Faculty of Management and Social Communication at Jagiellonian University: Overview
The Faculty of Management and Social Communication at Jagiellonian University offers a diverse range of interdisciplinary programs in psychology, journalism, film studies, cultural studies, and more. With over 7,000 students, including 750 international students, the faculty provides unique study programs and opportunities for obtaining a double diploma. The academic year 2020/21 brings remote learning options and adherence to sanitary guidelines for in-person classes. Students can access essential services like the Student's Office, Faculty Library, and Wi-Fi network at the central hall. Activation of student email and completion of the BHK course are essential for students.
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Faculty of Management and Social Communication of the Jagiellonian University Welcome
Authorities of the Faculty of Management and Social Communication Vice-Dean for Science Vice-Dean for Didactics Dean dr hab. Weronika wierczy ska-G ownia, prof. UJ prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Loska dr hab. Ewa Bogacz-Wojtanowska, prof. UJ
Our strengths The faculty educates in the fields of psychology, journalism, film studies and new media knowledge, cultural studies, information management, electronic information processing, social policy, economics and management. The diversity of the faculties we provide makes us one of the most interdisciplinary faculties of the Jagiellonian University We teach over 7,000 students, 750 foreigners from 40 countries We have unique fields of study and proprietary study programs awarded with the "Studies with the Future" certificate of the Foundation for the Development of Education and Higher Education We offer the possibility of obtaining a double diploma Student Internet TV - UJOT TV Radio UJOT FM - Student. Unfiltered - www.uj.fm Education Quality Certificate Jagiellonian University wins the Perspektywy 2020 ranking
Atypical academic year 2020/21 Classes at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication in the academic year 2020/2021 starts on 2 October and last until 28 January 2021. On 29 January - 10 February 2021, the examination session takes place, and there is a re-sit from 18 February to 24, 2021 winter examination session. Classes until the end of the winter semester, exams and credits at both dates of the winter session are held remotely with elements of full-time education (Dean's Statement of the Faculty of Management and Social Communication of 08 September 2020). Some of the classes that will be held stationary must be conducted in compliance with sanitary requirements. Up-to-date information on the operation of specific units can be found on their websites
First steps at the faculty Student's Office: There is a student's office in each Institute, where you can receive information on essential matters, including enrollment for the year, submitting applications to the authorities of the Institute / University, extending the ID or obtaining a certificate of the student status needed to the bank Faculty Library: https://biblioteka.wzks.uj.edu.pl Wi-Fi: the UJ_WiFi wireless network operates in the library and on all floors of the central hall of the Faculty building and the surrounding lecture halls. Access to the UJ_WiFi network is possible for people who know and accept the rules of using the WZiKS network, have an active e-mail account in the central e-mail system of the Jagiellonian University and a correctly configured Wi-Fi network of their device https://pmik.wzks.uj.edu.pl/ internet-access University e-mail: STUDENT E-MAIL - as you surely already know, due to the protection of YOUR personal data, you are required to use e-mail in the @ student.uj.edu.pl domain when contacting UJ employees. Unfortunately, so far few of you have activated this e-mail, and even fewer people have set it as the default in USOSweb. Please, activate your e-mail by 02/10/2020. Instructions available at https://pomocit.uj.edu.pl/poczta_studenci BHK course: every student entering the first year of first-cycle, second-cycle and long-cycle studies must undergo training in safe and hygienic conditions of education (BHK). Detailed information on the dates and rules for enrolling in the course can be found at www.pegaz.uj.edu.pl
Studies ECTS: the value of each subject is determined in ECTS credits. To pass the next stage of studies, each student - under his study program - is required to obtain a fixed number of ECTS points. To complete the year, you should collect min. 60 ECTS credits. PE: physical education classes are compulsory in 1st cycle full-time and long-cycle studies. You can enrol in selected sports sections, attend the university swimming pool, play tennis, take part in fitness classes. Information on how sports activities are held in 2020/2021 can be found on the website at https://swfis.uj.edu.pl Language courses - JCJ: According to the Resolution of the Jagiellonian University Senate No. 2 / I / 2012 of 25 January 2012, the minimum number of hours of language courses is defined as follows: first-cycle studies - 120 hours divided into two or four semesters; long-cycle studies - 180 or 240 hours carried out over three or four semesters. Students eligible to learn foreign languages register through the USOS registration system. When choosing a course, students should be guided by the requirements specified by the Home Institute concerning the number of hours and level. In the first round of logging in, students should choose courses dedicated to their Institutes. Students holding a CAE or CPE certificate with a grade A or B must confirm it at the Jagiellonian Language Center (JCJ). After completing the formalities, the student is exempt from completing the English language course https://jcj.uj.edu.pl/studenci/organizacja-lektoratow Applications: https://studiuje.uj.edu.pl/studenci/wzory-pism. Each Institute has its application forms to the authorities of the Institute / University
Studies Regulations for first-cycle, second-cycle and long-cycle studies https://studiuje.uj.edu.pl/studenci/tok- studiow/regulamin USOSweb: is a platform for students. We want to remind you that new USOSweb accounts created during registration for classes are active the next day. The first login ID to USOSweb for students is: for people with a PESEL number: NUMER_PESEL@usosweb.uj.edu.pl (e.g. 12345678900@usosweb.uj.edu.pl) for people who do not have a PESEL number: NUMER_ALBUMU@usosweb.uj.edu.pl (e.g. 9876543@usosweb.uj.edu.pl) The first password to USOSweb is the password that was valid for the EQF when the student made the registration procedure at the student's office/dean's office. Students who do not remember their password can obtain a new one only at the student's / dean's office of their unit.
Studies Students using USOSweb can, among others: apply for a scholarship read the schedule of classes register for classes check the results of your exams and credits attach subjects: for a student's subjects to be counted towards his program and appear on the examination card, they must be "attached" to the appropriate year of a given program. submit a subject declaration: the declaration is the student's plan for a given cycle (semester) of classes. It is made twice a year: in the winter semester and the summer semester. As in the case of links, timely and correct submission of the declaration is necessary for the proper course of studies and the possibility of accounting for the year. Description and instructions on the website https://www.usosweb.uj.edu.pl/
M-ID Card m-ID card Jagiellonian University introduced the option of ordering m-ID card by students. It is an electronic version of the card with the same legal value as its plastic counterpart (ELS). By showing it on the smartphone screen, you will be able to confirm your student status or take advantage of all the allowances and exemptions. Besides, also by using the mWeryfikator application, authorized persons will be able to confirm the bearer's data, such as his: name, surname, see the photo and check the validity of the m-ID card. M-ID card can be applied for by people who: have the status of an active student, have a valid student ID (ELS), have a PESEL number, and, additionally, their data has not been changed in the USOS system since the ELS was issued. It is also necessary to set up a Trusted Profile and download and install the mObywatel application on the phone. Ordering, extending the validity and cancelling student m-ID card is possible via the Mobilny USOS application (mUSOS) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pl.edu.uj.mobilny or on the USOSweb website. A special module called "mLegitymacja" is used for this. All activities undertaken in it depend on the student's decision and do not require contact with the dean's office or student's office. M-ID card can be invalidated in mUSOS by the user at any time. This will result in the cancellation of the m-ID card also in mObywatel, and thus the need to download a new m-ID card. M-ID card will also expire in the event of failure to extend the traditional ELS card, its annulment in the dean's office system, and when the student status is lost. Activation instructions at the following e-mail address: https://www.usosweb.uj.edu.pl/kontroler.php?ledz=news/default&panel=DOMYSLNY&file=mlegitymacja.html
Mobile Student While studying at Jagiellonian University, a student may complete part of his studies at another Polish or foreign university. The Erasmus + program enables students to go to foreign universities for part of their studies and practice. Any student of the Jagiellonian University registered in full-time and part-time studies leading to a bachelor's, master's or doctor's degree/diploma, regardless of nationality, may apply for it. Part-time students may apply for an exemption from all or part of the tuition fees (for this purpose, write an application to the faculty dean after qualifying for the Erasmus + program) https://erasmus.uj.edu.pl The Student and PhD Student Mobility Program MOST is an exchange program for students and doctoral students of Polish universities. The MOST program allows you to complete a part of your studies (a semester or an academic year) at another university. A student may participate in the exchange after completing the second semester of studies - in the case of students of first-cycle studies and master's studies or the first semester - in the case of students of second-cycle studies https://studiuje.uj.edu.pl/studenci/mobilnosc/program-most Bilateral agreements https://dwm.uj.edu.pl/studenci/wymiana-bilateralna International programs https://dwm.uj.edu.pl Each Institute at our faculty has its own Erasmus + international exchange coordinator
Material aid for students Students can apply for the following scholarships: social, special for disabled people, Rector's scholarships for the best students and grants. https://stypendia.uj.edu.pl/pomoc-materialna/zapomoga Students who completed the year of study in the previous academic year and who excelled in science, or achieved outstanding scientific, artistic or sports achievements, may apply for the Minister's Scholarship for outstanding students https://www.uj.edu.pl/studenci/stypendia - student-loans-and-dormitories All applications for their granting must be submitted electronically in the USOSweb system Departmental coordinator for material aid at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication Renata M ynarczyk, M.Sc. - room 0.218 https://wzks.uj.edu.pl/studenci/pomoc-materialna
Dates of classes in the academic year 2020/2021 Additional days off from classes Exam sessions Days free from classes Dates of didactic classes WINTER From 29 January 2021 to 10 February 2021 CHRISTMAS BREAK from 23 December 2020 to 6 January 2021 from 2 October 2020 to 22 December 2020 - 2 May 2021 - Friday in the week of Juwenalia Festivities WINTER RE-SIT From 18 February 2021 to 24 February 2021 from 7 January 2021 to 28 January 2021 SEMESTER BREAK From 11 February 2021 to 17 February 2021 from 25 February 2021 to 31 March 2021 SUMMER From 16 June 2021 to 29 June 2021 EASTER BREAK from 1 April 2021 to 6 April 2021 from 7 April 2021 to 15 June 2021 SUMMER RE-SIT From 1 September 2021 to 15 September 2021 HOLIDAY BREAK From 30 June 2021 to 30 September 2021
Student affairs at the University The Jagiellonian University Student Government https://www.uj.edu.pl/studenci/samorzad-studentow Department of Student Affairs - incl. handling cases concerning health insurance for students https://studiuje.uj.edu.pl/studenci/ubbezpieczenia Foreign Students Service Department https://internationalstudents.uj.edu.pl/ Competence Improvement Office https://dydaktyka.uj.edu.pl/centrum/bdk Career Office https://biurokarier.uj.edu.pl/ Didactic Support Center https://dydaktyka.uj.edu.pl/
Support for the student Department for People with Disabilities: the mission of the department is to equalize opportunities for people with disabilities by developing and implementing rational adaptations aimed at equal treatment of people with disabilities in access to education www.don.uj.edu.pl Student Support and Adaptation Center (SOWA) - it was created as a result of cooperation between the Jagiellonian University and the University Hospital and will help students, and doctoral students experiencing a mental crisis, as well as support them in adapting and promote a healthy lifestyle https: //sowa.uj.edu.pl/ Rector's Plenipotentiary's Office for Student Safety - the purpose of the office is to prevent the occurrence of events threatening the safety of students and doctoral students providing support to the victims of https://bezpieczny-student.uj.edu.pl Student Legal Office provides legal advice primarily to the poor who cannot afford to bear the costs of professional, paid legal assistance, to legal subjects (including foundations and associations). In addition, the office deals with disciplinary matters at Krakow universities, acting as defenders of the accused students http://www.poradnia.law.uj.edu.pl/