fMRI Coregistration and Spatial Normalization Methods
fMRI data analysis involves coregistration and spatial normalization to align functional and structural images, reduce variability, and prepare data for statistical analysis. Coregistration aligns images from different modalities within subjects, while spatial normalization achieves precise anatomic
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Coregistration and Spatial Normalization in fMRI Analysis
Coregistration and Spatial Normalization are essential steps in fMRI data preprocessing to ensure accurate alignment of functional and structural images for further analysis. Coregistration involves aligning images from different modalities within the same individual, while spatial normalization aim
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Spatial Distortion Correction in EPI Sequences: Field Mapping Examples
Spatial distortion artifacts in EPI sequences (BOLD or DWI) due to slow sampling rates in the phase encoding direction can be corrected using B0/spatial field mapping techniques. This correction requires obtaining field maps under the same B0 shimming conditions and with identical FoV and adjustment
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Understanding fMRI 1st Level Analysis: Basis Functions and GLM Assumptions
Explore the exciting world of fMRI 1st level analysis focusing on basis functions, parametric modulation, correlated regression, GLM assumptions, group analysis, and more. Dive into brain region differences in BOLD signals with various stimuli and learn about temporal basis functions in neuroimaging
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Pioneering Innovation in Brain Imaging: The Center for Morphometric Analysis (CMA)
Dr. Verne Caviness, along with colleagues David Kennedy and Pauline Filipek, founded the Center for Morphometric Analysis (CMA) in 1988 at MGH, playing a significant role in the development of computer-assisted programs for precise volumetric imaging of the human brain using MRI. The CMA's early ach
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Efficient fMRI Experimental Design: Maximizing Neurovascular Response
Understanding the importance of correctly designing fMRI experiments is crucial for testing specific hypotheses by manipulating stimulus types, timing, and participant instructions. Types of experimental designs include categorical, factorial, and parametric designs, each serving different purposes
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Understanding Basis Functions and Hemodynamic Response Functions in fMRI Analysis
This content discusses the use of basis functions, parametric modulation, and correlated regressors in the first-level analysis of fMRI data processing. It delves into the concept of temporal basis functions for modeling complex functions of interest, such as the canonical hemodynamic response funct
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Advanced Applications of Convolution Modelling in GLM and SPM MEEG Course 2019
Addressing difficulties in experimental design such as baseline correction, temporally overlapping neural responses, and systematic differences in response timings using a convolution GLM, similar to first-level fMRI analysis. The course focuses on the stop-signal task, EEG correlates of stopping a
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PowerGrid: Reconstructing High-Resolution Non-Cartesian MRI Data for Bioengineering Research
PowerGrid is a cutting-edge system developed by Brad Sutton, Assoc. Prof. at the University of Illinois, for harnessing high-performance computing to reconstruct large sets of high-resolution non-Cartesian MRI data. This technology addresses the need for improved image reconstruction packages in MRI
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Insights from "Thinking, Fast and Slow" and Neuroscience Advances
Explore the shift in understanding human rationality from the mid-20th century to the present through works like "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman. Delve into the impact of strong emotions on decision-making, the role of unconscious thinking in decision processes as discussed in "Stranger
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Advanced MRI Protocols for Neuroimaging Studies
Cutting-edge MRI protocols, ADNI 3, aim to enhance brain imaging techniques for clinical trials, focusing on precise measurements, disease detection, and potential treatment evaluation by leveraging advanced imaging methods like ASL, dMRI, and TF-fMRI.
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Uncovering the Topology of Time-Varying fMRI Data using Cubical Persistence
Authors present a novel framework to transform time-varying fMRI data into topological representations, utilizing cubical persistence to analyze brain state trajectories and cluster participants based on topological features in blood flow in the brain, providing insights into cognitive processes. fM
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Exploring Brain Structure and Function: Tools and Insights
Discover how scientists study the brain through accidents like Phineas Gage's, lesions, and advanced techniques like EEG, CAT, MRI, PET, and fMRI. Learn about the divided brain, split-brain patients, and the role of the corpus callosum in communication between brain hemispheres.
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