Enhancing Work-Based Learning: TTT4WBL Project by Vita Unda
Explore the TTT4WBL Project led by Vita Unda, focusing on training VET and workplace tutors in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. Discover the benefits of tandem training, the importance of cooperation and communication in WBL, and the structure of the WBL Tutor Training Program. Gain insights into improving the quality of apprenticeships and WBL through enhanced collaboration between VET schools and host enterprises.
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Vita unda Board member, Baltic Bright WBL tutortrainer, Latvia February 2, 2018
Testing New Approaches to Training VET and Workplace Tutors for WBL in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Why Tandem Training Double results: 1) Skills of tutors 2) Cooperation and communication between VET and Ent S and C can communicate theirexpectations; Personal contacts, continuous dialogue between S&C - curriculum, required skills - how to supportand guide VET trainee - how to handle problems Become a team in WBL Learn from each other, see good cooperation examples Developcommunication and pedagogical skills Improve schools methodological capacity to support workplace tutors Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Why Tandem Training Surveyof VET schools and host enterprises in 4 countries about qualityof apprenticeshipsand WBL: Schools believe that thequalityof WBL orapprenticeships depends on companies. Theyexpect more interested involvement and more ability to provide pedagogical support. Companies believe that schools do not show enough interest about what isgoing on during WBL, do not provide enough support. www.qualityplacements.eu Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Cooperation, Communication in WBL 3 keyactors: 3 stages: VETtutor VET Trainee Before During After VET ENT VET trainee III I Workplace tutor II WBL Period Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
WBL Tutor Training programme Aims: - Knowledge of basic requirements, rules of WBL - Skills of planning, organizing WBL steps - Pedagogical skills - Communication and cooperation skills See Topics in printed programme (handout) Link with the WBL Tutor Competence Profile Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Program Structure Introduction, about WBL Planning the process, role of tutor, WBL curricukum General Responsibilities of involved parties How to perform the tasks: organizational, pedagogical, communication aspects through WBL experience Before Responsibilities of involved parties How to perform the tasks: organizational, pedagogical, communication aspects through WBL experience During Responsibilities of involved parties How to perform the tasks: organizational, pedagogical, communication aspects through WBL experience After Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Shaping a Baltic Programme? WBL Tutor training program from Latvia (developed 4-5 years) benchmark Tandem of Trainers Baltic Train-the-Trainer workshops: Result: teams of lead trainers in LV, EE, LT Tandem training programs and events in LV, EE, LT adapted to national contexts Next step: Peer learning. Visiting and watching trainings of neighbours. Summarize best ideas Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Methods and tasks: Group work and pair work, team-building elements SWOT analysis, case studies Simulations and role plays Brainstorming and discussions Peer learning (sharing experience, observations, etc.) Texts, e.g., some pieces from Practices and policy pointers . EXAMPLES of TASKS Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Companys readiness for WBL After we have brainstormed WBL benefits and agreed on criteria for company s suitability SWOT analysis of yourcompany s (partnercompany s) readiness for WBL Strong points Weaknesses Company XY Opportunities Threats/risks Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Hairdresser Olga, Story in 3 parts; Part 1 May hairdresseris telling me news: we have 4 apprentices at ourshop/salon Vita: How are they doing? Hairdresser: Well, quite all right. They have just arrived. But you know there is this one girl . She comes in the morning, sits down on the sofa, opens her i-pad, and spends the whole day! Vita: but what does her tutor say? Hairdresser: well, probably she will write something nasty at the end. Vita: but it will be too late! The time here will be wasted! Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Simulation task: Company>School Yourcompany wishes to get involved in WBL. Meet VET school and reach agreement Company: whatyou need to find out whatareyourselling points; what is youroffer School: whatyou need to find out whatcan you offer whatareyour interests Preparation: 10 minutes; Conversation: 6-8 minutes Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Simulation task: School > Company Calling a company to arrangean WBL place for thestudent. Role 1: VET representative Role 2: Company representative Role 3: Observer Preparation 10 minutes: VET thinks about how to get company interested will company begood for apprenticeship/learning Company thinks about why company wants to take the student, what it can offer what will be the requirements/demands Both think: what they need to agreeon. Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Simulation task: Enterprise-VET Trainee Decide on the sector/type of enterprise VET Trainee applies for a job, 1st meeting at the enterprise What info enterprise will provide, what do they want to find out? What does Trainee wish to find out? Roles: A. B. C. Enterprise representative Potential Trainee Observer (VET School) Preparation 10 min Meeting 6 min Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
3 stages, 3 key actors VET Tutor VET Trainee Workplace Tutor Before WBL During WBL AfterWBL Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Olga, Hairdresser, part 2. After 3rd week of WBL At my next meeting with my haidresser I enquireabout Olga. It turns out thatduring the 1st week of apprenticeship Olga s tutorwas not atwork, whe was away on a trip. Latereverybody learned that Olga is an excellent student at school, hasvery good marks (scores) She believes that she has practiced enough, and practicing more during WBL is not so important. When she was given a customer, and had to cut his hair, other haidressers felt they should interfere and help. Here, at the hairdresser s shop, she performed what she was assigned, butwithout too much enthusiasm.Olgasays that in the futureshe will not serve customers. She wants to set up herown hairdresser s shop, and she will be theownerof the haidresser company. As a workplace tutor, how would you handle the situation? Do youseeseveraloptions/strategies? Brainstormscenarios! Howcould school tutorbe involved? Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Handle the situation with Olga Task: Simulation of a dialogue Role 1 Workplace tutor Role 2 School tutor(otional) Role 3 VET Trainee Olga There is a problem (attitude, learning problem, performance?). Workplace and school wish to help. Please meetwith Olga and tryto motivate her Preparation : 10 min. Conversation: 5-8 min. Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Tryout 4-step method Steps: Greet, prepare the Trainee: state the task, ask trainee sexperience; Demonstrateand explain (2 or more times); Let the Trainee tryoutseveral times. Guide, encouragequestions. The Trainee performs the task independently. Assess the performance/ provide feedback. 1. 2. 3. 4. Task: teachyourcolleguea simpleaction In pairs or in groupsof 3: VET Trainee Workplace tutor Observer (helping through the process) 1) 2) 3) Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Usevideo To reflect, review yourperformance To comment and correctyour mistakes Or about millenials (millenial job interview) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo0Kjd DJr1c Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Hairdresser Olga, Part 3 Aftersome time I decide to visit Olga s tutorat VET school and find out about Olga s background. Olga comes from a well-to-do family, owners of some small business. Olga s parents have tried to persuade Olga that she should go to haidresser s school, and aftershegraduates they plan to buya haidressers shop for her. Olga was not veryenthusiastic, she had thought Ok, shewill obey her mother, spend 1-2 yearsat this haidresser sschool, becauseshedoes not have herown plans, but then shewill do something else. Olga s VET school tutordid not let her leave after the 1st and 2nd year. She kept persuading Olga that sheshould finish hairdresser sschool. I asked: whydo you press her? She said: At thevery beginning I noticed that Olga is very good with her hands, shecan develop into a very good haidresser. She would be the right person for haidresser swork. Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Whyare WBL Tutors so important? Labour market, economy Education system Qualified labour force Quality of VET WBL tutors Awarenessand commitment Pedagogical skills Cooperation skills Economic growth Quality of WBL Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Some effects of Tandem approach Establish personal contacts, arrange visits, etc. Cooperation not only at management level, but at human level, transfer of skills level Change their wrong assumptions about WBL partner e.g. - schools see commitment of enterprise tutors, - enterprises learn that they can help update curricula More discussions about VET and WBL system, and what should be improved/changed Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Demonstrate VET-Enterprise Cooperation examples Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Competence Mapping of WBL Tutor What competences, skills, knowledge does he/she need? Write competences on post-it slips Paste them on board Let us classify them We get qualification requirements of WBL tutor Hand out: what we do in TTT4WBL Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Towards a Baltic WBL Tutor Competence Profile +Handout Personal features e.g., patience, tolerance, etc. explain complicated things in simple way, able to motivate, Pedagogy, psychology Communication understands young people Professional competences Management skills planning, organization skills cooperation Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project
Thank you! Vita unda, Baltic Bright, TTT4WBL Project