Citizenship education - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge Requirements

Explore the Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge requirements focusing on understanding the rights, duties, and obligations of being a good citizen in your community. From discussing what citizenship means to volunteering at charitable organizations, this badge encourages active participation in

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Developing Good Citizenship Values among Citizens by Citizenship Education Team

Good citizenship entails obeying laws, fostering civic intelligence, responsibility, and participation, being active in governance, showing cooperation, self-control, law obedience, loving one's country, and promoting unity to build a better society. These qualities are nurtured through civic educat

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Education for Citizenship in Indonesian Higher Education System

Education for Citizenship in Indonesian higher education aims to cultivate a sense of nationalism and love for the homeland among students. It focuses on developing students' awareness of being good citizens, promoting democracy, and nurturing a participatory attitude towards building a civil societ

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Active Citizenship & Civic Engagement: Definitions and Importance

Encouraging citizens and organizations to actively participate in civil society and decision-making processes is vital for a democratic society. Active citizenship involves participation in public affairs, civil society, and political life with a focus on human rights, democracy, and community well-

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Effects of Globalization on Citizenship: A Critical Analysis

Under the impact of globalization, traditional conceptions of citizenship based on national boundaries are being challenged, leading to the emergence of new forms of citizenship. Globalization questions the authority of nation-states over citizenship and democracy, highlighting the interconnectednes

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Ancient Greek Conceptions of Citizenship by Aristotle

Ancient Greek conceptions of citizenship, as discussed by Aristotle, emphasized the close-knit nature of city-states, where citizenship was a bond forged by active participation in public affairs. Citizenship was viewed as a privilege, exclusive in nature, with a strong emphasis on civic virtue, tru

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Critique of Universal and Differentiated Citizenship

Universal citizenship embodies equality of rights for all citizens, while differentiated citizenship focuses on special representation rights for oppressed groups. Iris Marion Young criticizes the universalism in citizenship, advocating for differentiated citizenship to address the needs of marginal

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Aristotle's Justification of Hierarchy and Republican Aspects of Citizenship

Aristotle's concept of citizenship involves a hierarchical structure where ruling and being ruled in turn is essential. He justifies this hierarchy by emphasizing the advantageous nature of ruling and being ruled. However, his views on citizenship in Greek city-states were limited to adult males, hi

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Evolution of Citizenship in Liberal Democracy

Citizenship within liberal democracy entails equal rights, duties, liberties, and constraints for individuals within a political community. The entrenchment of civil and political rights has shaped the struggle for membership and participation in political communities. Civil rights, essential for in

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Your Digital World: An Introductory Lesson on Digital Citizenship

Explore the fundamentals of digital citizenship in Lesson 2 of this engaging course. Uncover the ins and outs of computers, computing devices, input-output processes, and essential terminology. Dive into the significance of computers in the realm of digital citizenship and get hands-on guidance on w

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California Cadet Corps Curriculum on Citizenship - Make the World a Better Place!

In the California Cadet Corps Curriculum on Citizenship, cadets learn about active citizenship and how to improve their state, country, and planet. The unit objectives focus on defining active citizenship, understanding rights and responsibilities, volunteering effectively, and more. Active citizens

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Evolution of Liberal Citizenship Theory

The liberal theory of citizenship emphasizes the essential components of right, responsibility, and identity within a political community. It contrasts with pre-capitalist societies by offering a weak sense of membership and reduced citizen obligations. The addition of social rights has brought an e

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California Cadet Corps Curriculum on Citizenship: Empowering Active Citizens

Explore the California Cadet Corps curriculum on citizenship, focusing on the importance of being an active citizen to improve the state, country, and planet. Learn about active citizenship, models, self-assessment, and ways to contribute to community development. Embrace your role as an active citi

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Citizenship Models and Welfare Development

Explore the concept of citizenship within the context of state development, focusing on elements such as population, territory, government, and sovereignty. Learn about the three kinds of population in a state - aliens, subjects, and citizens - and how they differ in terms of rights. Discover the Ci

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Supporting Local Government Initiatives for Citizenship in California

Learn how local governments in California can support lawful permanent residents in their citizenship journey and promote stronger communities. This includes tips on engaging residents, understanding citizenship processes, and building partnerships with federal agencies and community organizations.

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Overview of Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019

The Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 aims to provide Indian citizenship to illegal refugees belonging to six communities from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. It reduces the residency requirement for acquiring citizenship to 5 years and allows for identification and potential deportation of ill

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Reimagining Citizenship in Prison: Active Civic Engagement and Rights

Explore the intersection of citizenship and incarceration, focusing on the concept of active citizenship within prison settings. Delve into the importance of civic engagement, prisoner rights, and the evolving mosaic of citizenship, highlighting avenues for volunteering, accountability, and reintegr

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Citizenship Through Aristotle's Four Aspects

Aristotle's concept of citizenship involves balancing individual autonomy, participation in public affairs, state authority, and social relations. A 2004 survey explored different dimensions of citizenship like participation, autonomy, adherence to social order, and solidarity. The data from the sur

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Citizenship: A Shared Identity and History

Explore the diverse perspectives on citizenship through respectful devotion to one's country or school. Discover what citizenship means to individuals in just six words and how it ties into shared histories and identities. Delve into the American Dream and the shared privilege it represents, emphasi

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Citizenship and Immigration in Modern Democracies

Citizenship, a fundamental institution of modern democracies, defines the relationship between individuals and the state through reciprocal rights and duties. However, citizenship has a dual nature, serving to both include certain individuals as citizens and exclude others. Immigrants residing withi

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Citizenship in Kenya: Opportunities and Challenges

Exploring the acquisition of Kenyan citizenship through birth and registration, including eligibility criteria, processes, and implications. The article delves into citizenship by birth, registration, marriage, and special cases like children of Kenyan citizens by registration, shedding light on the

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Complete Guide to US Citizenship and Naturalization Process

Discover essential information on US citizenship and the naturalization process, including common acronyms, ways to obtain citizenship, benefits of becoming a US citizen, steps to apply for naturalization, and key details about the N-400 form. Learn about the significant advantages of US citizenship

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Queer Citizenship and Critical Perspectives on Naturalization

Delve into the complexities of queer citizenship through a critical lens, discussing the evolving definitions of citizenship, the impact of naturalization on different racial groups, and examples of denaturalization based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The concept of the public sphere is

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Active Citizenship and Inmate Rights in European Prisons

Delve into the importance of active citizenship within prison systems, focusing on the civic engagement of inmates and their access to civil, political, and social rights. Discussions cover the evolution of citizenship concepts over centuries, the challenges faced by prisoners in maintaining their a

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Global Citizenship Education in a Digital Age: Challenges and Responses

Challenges in digital societies include blurring responsibility notions, impact of digital tech, COVID-19 effects, and spread of hateful narratives. Educational responses aim to combat misinformation, promote diversity, develop critical thinking, and prepare individuals for current challenges, empha

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Importance of Democratic Citizenship Education in Primary Schools

Promoting democratic citizenship education in primary schools is essential for fostering a sense of community, conflict resolution skills, empathy, and embracing diversity among students. The curriculum focuses on themes like group cohesion, conflict resolution, communication, empathy, community par

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Indian Citizenship Law

Indian citizenship is defined by the relationship between individuals and the state, with principles such as jus soli and jus sanguinis determining eligibility. The Indian Citizenship Act of 1955 outlines the rights and procedures for acquiring citizenship, including provisions for migrants from Pak

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Organisational Citizenship in Academic Institutions

Understanding the concept of Organisational Citizenship and its significance in academic settings. Delve into the behaviors that go beyond regular job tasks to support colleagues and the work environment. Explore examples of Organisational Citizenship in academia and its impact on academic careers.

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Building Global Citizenship through Bridge 47 Initiative

Galvanising global citizenship, the Bridge 47 initiative aims to mobilize civil society for global justice and poverty eradication. Through global citizenship education, it seeks to foster an understanding of our interconnected world and empower individuals for transformative change. Emphasizing ret

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Promoting Equity and Active Citizenship Through Education and Training Workshop Results

Workshop held in Vienna on June 13-14, 2012, focused on promoting equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship through education and training. Participants included representatives from various institutions across different countries. Key challenges discussed were reducing unemployment, improving

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Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship Guidelines for Students and Parents

Understand the importance of Internet safety and digital citizenship in schools, mandated by the FCC to comply with CIPA requirements. Learn why these topics are taught at the beginning of each school year, how they are conveyed through training videos, and how students and parents are required to p

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The Politics of Health and Citizenship: Navigating Neoliberalism

Current debates in healthcare address escalating costs, shifting citizenship dynamics, and the balance between individual autonomy and civic obligations. The concept of citizenship is historically layered and contested, with implications for public commitment and inclusion/exclusion dynamics.

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The Global Spread of Liberal Agentic Citizenship

Exploring the diffusion and impact of liberal, agentic citizenship on individuals within a globalized knowledge society. The rise of agentic individuals empowered to participate at local, national, and transnational levels, alongside the challenges and inequalities associated with this model. Analyz

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Kymlicka's Multicultural Citizenship: A Distinctive Contribution

Kymlicka's unique contribution lies in the mainstreaming of minority rights within a liberal framework, shifting the discourse away from the earlier confrontation between defenders of universal citizenship and proponents of multiculturalism. His focus on societal culture and the recognition of only

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Effects of Globalization on Citizenship and Contemporary Globalization

The impact of globalization challenges traditional notions of citizenship tied to nation-states, leading to new forms of citizenship evolving in response. Globalization questions themes of citizenship, identity, and democracy, deepening the interconnectedness of local, national, and global events. F

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Evolution of Citizenship: Roman Republic to Middle Ages

The concept of citizenship evolved from the Roman Republic's inclusive approach to a more legalistic framework detached from political agency. Post-Roman Empire, citizenship diminished, shifting focus to personal salvation in the Middle Ages. However, Italian city republics like Florence and Venice

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Ancient Greek Citizenship and Aristotle's Views

In ancient Greece, citizenship was a bond forged through participation in public affairs, with emphasis on duties and responsibilities rather than rights. Aristotle's views on citizenship emphasized active political participation, civic virtue, and exclusivity. Citizens were those involved in the ci

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Promoting U.S. Citizenship and Civic Integration: Initiatives and Services

The United States is committed to promoting citizenship, raising awareness of rights and responsibilities, and fostering civic integration. Initiatives by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services provide resources, grants, and training to aid immigrants in the naturalization process and enhance

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Digital Citizenship Initiatives for Staff and Students in 2023

Staff and students are required to participate in digital citizenship lessons and activities, covering topics such as cyberbullying, screen time effects, hoaxes, and AI plagiarism. Staff engage in webinars while students complete Nearpod lessons with verification forms. Device checks and maintenance

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Kymlicka's Multicultural Citizenship: A Distinctive Contribution

Kymlicka's distinctive contribution to the discourse on multicultural citizenship focuses on the liberal mainstreaming of minority rights, particularly emphasizing ethnic and national minority groups. He defines societal culture as shared history, language, and territory, excluding non-ethnic groups

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