Exception Handling in Java: Understanding Errors and Exceptions

Errors and Exception
Exception Hierarchy
Classification of Exceptions
Built in Exceptions
Exception Handling in Java
User defined Exceptions
“ An 
 is a condition that cannot be resolved
within the context of the operation that caused it. ”
throw an exception
 is to signal that such a condition
has occurred.
catch an exception
 is to transfer control to an
exception handling routine
, altering the normal
execution flow of the program.
Because exceptions are outside the normal operation
of a program the normal, default action is to write out
an error message and terminate the offending process.
What is an Error?
What is the Difference between Error and
“ An Error is a subclass of Throwable that
indicates serious problems that a reasonable
application should not try to catch. “
Errors can not be caught.
Stackoverflow and underflow
“The class Exception and its subclasses are a
form of Throwable that indicates conditions
that a reasonable application might want to
catch. “
Exception can be caught using key words such
as try and catch block.
 Exceptions can occur at many levels:
Exception Example
public class UnhandledException
public static void main(String[]
   int num1 =0,num2 =5;
int num3 = num2/num1;
.println(" Value = "
Exception Hierarchy
Classification of Exceptions
Exceptions can be classified as
Examples of Exception:
Built-in Exceptions
Checked Exception
Unchecked Exception
Handling exceptions – General
Snippet of a pseudocode follows:
Exception Handling in Java
Exceptions in Java can be handled by five keywords
Exception Handling in Java – Contd.,
Exception Handling Mechanism
The basic concepts of exception handling are
throwing an exception and catching it.
Statement that causes an
Try Block
Statement that handles the
catch Block
Exception object
Exception Handler
Exception Handling syntax
 catch (Exception class object)
     //Close file handles
    //Free the resources
Try and catch
public class TryCatchDemo
public static void main(String [] args)
int x,y;
x = 0;
y = 10/x;
System.out.println(“Now What ???”);
catch(ArithmeticException e)
System.out.println(“Division by zero”);
System.out.println(“Hi I am back !!!”);
Using multiple Catch Statements
    catch(exception-class1 object)
//blocks of code
//blocks of code
   catch(exception-class1 object)
        //blocks of code
A single try block can have
many catch blocks.
Multiple catch statements are
used when a try block has
statements that raise
different types of exceptions.
Handling the Unreachable Code
If in an program the first catch block contains
the Exception class object then subsequent
catch blocks are never used.
The excetion class being the super class, java
gives a compiler error stating that the
subsequent catch blocks have not been
This phenomenon is termed as “unreachable
code problem”.
Finally Block
Ensures that all cleanup work is taken care of when an exception occurs
Used in conjunction with a try block
Guaranteed to run whether or not an exception occurs
finally { // Blocks of code}
No exception
Finally Demo
Rules for Try-Catch-Finally
For each try block there can be one or more catch
block but only one finally block.
A finally block cannot execute without a try block.
Try block can be nested with catch blocks.
Throw and Throws Keyword
 declares that your method is capable of throwing an exception.
actually  does the work ,  of throwing the exception.
Example :
public void doSomething() throws
    catch(Exception e){
            // catch all excpetions here
ApplicationException("An error occurred
while trying connect to DB");
User Defined Exceptions
“ UserDefined Exceptions are any subcalss of
Exception which is defined by a user to define
their own exceptional condition. “
Any violation of Business rules of an
application can be handled using User Defined
User Defined Exceptions – Contd.,
For example,
If the person is in the business of selling
motorcycles and need to validate an order which
has been placed by a customer, creating a user-
defined exception in the Java programming
language can be done by a creating a new class
which can be named TooManyBikesException.
if someone tries to place an order for more
motorcycles than you can ship, you can simply
throw a user-defined exception.
User Defined Exception – Contd.,
Rules for writing UserDefinedException Class:
Userdefined Exception class has to exend an
Exception class .
When an business rule is violated, a userdefined
exception object has to be created and thrown
using throw key word.
Any userdefined Exception thrown using the
throw key word has to be handled in respective
catch block of userdefined Exception.
User Defined Exception – Contd.,
Class UserDefinedException
extends Exception
String getMessage()
Return “logical message related
to error raised”;
An exception is a run time error that can be defined as an abnormal event
that occurs during the execution of a program and disrupts the normal flow
of instructions.
In Java, the Throwable class is the superclass of all the exception classes. The
Exception class and the Error class are two direct subclasses of the Throwable
 The built-in exceptions in Java are divided into two types on the basis of the
conditions where the exception is raised:
Checked Exceptions or Compiler-enforced Exceptions
Unchecked exceptions or Runtime Exceptions
Summary – Contd.,
You can implement exception handling in your
program by using the following keywords:
You use multiple catch blocks to throw more
than one type of exception.
Summary – Contd.,
The finally clause is used to execute the statements that need to be
executed whether or not an exception has been thrown.
The throw statement causes termination of the normal flow of control of
the Java code and stops the execution of subsequent statements after the
throw statement.
The throws
clause is used by a method to specify the types of exceptions
the method throws.
You can create your own exception classes to handle the situations specific
to an application
Slide Note

Exception handling in Java is crucial for dealing with errors and exceptions that can occur during program execution. Errors and exceptions are conditions that disrupt the normal flow of a program, and understanding their differences is key to effective error management. This chapter covers the concepts of errors, exceptions, exception hierarchy, classification of exceptions, built-in exceptions, user-defined exceptions, and more in the context of Java programming. Learn how to identify, handle, and differentiate between errors and exceptions to build robust and reliable Java applications.

  • Java
  • Exception Handling
  • Errors
  • Exceptions
  • Java Programming

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 6 Exception Handling

  2. Agenda Introduction Errors and Exception Exception Hierarchy Classification of Exceptions Built in Exceptions Exception Handling in Java User defined Exceptions ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  3. Introduction An exception is a condition that cannot be resolved within the context of the operation that caused it. To throw an exception is to signal that such a condition has occurred. To catch an exception is to transfer control to an exception handling routine, altering the normal execution flow of the program. Because exceptions are outside the normal operation of a program the normal, default action is to write out an error message and terminate the offending process. ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  4. Questions What is an Error? What is the Difference between Error and Exception? ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  5. Answers Error: An Error is a subclass of Throwable that indicates serious problems that a reasonable application should not try to catch. Errors can not be caught. Examples: Stackoverflow and underflow ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  6. Answers Exception: The class Exception and its subclasses are a form of Throwable that indicates conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch. Exception can be caught using key words such as try and catch block. ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  7. Exceptions Exceptions can occur at many levels: Hardware/operating system level Language level Program level Type conversion; illegal values, improper casts. Arithmetic exceptions; divide by 0, under/overflow. Bounds violations; illegal array indices. User defined exceptions. Memory access violations; stack over/underflow. Bad references; null pointers. ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  8. Exception Example public class UnhandledException { public static void main(String[] args) { int num1 =0,num2 =5; int num3 = num2/num1; System.out.println(" Value = " +num3); } } ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  9. Exception Hierarchy ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  10. Classification of Exceptions Exceptions can be classified as Built-in Exceptions These exceptions are define by Java and they reside in java.lang package . User-Defined Exceptions Exceptions defined by users. Examples of Exception: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExc eption NullPointerException IOException ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  11. Built-in Exceptions Built-in Exceptions in Java Unchecked Exception: Checked Exception: They are run time errors that occur because of programming errors such as invalid arguments passed to a public method. Examples: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException NullPointerException The invalid conditions that occur in java program due to invalid user input, database problems etc. Examples: IOException SQLException ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  12. Checked Exception Exception Name Description ClassNotFoundException Class not found Attempt to create an object of an abstract class or interface. Access to a class is denied. InstantiationException IllegealAccessException NoSuchMethodException A requested method does not exist. NoSuchFieldException A requested field does not exist. One thread has been interrupted by another thread. Attempt to clone an object that does not implement Cloneable interface. InterruptedException CloneNotSupportedException ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  13. Unchecked Exception Exception Name Description Arithmetic error, such as divide by zero. Array created with a negative size. ArithmeticException NegativeArraySizeException NullPointerException Invalid use of a null reference. Illegeal argument used to invoke a method. Invalid class cast Arithmetic error, such as divide by zero. Array created with a negative size. IllegealArgumentException ClassCastException ArithmeticException NegativeArraySizeException ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  14. Handling exceptions General Example Snippet of a pseudocode follows: IF B IS ZERO GO TO ERROR C=A/B PRINT C GO TO EXIT Block that handles error ERROR: DISPLAY DIVISION BY ZERO EXIT: END ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  15. Exception Handling in Java Exceptions in Java can be handled by five keywords Catch Throw Try Throws Finally ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  16. Exception Handling in Java Contd., used with the code that might throw an exception. TRY This statement is used to specify the exception to catch and the code to execute if the specified exception is thrown. CATCH is used to define a block of code that we always want to execute, regardless of whether an exception was caught or not. FINALLY THROW Typically used for throwing user-defined exceptions THROWS Exception Lists the types of exceptions a method can throw, so that the callers of the method can guard themselves against the exception ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  17. Exception Handling Mechanism The basic concepts of exception handling are throwing an exception and catching it. Try Block Exception object creator Throws exception object Statement that causes an exception catch Block Exception Handler Statement that handles the exception ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  18. Exception Handling syntax try { } statements catch (Exception class object) { statements } finally { //Close file handles //Free the resources } ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  19. Try and catch public class TryCatchDemo public static void main(String [] args) int x,y; try { x = 0; y = 10/x; System.out.println( Now What ??? ); } catch(ArithmeticException e) System.out.println( Division by zero ); } System.out.println( Hi I am back !!! ); } } { { { TryCatchDemo ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  20. Using multiple Catch Statements try catch(exception-class1 object) { { //blocks of code //blocks of code } } catch(exception-class1 object) { //blocks of code } A single try block can have many catch blocks. Multiple catch statements are used when a try block has statements that raise different types of exceptions. MultipleCatchBlockDemo ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  21. Handling the Unreachable Code Problem If in an program the first catch block contains the Exception class object then subsequent catch blocks are never used. The excetion class being the super class, java gives a compiler error stating that the subsequent catch blocks have not been reached. This phenomenon is termed as unreachable code problem . UnreachableCodeDemo ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  22. Finally Block Ensures that all cleanup work is taken care of when an exception occurs Used in conjunction with a try block Guaranteed to run whether or not an exception occurs Syntax finally { // Blocks of code} finally No exception try block catch block finally Exception Finally Demo ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  23. Rules for Try-Catch-Finally For each try block there can be one or more catch block but only one finally block. A finally block cannot execute without a try block. Try block can be nested with catch blocks. ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  24. Throw and Throws Keyword "throws" declares that your method is capable of throwing an exception. "throw" actually does the work , of throwing the exception. Example : public void doSomething() throws ApplicationException { try{ } catch(Exception e){ // catch all excpetions here throw ApplicationException("An error occurred while trying connect to DB"); } } ThrowsAndThrowKeyWordDemo ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  25. User Defined Exceptions UserDefined Exceptions are any subcalss of Exception which is defined by a user to define their own exceptional condition. Any violation of Business rules of an application can be handled using User Defined Exception. ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  26. User Defined Exceptions Contd., For example, If the person is in the business of selling motorcycles and need to validate an order which has been placed by a customer, creating a user- defined exception in the Java programming language can be done by a creating a new class which can be named TooManyBikesException. if someone tries to place an order for more motorcycles than you can ship, you can simply throw a user-defined exception. ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  27. User Defined Exception Contd., Rules for writing UserDefinedException Class: a. Userdefined Exception class has to exend an Exception class . b. When an business rule is violated, a userdefined exception object has to be created and thrown using throw key word. c. Any userdefined Exception thrown using the throw key word has to be handled in respective catch block of userdefined Exception. ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  28. User Defined Exception Contd., Example: Class UserDefinedException extends Exception { String getMessage() { Return logical message related to error raised ; } } UserDefinedExceptionDemo ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  29. Summary An exception is a run time error that can be defined as an abnormal event that occurs during the execution of a program and disrupts the normal flow of instructions. In Java, the Throwable class is the superclass of all the exception classes. The Exception class and the Error class are two direct subclasses of the Throwable class. The built-in exceptions in Java are divided into two types on the basis of the conditions where the exception is raised: Checked Exceptions or Compiler-enforced Exceptions Unchecked exceptions or Runtime Exceptions ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  30. Summary Contd., You can implement exception handling in your program by using the following keywords: try catch throw throws Finally You use multiple catch blocks to throw more than one type of exception. ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  31. Summary Contd., The finally clause is used to execute the statements that need to be executed whether or not an exception has been thrown. The throw statement causes termination of the normal flow of control of the Java code and stops the execution of subsequent statements after the throw statement. The throwsclause is used by a method to specify the types of exceptions the method throws. You can create your own exception classes to handle the situations specific to an application ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

  32. References http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/exceptions/index.html http://www.javabeginner.com/java-exception-handling.htm http://mindprod.com/jgloss/exception.html http://www.tutorialhero.com/tutorial-71-java_exceptions.php ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu A Consortium of Govt of India, Govt of Tamil Nadu and CII

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