Deliverance from Strongholds: Transform Your Thinking with Dr. Kenneth Jones

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Explore how to break free from old thinking patterns and strongholds through repentance, choice, and a commitment to change. Dr. Kenneth Jones from Practical Living Ministry shares insights on battling harmful thoughts and hindrances, backed by biblical scriptures and guidance for achieving freedom in mind and spirit.

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  1. What Are You Thinking? Being Delivered From Old Patterns of Thinking Dr. Kenneth Jones Pastor, Practical Living Ministry

  2. Review Are your thoughts taking you captive instead of you taking captive of your thoughts? Deliverance requires Choice A decision of the will and heart Change of Mind Repentance Commitment to Change Course of Action most of our thoughts are governed by Fear & Separation Freedom from Strongholds result from repentance and renouncing participation and empowering destructive thoughts to take the place of God s word and what He says about us in his word.

  3. Understand the Hindrances to Deliverance From Strongholds Associations Occult ties Evil Communications Certain ideologies LACK Lack of Faith Lack of Perseverance Lack of Repentance Lack of Forgiveness Influences Media/Music Spirit of Error Fear Fear of Supernatural Fear of Unknown

  4. Scripture 2 Corinthians 10:4,5 - (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; What Are These Weapons? Why Is This Process So Difficult?

  5. God Wants Us Free From Strongholds 2 Corinthians 2:14 - Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. Isaiah 55:7 - Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. The battleground for a righteous walk with the LORD is often found in our minds, in our thoughts. 3 John 1:2 - Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. Prosperity of our lives, physical well-being, and of the spirit should be the goal for every believer

  6. Remember Strongholds are built upon error and falsehood. Strongholds arise when we see ourselves incorrectly as compared to how God Sees us and scripture defines. Second, when we see God incorrectly, not truly understanding and embracing him for who He is (Heb 11:6) Strongholds are Reasonings: [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; (vs 5) In other words, Many of us has subscribed to a certain pattern of thinking, that becomes reasons/ Justifications for our actions and why we do certain things, whether they are godly or not Since deliverance from strongholds involves Choice, people cannot be set free until they refute these arguments (Declare them as false), repent, and submit to God

  7. Example The person who blames his bitterness on the actions of another and feels that they deserve it, meanwhile the scriptures says: Acts 8:23 - For I see that you are in the gall of bitterness and in a bond forged by iniquity [to fetter souls]. Peter is talking about excessive bitterness Hebrews 12:15 - See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled; the root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it bound by iniquity. That is, that it has the rule over you, and binds you as a captive. Sin is often thus represented as bondage and captivity And thereby many be defiled - Led away from the faith and corrupted A bitter plant cannot produce good fruit. Why would you hold on to something that binds you and rules over you, defiling you making you a captive to your anger and hate? Does this makes sense? Yet, I know someone who told me, I will take this bitterness against my sister to the grave!

  8. Refuting Arguments 2 Timothy 4:4 - And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. People willingly turn away from the truth of God s Word to hold on to arguments, fantasies, and beliefs contrary to God s principles to suit their mindset and their lifestyle My Opinions Feel Good Pride and lofty opinions hinders many as they choose their own reality They are the false comforts of flesh weapons Example: Well, I know I am right in what I am doing because I read in a magazine that this is so and therefore, as long as I don t get carried away with it, I am okay. Have you ever disregarded an opinion when you realized that it wasn t aligned with God s Word or principle?

  9. Example Pastor, I am so depressed because no one cares about me. So you are saying, no one cares about you. How do you know that? I just know. I believe God has given me discernment about people that I can read their thoughts and know what they really feel. That s a serious statement to think that people don t care about you. I also took a course in psychology and read ____ s book, Don t let people be your hindrance. So is this is why you believe this to be so. Aren t you popular at church? Yes, but it s all pretentious. I just need to be around people who are real. Maybe you should consider reaching out more to others more and allow them to reach out to you. Well, maybe you need to speak more on understanding the love of God. Then maybe they will be able to flow and be real Consider allowing God to give you a greater compassion. Love never fails. Well I know that they can t receive it, because they are not mature enough for that.

  10. My Old Pattern of Thinking Comes Naturally Wow! Where did that thought come from? For some Christians, their old pattern, carnal way of thinking becomes like a plush pillow for them. When all goes wrong, they easily resort to their old way of doing things or thinking even though it opposes God. How many thoughts do you think in a day that you didn t consciously decide to think? Some are still extensions from an old pattern of thinking or even from your past reprobate mindset. According to 2 Cor 10:5, every thought that doesn t go with the knowledge of God should be taken prisoner. Until you stop allowing unapproved thoughts having free course in your mind, little is going to change. Old pattern of thinking also reflects individuals who always resort to their old ways of handling issues which usually is a weapon of the flesh anger, bitterness, jealousy, anxiety, or depression. Old pattern of thinking = One s usual responses

  11. Other Examples of Arguments Ideologies This is one s filter by which one interprets reality. Another term for this is worldview Our view on what is considered happiness impacts our way of thinking each day for example, are you struggling with anxiety about not having enough finances or due to your comparison of others who appears to be better off financially than you? Are you angry and bitter by what you see on the news or is there a righteous anger as you observe the depraved status of man and its impact on our society? Behavioral and Relational Many of our thoughts and arguments for how we relate and behave towards others have been forged by previous familial relationships, experiences, and fears. Your pattern of thinking can become a defense mechanism developed due to fear, unmet needs/desires, and by observation that rejects the truths of unconditional love, forgiveness, trust in the Lord, and submitting to the peace of God

  12. I Find It Interesting As a biblical counselor or one ministering to someone dealing with so many strongholds that even in the midst of hearing the truth and having opportunity to benefit from the anointing of God s Spirit, they still reject truth in order to hold on to their beliefs, their fleshly weapons, and pattern of thinking that suits them best. For example, a person with a controlling spirit can t trust God to deal with something they can t truly control; a person who is bitter feels justified to hold on to it; someone dealing with addiction who doesn t want to let go even though it jeopardizes their relationship with God and their family. There are those who resist the truth because they don t want to commit to the accountability that comes with it. Their depression has got them the attention and drugs they need. Their anxieties stirs everyone to perform for them. They willingly accept chaos over peace, thriving in it. Their responses: this is what works for me; I just can t let this go! My father dealt with this, so I guess I have it too; That s what the Bible says, but this is the real world.

  13. Illustrations I understand what you are saying and all, but I am just going to hold on to my bag. This Word is not for me Anger Guilt Fear Anxieties

  14. Futile Thinking Ephesians 4:17 - This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Ephesians 4:17 - So this I say, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind,(NASB) Futility Defined: That the same unproductive/unfruitful thoughts and actions are going to achieve positive results The term futility means failing to produce the desired results, never succeeding.

  15. Example Why do you go to the club every weekend? Because I want to have fun and be out with my friends What usually happens? Well, I usually drink too much, get sick, or doing something I regret later. I sometimes get angry and feel unfulfilled as if there is more to life. Are you going out next weekend? Yes Why Because I want to have fun and be out with my friends

  16. Example I have a drinking problem. Why do you drink? It makes me feel happy and relaxed. So it s that working for you? Well, I usually act up and get into trouble. Family gets mad at me and I end up depressed. So why do you still drink? It relaxes me and make me happy.

  17. Fleshy Weapons How many people do you know use their depression as a mechanism of instilling guilt in those they seek to manipulate? Those who use envy and jealousy as a way of dealing with their own insecurity and self pity Have you reverted to sexual immorality as a way of dealing with an unloving spirit or feelings of rejection? How many of us have used unforgiveness as a way of retaliating against those who have hurt or offended us? Are you bound by addictions because you feel unloved and what started out as a way of seeking relief has now become a controlling need out of control? Do you reject intimacy from your spouse To demand your own way, a contradiction of the love of God described in 1st Corinthians 13?

  18. Hypochondriac Christians Oh no! Maybe I do have a spirit of ____ and Dr. _______ says that I have a vindictive spirit. I need to call the pastor right now! Hypochondriasis, also known as hypochondria, or illness anxiety disorder, refers to worry about having a serious illness. The same can exist in dealing with spiritual issues The issue is that it can become a stronghold that impedes spiritual growth, self condemning, rooted in self pity and impacts all others around you.

  19. Attributes of a Spiritual Hypochondriacs Conversely, the disease of spiritual hypochondria is a heart issue. I believe it is linked to Self-Pity and Condemnation Those afflicted with this condition are only happy when they are miserable. They move from drama to drama, crisis to crisis, burden to burden, and problem to problem. At first, they friends and fellow church members try to be sympathetic, but soon they are discovered and those friends realize this is an affliction. The symptoms are no joy, no satisfaction, no peace, issuing complaints not only unto themselves, but unto others

  20. What They Do to the Church and Others Everyday is a dilemma: they drag you into their daily drama, dilemmas, and crisis. They can drain your energy immediately and can bring a cloud any meeting, sometimes by their presence & attitude. They burden you with imagined problems, keeping you from ministry. They love being dependent and in need while contributing little or nothing to the Lord s work In the midst of this, they refuse to believe they are carriers of this disease while living in denial, they often feel everyone is the problem. No one cares or understands me! is their Battle cry

  21. How to Recover Recognize, Repent, Renounce this thought pattern Meditate on the Word of God Focus on the blessings of God and set your mind above and the spiritual things to think on . (James 1, Phil 4:8, Col 3:2) Challenge and Change your thought life. (Phil. 4:8) Surround yourself with joyful believers and blessed relationships and stay in healthy fellowship. (Prov. 27; Heb 10: 25,26) Come to a place of Selflessness by ministering to others, interceding for others, and getting involved in ministry (1 Thess. 5 & Gal. 6)

  22. Spiritual Weapons Exercising spiritual authority Matthew 16:19: The principle of binding and loosing. Jesus has given you authority over the evil one and His weapons To Bind means controlling or prohibiting access to your thoughts or your life especially when there are attempts of demonic oppression. To loose means to deprive of authority, whether by precept or act or to declare unlawful any thought that is contrary to God s Word Pray, Resist, Fortify, Deny Occupation A Submitted Christian is a Empowered Christian James 4:7 Give No Place to the Devil in your thought life - Ephesians 4:27 Watch what you place before your eyes, Your associations and activities, and ungodly relationships that can impact your thought life Clothe yourself with God's armor, the garment of praise, and the mind of Christ Eph 6:11, Romans 13:14, - Allow no Occupancy for the Enemy and old patterns of thinking

  23. When Ministering to Someone Held Captive by Strongholds Teach and Testify Jesus taught many times before he healed 1 Corinthians 2:1 - And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. Romans 10:17 - So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Gain Compliance Ensure person is willing to repent and renounce activities and negative thoughts John 5:6 - When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole? Pray and/or Minister Appropriately Anointing with Oil; laying of hands; Exercising Confession Prayers Provide more instruction and guidance lead also to a place of fellowship If person is not receiving, take more time to teach the Word You may want to gain more information (i.e. family background, experiences, associations, trauma, etch.)

  24. Sustained Deliverance Once Deliverance and/or Victory over Strongholds is achieved, then we must work to sustain our deliverance Process - a series of actions or operations conducing to an end. Remember that Repentance requires a change in one s course of action. There are several actions embedded within the Word of God that will assist you in sustaining your deliverance Meditation of the Word Allows you to become rooted and grounded, producing fruit and prospering in God Prayer Staying in connecting with the Father and improves your prayer Life Attending church and remain in fellowship Strength through numbers; Support Praise and Worship Stills the enemy and the avenger (Ps 8:2) and brings us into the presence of face of God where we can receive refreshing for our souls

  25. Sustained Deliverance Principles The understanding and application of certain elements and rudiments of Christian truths and doctrine Applying the Bible is the duty of all Christians. We are also to hide God s Word in our hearts: I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you (Psalm 119:11). The goal is that God s Word will take root in our hearts and mind producing godly fruit and maturing us daily Pattern A pattern means being more than just a reader but being an Example Titus 2:7: In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, When my mother would make clothes for us, A pattern was first cut so that an exact copy can be cut from it. When we are obedient to the word of God in all things, we become patterns for the lives of others.

  26. My Prayer Heavenly Father I pray for Your strength and courage I pray that I would be strong in the day of battle. I pray that You would give me the strength and courage that only comes from You and You alone. I pray that like Joshua I would be strong and very courageous and not be afraid to face the enemies of my soul, nor be dismayed by the spiritual armies that encompass me round about. I pray that You would break any stronghold of fear or doubt, shame or unbelief that weakens my walk and witness and that makes me so vulnerable to the wiles of Satan. Help me I pray to resist the devil and to take every thought, that starts to drag me down, captive.. and to hand it to You for You have not given us the spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, self-discipline and a sound mind. Lord I am aware that there are many forms of opposition many strongholds that can keep our souls enslaved and captive and which prevent us from being strong in the Lord and in His mighty power in this evil day but I pray that by Your grace and in the power of the Holy Spirit I would be strong in the day of battle and abide in Christ, Who is my Shield and Buckler, My Defence and my Defender and in Whose name I pray, Amen

  27. My Prayer for Today Lord, through the power of your Spirit, I repent of every thought that I have been allowing to conflict my thinking, leading me away from you and I renounce corrupt thinking and passions that has produced strongholds in my mind and spirit Today I am making the deliberate decision to start submitting every area of my mind and emotions to the Word of God and to the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. By your grace, please let the power of Your Word and the Influence of your Spirit flow into every area of my mind and emotions, energizing them and fortifying godly thoughts by your presence so that the devil can no longer access me through these areas of my life!

  28. Pride Most people do not see the need to change even though the environment around them presents a definite need for something to change The companion of Pride is Accusation

  29. Self Diagnosis and Accusation With all of the available teachings, some good and bad, we can all kinds of words/wording to define our behavior, especially in a negative fashion. We also can find words to inflict upon others in sometimes contempt Keep in mind, to properly judge and provide correction, but to make statements as in final judgment is Contempt as it put you as the judge with a inescapable sentence placed upon another You will never change! vs. Allow God to deal with you regarding this matter. This is what you always do! vs. There s seems to be a pattern of behavior that may be linked to a certain mindset that we should talk about. You are hopeless! vs I am praying for God to redeem and restore you.

  30. Matthew 23:4: For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.

  31. Accusing Spirit What does the accusing spirit really want to do? Tear apart your faith and wear you down spiritually. He wants you to walk in guilt, condemnation, and never feel worthy of God's glorious plan for your life. It's goal is to wear you down, and make you weak as a child of God. The accusing spirit thrives on repeated failures or bondages, or iniquities. Pornography or lust, for example, is a perfect example. A person can keep failing, but have their heart right before the Lord. They feel terrible each and every time they fall into that sin. The accusing spirit is a finger-pointing spirit. It is a blaming spirit that specializes in digging up the past, and blaming somebody for it. That somebody could be you, others, or God. It works hand-in-hand with a critical spirit, or judgementalism. Being that this is a spirit which builds strongholds in our minds, we need to be diligent in renewing our mind with God's Word, in order to undo the damage that it has done to our thinking patterns.

  32. Willful Ignorance and Neglect Also people don t like it when you pull their scabs Issues from their past or parents that has lead to this pattern of thinking or stronghold.

  33. Scriptures Genesis 6:5 - And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Ephesians 4:18 - Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Luke 21:26 - Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 1 Corinthians 2:14 - But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. Romans 1:28 - And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

  34. Ephesians 2:1: And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; Proverbs 16:3: Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.

  35. Picking Of Scabs Tucked away in the corner of every life are wounds and scars. If they were not there, we would need no Physician. Nor would we need one another. Only the Great Physician can turn our ugly wound into a scar of beauty. Only He can heal the pain and sin in our past and make us whole again. Reflect on Psalm 147:1 5 Habitual picking of scabs is classified in the group of psychological disorders associated with self-harm, such as deliberate skin cutting, head banging, and burning oneself. Much of our pain comes from our tendencies to pick at the scabs and thus interrupt the healing process! Before we can be used to heal others, we must be healed of our own wounds. One of the requirements for being a priest was that he could not have scabs (see Leviticus 21: 20). A scab is the result of an unhealed wound. Those who have scabs are so overly sensitive in that area that you cannot touch them. Likewise, our unhealed wounds keep people from getting close to us in those areas.

  36. If youve been wounded or otherwise injured by the stuff that happens in life, be encourage! When the scab forms, don t mess with it; leave it alone! That s just life s way of trying to keep the wound from getting infected!

  37. BAD HABITS OF THINKING AND REACTING Fear of Rejection, Dread, Shame, Fear of Men's Opinions, Apprehension, Sexual Impurity, Fear of Disapproval, Roving, Cult Involvement, Bitterness, Restlessness, Embarrassment, Rebellion, Unreality, Self-Will,Stubbornness, Indifference, Disgust, Anti-Submissiveness, Passivity of Mind, Worry, Disobedience, Lethargy, Anxiety, Fear of Criticism, Depression, Fear of Reproof, Insecurity, Discouragement, Fear of Confrontation, Timidity, Defeatism, Confusion, Inadequacy, Hopelessness, Doubt, Ineptness, Heaviness, Unbelief, Distrust, Burden, Indecision, Fantasy, Forgetfulness, Procrastination,Compromise, Rationalization, Pride, Fear of Failure, Deception, Play-Acting, Ego, Discontent, Frustration, Pretense, Fatigue, Hyperactivity, Argument, Selfishness, Carelessness,Mockery, Hypocrisy, Heedlessness, Cynicism, Smug Complacency,

  38. If you Have a: Passive Husband Unruly children Distant Spouse/Children Financial Issues Pharisee (prideful) You may also have or an issue of: Controlling Figure (Wife or Mother) Not communicating, Undisciplined Parents Verbal Abuse, Distant parents Poor discipline; inordinate expectations Publican (self condemning, humble

  39. Burden of the Change Some of us see the need to change as a burden to bear forgetting that Jesus desires to be our Yoke bearer They see it only as I need to change! Therefore, I must do all the work. What they fail to realize that it is different to change or accomplish anything outside the venue of relationships

  40. Deliverance From Futile Thinking

  41. Scabs Scab is a natural healing process of wounded or injured skin and it formed around the wound or injury. A scab will form for every type of skin injury. Scab is formed as the body response to skin injury, the immediate response is by clotting the blood and thus killing the infectious organism. The blood clot formed by a combination of thrombocytes, fibrin, and protein. Then the blood clot stopped the flow of blood on the skin injury and forming a scab. The common rule related to a scab is to never pick a scab because by doing so it will expose your injury to the air and increase the risk of infection

  42. Process or Provoke to Righteousness Romans 11:14: If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them. Hebrews 10:24 - And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
