Marine Monitoring: Verification and Communication of Scientific Quality in Operational Oceanography Products

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Marine Monitoring - Verification and communication of the scientific quality of operational oceanography products of the Copernicus Marine Service, focusing on the evaluation, documentation, and improvement of the quality information provided to users. Challenges in uncertainty estimates and forecast skills are highlighted, with ongoing developments for enhancing service quality described.

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  1. V E R I F I C AT I O N A N D C O M M U N I C AT I O N O F T H E S C I E N T I F I C Q U A L I T Y O F O P E R AT I O N A L O C E A N O G R A P H Y P R O D U C T S O F T H E C O P E R N I C U S M A R I N E S E R V I C E S u p p o r t i n g i n f o r m a t i o n Isabel Garcia Hermosa1, Charly R gnier1, Marie Drevillon1, Marcos Garcia sotillo2, and Camille Szczypta3 Marine Monitoring 1Mercator Ocean International, France 2Puertos del Estado, Spain 3CELAD, France Implemented by Session OS4.6 - 09:31am CEST, EGU, April 28th2021

  2. A b s t r a c t Marine Monitoring Verification and communication of the scientific quality of operational oceanography products of the Copernicus Marine Service Isabel Garcia Hermosa1, Charly R gnier1, Marie Drevillon1, Marcos Garcia sotillo2, and Camille Sczcypta3. 1Mercator Ocean International, France ( 2Puertos del Estado, Spain. 3CELAD, France. The Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) is delivering ocean satellite observations, in situ observations, together with ocean model reanalyzes, analyzes and forecasts from a unique web portal (Le Traon et al, 2019, Each one of these products is evaluated before its entry into service, and its quality is documented in a Quality Information Document (QUID). This information is complemented by regular quality metrics updates on the CMEMS website. Due to a relatively sparse observation network, in particular in subsurface, it is still a challenge to propose meaningful uncertainty estimates and forecast skills to the operational oceanography user s community. In order to improve, and better target the scientific quality information provided to the various types of CMEMS users, several developments are ongoing which will be described in this presentation.

  3. T h e C o p e r n i c u s M a r i n e E n v i r o n m e n t M o n i t o r i n g S e r v i c e ( C M E M S ) & i t s e c o s y s t e m ESA AND EUMETSAT Marine Monitoring EEA, EUROGOOS, EMODNET OTHER COPERNICUS SERVICES SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHAMPION USERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Marine Environment Monitoring Entrusted entity: CROSS-CUTTING COORDINATION CENTRAL USER SERVICE System Service Outreach Science CMEMS EVOLUTIONS & USER UPTAKE Additional activities complementing CMEMS operations CMEMS OPERATIONS PRODUCTION AND SERVICE Service operations - Central Information System Monitoring and Forecasting Centres (Models) BAL IBI BS EVOLUTION NWS MED GLO ARC USER SERVICE UPTAKE Thematic Assembly Centres (Obs) OC SI INS MOB SL SST WAV WIND

  4. C M E M S P r o d u c t Q u a l i t y a c t i v i t i e s Peer-reviewed Sci. publications R&D Projects exchanges CMEMS PQ Dashboard (www) Marine Monitoring .. .. Validation in support of Service Desk CMEMS PQ Documentation Internal PQ Docs: described in PQ-MP PQ-MP: PQ Management Plan PQ-SP: StrategicPlan Delayed time verification Planned evolution ScQP: ScientificQualificationPlan ScVP: ScientificValidationPlan ScMYVP: Sci. Multi Year Val. Plan CMEMS PQ Processes Linked to CMEMS releases described in ScVP, ScMYVP (along Product Lifecycle) Operational Routine verification Pre- End-User Docs (for each product): operational qualification Producers Specific Websites (optional; mostly for internal use) QuID: Quality InformationDoc SQO: SynthesisQuality Overview End-user PQ Documentation (QUIDs/SQOs) described in ScVP described in ScQP .. (New!) ..

  5. V E R I F I C A T I O N & C O M M U N I C A T I O N O F T H E S C I E N T I F I C Q U A L I T Y O F O P E R A T I O N A L O C E A N O G R A P H Y P R O D U C T S + O F T H E C O P E R N I C U S M A R I N E S E R V I C E A multi-disciplinary team Marine Monitoring (1) Production product quality info CMEMS PQ Coordination Team (MOi) CMEMS PQ Working Group >50 Sci. experts; Obs & model Blue, Green, White All regions covered Pre-op Qualification PQ Teams (@ CMEMS producers) (2) Op. generation of Assessment & metrics (3) Op. Evaluation of PQ Op validation Scientific expert knowledge Driven by end users Regular dissemination of quality information (metrics/ reports) (4) (5) END USERS Scientific community, private/ public, gvt. advisors/ policy makers PQ dashboard

  6. H o w t o m e a s u r e p r o d u c t q u a l i t y ? Marine Monitoring metrics following GODAE international standards Achieved regular delivery of PQ metrics - CLASS4 & CLASS2 feedback via service desk via scientific collaborations human expertise In all production centres Feedback from users

  7. T H E C O M P L E X I T Y O F T H E C R O S S - C U T T I N G I N T E R A C T I O N S & C O N N E C T I O N S CMEMS PQ Cross-cutting Activity Facilitation Marine Monitoring CMEMS PQ Working Group All MFC/TACs represented (>50 Sci. PQ experts) All products (Blue, Green, White); Obs & model; All regions covered CMEMS PQ Coordination Team CMEMS PQ Docs implementation Management CMEMS PQ Strategy PQ Management Plan Agreements on standards & evolutions Participation & expertise Internal PQ Docs: ScVP, ScQP, ScMYVP Inputs PQ Docs: QUIDs, SQOs (reviewed) implementation CMEMS PQ WWWs Qualification New products OR Major updates (change release) CMEMS PQ-Dashboard PQ team @ CMEMS Production centres (MFC/TAC) PQ metrics (Daily/Monthly) Metrics delivery PQ CMEMS element PQ webpage (optional) activity Validation Approved Products (In Ops) CMEMS PQ Communication

  8. T h e C M E M S P Q - D a s b o a r d Marine Monitoring VERSION 2015 VERSION 2020

  9. T h e C M E M S P Q - D a s b o a r d Marine Monitoring Number of observations updated daily -> a drop in obs coverage induces a drop in quality. Valid points in one L3 per parameter. Missing information -> regular updates are planned. Per area and Blue/White/Green.

  10. C M E M S , a n s w e r i n g u s e r n e e d s o n P Q Marine Monitoring Produce synthetic overview of PQ (for each product) Produce user friendly scores Higher resolution for error estimates More information on quality flags Add number of (good) observations Explain why some products/datasets may be less validated Add online technical lectures Main PQ working lines Provide error estimates as dataset

  11. P Q p r o d u c t i n f o r m a t i o n d o c Marine MonitoringQUality Information Documentation Quality information document (QUID): Detailed description of product + scientific assessment + extended validation with all metrics + references. Quality Information Documents reviewed internally: Achieved increased maturity of procedures and documents are fit-for- purpose (user oriented); More homogeneous and standardised; > Will become producers reference reports in Copernicus 2, peer review process under evaluation. > Will increase consistency with other Copernicus services; Quality Information Documents are downloaded alongside products: Working on a lighter document which evolves with the product Synthesis Quality Overview .

  12. T h e P Q - W o r k i n g G r o u p ( W G ) A k e y C M E M S e l e m e n t Marine Monitoring A WG of ~55 ocean sci. experts: Meet on a yearly basis to agree on PQ actions. 2019 PQ-WG Meeting (OGS; Trieste) 42 Attendees The last PQ-WG Meeting (2020, Irish Marine Institute) We exchange regularly on: > on-line < due to covid19

  13. Q u e s t i o n s Marine Monitoring Contact us in:


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