Lord jesus - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Understanding the Lord's Day and Sabbath in Biblical Context

Exploring the relationship between the Lord's Day and the Sabbath in the Biblical context, emphasizing the significance of each day, the commandments, and the purpose they serve for humanity. The discussion delves into the distinctions, exceptions, and the principles highlighted by Jesus and the apo

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Proclaiming Good News and Healing Miracles from the Book of Luke

The passages from the book of Luke narrate how the Spirit of the Lord rests on Jesus to bring good news to the poor, proclaim freedom and sight to the oppressed, and announce the year of the Lord's favor. The accounts also include miraculous healings of a woman with a hemorrhage and a young girl res

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Guiding Others to Follow Jesus Through Compassion and Care

Tax collectors and sinners gathered around Jesus, sparking criticism from the Pharisees. Jesus teaches the importance of caring for the lost with parables of the lost sheep and coin. We are encouraged to emulate Jesus by visualizing, evangelizing, and prioritizing helping others to follow Him.

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The Redemption Plan Revealed through Psalms

The Psalms, inspired by the Holy Spirit, reveal essential aspects of the Plan of Redemption, showcasing the life, death, resurrection, ascension, and glorification of Jesus Christ. David, the shepherd-king, portrayed God as our Shepherd, reflecting the intimate relationship between God and His peopl

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Reflections on The Lord's Prayer and True Worship

Explore the profound teachings of The Lord's Prayer as outlined in Matthew 6:9-13, reflecting on the significance of each passage in guiding us in our daily spiritual practices. Additionally, delve into John 4:21-24, where Jesus emphasizes the importance of true worship in spirit and truth. Contempl

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The Glories of Merciful Purusottama Month

The Purusottama Month, considered highly auspicious, is described as a desire tree fulfilling devotees' desires. Bathing in holy rivers during this month brings sinlessness and destroys miseries. Lord Krishna himself narrated the significance of this month to the Pandavas. The Providence's rejected

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Exploring the Biblical Narrative in Matthew: Jesus as the Fulfillment of Prophecy

Explore the significance of Jesus fulfilling prophecies in the book of Matthew, drawing parallels between Israel's history and the life of Jesus. Delve into themes of redemption, symbolism, and divine purpose as Jesus embodies the role of Messiah. Reflect on the theological implications of Jesus' ac

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The Trial of Jesus before Pilate and Herod

The hearing before Pilate in Luke 23:1-5 presents the Jewish leadership accusing Jesus of perverting the nation and claiming to be a king. Pilate finds no basis for the accusations, but the leaders persist. Jesus' challenge poses a threat not just to the Jewish order but also to Roman peace. The sit

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Exclusivity of Jesus and the Way to Salvation

Understanding the exclusive claims of Jesus as the only way to salvation in Christianity is crucial when engaging in discussions about faith. While emphasizing the importance of genuine care for those asking questions, believers are called to point others to Jesus as the truth, the life, and the pat

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Insights into Hanuman Jayanti: Celebrations, Virtues, and More

Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated to honor the birth of Lord Hanuman, the symbol of strength and energy in Hindu mythology. Devotees celebrate by visiting temples, reciting sacred hymns, and reflecting on the virtues of Lord Hanuman, such as selfless service, devotion to Lord Ram, and unmatched bravery.

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Meeting Zacchaeus: A Story of Redemption

Jesus enters Jericho and encounters Zacchaeus, a despised tax collector who overcomes obstacles to see Jesus. When Jesus invites himself to Zacchaeus' home, a transformation occurs in Zacchaeus' heart, leading to acts of repentance and faith. This encounter illustrates Jesus' love for all and the po

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Understanding the Identity of Jesus Through History and Scripture

Discover the historical context and scriptural interpretations surrounding the identity of Jesus, including insights from the ecumenical council of Nicaea in 325 AD and biblical passages from the Gospel of Luke. Explore the significance of Jesus as Lord, Christ, and Savior, as well as the perspectiv

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February 13, 2022 Worship Service Highlights

In the worship service on February 13, 2022, opening songs such as "The Lord Is Gracious and Compassionate", "Shine Jesus Shine", and "Seek Ye First" set a reverent tone. The congregation reflected on Psalm 103, praising the Lord for His forgiveness, love, and compassion. The passage highlighted the

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The Exaltation of Jesus in Luke 24:1-53

This passage from Luke 24:1-53 discusses the exaltation of Jesus, including His resurrection, appearances to His followers, and their initial disbelief and confusion. The chapter serves as a bridge from Luke's Gospel to the book of Acts, showcasing themes of fulfillment, witness, and the ascension o

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Overview of Hindu Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva

Explore the divine Hindu Trinity consisting of Brahma, the creator; Vishnu, the preserver; and Shiva, the destroyer. Learn about their attributes, symbolism, relationships with goddesses, and popular belief in their avatars. Dive into the rich mythology surrounding Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord

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Jesus Christ: The Central Theme of the Bible - Colossians 1:15-17

The central theme of the Bible is Jesus Christ as articulated in Colossians 1:15-17. This passage emphasizes that Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the creator of all things, and the sustainer of the universe. The introduction further highlights Jesus as the Savior of the world, with addition

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Exploring the Fear of the Lord: Insights from Scriptures

Understanding the concept of the fear of the Lord as a reverence rooted in intimacy with God, drawing lessons from biblical examples like the Exodus and Jesus' example of aligning with the Father's will.

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The Boy Jesus in the Temple: Lk 2:41-50

Every year, the parents of Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover Festival. When Jesus was twelve, they went as usual. After the festival, Jesus stayed in Jerusalem without his parents knowing. They eventually found him in the Temple, astounding everyone with his wisdom.

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Understanding the Significance of the Lord's Supper Through Scripture

The Lord's Supper, also known as Communion, is a sacred act observed by Christians in remembrance of Jesus. This article delves into the biblical references related to this practice, highlighting its memorial aspect, significance as a type of the Passover feast, and the importance of looking backwar

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Shout to the Lord - My Jesus, My Savior

Experience the awe and love through powerful imagery and heartfelt lyrics celebrating the greatness of the Lord and the wonders of His love. Let the Earth resound with shouts of praise and admiration for the King who reigns with power and majesty.

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Wonder and Admiration for Lord Jesus in Beautiful Slides

The content showcases a series of slides with stunning visuals and inspiring messages about the wonder and admiration for Lord Jesus. Each slide reflects on the divine nature and presence of Jesus, emphasizing aspects of his incarnation, ascension, and timeless existence. The imagery and accompanyin

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Rediscovering the Jewish Roots of Jesus

Reimagining the Jewish Jesus reveals a shift in Jesus studies to emphasize his Jewish background. Scholars like Geza Vermes and E.P. Sanders provide historical insights portraying Jesus as a Jewish restoration prophet who upheld Jewish laws and traditions. The interpretation of Jesus as the Son of M

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Reflections on Palm Sunday: Praise and Acknowledgment

Reflect on the significance of Palm Sunday, a day of joyful praise and acknowledgment of Jesus as the Lord of our lives. Explore the biblical story of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, fulfilling prophecies and being hailed as the Son of David. Dive into the question, "Who is Jesus?" as the crowds in Jer

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Exploring the Identity of Jesus: The Savior, Lord, and Christ

Delve into the profound identity of Jesus as the Savior, Lord, and Christ, revealed through scriptural references from Acts, Isaiah, and Psalms. Explore the significance of Jesus as the cornerstone of salvation and the only Savior, as portrayed in various biblical narratives.

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Jesus' Prayer for His Disciples in John 17:6-19

In John 17:6-19, Jesus prays for his disciples, expressing his deep care and dedication towards them. He acknowledges their faith and devotion, asking for their protection and unity as they embark on their mission. Jesus emphasizes their separation from the world and the importance of being dedicate

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The Holy Spirit's Role in Jesus' Baptism

Jesus' baptism and the descent of the Holy Spirit represent an integral moment in Christian theology. The event, as described in the Gospels, highlights the connection between water baptism, prayer, and the reception of the Holy Spirit. Through a dove descending and the voice of God affirming Jesus

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Discovering Jesus in the Tabernacle

Explore the significance of finding Jesus in different elements of the Tabernacle, from the Gate to the Veil. Each aspect represents a spiritual connection to Jesus, emphasizing salvation, purity, light, sustenance, and intercession. Through these symbols, believers can deepen their understanding of

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The Monumental Significance of Jesus' Resurrection - Validating Christianity

Presented through 1 Corinthians 15:12-19, the monumental significance of Jesus' resurrection is emphasized as the chief evidence to validate His teachings and Christianity as a whole. The evidence provided challenges skeptics, demonstrating the historical credibility and the lack of plausible opposi

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Journey with Jesus: A Story of Hope and Redemption

In this heartfelt journey, we witness the enduring love and care of Jesus as the narrator reflects on the passage of time, the promise of eternal glory, and the anticipation of the coming of Jesus. Each slide depicts the deep spiritual connection and faith in Jesus, the King of kings, offering solac

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God's Plan of Redemption Through Joseph and Jesus

The narrative delves into how God orchestrated His plan of redemption through the stories of Joseph and Jesus, showcasing His power to bring about salvation in the face of sin and suffering. It highlights themes of jealousy, hatred, faithfulness, and ultimate good emerging from evil as seen in the l

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The Significance of Remaining in Jesus - A Biblical Reflection

Explore the profound message of remaining in Jesus as portrayed in John 15:4-5, where Jesus emphasizes the vital connection between believers and himself through the metaphor of the vine and branches. The text reveals the essence of discipleship, highlighting the dependence on Jesus and the Holy Spi

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May the Lord Find Us Faithful - A Song of Devotion and Strength

This beautiful song, "May the Lord Find Us Faithful," reflects on faith, strength, and devotion to God. It encourages us to live with courage and obedience, seeking His word as our guide. The chorus reminds us to be faithful in our daily lives, holding high the banner of His word. Through trials and

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Celebrating Love and Gratitude with Lord Jesus

In these heartfelt expressions, we come to Lord Jesus with thanks, offering ourselves and all we do. We bring bread, wine, work, and play, symbolizing our love and devotion. May His love fill us with peace and joy as we strive to emulate His example daily.

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Sun-Tze and Lord Shang: Insights into Warfare and Statecraft

Sun-Tze and Lord Shang were figures from ancient China, known for their contributions to military strategy and statecraft during a period of conflict and diplomacy among states. Sun-Tze emphasized the art of war and defense as crucial for a state's survival, while discussing the causes of war relate

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Jehoshaphat: A King who Sought the Lord

Jehoshaphat, a king of Judah, walked in the ways of his father David, seeking God and His commandments. Despite facing battles, he feared the Lord and sought His help, leading his people to seek the Lord together. Through faith and obedience, Jehoshaphat experienced the power of God and saw victory

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The Transformation of a Fisherman into a Fisher of Men in Luke 5:4-11

In Luke 5:4-11, the story of a fisherman, Simon Peter, encountering Jesus and experiencing a miraculous catch of fish is shared. Initially hesitant, Peter follows Jesus' command to cast his nets where they catch an overwhelming amount of fish. Overwhelmed by the miracle, Peter recognizes his sinfuln

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The Risen Lord Jesus: Post-Easter Encounters with His Disciples

After the resurrection on Easter Sunday, Jesus appeared to His disciples multiple times, including the encounter with Thomas where Jesus challenged him to believe. The interactions following Easter showcase the power of faith and the impact of encountering the risen Lord.

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Exploring the Names and Titles of Jesus Christ

Delve into the various names and titles attributed to Jesus Christ in the New Testament, such as Lord, Christ/Messiah, Son of Man, Son of God, and more. Discover the significance and prominence of phrases like "My Lord and My God" as found in scriptural references. Gain insight into the worship and

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Understanding the Lord's Supper at Eleventh Street Baptist Church

This article provides insights into the significance of the Lord's Supper at Eleventh Street Baptist Church, emphasizing its role in the believers' faith and the church's practices. It explores the purpose of observing this ceremony, who should partake in it, and the biblical foundations behind it.

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Understanding the Healing Power of Jesus in Ministry

Explore the significance of Jesus in healing the hurts of ministry, the twofold problem of sin in the church, and how Jesus saves us from our sins. Discover the role of the church in making people holy and how Jesus' humanity serves as a pattern for our lives.

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