Luke 7:36 50 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Proclaiming Good News and Healing Miracles from the Book of Luke

The passages from the book of Luke narrate how the Spirit of the Lord rests on Jesus to bring good news to the poor, proclaim freedom and sight to the oppressed, and announce the year of the Lord's favor. The accounts also include miraculous healings of a woman with a hemorrhage and a young girl res

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Reflections on God's Everlasting Favour

Discover the profound message of God's everlasting favour through scriptural verses like Luke 4:18-19 and Jeremiah 32:40. Reflect on the promise-based nature of God's favour, rooted in His unchanging love and abundant blessings. Join in the celebration of redemption and the never-ending era of the L

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The Exaltation of Jesus in Luke 24:1-53

This passage from Luke 24:1-53 discusses the exaltation of Jesus, including His resurrection, appearances to His followers, and their initial disbelief and confusion. The chapter serves as a bridge from Luke's Gospel to the book of Acts, showcasing themes of fulfillment, witness, and the ascension o

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Mary: A Mother's Heart - Insights from the Book of Luke

Explore the portrayal of Mary and women in the Book of Luke, revealing Jesus as the Messiah through his interactions with them. Discover how Mary, a young, poor, and vulnerable woman, was favored by the Lord, reflecting the importance of faith, belief, and servitude. Through various stories in Luke,

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Luke's Legal Battle for Proper Care

Luke, a 41-year-old with severe disabilities, challenged the council's decision to cut his care budget by over 42%, risking his wellbeing and established carer team. His complaint led to a Judicial Review, claiming breach of Care Act duties and unreasonable decision-making. The case raises important

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Insights from Luke 7:36-50: Woman with Alabaster Jar

Discover the powerful story of the woman with the alabaster jar in Luke 7:36-50, depicting deep emotions, societal norms, and unexpected revelations during a dinner with Jesus and a Pharisee. Explore the profound actions of the woman, Simon's judgmental attitude, and Jesus' parable on forgiveness an

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The Miraculous Beginnings in Luke 1:64-79 – Serving God Without Fear

In Luke 1:64-79, we witness the impactful moments where individuals find their voices to praise God and acknowledge His acts of redemption and salvation. The verses speak of the coming of the Lord, enabling His people to serve without fear, guided by His tender mercy into the path of peace, ushering

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The Story of Zechariah and Elizabeth in Luke 1:67-79

In Luke 1:67-79, the story unfolds with Zechariah, a righteous priest married to Elizabeth, both advanced in age and childless. An angel appears to Zechariah, promising a son named John. Despite doubts, the angel's words come true, leading to the joyous birth of John.

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The Temptation of Christ: Luke 4:1-13 Analysis

The passage from Luke 4:1-13 describes the Temptation of Christ in the wilderness. Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, faces temptation from the devil for forty days. Despite the challenges, Jesus triumphs by relying on faith in God and rejecting the temptations that seek to undermine his relationsh

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The Transformation of a Fisherman into a Fisher of Men in Luke 5:4-11

In Luke 5:4-11, the story of a fisherman, Simon Peter, encountering Jesus and experiencing a miraculous catch of fish is shared. Initially hesitant, Peter follows Jesus' command to cast his nets where they catch an overwhelming amount of fish. Overwhelmed by the miracle, Peter recognizes his sinfuln

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Reflections on Luke 21:1-4 - The Widow's Mite and Prayers of Intercession

Explore the profound message of Luke 21:1-4, focusing on the Widow's Mite and the power of generosity. Engage in heartfelt prayers of confession, intercession, and seek blessings in alignment with the teachings of Christ.

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The Coming of the Lord in Malachi and Luke

Malachi 3:1-4 and Luke 3:1-6 speak about the preparation for the coming of the Lord. Malachi describes the refining and purification that will take place, while Luke introduces John the Baptist who prepares the way for Jesus by preaching repentance and forgiveness. Both readings emphasize the need f

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Teachings on Prayer: Luke 11:1-13 and Luke 18:1-8

Explore the teachings on prayer in Luke 11:1-13 and Luke 18:1-8. The passages highlight the importance of persistence in prayer, trusting in God's provision, and seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance. Through parables and teachings, Jesus encourages believers to pray without losing heart, reminding the

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Biblical Readings: Amos 8:1-12 & Luke 10:38-42

In the Book of Amos, the prophet describes a vision from the Lord warning of impending judgment on Israel for their mistreatment of the poor and their disregard for righteousness. The passage emphasizes the consequences of greed and injustice. In the Gospel reading from Luke, we see the story of Mar

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Biblical Images of Evangelism - Insights and Reflections

Explore the spiritual dimensions of evangelism through biblical imagery, likening evangelists to fishermen, farmers, witnesses, searchers, parents, and ambassadors. Reflect on key passages such as Luke 5:10, Mark 4:1-20, Acts 1:8, Luke 15:1-10, Luke 14:21, and 1 Corinthians 4:15 and 5:19-20. Dive in

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Overcoming Offense with Biblical Wisdom

Delve into the teachings of Luke 17:1-5 and Luke 10:38-42 to understand the consequences of offense and forgiveness. Learn 7 strategies to respond when offended by other Christians, guided by the foundation scripture. Explore the parable of Martha and Mary to grasp the importance of focused devotion

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3rd Grade PSR Remote Learning: Chapter 5 Summary - Apostle's Creed, Saint Luke, Early Church

In the 3rd Grade PSR remote learning for Chapter 5 on Sunday, October 18, 2020, students recited the Apostle's Creed, said the Our Father & Hail Mary, and learned about the Early Church. The lesson highlighted Saint Luke's contributions to the Bible, his unique perspective on Jesus, and his Feast Da

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Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of Bread: Luke 24:30-31 Reflection

In Luke 24:30-31, the disciples recognized Jesus in the breaking of bread, highlighting the importance of this ordinary yet divine gesture. This act signifies unity, community, and peace, showing that God's presence is revealed through our humanity. Through reflections, prayers, and scriptural readi

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Lessons on Humility and Social Status from Luke 14

In Luke 14, Jesus shares teachings on humility and social status through parables and interactions with guests at a feast. He emphasizes the importance of humility, genuine generosity, and inclusivity, illustrating that true honor comes from humility and serving others selflessly rather than seeking

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Crow Lake - Chapters 3-7 Analysis

In chapters 3-7 of "Crow Lake," the story unfolds with the dynamics of the Morrison children, Luke, Matt, and Kate, as they navigate family responsibilities, past tragedies, and hidden emotions. New characters like Aunt Annie and Daniel bring tension and important developments. The siblings face cha

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Comparing the Birth Narratives of Jesus in Matthew and Luke

Explore the consistency and credibility of the birth narratives of Jesus as presented in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Dive into the themes of incarnation, substantial presence, and the kenotic model as applied to these accounts. Discover the main characters, supernatural elements, titles attribu

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God, Money, Law, and Marriage in Luke 16:1-18 Teaching

In today's message from Luke 16:1-18, explore the intriguing relationship between God, money, law, and marriage as taught by Yeshua. Discover how followers can navigate these aspects and the wisdom shared with New Testament believers. Arthur Bailey Ministries presents insightful teachings on being a

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Guidance from 2 Timothy and Luke: Stay Faithful and Persistent in Prayer

The readings from 2 Timothy emphasize the importance of holding onto the truths taught, relying on Scripture for wisdom, and being prepared to face challenges in spreading the message of God. Luke's Gospel reading highlights the parable of the persistent widow, illustrating the necessity of consiste

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Lessons from Hebrews 13 and Luke 14 - Love, Hospitality, and Humility

In Hebrews 13, we are reminded to love one another, welcome strangers, honor marriage, be free from love of money, remember and imitate faith leaders, and offer praise to God. Jesus Christ remains constant, and we are encouraged to do good and help others. In Luke 14, Jesus teaches about humility, a

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Unveiling the Parable of the Persistent Widow in Luke's Gospel

Delve into the cultural context of Jesus's teachings through the lens of the Second Temple Period. Explore the Parable of the Persistent Widow in Luke, analyzing the significance of prayer, justice, and faith as portrayed in this narrative. Uncover the timeless message of perseverance and trust in d

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Epistle and Gospel Readings from Philippians and Luke

The Epistle reading from Philippians encourages imitating good examples, focusing on heavenly pursuits over earthly desires, and steadfastness in faith. In the Gospel reading from Luke, Jesus addresses Pharisees warning of Herod's threat, emphasizes his mission, and expresses lament for Jerusalem's

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The Forgiveness of Sinful Woman by Jesus: Luke 7:36-50 Reflection

This passage from Luke 7:36-50 tells the story of a sinful woman who shows profound love and repentance towards Jesus, highlighting the contrast between judgment and forgiveness, and the power of faith and love in receiving forgiveness and redemption.

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Reflections on Jeremiah 18:1-11 and Luke 14:25-33

The readings from Jeremiah 18:1-11 and Luke 14:25-33 convey powerful messages about God's sovereignty and the call to discipleship. In Jeremiah, God compares His relationship with Israel to that of a potter molding clay, emphasizing His authority to shape destinies. Luke highlights Jesus' teachings

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Reflective Prayer Journey on Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Luke 15:11-31

Explore a reflective prayer journey based on the parable of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15:11-31 and the Lord's Prayer. Reflect on forgiveness, reconciliation, and the importance of extending grace to others as you delve into various stations set up to guide your contemplation and connection with God

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The Thief on the Cross in Luke 23:39-43

The thief on the cross next to Jesus is a central figure in discussions about salvation and the importance of baptism. This study delves into the details provided in the Gospels, particularly Luke, shedding light on the thief's interaction with Christ and the concept of Paradise. Explore how Christ'

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Suffering Through the Crucifixion of Jesus in Luke 23

In Luke 23, we witness the account of Jesus' crucifixion where he endured mockery, ridicule, and suffering. Despite the taunts of people and even a criminal, Jesus remained steadfast, showing forgiveness and compassion. Through this portrayal, we are invited to reflect on our own choices and where w

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Lessons on Prayer and Intercession from Luke 11:1-13

Exploring the significance of prayer for others as emphasized in Luke 11:1-13, this content discusses various aspects of intercessory prayer, including praying for enemies, rulers, salvation of others, brethren, and spiritual growth. It highlights the importance of genuine, humble, and meaningful pr

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Three Stages of Hope for Hurting Parents based on Luke 15:11-24

Explore the stages of dealing with a wayward child as outlined in the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-24. Stage 1 involves letting go and allowing them to learn from their mistakes. Stage 2 focuses on re-evaluation and prayer. In Stage 3, embrace forgiveness, unconditional love, and the re

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Five Foundations of Prayer: A Study on Luke 11:1-13

Delve into the five foundational aspects of prayer outlined in Luke 11:1-13, exploring how Jesus taught his disciples to pray and emphasizing the importance of seeking with friends, actions, and the Holy Spirit. Discover the significance of asking, seeking, and knocking in prayer, and learn how to c

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St. Luke's Church Highwoods - Displaying the Lord's Splendour Through Service and Worship

St. Luke's Church in Highwoods is dedicated to being a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendour, as inspired by Isaiah 61:3. Through services like Eleven30 and SAC Tamil, as well as events at the ACTS Centre and WAC Jurong Anglican Church, the community stands as oaks of righteousness.

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Lessons on Prayer from Luke 11: Just Ask

Explore the powerful teachings on prayer from Luke 11 through the parable of the friend at midnight. Discover the importance of persistence, trust, and dependence on God in prayer as illustrated by Jesus. Reflect on why we should pray and the character of God as a loving and generous Father who deli

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The Story of Love in Luke 7:36-50

In Luke 7:36-50, a Pharisee invites Jesus to dine at his house, where a woman known as a sinner enters and displays an overwhelming act of love by anointing Jesus' feet with expensive perfume and tears. Despite the Pharisee's judgment, Jesus teaches a powerful lesson in forgiveness and love through

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Succumbing to Temptations: Lessons from Luke 4:1-14

Explore the narrative of temptation in Luke 4:1-14, reflecting on the tests faced by Jesus in the wilderness and drawing parallels to enduring trials and staying faithful amid challenges as depicted in Deuteronomy, Exodus, 1 Peter, and 2 Corinthians. Delve into the themes of self-reliance, persevera

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Lessons from the Mission and Return of the Seventy in Luke 10:1-24

Exploring the Mission and Return of the Seventy as described in Luke 10:1-24, highlighting the importance of rejoicing in the Holy Spirit, gratitude towards God's wisdom, and the contrast between earthly wisdom and divine revelation. The passage emphasizes the role of joy and faith in God's plan for

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Soteriology in Luke & Revelation for Christian Understanding

Theological significance of soteriology through key verses in the Gospel of Luke and the book of Revelation. Delve into the message of rescue and redemption depicted in various biblical passages, including Matthew 1:1, Luke 3:38, Genesis 3:15, Galatians 3:8 & 3:16, and Isaiah 9:6-7.

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