Genomic Inference of Human Population Size Changes Over Time
Explore the genomic inference of a severe human bottleneck during the Early to Middle Pleistocene transition, tracing the evolution of hominins over the last 4 million years, and studying essential events in the emergence of humans in the last one million years. Discover well-known human population
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Latest Developments in Genomic Medicine and NHS Genomic Strategy
The genomic medicine field is advancing rapidly, with a focus on enhancing healthcare services through genomic testing for prediction, prevention, diagnosis, and precision medicine. The NHS is actively integrating genomics into its healthcare system, aiming for equitable access to genomic testing. I
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Statistical Genomics and Machine Learning Challenges in AI
Explore the intersection of statistical genomics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence through topics like knowledge mining, MMAP algorithm, cloud computing, and historical events such as Garry Kasparov vs IBM Deep Blue. Delve into the concepts of statistical learning methods, data predicti
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Precision Oncology Research using Deep Learning Models
Lujia Chen, a Postdoc Associate at the University of Pittsburgh, focuses on developing deep learning models for precision oncology. By utilizing machine learning, especially deep learning models, Chen aims to identify cancer signaling pathways, predict drug sensitivities, and personalize cancer trea
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Genetic Assessment of CNV.J on Chromosome 3q28 - Case Study J
This case study evaluates a copy number variant (CNV) on chromosome 3q28 (190380498_191783134) associated with a loss of genetic material. The assessment includes genomic content analysis, gene involvement categorization, evaluation of established/predicted genes, and detailed scrutiny of the CCDC50
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Lab 2: DNA Extraction Techniques for Arthropods and Wolbachia
In this lab activity, students will learn how to isolate genomic DNA from arthropods and Wolbachia bacteria. The goal is to transition from fieldwork to molecular biology, utilizing DNA as a diagnostic tool. The activity involves extracting total genomic DNA from identified species and includes pre-
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Genomic Evaluation of a 2-Month-Old Female with Tetralogy of Fallot
This case involves a 2-month-old female with Tetralogy of Fallot, carrying a genetic variation in the 19p13.11 region. The evaluation process includes assessing genes, known dosage sensitivity, gene count, and detailed analysis of the duplication found in the DGV Gold Standard Dataset. The frequency
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Challenges and Gaps in Genetic and Genomic Testing for Breast Cancer Risk
The report highlights current challenges and identified gaps in genetic and genomic testing for breast cancer risk assessment. The workgroup aims to catalog existing materials, address terminology confusion, and improve public and clinician education. Challenges include complex terminology, uncertai
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Molecularly-Guided Therapy vs Platinum Chemotherapy in CUP Patients
This trial aims to compare the efficacy and safety of molecularly-guided therapy or cancer immunotherapy based on genomic profiling with platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with cancer of unknown primary site. The study design includes multiple treatment regimens guided by genomic profiles, with
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Genetic Evaluation of 6-Month-Old Male with Tetralogy of Fallot
A 6-month-old male with Tetralogy of Fallot was assessed for a paternally inherited CNV at 15q13.2. The evaluation involved analyzing genes, overlap with established regions, haploinsufficiency predictors, gene number, and disease associations. The CNV contained 2 protein-coding genes without known
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Patient Choice for Whole Genome Sequencing in NHS: Education & Training Slide Deck
Developed by Genomics Education Programme, these slides focus on the patient choice consent model for whole genome sequencing in NHS Genomic Medicine Service. The model aims to ensure informed choices for genomic testing, including participation in the National Genomic Research Library. It covers se
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Evaluating Genomic Science: Insight into Genome Canada's Mission and Impact
This conversation with Dr. Samantha Evans, Director of Evaluation at Genome Canada, delves into the importance of program evaluation in genomic science. Genome Canada aims to connect ideas, invest in science and technology, and maximize impacts across sectors. The evaluation process involves collect
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Evolution of Sequence Alignment: From Smith-Waterman to BLAST
Delve into the progression of sequence alignment algorithms, from the foundational Smith-Waterman method with its limitations to the efficient filtering strategy employed by BLAST. Discover the challenges faced and solutions adopted in aligning biological sequences for genomic analysis.
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Comparative Genomics Analysis of Co-Association Networks in Species A and B
Explore Figures 1 through 5 depicting a novel method for identifying co-association networks of orthologs between species A and B. The analysis includes optimizing a cost function through simulated annealing, identifying cross-species modules, and assessing network modularity with respect to GO refe
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Precision Oncology and Genomic Changes in Cancer Treatment
Explore the intricate details of cancer treatment through precision oncology, focusing on cell of origin, genomic changes, tumor microenvironment, host factors, and response to various treatments such as chemotherapy, biological therapy, and immune therapy. The natural history and histology-guided c
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Ridge Regression in Genomic Selection
Explore the concept of ridge regression in genomic selection, involving the development of genomic selection methods, pioneers in implementation, fixed and random effects, and the over-fitting phenomenon. Learn how ridge regression addresses issues of over-fitting by introducing regularization param
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Introduction to Galaxy for NGS Data Analysis
Explore the capabilities of Galaxy, a web-based platform for computational biomedical research. Learn about aligning raw NGS data, peak calling, and basic operations with genomic intervals. Discover how Galaxy enables accessible, reproducible, and transparent analysis through user-friendly tools and
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Decoding the Hidden Regulatory Codes Shaping Protein Evolution
The study explores the intricate relationship between genetic and regulatory codes that shape protein evolution. Discusses how duons, genomic footprints, and transcription factors densely populate and constrain protein-coding exons. Highlights how regulatory elements influence codon choice independe
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The Importance of Trimming in Sequencing Data Processing
Trimming is a crucial procedure used to process raw sequencing data by removing errors such as low-quality bases and ambiguous nucleotides. This step is essential before downstream data analysis to ensure accurate results. Trimming involves setting quality thresholds to retain only high-confidence b
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Insights into Gene Regulation through Genomic Data Analysis
Explore the intricate world of gene regulation and genomic data analysis through a comprehensive study presented at a faculty workshop in 2014. Delve into the evolution and classification of biology, the impact of genome sequencing on digitizing biology, and the potential of genetic information vari
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Genomics Facilitator's Toolkit Summary & Sample Requirements
This toolkit provides essential resources for healthcare professionals involved in genomics services, covering topics such as genomic medicine, whole genome sequencing, clinical genetic testing methods, interpretation of DNA variants, and more. It also details the specific sample requirements for di
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Overview of Major Brain Research Datasets and Consortia
This detailed summary provides information on significant brain-related project datasets and consortia, including PsychENCODE, BrainSpan, CommonMind Consortium, AMP-AD Knowledge, and more. Each dataset or consortium focuses on specific areas such as genomics, neuropsychiatric diseases, neurodegenera
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Genomic Selection in Dairy Cattle: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Impact
Genomic selection in dairy cattle focuses on specialized breeds like Holstein, Jersey, Brown Swiss, and Ayrshire. It brings reliable breeding values at a young age, higher success rates in obtaining top bulls, and lower costs for test proofs, leading to a shorter generation interval. While it offers
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Genomic Prediction of Feed Intake in U.S. Holsteins
This study discusses the inclusion of feed intake data from U.S. Holsteins in genomic prediction, focusing on residual feed intake (RFI) as a new trait. The research involves data from research herds and genotypes of cows, with genetic evaluation models and genomic evaluation for predicting feed int
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Genomic Imputation Pipeline Overview
This document outlines a genomic imputation pipeline for multiple GWAS studies using reference panels such as 1000 Genomes Phase I data. It covers steps like data matching, phasing, and imputation using tools like Beagle and Minimac. The expected output includes imputed dosages and quality measures.
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Evaluation of Genomic Deletion in a 4-Month-Old Male with Bilateral Microphthalmia
Clinical assessment was conducted on a 4-month-old male with bilateral microphthalmia due to a genomic deletion in the 13q12.11 region. The deletion encompasses part of a protein-coding gene and has been associated with various birth defects and developmental delays in previous cases. Detailed evalu
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Introduction to BED Files: An Overview of Browser Extensible Data Format
BED (Browser Extensible Data) files are commonly used for annotating genomic sequences by specifying ranges on chromosomes. They consist of required fields like chromosome name, start and end positions, and optional fields for additional information such as name, score, strand, and color representat
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Genomic Recursions in Genomic BLUP for Animal Breeding
Explore the application of genomic recursions in single-step genomic best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) for genetic evaluations in animal breeding. Understand the significance of using genomic data to improve genetic selection, increase accuracy, shorten generation intervals, and enhance genetic
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Mainstreaming Genomic Medicine: 100,000 Genomes Project Update
The Mainstreaming Genomic Medicine post provides insights into the background and progress of the 100,000 Genomes Project, including details on genetic vs. genomic testing, the setup of NHS Genomic Medicine Centres, types of cancer included, and samples taken. It covers the project's inception, key
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Efficient Ways to Download Genome Files for Bioinformatics Analysis
Obtain valuable insights into retrieving genome files for bioinformatics analysis utilizing multiple methods such as connecting via Finder, using Filezilla for FTP access, and executing curl commands on Xanadu. Learn how to access coding sequences, feature tables, nucleotide sequences, and encoded p
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Genetic Analysis of 17p13.3 Deletion in a 10-Year-Old Female
This genetic case study involves a 10-year-old female with a de novo 17p13.3 deletion, presenting with mild intellectual disability and growth delay. The deletion overlaps with the Miller-Dieker syndrome critical region, impacting genes associated with lissencephaly and cognitive impairment. Through
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Mainstreaming in Genomic Testing for Lynch Syndrome
Mainstreaming in healthcare involves shifting genomic testing from Clinical Genetics to various specialties, such as cancer MDTs. This process impacts consent for genetic testing and result communication. NDRS data analyzes the time to diagnosis, while training and resources focus on why mainstreami
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Creating a Model Organism Database: The Importance and Process
In the realm of bioinformatics, the creation of Model Organism Databases (MODs) plays a crucial role in advancing genomic research and understanding the complexities of various organisms. MODs facilitate pathway analyses, omics data analysis, and the development of metabolic models, serving as valua
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Concept Development and Implementation of Ridge Regression in Genomic Selection
This presentation delves into the concept development and implementation of ridge regression in genomic selection, emphasizing the importance of avoiding overfitting by regulating parameters and distinguishing between fixed and random effects. The pioneers of ridge regression and Bayesian methods ar
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Genome Browsers and their Significance in Genomic Research
Genome browsers are essential tools for visualizing complex genome information, integrating sequence data with annotations in a user-friendly graphical interface. They enable exploration of chromosomal regions, regulatory elements, and comparative genomics across different organisms. Key examples in
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Detailed Evaluation of Genomic Content - CNV.R Overlaps 7q11.23 Distal Region
This detailed evaluation assesses the genomic content of CNV.R, focusing on its overlap with the 7q11.23 recurrent distal region and genes like HIP1 and YWHAG. The analysis considers the TS scores and potential impacts on Williams syndrome.
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Genomic Epidemiology in Africa: Utilizing Public Resources
Delve into genomic epidemiology at the Wellcome Trust Advanced Course in Africa to understand disease associations using public databases, genotype data, and genome browsers like Ensembl and UCSC.
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Day 4: QC and Trimming
In this module, you will explore the process of Quality Control (QC) and Trimming in genomic data analysis. Learn how to view, assess, and manage FASTQ files, ensuring the libraries are of high quality for subsequent analysis. Practice locating and viewing specific FASTQ files without altering their
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On the weight of indels in genomic distances
Delve into the weight of indels in genomic distances and explore hybrid models for genome rearrangements. Understand the disruption of the triangle inequality and tight bounds in DCJ-indel distances. Learn about inversion-indel distances, ghost-DCJ distance, and DCJ-indel distances in genomic analys
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Comprehensive Analysis of Cancer Genes Deregulated by Genomic Rearrangements
Investigation of somatic structural variation effects on gene expression in 1220 cancers reveals upregulation of key cancer genes such as TERT, MDM2, CDK4, and ERBB2. The study delves into the relationship between rearrangement-mediated cis-regulatory alterations and gene deregulation using a high-c
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