Ercot compliance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Clarification and Updates Regarding ECEII Definition and Document Handling in ERCOT

This presentation delves into Nodal Protocol Revisions NPRR1183 and PGRR108 to clarify the ECEII definition and update rules for posting documents without ECEII. It covers information access, document handling, and the role of different areas like the MIS Certified Area and MIS Secure Area within ER

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ERCOT CONE Study: Reference Technology Selection for Thermal Dispatchable Plant

The ERCOT CONE study focuses on selecting a reference technology for a thermal dispatchable plant in ERCOT, providing a basis for Cost of New Entry (CONE) calculations. The study reviews characteristics of existing and upcoming plants to determine the preferred technology. The proposed specification

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ERCOT Resource Adequacy Analysis Update - February 2023

Reliability Standard Scenario Study focusing on frequency levels, VOLL study progress with upcoming survey rollout, and CONE Study detailing reference technology for ERCOT resource adequacy analysis. Updates on modeling phases, cost estimates, and consultant team activities for comprehensive supply

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ERCOT Resource Integration Recommendations for Quarterly Stability Assessment

ERCOT's Resource Integration Working Group, led by Jenifer Fernandes, outlines important guidelines and deadlines for Quarterly Stability Assessments (QSA) and synchronization of generation resources. The group emphasizes the proper planning and review processes to ensure the reliability of the grid

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Quarterly Stability Assessment Requirements and Planning Guide

This document outlines the requirements and timeline for the Quarterly Stability Assessment (QSA) as part of the ERCOT Resource Integration Working Group. It covers key prerequisites such as completed studies, signed agreements, and model validations needed for a successful QSA process. The Planning

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Improvements for Energy Storage State of Charge Awareness

Updates made to NPRR1186 prior to the RTC+B project aim at enhancing awareness, accounting, and monitoring of Energy Storage Resources (ESRs). ERCOT reviewed and revised constraints related to Ancillary Service awards for ESRs, considering different scenarios. Changes were also implemented to addres

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Enhanced Demand Response Monitoring for ERCOT Operator

ERCOT aims to enhance its demand response monitoring capabilities through the implementation of a proposed Demand Response Monitor. The monitor will enable operators to better understand real-time demand response patterns and predict future needs, ultimately improving reliability and reducing the ne

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ERCOT Updates and Revision Requests Overview

In this report, updates and highlights from recent ERCOT meetings and workshops are presented. It covers topics such as settlement stability reports, unregistered DG reports, upcoming WMS meetings, and revision requests tabled for review. The content delves into deep dive reviews of ECRS deployment,

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Operations Working Group

Updates from the Operations Working Group meeting include information on ERCOT peak demands, solar penetration records, Texas Reliability Entity reports, UFLS survey activity, congestion mitigation strategies, planning criteria discussions, and updates on the ERCOT OTS start. The meeting covered a r

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ERCOT Updates and Meeting Overview - August 22, 2023

This report covers the latest updates from ERCOT including the 2023 Q2 Settlement Stability Report, Unregistered DG Report, EMS Upgrade Project, and more. It also highlights the outcomes of previous meetings and workshops, revision requests under review, ECRS updates, and the focus areas discussed i

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ERCOT Resource Adequacy Analysis Overview

ERCOT's resource adequacy analysis involves multiple aspects such as Capacity, Demand, and Reserves Report status, NPRR submissions, ELCC definitions, and MORA tabs detailing risk assessment and historical trends. The analysis covers upcoming changes in methodologies, seasonal release schedules, and

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ERCOT Market Trials Approach and Assumptions for RTC+B System

ERCOT is planning a series of market trials to ensure the reliability of transitioning to the RTC+B system. The approach includes closed-loop LFC tests, incremental upgrades, and parallel testing with production data, among other strategies. Detailed handbooks will be provided prior to each trial ph

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ERCOT RTC+B Program Review Updates

ERCOT provides updates on the RTC+B Tack Force for the Real-Time Co-Optimization Program. The updates include leadership confirmations, meeting schedules, deadlines, and details on the program scope and charter review. The program aims to implement real-time co-optimization with batteries included,

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ERCOT Cone Study Draft Overview

The ERCOT Cone Study Draft, prepared by The Brattle Group for ERCOT, presents an in-depth analysis of the Cost of New Entry (CONE) for different energy technologies in the Texas market. The study includes detailed cost estimates, reference technology characteristics, and alternative technology analy

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ERCOT Resource Integration Updates - Planning and Submission Guidelines

Stay updated with important ERCOT resource integration topics including Quarterly Stability Assessment (QSA) guidelines, commissioning checklist submissions, dynamic model reviews, and more for efficient planning and compliance. Ensure timely submission and adherence to requirements outlined by ERCO

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Enhancing ERCOT's Capacity Assessment with Demand Response Monitoring

Demand response in ERCOT has been increasing, with forecasts of continued growth. The system operator can identify MW peaks by analyzing total ERCOT load data. A proposed Demand Response Monitor would assist in predicting future capacity needs based on responses from loads like LMP energy prices and

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ERCOT Passport Program Update and EMS/RTC Bifurcation Summary

ERCOT's Passport Program Update includes details on the Scope and Delivery for 2020-2024, the bifurcation of EMS Upgrade and RTC, and the reason for the separation of EMS/Passport. The program objectives, challenges faced in the EMS upgrade schedule, and the decision to separate the EMS Upgrade from

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Potential Uplift Interpretation in ERCOT Protocols

ERCOT's Potential Uplift Interpretation Protocol defines Potential Uplift as the potential uplift to the Counter-Party based on short payments. The protocol outlines calculations and clarifies language ambiguity to ensure accurate interpretation. ERCOT seeks market feedback for further clarification

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ERCOT Resource Integration Work Group Updates

The ERCOT Resource Integration Working Group discusses delays in commissioning resources, including challenges with supply chains and equipment damage. Various scenarios are presented, such as partial commissioning requests and requirements for unit approvals. The document outlines procedures for ap

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Enhanced Criteria for Valuation of GTC Exit Solutions in ERCOT Transmission Planning

GTC exit solutions in ERCOT are crucial for addressing stability issues. This report suggests improvements in evaluation criteria and modeling changes to enhance the accuracy of assessing GTC exit solutions. Key concepts include utilizing market data for bid prices, modeling transmission outages imp

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Updates and Discussions on ERCOT NPRRs and NOGRRs

ERCOT Operations Working Group (OWG) discussed various NPRRs (Nodal Protocol Revision Requests) like NPRR1084, NPRR1085, NPRR1100, NPRR1118, as well as NOGRR (Nodal Operating Guide Revision Requests) NOGRR215 and NOGRR226. The group reviewed comments, concerns, and recommendations related to resourc

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ERCOT Supply Analysis Working Group February 2022 Update Report

The Supply Analysis Working Group (SAWG) updated the ERCOT committee in February 2022 on various aspects including long-term load forecast discussions, reductions in load forecasts due to COVID impacts, rooftop PV forecasts, and the December 2021 CDR review highlighting a drop in summer 2022 reserve

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Post Award Fiscal Compliance: Who We Are and What We Do

Post Award Fiscal Compliance (PAFC) assists campus and central administrative units in mitigating non-compliance risks with sponsor terms and conditions by monitoring compliance, interpreting award requirements, providing training, and enhancing internal controls. The team includes Matt Gardner, Ass

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ERCOT Default Uplift and Payment Procedures

ERCOT's default uplift and payment procedures involve handling short-paying invoice recipients, implementing payment plans, and collecting total short pay amounts from QSEs and CRRAHs. Default uplift invoices may be issued after 90 days of a short pay, with a maximum cap of $2.5 million per monthly

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ERCOT 2015 Updates and Enhancements

ERCOT implemented changes in the Market System in 2015, including the removal of NPRR568 Phase 2 and adjustments to various pricing elements. The Settlement System also underwent updates throughout the year. These modifications aimed to enhance reliability and efficiency in ERCOT operations.

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ERCOT SOL Methodology and NERC Standards

Explore the ERCOT SOL Methodology for Planning and Operations Horizons as outlined by Stephen Solis in 2014. Learn about System Operating Limits, Interconnection Reliability Operating Limits, and the relationship between ERCOT and Transmission Planners/Operators. Discover the purpose, changes made,

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Challenges in ERCOT Transmission Infrastructure & Operations

Poor transmission infrastructure and restrictive interconnect practices in ERCOT are leading to dangerous operations, congestion issues, and generation revenue impacts. Concerns include increased RAS proposals, challenges with GTC management, and minimalist interconnect processes. The need for impro

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ERCOT Congestion Management Working Group Updates

The ERCOT Congestion Management Working Group discussed various topics such as reviewing constraint management processes, implementing the Not-to-Exceed method for efficient control of GTCs, and analyzing congestion at the cap during a recent event. The group aims to improve processes, reduce transm

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ERCOT Passport Update and Real-Time Co-optimization Scope

ERCOT's Passport update outlines milestones and enhancements in compliance and delivery for 2021-2024. The initiative includes real-time co-optimization for energy and ancillary services every five minutes, optimizing battery energy storage resources, and refining market mechanisms to enhance effici

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Optimizing Firm Fuel Supply Service Deployment in ERCOT

ERCOT is considering a revised approach to providing Firm Fuel Supply Service (FFSS) from individual Generation Resources through an RFP process. The proposal involves setting a minimum Load Serving Limit (LSL) to ensure the deployment of a specific amount of service and allocating FFSS based on sys

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ICE Price Analysis for ERCOT Credit Risk Exposure

CWG/MCWG is exploring the use of ICE futures prices to assess ERCOT's credit risk exposure. This involves analyzing the relationship between ICE prices and actual RTM prices. The data inputs and transformations include calculations of daily average prices, logarithmic adjustments for linear regressi

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A Glimpse into an ERCOT Operator's Role During the January 6, 2014 EEA Event

Amid freezing conditions and generation resource challenges, ERCOT operators responded to an emergency on January 6, 2014, leading to the declaration of Energy Emergency Alerts. This snapshot showcases the critical tasks and decisions made by ERCOT personnel during this event.

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Reduction of Unsecured Credit Limits at ERCOT Board Meeting

ERCOT is considering reducing the unsecured credit limit from $50M to $30M based on recommendations from various committees. This reduction aims to bring down outstanding unsecured credit from $1.4B to $400M. Market participants support this move, which would make ERCOT's limit the lowest among ISO/

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Analysis of NPRR 784 Impact on ERCOT Market Design

NPRR 784 proposes changes to how Reliability Must Run (RMR) units are priced in noncompetitive scenarios due to transmission constraints in ERCOT. This proposal is argued to be inconsistent with the market design, potentially punitive to customers, and limiting ERCOT's ability to maintain reliabilit

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Overview of ERCOT Renewable Regions and Zone Map

ERCOT, managed by Bill Blevins, divides into seven solar and wind regions including North, South, East, West, Panhandle, Coast, and Houston. This division aids operations planning and management. The Renewable Regions Map and Zone Map play key roles in GIS status reporting and meeting presentations,

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Compliance Testing by ERA for IT Systems Developed and Deployed for TAF TSI

Compliance testing for IT systems developed and deployed for TAF TSI involves checking if messages comply with TAF XSD and basic parameters, assessing compliance of IT tools against TSI requirements, and issuing compliance assessment reports. The process includes testing messages for mandatory eleme

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Evolution of Generation Deliverability Criteria in ERCOT

ERCOT's journey towards enhancing generation deliverability criteria involves requests for transmission planning considerations, workshops on tool development, and discussions on economic criteria revisions. The focus is on addressing generation constraints at peak load conditions and assessing the

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Comparison of Generator Governor Dead-band Settings in ERCOT Interconnection

This report compares the generator governor dead-band settings in the ERCOT Interconnection for the years 2008 and 2015 from January to November. It outlines the changes in the dead-band settings over the years, including the requirements for proportional response, improvements in primary frequency

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Proposed Changes to ERCOT Credit Forms - Update and Revision Details

Detailed updates and proposed changes to ERCOT credit forms including Letter of Credit, Surety Bond, and Guarantee Agreements discussed by Katherine Gross, Senior Corporate Counsel at ERCOT. The elimination of Guarantee Agreements due to regulatory changes and adjustments to Letter of Credit and Sur

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ERCOT Environmental Regulations Overview

ERCOT's grid reliability is affected by various environmental regulations such as the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS), and more. These regulations set limits on emissions, disposal requirements, and compliance dates for power plants in ERCOT. This over

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