Enriching Language Learning with Teletandem Activities: A Blended Approach

Could you help me to
learn your language?
Amelia Bandini  - University of Naples Federico II
The Naples-Bochum Teletandem project
German language courses: s
German as mother tongue is the most widespread
language in Europe
Germany is economically the strongest country  in
A lot of young people want to migrate to Germany
They need competences in German Language
The majority of our students study English FL at
school and have none or only few competences in
Language courses are generally designed like
traditional courses
transmission model of education
lack of native staff/contacts with native speakers
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
Conversation is not only a medium of
practice, but also the means by which
learning takes places. 
In other words,
conversational interaction in a second
language forms the basis for the
development of language rather than
being only a form for practice of specific
language features (
Gass, 2003:
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
in adult contexts (university contexts):
Formal L2 learning:
language instruction
enhances cognitive processes
and has a positive impact on
L2 acquisition (Long 1983,
Informal L2 acquisition:
opportunities for communication in
terms of exposure to and production
in L2 authentic contexts enhance the
learning process  (Swain 1995, Gass
Negotiation of meaning is able to help
certain cognitive processes necessary for
second language learning 
because by
becoming consciously aware of one’s own
production, output can serve the
metalinguistic function of helping to
internalize linguistic form. (
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
… to combine
formal and
informal language
… to get in touch
with different way
of life and/or
… to acquire the cultural
dimension of the society
speaking the target language
…to satisfy the need for
authentic communication
in-tandem working modalities
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
foreign language learners, located
in different countries and linked
via various forms of electronic
communication, work together
and thus access more authentic
communication than is available
in classroom interaction.
Tandem in 
collaborative learning
 (Telles/ Vassallo, 2006a)
Teleandem is a form of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning :
(group)interactions among individuals are mediated by computers.
CSCL stresses collaboration among the students
The learning takes place
largely through interactions among students
. Students learn by expressing their
questions, pursuing lines of inquiry together, teaching each other and seeing
how others are learning
(Stahl, Koschmann,, &Suthers, 2006: 2)
Teletandem =
collaborative & 
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
collaborative learners
 how long
they take
control of and
for their own
they develop
the ability to
monitor and
evaluate their
Autonomous learners
“Autonomy by learning” =  “
Learning to Learn”
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
Tandem activities:
increase learners’ sensitivity to the way the target languages work
raise students’ general metalinguistic awareness and ability to regulate the
language learning process and the use of language skills and knowledge outside
the classroom.
 improve learners capability to plan learning activities
(Autonomy in the sense by  Holec 1981 and Little 1991).
“Autonomy by learning” or  “Learning to
Learn” is one of the eight key competences
considered of strategic importance for
lifelong learning by the European Union.
European Countries are requested to
integrate it into their own educational
the competence to pursue and
organize one's own learning,
either individually or in groups, in
accordance with one's own
needs, and awareness of
methods and opportunities 
Teletandem for basic language users
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
Integration into formal courses
Teacher’s guidance
They need
explanations …
… but native-speakers do not generally offer
analytical linguistic explanations: their
expertise is normally just an unreflecting
ECS credits for Italian students and reduction of homework for the
German ones.
The Naples-Bochum Teletandem 
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
wiki-based Teletandem
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
supports collaborative learning, knowledge building and
promotes social acts;
gives the possibility:
to share materials: modify, add, remove texts, photos,
links and  add comments to all pages posted by every
participant (collaboration);
to reconstruct all interventions through the permanent
visual record (page history);
to reflect on the partners’ use of the language
(language awareness                    increasing of autonomy)
gives the possibility to accomplish some learning tasks
flexible tool for language learning.
On the FrontPage acknowledgments on work modalities are posted
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
Extract from the home page  
[…] The exchange involves learners attending German FL courses by the 
Departments of Political
Science and of Humanities of the University of Naples 
and those attending Italian FL courses by the
Language Center at the University of Bochum
. (…)
We offer you the opportunity 
to interact on-line 
with native speakers to learn each other’s language
and culture. […
Fill out the “
” that you find in the “Navigator” on the right menu of our workspace.
Meanwhile, following the instructions in the “create a page” session on the right menu, 
please create
your own page where you introduce yourself: photos or short movies are welcome
Browse the presentation of your colleague
s  and add comments! […
The learning activities 
on each topic 
are grouped in worksheets and organized in three distinct
phases related to the skills required by the Common European Framework of Reference:
comprehension and production of written texts, ability to understand, speak and interact in a
foreign language. […
Each pair can 
 choose to follow the directions or replace them with other activities, but it is
important that ALL phases of each worksheet are completed. 
When all activities on a topic are
 please fill in the“portfolio” with the aim to “reflect” on your work, i.e. on the
improvement of your language skills, on the difficulties that you  have faced and on the
collaboration with your partner. Reflecting will improve your language awareness and as a
consequence your learning process! Teacher counselling is at your disposal!
to create the pairs
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
 First name
Course of study  
How do you 
assess your language competences
 following the Common European
Framework of References? (
several languages 
are required, write them into the boxes)
Have you already experienced ‘tandem learning’?
Which tool/s do you usually use for electronic communication (e.g. E-Mail , Instant
Messenger; Skype, chats...) ?
Have you already used a wiki software?
Why did you decide to work  in e-Tandem? What 
 do you have ?
How old should your e-tandem partner be?
My partner should be  (male/female)
Would you like 
to share common interests 
with your partner?
tutors match candidates taking into account the responses
Introducing oneself
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
intended as a warm up section: each participant can write a comment on the page of
another participant and/or converse with him/her freely 
The choice to create a wiki is also due to the intention to create a ‘community’ or group
in which all participants could share their production and take advantage from it, this
phase is intended to implement the feeling of ‘being a group’.
Page history
last edited by 
R. A.
) Hallo, I am R,A., I’m 20 years old
I come from Italy and I live in Pozzuoli nearby Naples.
I like music and art. I like to visit museums and to travel, with the aim to meet and
experience other cultures. I hope in my future I’ll work for the UNESCO
Comments (3) 
Delete all comments
S. S.
at 10:07 pm on Oct 28, 2013
(Italian) Hallo R.
I’m S. S., I 
 from Kojsnjak in Iraq, I live in Germany. 
I attend a master of Philosophy at
the University of Bochum. I live in a small flat in the centre of Köhln with my wife. I am 39.
I speak German, a little bit of English, Arab and now I’m learning Italian.
The worksheets
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
I Introduce a personality of my country
My holidays
Spare time
Studying abroad
How do I spend my day?
What do we eat?
The flat where I live 
In the workspace we
have set nine topics
linked to the language
competences and
situations at level
A1/A2 of CEFR
Each topic has its worksheet where tasks are scheduled.
Learning activities are divided into 2 stages :
 stage: collaborative learning activities (asynchronous
reading/writing and synchronous spoken activities).
 stage: focus on form (reflecting activities)
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
How did you spend your holidays?
You have to plan your next vacation. Your partner wants to find out about your last
holidays. We are very curious: we want to read about your partner’s last holidays!
Reading comprehension
Write in your mother tongue 
on a wiki page 
an Email to a travel agency asking for a
travel deal
. Explain where you want to go, when, for how long, and where you would
like to stay overnight (hotel, bed and breakfast, apartment) ....
2nd phase: 
 Oral interaction: listening and speaking
VoIP Session
: describe your Holidays in your target language. Were they fun? Where
were you? Where did you stay (hotels, camp sites...)? What was the weather like? Your
partner will ask you questions in his/her mother tongue .
What did your tandem partner do during her/his holidays? On your wiki page 
write a
German text which summarizes the information that you got during the VoIP session.
Express your opinion about the way your partner spent her/his holidays. Ask your
partner to improve your text.
3 phases related to the abilities previewed by the CEFR
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
Your partner is coming to Naples as an Erasmus student or as a tourist. What can
she/he do in her/his spare time? And where? Where can she/he play a sport? How
much does it cost? Where do young people meet between them? What do they
 phase: before the VoIP session, create a wiki page
Create a wiki page in which you 
 to your Partner in Italian 
what you do in
your spare time
, if you practice a sport and how much it costs. Add photos or
movies, suggest links to websites!. Tell your partner also what you  would like to
do in your spare time in Bochum.
participants work asynchronously:  
they have to create a new wiki page
dedicated to the selected topic and 
post a text in their native language.
learning activities are focused on reading, acquiring vocabulary, idiomatic
expressions , syntax.
we have tried to diversify text genres to give the participants the possibility to
experience different written modalities
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
Participants work
They meet together to speak
about the topic on which
they have already worked in
the first phase.
Each participant has to speak
in his/her target language
and has to help the partner
by giving feedback.
This phase must be divided into two parts and each part must be devoted to only one
language: first Tandem principle: languages must not be mixed (Telles/Vassallo, 2006: 5).
Participants can use the tool they prefer, but this has to be equipped with a chat, which
can be used to write notes in case of lack of comprehension.
calling is suggested to facilitate comprehension and experience paralinguistic
features of communication.
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
asynchronous work:
1. on the created wiki page  participants post a text in their target
language  in which they summarize the F2F session,
2.  they help their partners by editing and/or commenting their texts
G.: S. ist in Paris in zusammen der Familie gewesen. Ist Sie sehr Glucklich des Turm Eiffel
bleiben. Die Eltern und der Bruder sind zum turm besteigen wherend wolltet Sabine
aber die treppen Benutzen (Es sind circa 700 Stufen).In Hotel in bei der Stadt schlaft
sie.Sie haben 300 euro bezahlen.
 Sie ist dreimal in Berlin, in Barcellona und in Schweiz gewesen. Sabine nicht sehr reist.
Sie will in Paris mit dem seinem Freud fahren.
S. ist zusammen mit ihrer Familie in Paris gewesen. Sie war sehr glücklich den Eiffelturm
zu sehen. Ihre Eltern und ihr Bruder haben den Turm mit dem Aufzug bestiegen,
während Sabine aber lieber die Treppen benutzen wollte. (Es sind circa 700 Stufen). Sie
schliefen in einem Hotel außerhalb der Stadt. Sie ist dreimal in Berlin, in Barcelona und
in der Schweiz gewesen. Sabine reist nicht viel. Sie will mit ihrem Freund nach Paris
Molto bene!!! :D
S. was in Paris with her family. She enjoyed the Eiffel tower. Her parents and her brother
took the lift, while Sabine preferred to use the stairs. (There are about 700 steps). They
slept in a hotel outside the city. She has been to Berlin, Barcelona and Switzerland three
times . Sabine does not travel much. She wants to go to Paris with her boyfriend.
PHASE/ b: 
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
Text improvements change from one participant to another.
2 types of corrections:
(a) explained in detail
(b) / (c) in form of text  recasting  (
reformulation of a learner’s erroneous
output into a target like
[one]) Bower J., Kawaguchi S. (2011: 44).
Vom 30. November - 9. Dezember ging ich nach Mailand, …
„ging“ ist die Form des Präteritum (Imperfetto) von „gehen“
„ich werde gehen“ ist die Futur Form
-->Vom 30. November - 9. Dezember werde ichnach Mailand gehen…
From 30 November to 9 December I went to Milan………
‘Went’ is past tense
‘I’m going’ is the future 
From 30 November to 9 December I am going to Milan, …
Mi piace che le tue ferie erano interessanti
. Sono contenta che le tue ferie sono
state piacevoli
I am very glad, that your holidays were amazing
 partner’s text (b)
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini
- University of Naples Federico II -
Participants are required to reflect on the tandem
activities in terms of (un)successful relationship with
the partner and of achievement of linguistic and cultural
objectives, as well. We describe goals, language
activities and grammar skills, which should have been
developed during the work and ask participants to fill in
the PORTFOLIO that they find in the Navigator.
In that way they become aware whether learning
process has succeeded or failed somewhere and can
plan their further activities consciously and
Teletandem portfolio 2013-14
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
In the first phase, I performed the following activities, to fulfill the VoIP phase:
Did I learn anything new?
What was especially difficult during the VoIP session?
Did my partner help me as I expected?
What was particularly wrong in my output?
Did I learn anything new?
What would I like to improve or do differently in the next VoIP meeting?
In the 3
phase I wrote a text in my target language on ….
What was particularly wrong in my output? 
Did I learn anything new?
Did my partner help me as I would have expected: 
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
Tandem activities improve the learning process of our formal courses because:
FL production and peer-to-peer interaction 
with NS enhance the development
of language and the acquisition of  language awareness and autonomy in
language learning;
the combination of collaborative asynchronous written and synchronous
spoken activities
 help basic language users to success their learning process:
reading/writing texts
asynchronous activities
: learners reflect on language
because they are far from it, something that is not easily accomplished in
speech (O’Rourke,2007).  The possibilities of  partners‘ collaboration and
text sharing supported by the wiki software facilitate this process.
speaking and listening synchronous activities:
 Partners conversing face to
face co-construct meanings collaboratively and negotiate contents and
tone. The opportunity of immediate partner’s feedback and moreover of
experiencing his/her paralinguistic communication, supports the process of
language acquisition.
getting in touch with different ways of life and/or lifestyles:
 encourages comparative analysis between learners’ own and other cultures
triggers the acquisition of the cultural dimension of the society speaking the
target language. 
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
M. : The work done through the project "
e-tandem" gave me the
opportunity to improve my language skills
I learned to express
myself in German
 on topics of everyday life
, although using very
simple linguistic expressions
We have had 
some difficulties
to hold a conversation 
in a foreign language when you
are not proficient 
causes always nervousness
, but
 my partner
always helped me
. The project brings us to 
relate to peers 
is reassuring
Participation in this project was truly an
enriching experience
I hope to continue the exchanges 
with my
partner even after the end of the project. I have already discussed
this with my partner Julia. Her goal is to learn Italian, my goal is to
learn German!
Participants’ feedback
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
Bower J.; Kawaguchi S., (2011) 
Negoziation of meaning and corrective feedback in Japanese/English
, in 
Language Learning & Technology
, v.15 n.1 pp. 41-71,, available at
, Little D., 
Leitfaden für das Sprachlernen im Tandem über das Internet
, in:
Brammerts ,H., D. Little (eds.), 
Manuskripte zur Sprachlehrforschung
 52, elektronische Version,
Brammerts, Seminar für Sprachlehrforschung, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. 
Brammerts, H. , (2001), 
Autonomes Sprachenlernen im Tandem: Entwicklung eines Konzepts, 
Brammerts, H., Kleppin, K. (eds.), 
Selbstgesteuertes Sprachenlernen im Tandem: Ein Handbuch.
Tübingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, pp. 9-16,  
Byram M., Gribkova B., Starkely , (2002), H. 
Developing the intercultural dimension in language
teaching. A practical introduction for teachers, 
Language Policy Division, Directorate of School, Out-of-
School and Higher Education, DGIV, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, available at:
Cziko, G. A., (2004), 
Electronic Tandem Language Learning (eTandem): A Third Approach to Second
Language Learning for the 21st Century, 
in Calico Journal, 22 (1), pp. 25, 39.
Gass, S.M., (2007) 
Input and Interaction, 
in: Doughty C.J, and Long M.H. 
The Handbook of Second
Language Acquisition
, Blackwell, Malden USA, 4 , pp. 224, 255.
Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition
. English Language Teaching
series. Prentice-Hall International, London, pp. 6-7. 
Naples-Bochum  e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II -  bandini@unina.it
 Long, M. (1996), 
The role of the linguistic environment in second language acquisition
, in: W. C. Ritchie & T.
K. Bhatia (Eds.), Handbook of language acquisition. Vol.2: Second language acquisition (pp. 413–468). New
York: Academic Press.
Long, M. H. (1983). Does second language instruction make a difference? A review of research.  (3), TESOL
Quarterly, 17, (pp. 359-382).
Long, M. H., (1988) , Instructed interlanguage development, in: M. Beebe (ed.), 
Issues in second language
Multiple perspectives
 (pp. 115-41). Cambridge, MA: Newbury House/Harper and Row.
 T., (
Skype-based Tandem Language Learning and Web 2.0, 
in: M. Thomas
 Handbook of research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning, 
Information Science Reference,
London, (pp. 101-118).
0’Rourke B. (2007), 
Models of telecollaboration:  eTandem,
 in: O'Dowd Robert (Ed.), 
Online Intercultural
Exchange: An Introduction for Foreign Language Teachers
,  Multilinguals Matters LTD, Tonawanda N.Y.
14150,   pp. 41-61.
Stahl, G., Koschmann, T., & Suthers, D.
Computer-supported collaborative learning: An historical
In: R. K. Sawyer (Ed.), Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences
Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, UK, (pp. 409-426),   available at 
Communicative Competence: Some roles of Comprehensible Input and Comprehensible
Output in its Development
 , in: Gass, S. Madden, C., (Eds.), 
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Telles ,J. A.; Vassallo M. L. (2006), 
Foreign language learning in e-tandem: Theoretical principles and
research perspectives
 in The ESPecialist, 25(1), (pp. 1- 37). 
Telles J. A.; Vassallo, M. L
, Foreign language learning in e-tandem: Teletandem as an alternative
proposal in CALLT, 
in: The ESPecialist, vol.27, n° 2,, (pp. 189- 212).
Slide Note

Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it


The Naples-Bochum Teletandem project led by Amelia Bandini at the University of Naples Federico II focuses on enhancing German language courses through a blended learning approach. The project aims to combine formal instruction with informal language learning environments to enrich students' cultural understanding and promote authentic communication. By integrating teletandem activities, students can engage in dialogue with native speakers, enhancing their language acquisition and cognitive processes. This innovative approach challenges traditional language courses by emphasizing real-life communication and cultural immersion.

  • Teletandem
  • Language Learning
  • Blended Approach
  • German Courses
  • Cultural Understanding

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Could you help me to learn your language? The Naples-Bochum Teletandem project Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II bandini@unina.it

  2. German language courses: situational context German as mother tongue is the most widespread language in Europe Germany is economically the strongest country in Europe A lot of young people want to migrate to Germany They need competences in German Language The majority of our students study English FL at school and have none or only few competences in German Language courses are generally designed like traditional courses transmission model of education lack of native staff/contacts with native speakers 2 Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it

  3. theoretical background in adult contexts (university contexts): Formal L2 learning: language instruction enhances cognitive processes and has a positive impact on L2 acquisition (Long 1983, 1988), Informal L2 acquisition: opportunities for communication in terms of exposure to and production in L2 authentic contexts enhance the learning process (Swain 1995, Gass 2003) INFLUENCE Negotiation of meaning is able to help certain cognitive processes necessary for second language learning because by becoming consciously aware of one s own production, output can serve the metalinguistic function of helping to internalize linguistic form. (Swain, 1995: 128). Conversation is not only a medium of practice, but also the means by which learning takes places. In other words, conversational interaction in a second language forms the basis for the development of language rather than being only a form for practice of specific language features (Gass, 2003: 234). 3 Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it

  4. BANDINI AND MEUTERS CHALLENGE: TO ENRICH FORMAL COURSES WITH TELETANDEM ACTIVITIES (BLENDED LEARNING) to combine formal and informal language learning environments to get in touch with different way of life and/or lifestyles to acquire the cultural dimension of the society speaking the target language to satisfy the need for authentic communication 4 Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it

  5. in-tandem working modalities Tandem in presence Teletandem foreign language learners, located in different countries and linked via various forms of electronic communication, work together and thus access more authentic communication than is available in classroom interaction. collaborative learning (Telles/ Vassallo, 2006a) Teleandem is a form of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning : (group)interactions among individuals are mediated by computers. CSCL stresses collaboration among the students [...]. The learning takes place largely through interactions among students. Students learn by expressing their questions, pursuing lines of inquiry together, teaching each other and seeing how others are learning.(Stahl, Koschmann,, &Suthers, 2006: 2) 5 Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it

  6. Teletandem = collaborative & autonomous learning collaborative learners they take control of and responsibility for their own learning when what they develop the ability to monitor and evaluate their learning process (O Rourke2007) how long Autonomous learners 6 Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it

  7. Autonomy by learning = Learning to Learn the competence to pursue and organize one's own learning, either individually or in groups, in accordance with one's own needs, and awareness of methods and opportunities . http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/education_trai ning_youth/lifelong_learning/c11090_en.htm Autonomy by learning or Learn is one of the eight key competences considered of strategic lifelong learning by the European Union. European Countries integrate it into their own educational strategies. Learning to importance for are requested to Tandem activities: increase learners sensitivity to the way the target languages work raise students general metalinguistic awareness and ability to regulate the language learning process and the use of language skills and knowledge outside the classroom. improve learners capability to plan learning activities (Autonomy in the sense by Holec 1981 and Little 1991). 7 Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it

  8. Teletandem for basic language users They need linguistic explanations but native-speakers do not generally offer analytical linguistic expertise is normally just an unreflecting competence explanations: their Integration into formal courses Teacher s guidance ECS credits for Italian students and reduction of homework for the German ones. Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it 8

  9. The Naples-Bochum Teletandem project Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it 9

  10. wiki-based Teletandem supports collaborative learning, knowledge building and promotes social acts; gives the possibility: to share materials: modify, add, remove texts, photos, links and add comments to all pages posted by every participant (collaboration); to reconstruct all interventions through the permanent visual record (page history); to reflect on the partners use of the language (language awareness increasing of autonomy) gives the possibility to accomplish some learning tasks asynchronously flexible tool for language learning. Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it 10

  11. On the FrontPage acknowledgments on work modalities are posted Extract from the home page [ ] The exchange involves learners attending German FL courses by the Departments of Political Science and of Humanities of the University of Naples and those attending Italian FL courses by the Language Center at the University of Bochum. ( ) We offer you the opportunity to interact on-line with native speakers to learn each other s language and culture. [ ] Fill out the questionnaire that you find in the Navigator on the right menu of our workspace. Meanwhile, following the instructions in the create a page session on the right menu, please create your own page where you introduce yourself: photos or short movies are welcome! Browse the presentation of your colleagues and add comments! [ ] The learning activities on each topic are grouped in worksheets and organized in three distinct phases related to the skills required by the Common European Framework of Reference: comprehension and production of written texts, ability to understand, speak and interact in a foreign language. [ ] Each pair can freely choose to follow the directions or replace them with other activities, but it is important that ALL phases of each worksheet are completed. When all activities on a topic are completed, please fill in the portfolio with the aim to reflect on your work, i.e. on the improvement of your language skills, on the difficulties that you collaboration with your partner. Reflecting will improve your language awareness and as a consequence your learning process! Teacher counselling is at your disposal! have faced and on the 11 Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it

  12. The questionnaire to create the pairs First name Surname Age E-Mail Course of study How do you assess your language competences following the Common European Framework of References? (several languages are required, write them into the boxes) Have you already experienced tandem learning ? Which tool/s do you usually use for electronic communication (e.g. E-Mail , Instant Messenger; Skype, chats...) ? Have you already used a wiki software? Why did you decide to work in e-Tandem? What expectations do you have ? How old should your e-tandem partner be? My partner should be (male/female) Would you like to share common interests with your partner? tutors match candidates taking into account the responses 12 Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it

  13. Introducing oneself intended as a warm up section: each participant can write a comment on the page of another participant and/or converse with him/her freely The choice to create a wiki is also due to the intention to create a community or group in which all participants could share their production and take advantage from it, this phase is intended to implement the feeling of being a group . R.A. Page history last edited by R. A. 3 months ago (German) Hallo, I am R,A., I m 20 years old. I come from Italy and I live in Pozzuoli nearby Naples. I like music and art. I like to visit museums and to travel, with the aim to meet and experience other cultures. I hope in my future I ll work for the UNESCO Comments (3) Delete all comments S. S. said at 10:07 pm on Oct 28, 2013 (Italian) Hallo R. I m S. S., I am from Kojsnjak in Iraq, I live in Germany. I attend a master of Philosophy at the University of Bochum. I live in a small flat in the centre of K hln with my wife. I am 39. I speak German, a little bit of English, Arab and now I m learning Italian. Reply Delete 13 Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it

  14. The worksheets I Introduce a personality of my country My holidays Spare time Studying abroad How do I spend my day? What do we eat? The flat where I live Shopping Festivities In the workspace we have set nine topics linked to the language competences and communicative situations at level A1/A2 of CEFR Each topic has its worksheet where tasks are scheduled. Learning activities are divided into 2 stages : 1ststage: collaborative learning activities (asynchronous reading/writing and synchronous spoken activities). 2ndstage: focus on form (reflecting activities) Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it 14

  15. 1ststage: 3 phases related to the abilities previewed by the CEFR How did you spend your holidays? You have to plan your next vacation. Your partner wants to find out about your last holidays. We are very curious: we want to read about your partner s last holidays! 1stphase: Reading comprehension Write in your mother tongue on a wiki page an Email to a travel agency asking for a travel deal. Explain where you want to go, when, for how long, and where you would like to stay overnight (hotel, bed and breakfast, apartment) .... 2nd phase: Oral interaction: listening and speaking VoIP Session: describe your Holidays in your target language. Were they fun? Where were you? Where did you stay (hotels, camp sites...)? What was the weather like? Your partner will ask you questions in his/her mother tongue . 3rdphase: Writing What did your tandem partner do during her/his holidays? On your wiki page write a German text which summarizes the information that you got during the VoIP session. Express your opinion about the way your partner spent her/his holidays. Ask your partner to improve your text. Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it 15

  16. 1stPHASE: READING COMPREHENSION 1stSTAGE: participants work asynchronously: they have to create a new wiki page dedicated to the selected topic and post a text in their native language. learning activities are focused on reading, acquiring vocabulary, idiomatic expressions , syntax. we have tried to diversify text genres to give the participants the possibility to experience different written modalities: Spare time/Entertainment Your partner is coming to Naples as an Erasmus student or as a tourist. What can she/he do in her/his spare time? And where? Where can she/he play a sport? How much does it cost? Where do young people meet between them? What do they do? 1stphase: before the VoIP session, create a wiki page Create a wiki page in which you illustrate to your Partner in Italian what you do in your spare time, if you practice a sport and how much it costs. Add photos or movies, suggest links to websites!. Tell your partner also what you would like to do in your spare time in Bochum. 16 Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it

  17. 2nd PHASE=VoIP SESSION 1stSTAGE: Participants work synchronously . They meet together to speak about the topic on which they have already worked in the first phase. Each participant has to speak in his/her target language and has to help the partner by giving feedback. This phase must be divided into two parts and each part must be devoted to only one language: first Tandem principle: languages must not be mixed (Telles/Vassallo, 2006: 5). Video calling is suggested to facilitate comprehension and experience paralinguistic features of communication. Participants can use the tool they prefer, but this has to be equipped with a chat, which can be used to write notes in case of lack of comprehension. Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it 17

  18. 1stSTAGE: asynchronous work: 1. on the created wiki page participants post a text in their target language in which they summarize the F2F session, 2. they help their partners by editing and/or commenting their texts 3rd PHASE/a WRITING G.: S. ist in Paris in zusammen der Familie gewesen. Ist Sie sehr Glucklich des Turm Eiffel bleiben. Die Eltern und der Bruder sind zum turm besteigen wherend wolltet Sabine aber die treppen Benutzen (Es sind circa 700 Stufen).In Hotel in bei der Stadt schlaft sie.Sie haben 300 euro bezahlen. Sie ist dreimal in Berlin, in Barcellona und in Schweiz gewesen. Sabine nicht sehr reist. Sie will in Paris mit dem seinem Freud fahren. S. ist zusammen mit ihrer Familie in Paris gewesen. Sie war sehr gl cklich den Eiffelturm zu sehen. Ihre Eltern und ihr Bruder haben den Turm mit dem Aufzug bestiegen, w hrend Sabine aber lieber die Treppen benutzen wollte. (Es sind circa 700 Stufen). Sie schliefen in einem Hotel au erhalb der Stadt. Sie ist dreimal in Berlin, in Barcelona und in der Schweiz gewesen. Sabine reist nicht viel. Sie will mit ihrem Freund nach Paris fahren. Molto bene!!! :D S. was in Paris with her family. She enjoyed the Eiffel tower. Her parents and her brother took the lift, while Sabine preferred to use the stairs. (There are about 700 steps). They slept in a hotel outside the city. She has been to Berlin, Barcelona and Switzerland three times . Sabine does not travel much. She wants to go to Paris with her boyfriend. Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it 18

  19. 1stSTAGE: 3rdPHASE/ b: IMPROVING PARTNER S TEXT Text improvements change from one participant to another. 2 types of corrections: (a) explained in detail (b) / (c) in form of text recasting (reformulation of a learner s erroneous output into a target like[one]) Bower J., Kawaguchi S. (2011: 44). (a) Vom 30. November - 9. Dezember ging ich nach Mailand, ging ist die Form des Pr teritum (Imperfetto) von gehen ich werde gehen ist die Futur Form -->Vom 30. November - 9. Dezember werde ichnach Mailand gehen From 30 November to 9 December I went to Milan Went is past tense I m going is the future From 30 November to 9 December I am going to Milan, (b)Mi piace che le tue ferie erano interessanti. Sono contenta che le tue ferie sono state piacevoli. I am very glad, that your holidays were amazing Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it 19

  20. improvingpartners text (b) Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it 20

  21. FOCUS ON FORM 2ndSTAGE: Participants are required to reflect on the tandem activities in terms of (un)successful relationship with the partner and of achievement of linguistic and cultural objectives, as well. We describe goals, language activities and grammar skills, which should have been developed during the work and ask participants to fill in the PORTFOLIO that they find in the Navigator. In that way they become aware whether learning process has succeeded or failed somewhere and can plan their further activities consciously and autonomously. Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it 21

  22. Teletandem portfolio 2013-14 1stPHASE In the first phase, I performed the following activities, to fulfill the VoIP phase: Did I learn anything new? 2ndPHASE: VoIP SESSION What was especially difficult during the VoIP session? Did my partner help me as I expected? What was particularly wrong in my output? Did I learn anything new? What would I like to improve or do differently in the next VoIP meeting? 3rd PHASE In the 3rd phase I wrote a text in my target language on . What was particularly wrong in my output? Did I learn anything new? Did my partner help me as I would have expected: 22 Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it

  23. Conclusions Tandem activities improve the learning process of our formal courses because: FL production and peer-to-peer interaction with NS enhance the development of language and the acquisition of language learning; the combination of collaborative asynchronous written and synchronous spoken activities help basic language users to success their learning process: reading/writing texts asynchronous activities: learners reflect on language because they are far from it, something that is not easily accomplished in speech (O Rourke,2007). The possibilities of partners collaboration and text sharing supported by the wiki software facilitate this process. speaking and listening synchronous activities: Partners conversing face to face co-construct meanings collaboratively and negotiate contents and tone. The opportunity of immediate partner s feedback and moreover of experiencing his/her paralinguistic communication, supports the process of language acquisition. getting in touch with different ways of life and/or lifestyles: encourages comparative analysis between learners own and other cultures triggers the acquisition of the cultural dimension of the society speaking the target language. language awareness and autonomy in 23 Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it

  24. Participants feedback M. : The work done through the project "e-tandem" gave me the opportunity to improve my language skills. I learned to express myself in German on topics of everyday life, although using very simple linguistic expressions. We have had some difficulties, because to hold a conversation in a foreign language when you are not proficient causes always nervousness, but my partner always helped me. The project brings us to relate to peers and this is reassuring. Participation in this project was truly an enriching experience. I hope to continue the exchanges with my partner even after the end of the project. I have already discussed this with my partner Julia. Her goal is to learn Italian, my goal is to learn German! Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it 24

  25. Naples-Bochum e-Tandem - Amelia Bandini - University of Naples Federico II - bandini@unina.it 25

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