ECC Social Value Reporting and Evaluation Framework
Essex County Council (ECC) has implemented a robust Social Value Reporting and Evaluation framework based on the Local Government Association's National TOMs method. This framework categorizes and assesses social value contributions in two parts - Value Score and Supporting Statement Score - to deri
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Extreme Value Theory in Civil Engineering
Introduction to Extreme Value Theory by Gregory S. Karlovits and Emil Julius Gumbel. Exploring the importance of extreme values in civil engineering, Gumbel's EV questions, seeking models for extreme behavior, and lecture outlines on order statistics and extreme value theorems. The discussion includ
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Extreme Value Theory in Civil Engineering
Introduction to Extreme Value Theory (EVT) in civil engineering focusing on the analysis of extremes such as shear strength, slope stability, and load factors. The theory, exemplified by Emil Julius Gumbel, questions the likelihood of individual observations falling outside expected distributions. E
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Evolution of Mathematical Theories and Proof Systems
Development of mathematical theories such as model theory, proof theory, set theory, recursion theory, and computational complexity is discussed, starting from historical perspectives with Dedekind and Peano to Godel's theorems, recursion theory's golden age in the 1930s, and advancements in proof t
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Psychological Theories of Criminality: Understanding the Roots
Psychological theories of criminality delve into the association between intelligence, personality, learning, and criminal behavior. Major theories include Psychodynamic Theory by Freud, Behavioral Theory by Bandura, and Cognitive Theory by Kohlberg. These theories explore how unconscious mental pro
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The Value of Money and Standards
The value of money refers to its purchasing power, which is influenced by the price level of goods and services. Different standards, such as wholesale, retail, and labor, help measure the value of money. Money can have internal and external value, affecting domestic and foreign transactions. The Qu
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Theory of Firms: Neoclassical vs. Modern Approaches
The theory of firms is explored through the Neoclassical and Modern perspectives. Neoclassical theory focuses on profit maximization, while Modern theory delves into managerial, principal-agent, and transaction cost theories. The discussion covers criticisms of Neoclassical theory and the essential
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Theories of Causation in Psychological and Social Sciences
Overview of theories of causation categorized into psychological, social psychological, and sociological perspectives. Psychological theories focus on instinctive, biological, and psychological qualities of abusers, including Attachment Theory, Psychodynamic Theory, Social Learning Theory, and Situa
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Signs, System, and Semiotics According to Saussure
Saussure's concept of sign value emphasizes the importance of relationships within a system, where a sign's meaning is not absolute but dependent on its interactions with other signs. He highlights the distinction between signification and value, showcasing how signs derive their value from the syst
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Political Theory through a Contextual Approach
Exploring G.H. Sabine's perspective on political theory through a contextual approach, emphasizing the importance of historical context and societal influences. Sabine argues that while political theory evolves with its contemporary politics, it should be analyzed within its specific time and social
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Evolution of Light Theory: From Wave Theory to Quantum Theory
At the turn of the century, the discovery of the photoelectric effect challenged the wave theory of light, leading to the development of the quantum theory by Max Planck and Albert Einstein. This new theory introduced the concept of discrete energy units known as quanta, bridging the gap between wav
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Relevance and Limitations of Marx's Capital in Modern Social Theory
Exploring the ongoing relevance of Marx's Capital in contemporary social theory, Gary Herrigel from the Department of Political Science discusses its implications and theoretical considerations. Despite its foundational role, Marx's work also faces practical limitations, such as the challenge of tra
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Enhancing Social Value through Strategic Procurement
STAR Procurement, the shared service for multiple councils, emphasizes the importance of Social Value in procurement practices. The Social Value Portal serves as a management tool to measure and demonstrate the benefits of Social Value commitments. Bidders are required to provide quantitative and qu
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Dp-branes, NS5-branes, U-duality, and M-Theory Overview
Overview of Dp-branes, NS5-branes, and U-duality derived from nonabelian (2,0) theory with Lie 3-algebra. Introduction to M-theory, including M2-branes and M5-branes in the strong coupling limit. Discussion on BLG theory, Lorentzian Lie 3-algebra, and the ABJM theory for M2-branes.
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Integrated Value Creation in Corporate Finance
Explore the concept of integrated value creation in corporate finance, emphasizing the importance of managing for long-term value while incorporating social and environmental goals. Learn about responsible management practices that focus on creating net present value (NPV) through a balance of finan
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Time-Independent Perturbation Theory in Quantum Mechanics
Perturbation theory is a powerful tool in solving complex physical and mathematical problems approximately by adjusting solutions from a related problem with known solutions. This theory allows for more accurate approximate solutions by treating the difference as a small perturbation. An example inv
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Ethical Theories: Divine Command vs. Virtue Theory Explained
Divine Command Theory asserts that morality is derived from God's commands, contrasting with Virtue Theory which focuses on developing moral virtues to achieve human flourishing and excellence. Divine Command Theory relies on religious texts, while Virtue Theory emphasizes the cultivation of virtues
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Fermi Liquid Theory in Interacting Fermion Systems
Fermi liquid theory, also known as Landau-Fermi liquid theory, is a theoretical model that describes the normal state of metals at low temperatures. Introduced by Landau and further developed by Abrikosov and Khalatnikov, this theory explains the similarities and differences between interacting ferm
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Enhancing Pig Value Chains Through Innovation and Intervention
Conduct research to identify innovative solutions in gender, nutrition, environmental sustainability, and value chain upgrading/transformation. Utilize systems analysis to design integrated intervention packages for pig value chains. Learn from outcomes to adapt operations and activities, focusing o
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Terminal Value in Valuation
Valuation of publicly traded firms with potentially infinite lives involves estimating cash flows for a growth period and a terminal value to capture value at the end. The stable growth rate, which cannot exceed the economy's growth rate, plays a crucial role in determining the present value of futu
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Maximizing Customer Value, Satisfaction & Loyalty in Business
Explore the essence of customer value, satisfaction, and loyalty in business success through Dr. Ananda Sabil Hussein's insightful perspective. Learn about customer perceived value, determinants of value, steps in value analysis, loyalty definitions, satisfaction measurements, and the significance o
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Computational Learning Theory: An Overview
Computational Learning Theory explores inductive learning algorithms that generate hypotheses from training sets, emphasizing the uncertainty of generalization. The theory introduces probabilities to measure correctness and certainty, addressing challenges in learning hidden concepts. Through exampl
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Automata Theory and Theory of Computation Overview
This course overview covers concepts in automata theory and theory of computation, including formal language classes, grammars, recognizers, theorems in automata theory, decidability, and intractability of computational problems. The Chomsky hierarchy, interplay between computing components, modern-
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The Value of Knowledge: A Philosophical Exploration
Exploring the value of knowledge through the lens of Plato's Meno Problem, this text delves into why knowledge is considered more valuable than mere true belief. It discusses Plato's solution to the problem, the secondary and tertiary value problems, and constraints on solutions and strategies in un
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How to Calculate Present Value & Future Value Using Microsoft Excel
Learn how to calculate present value and future value using Microsoft Excel functions such as PV and FV. Understand the syntax, arguments, and examples for determining the value of single amounts, annuities, and lump sums. Step-by-step instructions provided for efficient financial calculations.
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Theories of Interest in Microeconomics II
Explore various theories of interest in economics, including the Classical Theory, Liquidity Preference Theory by Keynes, Productivity Theory, Abstinence Theory, Time-Preference Theory, Fisher's Time Preference Theory, and the Loanable Fund Theory. These theories offer different perspectives on the
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Land Value Return and Recycling for Transportation Funding
With transportation investment needs surpassing available resources, investigating the potential of land value return and recycling as a revenue source can benefit public agencies. This involves recovering and reusing a portion of the increased land value generated by public investment in transporta
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The Evolution of Atomic Theory
Delve into the historical journey of atomic theory starting from Democritus and Aristotle's views to modern advancements proving some aspects of Dalton's theory incorrect. Learn about key laws and theories such as the Particle Theory of Matter, Dalton's Atomic Theory, and JJ Thomson's discoveries, s
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Maximizing Shareholder Value Creation Through Strategic Business Practices
Explore the concept of shareholder value creation, the importance of generating revenues exceeding economic costs, and meeting shareholders' expectations. Learn about Economic Value Added (EVA), key value drivers, aligning strategy with value creation, and essential factors for overall business succ
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Rethinking Firm Governance Through Property Rights and Stakeholder Theory
Challenging the traditional shareholder-centric view, this study explores how property rights theory and stakeholder theory can offer a more comprehensive perspective on firm governance. It delves into the complexities of value creation, contractual relationships, and diverse stakeholder interests,
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Trade in Value-Added (TiVA) and Global Value Chains
Trade in Value-Added (TiVA) offers crucial insights into the complexities of global value chains and economic globalization. By shifting focus from gross trade statistics to value creation along supply chains, TiVA helps in formulating better policies and addressing systemic risks associated with ma
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The Good Life: Hedonism, Desire Theory, and Objective List Theory
Delve into the concepts of Hedonism, Desire Theory, and Objective List Theory to understand what constitutes a good life and the pursuit of well-being. Explore different value theories, the debate between subjective and objective values, and the philosophical perspectives on happiness and pleasure.
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Economic Foundations of Imperialism: Exploitation and Value Transfer
Imperialism primarily functions as an economic mechanism for exploiting value rather than seeking political dominance. The transfer of value occurs through mechanisms like unequal exchange, global value chain flows, and capital flows, leading to the long-term appropriation of value by imperialist na
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Macromechanical Analysis of Lamina and Tsai-Hill Failure Theory Overview
The Tsai-Hill failure theory is based on the strengths of a unidirectional lamina, incorporating longitudinal and transverse tensile and compressive strengths, as well as in-plane shear strength. This theory, derived from the distortion energy theory, provides criteria for determining lamina failure
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Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities
In this lesson, students will learn to solve absolute value equations and inequalities both algebraically and graphically. The concept of absolute value, which represents the distance between a number and zero on the number line, is explained through examples and solutions. The importance of using g
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Business Model Reporting for Value Creation
Integrated Reporting (IR) plays a crucial role in forging business partnerships and facilitating sound decision-making. Understanding the organizational business model is essential for long-term sustainability and value creation. The global approach to business model reporting encompasses business s
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India Fellowship Seminar: Product Contributions to Growth, Risk Management, and Shareholder Value
India Fellowship Seminar discussed the contributions of participating and non-participating products to premium growth, risk management, and shareholder value. Key topics included market trends, drivers of shareholder value, PAR vs NPAR attractions, creating shareholder value, and risk management st
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Procuring Social Value
This content discusses the significance of procuring social value, focusing on the Social Value Act of 2012 and its application to public procurement. It covers the definition, examples, and benefits of social value, emphasizing its impact on the community, economy, and businesses. The content also
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Theories of Personality: Type Theory, Trait Theory, Psychoanalytic Theory
Personality theories such as Type Theory, Trait Theory, and Psychoanalytic Theory classify personality based on various factors like body build, introversion/extroversion, enduring characteristics, and unconscious forces influencing behavior.
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Theory: Nets to Rationalize, Explain, Master
The concept of theory is explored through the works of Imran A. Sajid, Ph.D., and definitions by various scholars. Essential elements of a theory, including concepts, facts, hypotheses, and principles, are dissected along with the role of concepts in theory-building, particularly in social work prac
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