Comprehensive Overview of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering by Transport Canada

Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
Transport Canada
Letters, Notices &
Flight Authority
Weight & Balance
Periodic Inspections
Out of Phase
Progressive Inspections
Inspection Procedures
Maintenance Release
Transport Canada
Transport Canada
Transport Canada
Civil Aircraft Registry
Databases & Searches
Transport Canada
Transport Canada is responsible for transportation
policies and programs. It promotes safe, secure, efficient
and environmentally-responsible transportation.
Transport Canada reports to Parliament and Canadians
through the minister of Transportation, Infrastructure
and Communities. It works with its portfolio partners,
other government departments and jurisdictions, and
industry to ensure that all parts of Canada's
transportation system work well.
Transport Canada employs 4,700 people at its
headquarters and in five regional offices across the
Transport Canada
Civil Aircraft Registry
Databases & Searches
Transport Canada
Civil Aircraft Registry
The services available at the 
Canadian Civil Aircraft
are provided by the Aircraft Registration and
Leasing Division within the General Aviation Branch of
Transport Canada.
These services include:
Search the Civil Aircraft Register Database 
- Current and History:
Extensive search inquiry application intended to provide basic aircraft
registration information on civilian aircraft registered in Canada.
Queries are extracted directly from the official database. 
Statistical information
 for imported and exported aircraft, numbers
of aircraft in Canada by category and region, and national year-end
summaries of the Register.
Transport Canada
Civil Aircraft Registry
Databases & Searches
Transport Canada
Databases & Searches
Online reporting and Querying of data base information
assists operators and maintenance personnel by
providing timely access to aviation safety &
airworthiness information. These data bases include:
Civil Aviation Safety Alerts
Delegations Information System (DIS)
Publications Database
Web Service Difficulty Reporting System (WSDRS)
Continuing Airworthiness Web Information System (CAWIS)
Transport Canada
Civil Aircraft Registry
Databases & Searches
Transport Canada
Continuing Airworthiness Web
Information System 
This site is mainly for the use by registered owners,
operators, maintainers and manufacturers of Canadian
registered aeronautical products or products for which
Canada is the Country of Type Design responsibility, as
well as Transport Canada personnel.
External clients can utilize this site to
Submit their Annual Airworthiness Information Report (AAIR)
Query the Airworthiness Directive (AD) (foreign & domestic)
Review the data pertaining to their own aircraft
Transport Canada
Civil Aircraft Registry
Databases & Searches
CARs 571.02
CARs 571.06
CARs 521.02
571.02 Maintenance and Elementary Work
Performance Rules
(1) Subject to subsection (2), a person who performs
maintenance or elementary work on an aeronautical
product shall use the most recent methods, techniques,
practices, parts, materials, tools, equipment and test
apparatuses that are
 specified for the aeronautical product in the most recent
maintenance manual or instructions for continued airworthiness
developed by the manufacturer of that aeronautical product;
 equivalent to those specified by the manufacturer of that
aeronautical product in the most recent maintenance manual or
instructions for continued airworthiness; or
 in accordance with recognized industry practices at the time the
maintenance or elementary work is performed.
CARs 571.02
CARs 571.06
CARs 521.02
571.02 Maintenance and Elementary Work
Performance Rules
(2) A person who performs maintenance or elementary
work pursuant to subsection (1) shall ensure that any
measuring device or test equipment used
 meets the specifications of the manufacturer of the aeronautical
product with respect to accuracy, taking into account the intended
use; and
 if calibration requirements are published by the manufacturer of
the measuring device or test equipment, is calibrated by means
traceable to a national standard.
CARs 571.02
CARs 571.06
CARs 521.02
571.06 Repairs and Modifications
 (1) Except as provided in subsection (5) and in the case
of aircraft that are operated under a special certificate of
airworthiness in the owner-maintenance classification, a
person who signs a maintenance release in respect of a
major repair or major modification on an aeronautical
product shall ensure that the major repair or major
modification conforms to the requirements of the
relevant technical data
) that have been approved or the use of which has been approved
within the meaning of the term “approved data” in section 571.06 of
the Airworthiness Manual; 
) that have been established within the meaning of the term
“specified data” in section 571.06 of the 
Airworthiness Manual.
CARs 571.02
CARs 571.06
CARs 511.31
571.06 Repairs and Modifications
Standard 571.06 approved data
 - includes:
 type certificates, supplemental type certificates, part design
approvals, Canadian technical standard order (CAN-TSO) design
approvals or repair design approvals, including equivalent foreign
documents which have undergone the type design examination
process set-out in Subpart 521 of the CARs or are otherwise accepted
in Canada; and
 other drawings and methods approved by the Minister or a
delegate in conformity with paragraph 4.2(o) and subsection 4.3(1)
of the Aeronautics Act.
CARs 571.02
CARs 571.06
CARs 511.31
571.06 Repairs and Modifications
Standard 571.06 specified data 
- is information contained in
authoritative documents which, although not approved by the
Minister, has been specified by the Minister as appropriate for
the purpose of major modifications and major repairs, in
conformity with section 571.06 of the CARs. The following are
examples of specified data:
 drawings or methods described or referenced in Airworthiness Directives;
 data issued by the manufacturer or type certificate holder of the aircraft,
component or appliance, such as modification orders, service bulletins, or
engineering orders, which include a statement of approval by the applicable
regulatory authority or a delegated representative of such an authority. Where
the data issued by the aircraft manufacturer are incompatible with those of the
component or appliance manufacturer, the data of the aircraft manufacturer
shall prevail;
 manufacturer’s Structural Repair Manuals;
 FAA Advisory Circulars AC 43.13-1 and AC 43.13-2, subject to certain
CARs 571.02
CARs 571.06
CARs 511.31
571.06 Repairs and Modifications
 (2) Except as provided in subsection (5), a person who
signs a maintenance release in respect of a repair or
modification, other than a major repair or major
modification, shall ensure that the repair or modification
conforms to the requirements of the relevant technical
data within the meaning of the term “acceptable data”
in section 571.06 of the 
Airworthiness Manual
CARs 571.02
CARs 571.06
CARs 521.02
571.06 Repairs and Modifications
Standard 571.06 acceptable data 
- includes:
 drawings and methods recommended by the manufacturer of the
aircraft, component, or appliance;
 Transport Canada advisory documents; and,
 advisory documents issued by foreign airworthiness authorities
with whom Canada has entered into airworthiness agreements or
memoranda of understanding such as current issues of Advisory
Circular 43.13-1 and -2 issued by the FAA, Civil Aviation Information
Publications (CAIPs) issued by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of
the United Kingdom, or Advisory Circular, Joint (ACJs) issued by the
Joint Aviation Authority (JAA) or Acceptable Means of Compliance
(AMC) issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA); and,
(amended 2009/12/01; 
previous version)
 drawings and methods found appropriate by a delegate in
conformity with paragraph 4.2(o) and subsection 4.3(1) of the
Aeronautics Act.
CARs 571.02
CARs 571.06
CARs 521.02
571.06 Repairs and Modifications
(3) Where an additional flight authority has been issued
pursuant to paragraph 507.08(1)(c) in respect of an
aircraft, no person shall change the configuration of the
aircraft in such a manner that the aircraft no longer
meets the conditions subject to which the flight
authority applicable to the aircraft prior to the
modification was issued, unless
 the person makes an entry in the aircraft journey log required by
section 605.94 indicating the flight authority that is in effect for the
modified aircraft; or
 the change is made in accordance with technical dispatch
procedures required by section 706.06.
CARs 571.02
CARs 571.06
CARs 521.02
571.06 Repairs and Modifications
(4) Repairing or modifying an aeronautical product may
include the making of a part in conformity with the
standards specified in section 571.06 of the 
, if no part made is
 marked with the part number specified in the type design; or
 installed by a person or organization other than the person or
organization that made the part.
CARs 571.02
CARs 571.06
CARs 521.02
571.06 Repairs and Modifications
Standard 571.06 Information Notes:
The provisions of subsection 571.06(4) of the CARs prohibit that a
” part be marked with the part number specified in the type
design, or that the “made” part be offered for sale.
Persons making and installing these parts cannot record that the
original part was repaired, but shall state that the part was replaced
with a made repair part.
The individual will not be authorised to state that a new part has
been installed, as a “new” part will require a release under
Subpart 561 of the CARs manufacturing approval.
CARs 571.02
CARs 571.06
CARs 521.02
571.06 Repairs and Modifications
 (5) A person who signs a maintenance release in respect
of a repair or modification performed on a foreign
aeronautical product under the terms of an agreement
or a technical arrangement between Canada and the
aircraft's state of registry shall ensure that the repair or
modification conforms to the requirements of the
relevant technical data that are specified in the
agreement or technical arrangement.
CARs 571.02
CARs 571.06
CARs 521.02
521.02 Approval of the Type Design or a
Change to the Type Design of an
Aeronautical Product
This Subpart applies to applicants for and holders of the
following documents and applicants for a change to one
of those documents:
) a type certificate issued under section 521.57 in respect of an
aeronautical product;
) a Canadian Technical Standard Order (CAN-TSO) design
approval issued under section 521.109 in respect of an appliance
or a part;
) a supplemental type certificate issued under section 521.206
in respect of an aeronautical product;
) a repair design approval issued under section 521.256 in
respect of an aeronautical product; and
) a part design approval issued under section 521.306 in
respect of a replacement part for an aeronautical product.
CARs 571.02
CARs 571.06
CARs 521.02
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Aviation Safety Letter
Airworthiness Notice
Service Difficulty Alert
Service Difficulty Advisory
Airworthiness Directives
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Aviation Safety Letter
Airworthiness Notice
Service Difficulty Alert
Service Difficulty Advisory
Airworthiness Directives
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Aviation Safety Letter
Airworthiness Notice
Service Difficulty Alert
Service Difficulty Advisory
Airworthiness Directives
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Aviation Safety Letter
Airworthiness Notice
Service Difficulty Alert
Service Difficulty Advisory
Airworthiness Directives
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Aviation Safety Letter
Airworthiness Notice
Service Difficulty Alert
Service Difficulty Advisory
Airworthiness Directives
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Airworthiness Directives
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Aviation Safety Letter
Airworthiness Notice
Service Difficulty Alert
Service Difficulty Advisory
Airworthiness Directives
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Airworthiness Directives
Tension-Torsion Straps Failure
Upon Receipt
Cancels Airworthiness Directive CF-2008-17R1, dated 26
May 2008
Eurocopter Canada Ltd. (formerly MBB Canada Ltd.) Model
BO 105 LS-A3 helicopters
As indicated below.
Recently, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued AD 2013-
0015 that includes the corrective actions mandated by AD CF-2008-17R1.
Because EASA is presently the authority responsible for the Type Design
of this helicopter model, AD CF- 2008-17R1 becomes redundant and needs
to be cancelled.
Transport Canada AD CF-2008-17R1 is cancelled as of the effective date of
this AD. Operators of the affected helicopters shall comply with EASA AD
Letters, Notices & Bulletins
Aviation Safety Letter
Airworthiness Notice
Service Difficulty Alert
Service Difficulty Advisory
Airworthiness Directives
Type Certificate
Technical Standard Order
Supplemental Type Certificate
Type Certificate
Technical Standard Order
Supplemental Type Certificate
Type Certificate
Technical Standard Order
Supplemental Type Certificate
Type Certificate
Technical Standard Order
Supplemental Type Certificate
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
GAMA Format
ATA 100 Format
Revision Log
QA for Amendments
Flight Manual
Maintenance Manual
Structural Repair Manual
Illustrated Parts Manual
Component Repair & Overhaul
Engine Manual
Propeller Manual
Appliance Manual
Service Bulletins
AC 43-13-1B2B
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Flight Authority
The term Flight Authority is a reference to a certificate
of airworthiness, special certificate of airworthiness,
flight permit or the validation of a foreign document
attesting to an aircrafts’ condition for flight.
 The document  is issued under the provisions of Part V
Subpart 7 of the CARs.
Or, by the validation of a foreign certificate of
airworthiness meeting the requirements of article 31 of
the ICAO Convention.
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
CARs 507 has provisions for the documents that must be
on the aircraft.
Standard Certificate of Airworthiness
These certificate meet the ICAO Standard.
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Flight Authority
Special Certificate of Airworthiness
This certificate complies with Transport Canada C of A
requirements for special operations. It requires
permission to fly outside Canada and may carry
restrictions  in all jurisdictions with respect to speed,
passengers, weight, weather or built up areas.
Special C of As described in Standard 507.03 include:
Amateur Built
Owner Maintained
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Flight Authority
Flight Permits
Flight Permits are not certificates and are issued as
described in Standard 507.04 for the purposes of:
Experimental Aircraft
Specific Aircraft
The validation of foreign flight authority.
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Flight Authority
CAR 201 Marking & Registration
There are three classifications of registration:
State Registered 
– Owned and operated exclusively by government.
 – Operated under Part IV or Part VII of the CARs. Except
aircraft for flight training.
 – Owner operated.
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration I
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Flight Authority
Marking & Registration II
The owner is the person who has custody and control of the
aircraft. The owner is responsible for:
The airworthiness of the aircraft.
The registration of the aircraft.
Registration is assigned by DOT.
Prior to 1974 the marks are preceded by a “C” or “CF”
After 1975 marks are four letters commencing with an “F”,an “I” or a “G”.
Registration is only valid if the aircraft is configured in
accordance with a TC Master MEL & the aircrafts Minimum
Equipment List (MEL)  which is part of the maintenance
manual and as a result is non-transferable.
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration II
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Flight Authority
Marking & Registration III
There are four types of registration:
 – is for aircraft importation and transporting within
 – is a step toward continuing registration.
– if all aircraft documents are in order registration is
 – registration is granted for the purposes of transferring
ownership or a change of owner information if the requirements of
CARs 202.36(1) or (4) are satisfied.
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration III
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Flight Authority
CAR 501 Annual Airworthiness
Information Report
The AAIR is a requirement under CAR 501
The operator must annually complete a form 24-0059
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Flight Authority
CAR 509 Export Airworthiness Certificates
Bilateral Agreements
Aircraft with Valid C of A
Disassembled Aircraft
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Flight Authority
CAR 507 Aircraft Maintenance
Elementary Work
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Private Aircraft
(11) (12) Balloon
(13) removal and replacement of glider wings and tail surfaces that are designed
for quick assembly;
(14) repair of upholstery, trim and cabin furnishings;
(15) removal and replacement of role equipment designed for rapid removal and
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Flight Authority
CAR 507 Aircraft Maintenance
Elementary Work
(16) removal and replacement of passenger seat belts and harnesses;
(17) removal and replacement of fuses, light bulbs and reflectors;
(18) removal and replacement of avionics components that are rack mounted or
otherwise designed for rapid removal and replacement, where the work does
not require testing other than an operational check;
(19) removal and replacement of aircraft batteries;
(20) removal and replacement of co-pilot control levers, wheels, pedals and
pedal guard plates that are designed for rapid removal and replacement, on
other than transport category aircraft;
(21) opening and closing of non-structural access panels;
(22) removal and replacement of cabin doors on unpressurized aircraft, where
the door is designed for rapid removal and replacement;
 (23) removal, replacement and repositioning of non structural partitions in the
passenger cabin;
(24) inspection and continuity checking of self-sealing chip detectors;
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
CAR 507 Aircraft Maintenance
Elementary Work
(25) removal and replacement of induction system anti-icing baffles, scoops and
deflectors that are designed for rapid removal and replacement;
(26) removal, cleaning, replacement and adjustment of external components of
chemical dispersal systems that are designed for rapid removal and
(27) deactivating or securing inoperative systems in accordance with sections
(28) checking and adjusting air pressure in helicopter floats and aircraft tires
except on aircraft operated under CAR 705.
(29) repetitive visual inspections or operational checks (including inspections
and tests required by airworthiness directives) not involving disassembly or the
use of visual aids, performed out of phase with the aircraft’s scheduled check
cycle at intervals of less than 100 hours air time, provided the tasks are also
included in the most frequent scheduled maintenance check.
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Flight Authority
CAR 507 Aircraft Maintenance Requirements
Specialized Maintenance
571.04 No person shall perform the specialized
maintenance set out in Schedule II to this Subpart on an
aeronautical product other than an aircraft operated under
a special certificate of airworthiness in the owner-
maintenance or amateur-built classification, except in
accordance with
 a maintenance policy manual (MPM) established by the holder of an
approved maintenance organization (AMO) certificate issued pursuant to
Section 573.02 with a rating of a category appropriate to the work to be
performed; or
 a foreign document equivalent to an MPM established by a
maintenance organization approved under the laws of a state that is party
to an agreement with Canada, and the agreement provides for
recognition of the work to be performed.
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Flight Authority
CAR 605 General Operating & Flight Rules
Division 1-General Aircraft Requirements
Division 2- Aircraft Equipment Requirements
A Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL) is an approved
document created specifically to regulate the dispatch of an aircraft
type with inoperative equipment. It establishes the aircraft
equipment allowed to be inoperative under certain conditions for a
specific type of aircraft and forms the basis for a Minimum
Equipment List (MEL).
Division 3- Aircraft Maintenance Requirements
Division 4- Technical Record Requirements
Flight Authority
Flight Authority
Certificate of Airworthiness
Special C of A
Flight Permits
Marking & Registration
Export Airworthiness
Aircraft Maintenance
General Operating & Flight
Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance
CARs Requirements
Pilot In Command
Aircraft C of A
Basic Empty Weight
Zero Fuel Weight
Ramp Weight
Take Off Weight
Landing Weight
Center of Gravity
Reference Datum
Calculating Aircraft C of G
Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance
CARs Requirements
Pilot In Command
Aircraft C of A
Basic Empty Weight
Zero Fuel Weight
Ramp Weight
Take Off Weight
Landing Weight
Center of Gravity
Reference Datum
Calculating Aircraft C of G
Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance
CARs Requirements
Pilot In Command
Aircraft C of A
Basic Empty Weight
Zero Fuel Weight
Ramp Weight
Take Off Weight
Landing Weight
Center of Gravity
Reference Datum
Calculating Aircraft C of G
Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance
CARs Requirements
Pilot In Command
Aircraft C of A
Basic Empty Weight
Zero Fuel Weight
Ramp Weight
Take Off Weight
Landing Weight
Center of Gravity
Reference Datum
Calculating Aircraft C of G
Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance
CARs Requirements
Pilot In Command
Aircraft C of A
Basic Empty Weight
Zero Fuel Weight
Ramp Weight
Take Off Weight
Landing Weight
Center of Gravity
Reference Datum
Calculating Aircraft C of G
Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance
CARs Requirements
Pilot In Command
Aircraft C of A
Basic Empty Weight
Zero Fuel Weight
Ramp Weight
Take Off Weight
Landing Weight
Center of Gravity
Reference Datum
Calculating Aircraft C of G
Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance
CARs Requirements
Pilot In Command
Aircraft C of A
Basic Empty Weight
Zero Fuel Weight
Ramp Weight
Take Off Weight
Landing Weight
Center of Gravity
Reference Datum
Calculating Aircraft C of G
Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance
CARs Requirements
Pilot In Command
Aircraft C of A
Basic Empty Weight
Zero Fuel Weight
Ramp Weight
Take Off Weight
Landing Weight
Center of Gravity
Reference Datum
Calculating Aircraft C of G
Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance
CARs Requirements
Pilot In Command
Aircraft C of A
Basic Empty Weight
Zero Fuel Weight
Ramp Weight
Take Off Weight
Landing Weight
Center of Gravity
Reference Datum
Calculating Aircraft C of G
Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance
CARs Requirements
Pilot In Command
Aircraft C of A
Basic Empty Weight
Zero Fuel Weight
Ramp Weight
Take Off Weight
Landing Weight
Center of Gravity
Reference Datum
Calculating Aircraft C of G
Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance
CARs Requirements
Pilot In Command
Aircraft C of A
Basic Empty Weight
Zero Fuel Weight
Ramp Weight
Take Off Weight
Landing Weight
Center of Gravity
Reference Datum
Calculating Aircraft C of G
Weight & Balance
Weight & Balance
CARs Requirements
Pilot In Command
Aircraft C of A
Basic Empty Weight
Zero Fuel Weight
Ramp Weight
Take Off Weight
Landing Weight
Center of Gravity
Reference Datum
Calculating Aircraft C of G
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Equipment List
Drain Fuel
Fill Oil
Fill Fluids
Jacks & Scales
Level the Aircraft
Turn of all Fans
Record Dimensions
Check Calibration Records
Average Measurements
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Equipment List
Drain Fuel
Fill Oil
Fill Fluids
Jacks & Scales
Level the Aircraft
Turn of all Fans
Record Dimensions
Check Calibration Records
Average Measurements
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Equipment List
Drain Fuel
Fill Oil
Fill Fluids
Jacks & Scales
Level the Aircraft
Turn of all Fans
Record Dimensions
Check Calibration Records
Average Measurements
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Equipment List
Drain Fuel
Fill Oil
Fill Fluids
Jacks & Scales
Level the Aircraft
Turn of all Fans
Record Dimensions
Check Calibration Records
Average Measurements
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Equipment List
Drain Fuel
Fill Oil
Fill Fluids
Jacks & Scales
Level the Aircraft
Turn of all Fans
Record Dimensions
Check Calibration Records
Average Measurements
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Equipment List
Drain Fuel
Fill Oil
Fill Fluids
Jacks & Scales
Level the Aircraft
Turn of all Fans
Record Dimensions
Check Calibration Records
Average Measurements
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Equipment List
Drain Fuel
Fill Oil
Fill Fluids
Jacks & Scales
Level the Aircraft
Turn of all Fans
Record Dimensions
Check Calibration Records
Average Measurements
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Equipment List
Drain Fuel
Fill Oil
Fill Fluids
Jacks & Scales
Level the Aircraft
Turn of all Fans
Record Dimensions
Check Calibration Records
Average Measurements
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Equipment List
Drain Fuel
Fill Oil
Fill Fluids
Jacks & Scales
Level the Aircraft
Turn of all Fans
Record Dimensions
Check Calibration Records
Average Measurements
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Equipment List
Drain Fuel
Fill Oil
Fill Fluids
Jacks & Scales
Level the Aircraft
Turn of all Fans
Record Dimensions
Check Calibration Records
Average Measurements
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Equipment List
Drain Fuel
Fill Oil
Fill Fluids
Jacks & Scales
Level the Aircraft
Turn of all Fans
Record Dimensions
Check Calibration Records
Average Measurements
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Equipment List
Drain Fuel
Fill Oil
Fill Fluids
Jacks & Scales
Level the Aircraft
Turn of all Fans
Record Dimensions
Check Calibration Records
Average Measurements
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Part II
Add Weights
Derive C of G
Reference C of G Chart
Calculate Ballast
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Part II
Add Weights
Derive C of G
Reference C of G Chart
Calculate Ballast
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Part II
Add Weights
Derive C of G
Reference C of G Chart
Calculate Ballast
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Part II
Add Weights
Derive C of G
Reference C of G Chart
Calculate Ballast
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Part II
Add Weights
Derive C of G
Reference C of G Chart
Calculate Ballast
Weight & Balance Procedure
Weight & Balance Procedure
Part II
Add Weights
Derive C of G
Reference C of G Chart
Calculate Ballast
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Types of Inspections
Aircraft to be inspected are training aircraft operated under part IV
and commercial aircraft under part VII.
Inspections are indicated by airworthiness limitations issued at the
time of manufacture and are specified in the type certificate of the
aircraft or aeronautical product.
These limitations are based on:
Calendar Days
Inspections types include:
Reliability Monitoring
The inspection schedule is part of an air operators Transport Canada
approved Maintenance Control Manual.
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Types of Inspection
Typical inspection schedules are:
Preflight Inspections, This inspection is to be performed by the Pilot
In Command (PIC). It is recommended  that this check follow a
regular order or pattern. Always LOOK, TOUCH, FEEL & MOVE
components to conduct a thorough inspection.
Periodic, 100HR, 300HR, 1000HR. Each successive periodic
inspection includes any inspection that may be a multiple of the
inspection. 100 HR inspections are incorporated into 1000HRs, but
not 300 HR.
Annual Inspections
Progressive Inspection
Abnormal Occurrence
Special Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Standard 625
This standard describes aircraft and aircraft
maintenance requirements.
A series of appendices describes specific requirements in
Maintenance schedules are submitted under standard
625 appendix D.
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Standard 625
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Standard 625
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Standard 625
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Standard 625
Airworthiness Limitations 
Airworthiness Directives 
AD Conflicting Information 
625 Appendix H (2)
Alternate Means of Compliance (AMOC) 
625 Appendix H (3-
Establishing a Maintenance Schedule 
Maintenance Schedule Information 
Basic Inspection Intervals 
Progressive Inspection Completion 
625 Appendix D (4)
Elementary Work Tasks 
625 Appendix A
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
National Business Aircraft Association
The NBAA regulates private corporate aircraft in
These aircraft are not for hire or reward and are to only
transport the corporations employees.
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
CARs 706
The section of the CARs describes positions required in
order to conduct maintenance including the Person
Responsible for Maintenance (PRM).
The requirements of the TC approved training an AMO
must establish and maintain.
The requirements to report service difficulties (SDRs).
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
CARs 706
AMO Maintenance Control Manual 
Maintenance Control Manual 
Defect Recording & Control 
706.05, 726.05
Service Difficulty Reporting 
706.14 DIV IX Subpart 21 of
Part V
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Out of Phase Inspections
A component history card is an indication of an out of
phase inspection schedule.
Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins are also
out of phase inspections.
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Abnormal Occurrences
These occurrences include:
Hard Landings
Over Speed
Severe Turbulence
Over Temp
Over Weight Landings
Bird Strikes
Lightning Strikes
All bearings on the aircraft exhibiting signs of arc damage all at once
indicates that the aircraft has been subjected to a lightning strike.
Foreign Object Damage
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Airworthiness Directives
ADs may be one of two types:
One time Airworthiness Directives.
Recurring Airworthiness Directives.
It is advantageous for the quality assurance program to
maintain an up to date list of recurring Airworthiness
Directives that may be referenced when required.
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Mandatory Service Bulletins
An SB is mandatory if the regulations of country holding
the type certificate of the aircraft or aeronautical
product state that a service bulletin is equivalent to an
airworthiness directive.
Compliance with service bulletins is a best practice as
these documents are issued by the manufacturer in the
interest of safety.
In addition, compliance with all applicable SBs may be a
requirement for export of the aircraft to other countries.
This is a requirement for aircraft exported to the United
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Maintenance Releases
The aircraft is to remain in the custody of the AME/AMO until all
inspection and maintenance is complete and the aircraft is safe and
fit for flight.
Maintenance releases are to be annotated in the logbook and are to
conform to the following statement,
“The described maintenance has been performed in accordance
with the applicable airworthiness requirements.”
Conditional maintenance releases are to include the  words.
“subject to satisfactory test flight”
The satisfactory criteria must
be identified in the statement.
Elementary work identified in 625 Appendix A does not require a
maintenance release and the logbook entry may be signed by an
individual with an elementary work card issued for the specific task.
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Elementary Work
Elementary  work tasks are extensively described in
Appendix A of Standard 625.
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Standard Industry Practices
In the absence of specified data some work and tasks
may be performed in accordance with standard industry
practices described in CARs 571.02(1)(c).
These practices can be found in:
Documents published by Transport Canada.
Types of Inspections
Standard 625
National Business Aircraft
CARs 706
Out of Phase Inspections
Abnormal Occurrences
Airworthiness Directives
Mandatory Service Bulletins
Maintenance Releases
Elementary Work
Standard Industry Practices
Periodic Inspections
Periodic Inspections
Periodic Inspections
Air Time
Flight Time
100 Hour Inspections
Annual Inspections
Calendar Inspections
Inspection Discrepancies
Periodic Inspections
Air Time
Periodic inspections are based on air time, this is the
time  at  which the wheels or skids are off the ground
until wheels or skids are back on the ground.
Periodic Inspections
Air Time
Flight Time
100 Hour Inspections
Annual Inspections
Calendar Inspections
Inspection Discrepancies
Periodic Inspections
Flight Time
The time from when the aircraft starts to move until the
aircraft stops is considered flight time.
Airtime must be separately recorded from flight time to
correctly track the hours on time limited parts
Static ground running differs significantly from the
dynamic forces, stress and strain imposed on
components in flight.
Periodic Inspections
Air Time
Flight Time
100 Hour Inspections
Annual Inspections
Calendar Inspections
Inspection Discrepancies
Periodic Inspections
100 Hour Inspections
Every 100 hours and and subsequent inspection which is
divisible by the previous hour inspections is to be
completed according to the maintenance schedule.
1000 HR inspection= a 500 HR inspection, a 100 HR
inspection and a 50 HR inspection.
Periodic Inspections
Air Time
Flight Time
100 Hour Inspections
Annual Inspections
Calendar Inspections
Inspection Discrepancies
Periodic Inspections
Annual Inspections
These inspections are carried out on the anniversary
date regardless of the date of the previous periodic
Periodic Inspections
Air Time
Flight Time
100 Hour Inspections
Annual Inspections
Calendar Inspections
Inspection Discrepancies
Periodic Inspections
Calendar Inspections
Certain components may have inspection periods that
carry over several years.
An aircraft may for example be scheduled for an
extensive inspection every 12 years.
Periodic Inspections
Air Time
Flight Time
100 Hour Inspections
Annual Inspections
Calendar Inspections
Inspection Discrepancies
Periodic Inspections
Inspection Discrepancies
Airframe information always supersedes any other
powerplant or component information.
For Canadian registered aircraft a Canadian AD always
supersedes any other document
Periodic Inspections
Air Time
Flight Time
100 Hour Inspections
Annual Inspections
Calendar Inspections
Inspection Discrepancies
Out of Phase Inspections
Out of Phase Inspections
Causes of Out of Phase
An out of phase inspection is an inspection for a
component or assembly that is no longer synchronized
with the periodic inspection schedule.
These out of phase tasks are attributable to:
Calendar Time Items
Time Limited Items
Cycle Limited Items
Out of Phase Inspections
Causes of Out of Phase
Progressive Inspections
Progressive Inspections
Progressive Inspections
Maintenance Phases
Check Schedule
Progressive Inspections
Maintenance Phases
Typically on transport category aircraft inspections are
broken into segments of 4 -25 hour phases which are
completed in progressive order and over time  to
constitute a full cycle inspection.
Each cycle of tasks is identical and must be completed
within a 12 month period.
If the annual flight time is less than the progressive
inspection time this regime cannot be used.
Progressive inspection schedules must be TC approved.
Progressive Inspections
Maintenance Phases
Check Schedule
Progressive Inspections
Check Schedule
Scheduled checks are identified by letters beginning
with A and increase in scope and interval as the letters
Progressive Inspections
Maintenance Phases
Check Schedule
Inspection Procedures
Inspection Procedures
Inspection Procedures
Receiving Inspections
Service & Repair
Functional Check
Return to Service
Inspection Procedures
Receiving Inspections
Upon receiving the aircraft and prior to cleaning visually
inspect the aircraft to detect and record any obvious
snags evident from the previous operational period.
Inspection Procedures
Receiving Inspections
Pre -inspection
Service & Repair
Functional Check
Return to Service
Inspection Procedures
Pre –inspection
Once a work order is established.
Determine which inspection is due.
Perform a maintenance record check.
Airworthiness Directive  and Service Bulletin check.
Wash the aircraft.
Conduct an initial ground run-up with cowlings off and
record a leak check.
Inspection Procedures
Receiving Inspections
Pre -inspection
Service & Repair
Functional Check
Return to Service
Inspection Procedures
This is the actual inspection of the aircraft.
Follow the inspection checklist.
Always initial the completed work.
Complete independent inspections
(Independent Control Check, ICC) on any work
Flight Controls
Record Defects
Inspection Procedures
Receiving Inspections
Pre -inspection
Service & Repair
Functional Check
Return to Service
Inspection Procedures
Service & Repair
This phase involves:
Lubrication utilizing consumables and methods described in the
maintenance manual.
Servicing the aircrafts fluids.
Address all defects
Any deferred repairs must be recorded according to a deferred
defect procedure that incorporates the minimum equipment list
Inspection Procedures
Receiving Inspections
Pre -inspection
Service & Repair
Functional Check
Return to Service
Inspection Procedures
Functional Check
Once repairs are complete:
Run-up the aircraft.
Perform the trimming checks required.
Conduct power performance checks.
Verify the function of radio equipment.
Verify the function of all lights.
Clean & detail the aircraft in anticipation of returning the
aircraft to service.
Inspection Procedures
Receiving Inspections
Pre -inspection
Service & Repair
Functional Check
Return to Service
Inspection Procedures
Return to Service
Returning the aircraft to service is first done by ensuring
all documentation is complete.
Work orders
Maintenance logbook entries
Update AD compliance list
Maintenance release statement.
Inspection Procedures
Receiving Inspections
Pre -inspection
Service & Repair
Functional Check
Return to Service
Maintenance Release
Maintenance Release
Maintenance Release
Release Statement
Conditional Statement
Maintenance Release
Maintenance Release571.10
No person shall sign a maintenance release required
pursuant to Section 605.85 or permit anyone whom the
person supervises to sign a maintenance release, unless the
standards of airworthiness applicable to the maintenance
performed and stated in Chapter 571 of the Airworthiness
Manual have been complied with and the maintenance
release meets the applicable requirements specified in
section 571.10 of the Airworthiness Manual.
Except as provided in subsection (4), a maintenance
release shall include the following, or a similarly worded,
“The described maintenance has been
performed in accordance with the applicable airworthiness
Maintenance Release
Release Statement
Conditional Statement
Maintenance Release
Conditional Statement
Where a person signs a maintenance release in
respect of maintenance performed on an aircraft, the
satisfactory completion of which cannot be verified by
inspection or testing of the aircraft on the ground, the
maintenance release shall be made conditional on the
satisfactory completion of a test flight carried out
pursuant to subsections 605.85(2) and (3), by the
inclusion of the phrase 
“subject to satisfactory test
Maintenance Release
Release Statement
Conditional Statement
Maintenance Organizations
Maintenance Organizations
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000
Quality Management
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
CAR 573.09(3)
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000
Quality Management
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control
Maintenance Organizations
ISO 9000
ISO Standards
ISO is a non-government organization of 156 member
countries that develops standards through consensus of
many economic stakeholders.
Isos is the Greek word for “Equal”
In world market without standards consumers would be
affected everyday by:
Decreased Product Quality
Improper Sizing of Products
Incompatibility of Products
Unreliable Products
Dangerous Products
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000
Quality Management
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control
Maintenance Organizations
ISO 9000
ISO Standards
Organizations benefiting from ISO standards are:
Industrial Organizations
Trade Organizations
Supplier & Customer Chains
Industry wide standardization is reached by consensus
agreements between:
Government Regulators
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000 II
Quality Management
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control
Maintenance Organizations
ISO 9000
ISO Standards
The five hallmarks of the ISO brand are:
Equal footing, all members can be involved.
Voluntary participation, ISO has no legal authority.
ISO standards are driven by market requirements.
Standards are developed by consensus among interest groups.
Worldwide compatibility.
ISO 9000 Quality Management
Organizations can apply ISO standards to the way they manage their
processes or activities  in order to enhance customer satisfaction,
meet regulator requirements and minimize harmful effects to the
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000 III
Quality Management
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Management
The principles of ISO Quality Management are based on:
A customer focus.
The involvement of people.
A process approach.
A systems approach to management.
Continual improvement.
A factual approach to process and decisions.
Mutually beneficial supplier relationships.
A next step attitude.
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000
Quality Management
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Management
A customer focus provides:
Increased revenue and market share obtained through flexible & fast
responses to market opportunities.
Increased effectiveness in the use of the organizations resources to
enhance customer satisfaction
Improved customer loyalty leading to repeat business.
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000
Quality Management II
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Management
Involvement of people provides:
Motivated , committed  and involved people within the organization.
Innovation & creativity in furthering the organizations objectives.
Allows people to be accountable for their own actions.
Enables people to participate in and contribute to continual
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000
Quality Management III
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control
Maintenance Organizations
Maintenance Steering Group Decision
Hard Time Inspection
Time between overhaul are strictly controlled and the entire aircraft
is periodically disassembled and re-assembled to maintain the
highest level of safety.
On Condition Inspection
Maintenance control methods are oriented towards mechanical
performance based on in-situ  testing, inspection, measurement &
prediction of failure.
Condition Monitoring inspections
No overhaul period is defined, current performance is monitored and
analyzed  to determine maintenance requirements.
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000
Quality Management
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control
Maintenance Organizations
Maintenance Steering Group Decision
The first system developed around condition monitoring
was the MSG-1 system for the Boeing 747.
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000
Quality Management
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic II
Reliability Control
Maintenance Organizations
Reliability Control
Assessment of mechanical performance is collectively
known as Reliability Control.
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000
Quality Management
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control
Maintenance Organizations
Reliability Control
The mechanism for changing the reliability program is
the Maintenance Review Board (MRB) process, AMA
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000
Quality Management
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control II
Maintenance Organizations
Reliability Control
The main emphasis of reliability control is to maintain
failure rates below a predetermined value.
MSI-Maintenance Significant Item.
SSI-Structural Significant Item.
The relationship between operating time and failure
resistance can be determined by two methods.
This method uses statistics to draw conclusions and determine failure
rates and maintenance intervals.
Uses sampling methods to measure failure rates and adjust maintenance
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000
Quality Management
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control III
Maintenance Organizations
Reliability Control
Both Alert and Non-Alert programs include five core
Data collection
Data analysis
Data display and reporting
Responsive actions
Reliability program amendments
This data is sourced from:
Pilot reports
Mechanical interruptions and delays
In-flight engine shutdowns
Confirmed failures
Un-scheduled removals
Miscellaneous reports, Service Difficulty Reports or Strip down reports.
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000
Quality Management
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control IV
Maintenance Organizations
Reliability Control
The objectives of data analysis are:
Verify acceptable performance.
Identify trends requiring corrective action.
Indicate tasks & intervals that may be safely eliminated, modified or
Smaller operators with less than five of the same aircraft
may enter into third party joint reliability programs, in
order to pool aircraft information to generate sufficient
data for the operation of a statistical based reliability
Maintenance Organizations
Quality Loop
ISO 9000
Quality Management
Maintenance Steering Group
Decision Logic
Reliability Control V
Journey Log
Airframe Log
Engine Log
Airworthiness Directives Log
Propeller Log
Component History Record (CHR)
Component History Card (CHC)
Elementary Work
Maintenance Release
Conditional Maintenance Release
Independent Control Check (ICC)
Journey Log
Airframe Log
Engine Log
Airworthiness Directives Log
Propeller Log
Component History Record (CHR)
Component History Card (CHC)
Elementary Work
Maintenance Release
Conditional Maintenance Release
Independent Control Check (ICC)
Journey Log
Airframe Log
Engine Log
Airworthiness Directives Log
Propeller Log
Component History Record (CHR)
Component History Card (CHC)
Elementary Work
Maintenance Release
Conditional Maintenance Release
Independent Control Check (ICC)
Journey Log
Airframe Log
Engine Log
Airworthiness Directives Log
Propeller Log
Component History Record (CHR)
Component History Card (CHC)
Elementary Work
Maintenance Release
Conditional Maintenance Release
Independent Control Check (ICC)
Journey Log
Airframe Log
Engine Log
Airworthiness Directives Log
Propeller Log
Component History Record (CHR)
Component History Card (CHC)
Elementary Work
Maintenance Release
Conditional Maintenance Release
Independent Control Check (ICC)
Journey Log
Airframe Log
Engine Log
Airworthiness Directives Log
Propeller Log
Component History Record (CHR)
Component History Card (CHC)
Elementary Work
Maintenance Release
Conditional Maintenance Release
Independent Control Check (ICC)
Journey Log
Airframe Log
Engine Log
Airworthiness Directives Log
Propeller Log
Component History Record (CHR)
Component History Card (CHC)
Elementary Work
Maintenance Release
Conditional Maintenance Release
Independent Control Check (ICC)
Journey Log
Airframe Log
Engine Log
Airworthiness Directives Log
Propeller Log
Component History Record (CHR)
Component History Card (CHC)
Elementary Work
Maintenance Release
Conditional Maintenance Release
Independent Control Check (ICC)
Journey Log
Airframe Log
Engine Log
Airworthiness Directives Log
Propeller Log
Component History Record (CHR)
Component History Card (CHC)
Elementary Work
Maintenance Release
Conditional Maintenance Release
Independent Control Check (ICC)
Journey Log
Airframe Log
Engine Log
Airworthiness Directives Log
Propeller Log
Component History Record (CHR)
Component History Card (CHC)
Elementary Work
Maintenance Release
Conditional Maintenance Release
Independent Control Check (ICC)
Journey Log
Airframe Log
Engine Log
Airworthiness Directives Log
Propeller Log
Component History Record (CHR)
Component History Card (CHC)
Elementary Work
Maintenance Release
Conditional Maintenance Release
Independent Control Check (ICC)
Journey Log
Airframe Log
Engine Log
Airworthiness Directives Log
Propeller Log
Component History Record (CHR)
Component History Card (CHC)
Elementary Work
Maintenance Release
Conditional Maintenance Release
Independent Control Check (ICC)
Slide Note



1. Inspection and maintenance requirements for private and commercial aircraft as outlined in the Canadian Aviation Regulations.

2. Fundamentals and types of aircraft inspections including:

· periodic, annual, progressive and approved maintenance schedules

· abnormal occurrence (hard landing, lightning strike, etc.).

· special (Airworthiness Directive or Service Bulletin).

3. Weight and balance procedures and requirements including:

· jacking· leveling· weighing

· installed equipment list

· weight and balance report· amendment requirements

· regulatory requirements

4. Differences between fixed and rotary wing aircraft weight and balance procedures, e.g. Lateral center of gravity.

5. Fundamentals of quality assurance.


6. A weight and balance procedure on an aircraft, including associated documentation.

7. Completion of documentation for maintenance records including:

8. Computerized information input and retrieval.

· technical records

· defect lists

· technical reports

· service difficulty reporting


Aircraft Maintenance Engineering is a critical aspect of aviation safety, overseen by Transport Canada. This involves a range of procedures, inspections, and databases to ensure the safe operation and maintenance of civil aircraft. Transport Canada's mandate includes promoting safe and efficient transportation policies and programs. The Civil Aircraft Registry provides essential services for aircraft registration and information management. Various databases and searches are utilized to support aviation safety and airworthiness across Canada's transportation system.

  • Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
  • Transport Canada
  • Aviation Safety
  • Civil Aircraft Registry
  • Inspection Procedures

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Aircraft Maintenance Engineering

  2. Transport Canada CARs Letters, Notices & Bulletins Certificates Manuals Flight Authority Weight & Balance Procedures Amendments Addendums Inspections Periodic Inspections Out of Phase Inspections Progressive Inspections Inspection Procedures Maintenance Release Maintenance Organizations Logbooks

  3. Transport Canada

  4. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Transport Canada Transport Canada Mandate Civil Aircraft Registry Databases & Searches CAWIS

  5. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Transport Canada Mandate Transport Canada Mandate Civil Aircraft Registry Transport Canada is responsible for transportation policies and programs. It promotes safe, secure, efficient and environmentally-responsible transportation. Databases & Searches CAWIS Transport Canada reports to Parliament and Canadians through the minister of Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities. It works with its portfolio partners, other government departments and jurisdictions, and industry to ensure that all parts of Canada's transportation system work well. Transport Canada employs 4,700 people at its headquarters and in five regional offices across the country.

  6. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Transport Canada Transport Canada Civil Aircraft Registry Mandate Civil Aircraft Registry The services available at the Canadian Civil Aircraft Register are provided by the Aircraft Registration and Leasing Division within the General Aviation Branch of Transport Canada. Databases & Searches CAWIS These services include: Search the Civil Aircraft Register Database -Current and History: Extensive search inquiry application intended to provide basic aircraft registration information on civilian aircraft registered in Canada. Queries are extracted directly from the official database. Statistical informationfor imported and exported aircraft, numbers of aircraft in Canada by category and region, and national year-end summaries of the Register.

  7. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Transport Canada Transport Canada Databases & Searches Mandate Civil Aircraft Registry Online reporting and Querying of data base information assists operators and maintenance personnel by providing timely access to aviation safety & airworthiness information. These data bases include: Databases & Searches CAWIS Civil Aviation Safety Alerts Delegations Information System (DIS) Publications Database Web Service Difficulty Reporting System (WSDRS) Continuing Airworthiness Web Information System (CAWIS)

  8. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Transport Canada Transport Canada Continuing Airworthiness Web Information System (CAWIS) Mandate Civil Aircraft Registry Databases & Searches This site is mainly for the use by registered owners, operators, maintainers and manufacturers of Canadian registered aeronautical products or products for which Canada is the Country of Type Design responsibility, as well as Transport Canada personnel. CAWIS External clients can utilize this site to Submit their Annual Airworthiness Information Report (AAIR) Query the Airworthiness Directive (AD) (foreign & domestic) database Review the data pertaining to their own aircraft

  9. CARs

  10. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 CARs CARs CARs 571.02 CARs 571.06 CARs 521.02

  11. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 CARs CARs 571.02 Maintenance and Elementary Work Performance Rules CARs 571.02 CARs 571.06 CARs 521.02 (1) Subject to subsection (2), a person who performs maintenance or elementary work on an aeronautical product shall use the most recent methods, techniques, practices, parts, materials, tools, equipment and test apparatuses that are (a) specified for the aeronautical product in the most recent maintenance manual or instructions for continued airworthiness developed by the manufacturer of that aeronautical product; (b) equivalent to those specified by the manufacturer of that aeronautical product in the most recent maintenance manual or instructions for continued airworthiness; or (c)in accordance with recognized industry practices at the time the maintenance or elementary work is performed.

  12. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 CARs CARs 571.02 Maintenance and Elementary Work Performance Rules CARs 571.02 CARs 571.06 CARs 521.02 (2) A person who performs maintenance or elementary work pursuant to subsection (1) shall ensure that any measuring device or test equipment used (a) meets the specifications of the manufacturer of the aeronautical product with respect to accuracy, taking into account the intended use; and (b) if calibration requirements are published by the manufacturer of

  13. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 CARs CARs 571.06 Repairs and Modifications CARs 571.02 CARs 571.06 (1) Except as provided in subsection (5) and in the case of aircraft that are operated under a special certificate of airworthiness in the owner-maintenance classification, a person who signs a maintenance release in respect of a major repair or major modification on an aeronautical product shall ensure that the major repair or major modification conforms to the requirements of the relevant technical data (a) that have been approved or the use of which has been approved within the meaning of the term approved data in section 571.06 of the Airworthiness Manual; or (b) that have been established within the meaning of the term specified data in section 571.06 of the Airworthiness Manual. CARs 511.31

  14. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 CARs CARs 571.06 Repairs and Modifications CARs 571.02 CARs 571.06 Standard 571.06 approved data - includes: (a) type certificates, supplemental type certificates, part design approvals, Canadian technical standard order (CAN-TSO) design approvals or repair design approvals, including equivalent foreign documents which have undergone the type design examination process set-out in Subpart 521 of the CARs or are otherwise accepted in Canada; and (b) other drawings and methods approved by the Minister or a delegate in conformity with paragraph 4.2(o) and subsection 4.3(1) of the Aeronautics Act. CARs 511.31

  15. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 CARs CARs 571.06 Repairs and Modifications CARs 571.02 CARs 571.06 Standard 571.06 specified data - is information contained in authoritative documents which, although not approved by the Minister, has been specified by the Minister as appropriate for the purpose of major modifications and major repairs, in conformity with section 571.06 of the CARs. The following are examples of specified data: (a)drawings or methods described or referenced in Airworthiness Directives; (b)data issued by the manufacturer or type certificate holder of the aircraft, component or appliance, such as modification orders, service bulletins, or engineering orders, which include a statement of approval by the applicable regulatory authority or a delegated representative of such an authority. Where the data issued by the aircraft manufacturer are incompatible with those of the component or appliance manufacturer, the data of the aircraft manufacturer shall prevail; (c) manufacturer s Structural Repair Manuals; (d)FAA Advisory Circulars AC 43.13-1 and AC 43.13-2, subject to certain conditions. CARs 511.31

  16. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 CARs CARs 571.06 Repairs and Modifications CARs 571.02 CARs 571.06 (2) Except as provided in subsection (5), a person who signs a maintenance release in respect of a repair or modification, other than a major repair or major modification, shall ensure that the repair or modification conforms to the requirements of the relevant technical data within the meaning of the term acceptable data in section 571.06 of the Airworthiness Manual. CARs 521.02

  17. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 CARs CARs 571.06 Repairs and Modifications CARs 571.02 CARs 571.06 Standard 571.06 acceptable data - includes: (a) drawings and methods recommended by the manufacturer of the aircraft, component, or appliance; (b)Transport Canada advisory documents; and, (c)advisory documents issued by foreign airworthiness authorities with whom Canada has entered into airworthiness agreements or memoranda of understanding such as current issues of Advisory Circular 43.13-1 and -2 issued by the FAA, Civil Aviation Information Publications (CAIPs) issued by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) of the United Kingdom, or Advisory Circular, Joint (ACJs) issued by the Joint Aviation Authority (JAA) or Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA); and, (amended 2009/12/01; previous version) (d)drawings and methods found appropriate by a delegate in conformity with paragraph 4.2(o) and subsection 4.3(1) of the Aeronautics Act. CARs 521.02

  18. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 CARs CARs 571.06 Repairs and Modifications CARs 571.02 CARs 571.06 (3) Where an additional flight authority has been issued pursuant to paragraph 507.08(1)(c) in respect of an aircraft, no person shall change the configuration of the aircraft in such a manner that the aircraft no longer meets the conditions subject to which the flight authority applicable to the aircraft prior to the modification was issued, unless (a) the person makes an entry in the aircraft journey log required by section 605.94 indicating the flight authority that is in effect for the modified aircraft; or (b) the change is made in accordance with technical dispatch procedures required by section 706.06. CARs 521.02

  19. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 CARs CARs 571.06 Repairs and Modifications CARs 571.02 CARs 571.06 (4) Repairing or modifying an aeronautical product may include the making of a part in conformity with the standards specified in section 571.06 of the Airworthiness Manual, if no part made is (a) marked with the part number specified in the type design; or (b) installed by a person or organization other than the person or organization that made the part. CARs 521.02

  20. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 CARs CARs 571.06 Repairs and Modifications CARs 571.02 CARs 571.06 Standard 571.06 Information Notes: The provisions of subsection 571.06(4) of the CARs prohibit that a made part be marked with the part number specified in the type design, or that the made part be offered for sale. CARs 521.02 Persons making and installing these parts cannot record that the original part was repaired, but shall state that the part was replaced with a made repair part. The individual will not be authorised to state that a new part has been installed, as a new part will require a release under Subpart561 of the CARs manufacturing approval.

  21. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 CARs CARs 571.06 Repairs and Modifications CARs 571.02 CARs 571.06 (5) A person who signs a maintenance release in respect CARs 521.02

  22. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 CARs 521.02 Approval of the Type Design or a Change to the Type Design of an Aeronautical Product CARs CARs 571.02 CARs 571.06 CARs 521.02 This Subpart applies to applicants for and holders of the following documents and applicants for a change to one of those documents: (a) a type certificate issued under section 521.57 in respect of an aeronautical product; (b) a Canadian Technical Standard Order (CAN-TSO) design approval issued under section 521.109 in respect of an appliance or a part; (c) a supplemental type certificate issued under section 521.206 in respect of an aeronautical product; (d) a repair design approval issued under section 521.256 in respect of an aeronautical product; and (e) a part design approval issued under section 521.306 in respect of a replacement part for an aeronautical product.

  23. Letters, Notices & Bulletins

  24. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Letters, Notices & Bulletins Letters, Notices & Bulletins Aviation Safety Letter Airworthiness Notice Service Difficulty Alert Service Difficulty Advisory Airworthiness Directives

  25. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Letters, Notices & Bulletins Letters, Notices & Bulletins Aviation Safety Letter Airworthiness Notice Service Difficulty Alert Service Difficulty Advisory Airworthiness Directives

  26. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Letters, Notices & Bulletins Letters, Notices & Bulletins Aviation Safety Letter Airworthiness Notice Service Difficulty Alert Service Difficulty Advisory Airworthiness Directives

  27. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Letters, Notices & Bulletins Letters, Notices & Bulletins Aviation Safety Letter Airworthiness Notice Service Difficulty Alert Service Difficulty Advisory Airworthiness Directives

  28. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Letters, Notices & Bulletins Letters, Notices & Bulletins Aviation Safety Letter Airworthiness Notice Service Difficulty Alert Service Difficulty Advisory Airworthiness Directives

  29. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Letters, Notices & Bulletins Letters, Notices & Bulletins Airworthiness Directives Aviation Safety Letter Airworthiness Notice Service Difficulty Alert Service Difficulty Advisory Airworthiness Directives

  30. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Letters, Notices & Bulletins Letters, Notices & Bulletins Airworthiness Directives Aviation Safety Letter Airworthiness Notice CF-2008-17R2 Tension-Torsion Straps Failure Upon Receipt Cancels Airworthiness Directive CF-2008-17R1, dated 26 May 2008 EurocopterCanada Ltd. (formerly MBB Canada Ltd.) Model BO 105 LS-A3 helicopters As indicated below. Recently, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued AD 2013- 0015 that includes the corrective actions mandated by AD CF-2008-17R1. Because EASA is presently the authority responsible for the Type Design of this helicopter model, AD CF- 2008-17R1 becomes redundant and needs to be cancelled. Transport Canada AD CF-2008-17R1 is cancelled as of the effective date of this AD. Operators of the affected helicopters shall comply with EASA AD 2013-0015. Service Difficulty Alert Service Difficulty Advisory Airworthiness Directives

  31. Certificates

  32. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Certificates Certificates Type Certificate Technical Standard Order Supplemental Type Certificate

  33. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Certificates Certificates Type Certificate Technical Standard Order Supplemental Type Certificate

  34. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Certificates Certificates Type Certificate Technical Standard Order Supplemental Type Certificate

  35. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Certificates Certificates Type Certificate Technical Standard Order Supplemental Type Certificate

  36. Manuals

  37. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

  38. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

  39. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

  40. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

  41. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

  42. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

  43. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

  44. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

  45. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

  46. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

  47. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

  48. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

  49. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

  50. Maintenance Procedures 23.0 Manuals Manuals GAMA Format ATA 100 Format Revision Log QA for Amendments Flight Manual Maintenance Manual Structural Repair Manual Illustrated Parts Manual Component Repair & Overhaul Engine Manual Propeller Manual Appliance Manual Service Bulletins AC 43-13-1B2B

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