________
Daily ELA Review
Grade 3
Quarter 3
Week 30
Week 30: Day 1
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  whats your favorite holiday
2.  dont leave the lights on or they will burned out two fast
Pick the two words on each line that can be combined to make a compound
word. Write down your new word.
3.   high             low               way               there         ______________
4.   month         week               hour             day           ______________
 Write down a contraction for the underlined words.
You are
 going to enjoy that book.  ____________
Week 30: Day 2
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  before me go to bed i takes a bath
2.  jills grandparents lives in south america
Pick the two words on each line that can be combined to make a compound
word. Write down your new word.
3.   play       grass      ground      dirt             ______________
4.   butter       way       fly      knife               ______________
 Write down a contraction for the underlined words.
5. Ruby 
 reach the cookies on the top shelf.  ____________
Week 30: Day 3
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  julias hair is long brown and curly
2.  aaron and jason live on baker street
Pick the two words on each line that can be combined to make a compound
word. Write down your new word.
3.   rain        storm            cloud         bow             ______________
4.   bee        lady               honey         bug         ______________
 Write down a contraction for the underlined words.
You have 
a lot of homework this week.  ____________
Week 30: Day 4
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  i went to the movies with john britney and thomas
2.  the truck were painted red green and gold
Pick the two words on each line that can be combined to make a compound
word. Write down your new word.
3.   work        list            home            won        ______________
4.  cup           bowl           spoon          cake           ______________
 Write down a contraction for the underlined words.
 I am
 having a party.  ____________
Week 30: Day 5
Write these sentences correctly.
1.  im going to the store to by some clothes and toy
2.  the flag is read white and blue
Pick the two words on each line that can be combined to make a compound
word. Write down your new word.
3.   on        go           in            to          ______________
4.   my        I         self          you          ______________
 Write down a contraction for the underlined words.
I would
 like to go to the party tomorrow.  ____________
Slide Note

Enhance your Grade 3 students' English Language Arts skills with daily review activities for Weeks 21-22. Correct sentences, identify abstract nouns, and capitalize book titles to reinforce grammar and writing conventions.

  • Grade 3
  • ELA
  • English Language Arts
  • Practice Activities

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Daily ELA Review Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 21

  2. Week 21: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. claire and john is going to ride to school together 2. we is out of school for our labor day holiday Circle the abstract noun in the sentence below. 3. The kids worked to regain trust after they lied. Capitalize the following book titles correctly. 4. green eggs and ham ___________________ 5. a wrinkle in time ______________________

  3. Week 21: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. christmas will be december 25 2019 this year 2. my favorite day of the week are saturday Circle the abstract noun in the sentence below. 3. We were full of happiness when we got extra recess time. Capitalize the following book titles correctly. 4. the cat and the hat ___________________ 5. goodnight moon ______________________

  4. Week 21: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. there is five girl eating in the lunchroom 2. my mom is going to a big sail at the mall on saturday Circle the abstract noun in the sentence below. 3. The lizard was full of curiosity as it roamed through the backyard. Capitalize the following book titles correctly. 4. the snowy day ___________________ 5. where the wild things are ______________________

  5. Week 21: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. the orange cat is chasing a mice 2. do you live in tucson arizona Circle the abstract noun in the sentence below. 3. Amy was full of bravery when she stood up to the bully. Capitalize the following book titles correctly. 4. harold and the purple crayon ___________________ 5. the tale of peter rabbit ______________________

  6. Week 21: Day 5 Write these sentences correctly. 1. can i please have a slice of pizza 2. please hand me the marker over their Circle the abstract noun in the sentence below. 3. Joseph was full of joy when he got the award. Capitalize the following book titles correctly. 4. diary of a wimpy kid ___________________ 5. dog man ______________________

  7. Daily ELA Review Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 22

  8. Week 22: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. my favorite book is charlottes web 2. i love reading the true story of the three little pigs Place correct commas and quotation marks in the sentence. 3. Tim yelled We are going to the zoo today! Which pronoun can take the place of the underlined noun? 4. The kittens were feisty as they ran around the room. a. I b. She c. They d. Them 5. I am going to Kari and Susan s house for Thanksgiving. a. their b. we c. me d. them

  9. Week 22: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. i like to add whip cream sprinkles and a cherry to my sunday 2. i have a pencil eraser and crayons in my pencil box Place correct commas and quotation marks in the sentence. 3. We got a new puppy for Christmas said Amy. Which pronoun can take the place of the underlined noun? 4. Michelle is looking everywhere for her book. a. She b. Her c. Their d. We 5. Kristy and I went to lunch at Taco Bell yesterday. a. She b. Her c. Their d. We

  10. Week 22: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. i layed out my clothes for the next day school 2. my favorite food is tacos and hamburgers Place correct commas and quotation marks in the sentence. 3. Third grade is the best grade said Joe. Which pronoun can take the place of the underlined noun? 4. The boys went to the baseball game in the pouring rain. a. I b. He c. Them d. They 5. Samantha had fun at the beach last summer. a. I b. She c. Them d. They

  11. Week 22: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. my grandma is making I a blew dress 2. my favorite color is red green and blue Place correct commas and quotation marks in the sentence. 3. There are two more weeks until winter break said Jill. Which pronoun can take the place of the underlined noun? 4. Sue looked everywhere for Sue s keys. a. she b. her c. them d. they 5. Mr. Johnson found a baseball in Mr. Johnson s yard.

  12. Week 22: Day 5 Write these sentences correctly. 1. my cat has gray white and black stripes 2. i has a bunny named lilly Place correct commas and quotation marks in the sentence. 3. Brad asked When are we going to the store? Which pronoun can take the place of the underlined noun? 4. Makayla was ready to take Makayla s spelling test. a. she b. her c. them d. they 5. Tyler caught Tyler s football before it went in the street. a. him b. they c. his d. them

  13. Daily ELA Review Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 23

  14. Week 23: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. i wish i could go to disneyland this summer 2. have you ever been to knots berry farm Find a word with a prefix or suffix. What does the word mean? 3. Wendy started preschool last July. Which adjective will best fit the sentence below? 4. This is the ____________ pizza I have ever had. a. baddest b. worsest c. worst d. most bad 5. Vicky is the _____________ girl in our class. a. taller b. tall c. tallest d. most tall

  15. Week 23: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. do you prefer to go to mcdonalds or burger king 2. what are your favorite subject in school Find a word with a prefix or suffix. What does the word mean? 3. Kevin reheated his pizza in the microwave. Which adjective will best fit the sentence below? 4. Of these two towels, this one feels the __________________. a. softly b. softest c. softer 5. Sophia s joke was ______________ than mine. a. funnier b. funniest c. funny

  16. Week 23: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. what time are you go to school tomorrow 2. do you have soccer practice on monday or tuesday Find a word with a prefix or suffix. What does the word mean? 3. Sammy untied his shoes before he took them off. Which adjective will best fit the sentence below? 4. The kitten is the ______________ one in the litter. a. small b. smallest c. smaller 5. Tommy s test took _______________ then my test. a. longer b. longest c. more long

  17. Week 23: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. that old toy dont need to be fixed 2. andys house is always a fun place to be Find a word with a prefix or suffix. What does the word mean? 3. She was unlucky when she missed the bus for school. Which adjective will best fit the sentence below? 4. John s bullfrog jumped the ___________ of all the bullfrogs. a. higher b. highest c. high 5. Kathy arrived at the movie ______________ than her friend. a. early b. earliest c. earlier

  18. Week 23: Day 5 Write these sentences correctly. 1. what are you favorite color 2. do you like swim or bike riding more Find a word with a prefix or suffix. What does the word mean? 3. Jenny was unhappy when she got a bad grade on her assignment. Which adjective will best fit the sentence below? 4. Katie slept the ____________ on Saturday. a. longest b. longer c. more long 5. Kayla was the ______________ of all the kids. a. more tired b. tireder c. most tired

  19. Daily ELA Review Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 24

  20. Week 24: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. the irish wear green on st. patricks day 2. i hope you brung a jacket for the field trip Choose the word that best completes each sentence. 3. We need to find __________ orange sweater for the party. a. a b. an c. these 4. Her dad is the ______________ of all of his brothers. a. shorter b. short c. shortest 5. What is the subject of the sentence? Josh and his dog Rover go on a walk after school. a. Josh b. Josh and his dog Rover c. go on a walk after school

  21. Week 24: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. he dont feel good today 2. tom has broke the plant stand again Choose the word that best completes each sentence. 3. Andrew had a ___________ time at the birthday party. a. best b. well c. good 4. The test was hard, but Alice thought she d done ______________. a. best b. well c. good 5. What is the subject of the sentence? Kelly went to soccer practice on Wednesday. a. Kelly b. Wednesday c. went to soccer practice

  22. Week 24: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. the car need to be painted because it is rusty 2. will you took me to the swimming pool Choose the word that best completes each sentence. 3. _________ keys are hanging in the front door. a. The b. and c. a 4. Sophia has __________ eyelash on her cheek. a. an b. a c. those 5. What is the subject of the sentence? Lucy was invited to the surprise party. a. surprise party b. Lucy c. invited

  23. Week 24: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. him dont got no homework 2. do you got any extra work i can do for you Choose the word that best completes each sentence. 3. Our plane will be landing within the _______________. a. hour b. our c. are 4. ____________ baby-sitting for my niece tonight. a. Their b. There c. They re What is the subject of the sentence? 5. The frog hopped onto the log that was on the pond shore. a. hopped onto the log b. the pond shore c. The frog

  24. Week 24: Day 5 Write these sentences correctly. 1. we is going to peter piper pizza tomorrow 2. do you ve like watching football on tv Choose the word that best completes each sentence. 3. The lizard was ________ along the back wall. a. run b. ran c. running 4. ____________ is a paper and pencil sitting on the table. a. Their b. There c. They re What is the subject of the sentence? 5. The child helped mop the kitchen floor. a. the kitchen floor b. helped mop c. The child

  25. Daily ELA Review Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 25

  26. Week 25: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. im gonna be a doctor when i grow up 2. luke, my brother, will be six years old on friday Which two words make up each contraction? 3. don t ________ _________ 4. it s _________ _________ What do the following words have in common? 5. square rectangle circle triangle ___________

  27. Week 25: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. blake is gonna be a elf in the play 2. tonya read a book called pinkalicious last night Which two words make up each contraction? 3. won t ________ _________ 4. I ll _________ _________ What do the following words have in common? 5. soccer football baseball hockey ___________

  28. Week 25: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. the falcon caught its pray while hunt at night 2. we have forgot to water the plants Which two words make up each contraction? 3. they ll ________ _________ 4. they re _________ _________ What do the following words have in common? 5. cow horse goat pig ___________

  29. Week 25: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. karen have a beautiful voice 2. they did a very better job on the book report Which two words make up each contraction? 3. aren t ________ _________ 4. you ll _________ _________ What do the following words have in common? 5. Mars Earth Jupiter Neptune ___________

  30. Week 25: Day 5 Write these sentences correctly. 1. ive hear that song on the radio before 2. ryans dad are a very nice dentist Which two words make up each contraction? 3. couldn t ________ _________ 4. haven t _________ _________ What do the following words have in common? 5. ten twenty thirty forty ___________

  31. Daily ELA Review Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 26

  32. Week 26: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. there is three boys going to the game in atlanta georgia 2. she are eating at her favorite restaurant in lincoln nebraska Which conjunction can best fill in the blank in the sentence? 3. I drank some water, ______ I was thirsty. a. because b. but c. so d. and What is the meaning of the underlined word? 4. My teacher told me to rewrite my story neatly. a. write a lot b. write again c. do not write 5. My mom asked me to preorder the pizza. a. order again b. order before c. order after

  33. Week 26: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. we is playing in the snow in nashville tennessee 2. the boys is laughing at the play in charleston south carolina Which conjunction can best fill in the blank in the sentence? 3. He was tired, ______ he had a headache. a. because b. but c. so d. and What is the meaning of the underlined word? 4. Frank could see himself in the shiny tabletop. a. gleaming b. dirty c. empty d. small 5. Chad was so cold that he shivered. a. listened b. ate c. shook d. played

  34. Week 26: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. she are going to disney world in orlando florida 2. jason said don t leave me! Which conjunction can best fill in the blank in the sentence? 3. I studied a lot, _________ I still did not pass the test. a. because b. but c. so d. and What is the meaning of the underlined word? 4. Jenny heard whispering behind the curtain. a. loud noises b. bells ringing c. kids singing d. soft sounds 5. Sam ran into the field with his large dog. a. building b. school c. grassy land d. restaurant

  35. Week 26: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. the principal office is very big 2. jack said I want to go to the park Which conjunction can best fill in the blank in the sentence? 3. Green is a pretty color, _________ I like blue better. a. because b. but c. so d. and What is the meaning of the underlined word? 4. The tiger was creeping through the tall grass hunting for prey. a. move loudly b. move quietly c. playing d. jumping 5. Josh was astonished when he won first place. a. upset b. surprised c. bored d. happy

  36. Week 26: Day 5 Write these sentences correctly. 1. dad will be home from his trip on sunday said mom 2. the refrigerator door was not closed and someone leaved the light on Which conjunction can best fill in the blank in the sentence? 3. He can borrow the book, ______ he can buy it from the library. a. because b. but c. so d. or f What is the meaning of the underlined word? 4. The door was unlocked, so we walked right inside. a. not locked b. locked slowly c. locked again 5. The girl was disappointed when she did not receive an award. a. happy b. not happy c. excited

  37. Daily ELA Review Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 27

  38. Week 27: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. we bought shampoo soap and a toothbrush at the store 2. have you memorize you re phone number Is the following sentence a fact or opinion? 3. That book is too long to read in one week. What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex) 4. They went on a trip to the mountains, but they did not go camping. Which words have 2 syllables? 5. charming because laughter beautiful

  39. Week 27: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. the waitress came to hour table to take our order 2. the teacher pass our glue stick for our project Is the following sentence a fact or opinion? 3. The capital of Arizona is Phoenix. What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex) 4. We study rocks and minerals in science. Which words have 2 syllables? 5. chairs table flowers couch

  40. Week 27: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. i love to listened to music in the car 2. he has eight all his dinner and the dessert Is the following sentence a fact or opinion? 3. Red is the prettiest color in the rainbow. What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex) 4. Because he has such a great sense of humor, he is always making the class laugh. Which words have 2 syllables? 5. Walmart Target Fry s Safeway

  41. Week 27: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. shelly has went to her grandparents house in texas 2. he didnt mean to brake the frame Is the following sentence a fact or opinion? 3. Twenty is a larger number than ten. What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex) 4. The boys went to the park to play. Which words have 2 syllables? 5. yellow green blue purple

  42. Week 27: Day 5 Write these sentences correctly. 1. i and jessica have did all the cleaning 2. we like to swung on the hammock while we camping Is the following sentence a fact or opinion? 3. Pizza is the best food the cafeteria serves. What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex) 4. We made tacos for dinner and everyone thought it was the best dinner of the week. Which words have 2 syllables? 5. baseball hockey swimming basketball

  43. Daily ELA Review Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 28

  44. Week 28: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. david saw a dear ran across the highway 2. amanda will celebrate her birthday on october 25 2019 What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex) 3. We live in San Diego, California. Break each word apart by syllables? 4. summer 5. pretty

  45. Week 28: Day 2 Write these sentences correctly. 1. leslie want chocolate cake but she got pumpkin pie 2. tom can played the saxophone guitar and piano What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex) 3. I was born in Phoenix, Arizona, but I live in Tucson, Arizona. Break each word apart by syllables? 4. table 5. candle

  46. Week 28: Day 3 Write these sentences correctly. 1. before you go outside put on your jacket 2. italy france and germany are locate in europe What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex) 3. While he was sleeping he began walking around the house. Break each word apart by syllables? 4. beehive 5. cookbook

  47. Week 28: Day 4 Write these sentences correctly. 1. sam grace and kayla went to eat at pizza hut 2. mr jett said try to read a book every night What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex) 3. We were having a good night, until the dog ran away. Break each word apart by syllables? 4. brighten 5. displease

  48. Week 28: Day 5 Write these sentences correctly. 1. brooke has a friend who lives in st louis missouri 2. logan david and charlie all went to skate country What type of sentence is below? (simple, compound, complex) 3. Since they were at the football field, Sean and Jeff played and ran around. Break each word apart by syllables? 4. uncommonly 5. admitted

  49. Daily ELA Review Grade 3 Quarter 3 Week 29

  50. Week 29: Day 1 Write these sentences correctly. 1. teri hasnt seen that movie yet 2. james lives on fifth street in houston texas Compete each sentence by writing the correct word. 3. Yellow is to lemon as red is to _______________. (apple, fruit) 4. Bark is to dog as moo is to ________________. (cat, cow) Write down three words that rhyme with pink. 5. _______________ ___________________ ________________


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