Addressing Early School Leaving in Bulgaria: Strategies and Challenges

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Early school leaving in Bulgaria is a significant issue affecting thousands of children annually. The monitoring report highlights a concerning trend with rates increasing over the years. Efforts are being made to reduce the number of early school leavers through strategic frameworks focusing on prevention, intervention, and compensation. Equal access and quality education are key priorities for improving the educational system in Bulgaria, especially in marginalized communities like the Roma population.

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  1. PhD Krasimir Meeting PRADIS, TRENTO April 2018 Krasimir Spirov Meeting PRADIS, TRENTO April 2018 PhD Spirov

  2. Early school leaving is a complex phenomenon that seriously affects the individual destinies of the directly affected and the well-being of their families, the communities development of a country in the medium and long term. opportunities for the development overall of their and socio-economic

  3. In Bulgaria, 14,000 children drop out of the education system annually. This is the data from a 2016 monitoring report on Are future" Are we we ready ready for for the the future", presented by the "Bulgaria 2030" initiative.

  4. The report shows that the number of early school leavers arises, with a rate of 12.5% in 2013, 12.9% in 2014, and 13.4% in 2015. For the school year 2015/2016 89% of Bulgarian pupils who started their education have graduated. 24% of pupils, who graduate primary school, do not continue to the next level.

  5. The monitoring report also states that 42% of children in Roma communities are covered by pre-school education, but meanwhile 23% of gypsies aged between 7 and 15 remain outside of the educational system. With the new law on school education, efforts are focused on two key conditions - equal access and quality of education.

  6. A strategy for reducing the share of early school leavers - 2013-2020 is in line with the objective of the Development Program of the Republic of Bulgaria: Bulgaria 2020 ", to increase living standard through competitive education and training, conditions for quality employment and social inclusion and guaranteeing affordable and quality healthcare. Strategic Framework of the National

  7. The strategy focuses on three main areas: - Prevention of early school leaving; - Intervention against early school leaving; - Compensation of early school leaving.

  8. Main reasons for early school leaving. 1. Economic reasons. 2. Social reasons. 3. Educational reasons. 4. Ethno cultural reasons. 5. Institutional reasons. 6. Reasons, related to health status.

  9. Human resources and the problem of early school leaving Teachers in Bulgaria have high basic qualifications. Over 99.4% have a Bachelor's degree or Master's degree. Universities also prepare social pedagogues, but they do not find jobs in schools due to the lack of such a profession (institutional) and not good salary.

  10. Human resources and the problem of early school leaving The integrated training of children and pupils with special educational needs and the support from a team of specialists - resource teacher, speech therapist, rehabilitation teacher, pedagogue for children with visual individual work with children and students in accordance with their needs. psychologist, hearing and speech impairment, provides both group and

  11. Human resources and the problem of early school leaving The funding with programs and projects to increase the education and qualification of teachers, class managers, psychologists, is focused on topics such as overcoming conflicts in the class, working with children in risk of leaving the school, et cetera. pedagogical counselors and

  12. Human resources and the problem of early school leaving To improve work in the field of educational integration of children and students from ethnic minorities, teachers have been trained to work more effectively in a multiethnic educational environment and appointment of a "teacher assistant". conditions have been created for the

  13. Human resources and the problem of early school leaving Still a serious problem is the small number and proportion of assigned psychologists, pedagogical counselors and resource teachers, regardless of aggression behavior requirements - part of the reasons for early school leaving. and non-compliance with school

  14. Financial resources to reduce early school leaving In 2012, the National Program "At School without Absences" was introduced. The measure provides funds to schools that real and accurately reflect absences in school documentation and develop school programs to reduce them. The total budget for the measure is 2 million BGN.

  15. Financial resources to reduce early school leaving Within the framework of the National Program "For more complete enrollment of pupils in compulsory school age" (2007-2010) 171 million BGN are provided for: breakfast and milk/tea for each pupil in 1st - 4th class and for children in preparatory groups and classes.

  16. Financial resources to reduce early school leaving The National Program "With a Care for Every Student" provides Bulgarian language training for children from preparatory groups and for primary and lower secondary students who have difficulties, and prevents the lag, before affecting the educational outcomes.

  17. Financial resources to reduce early school leaving Every year funds are provided for the transport of 6 year old children and pupils in compulsory school age, and from 2010 are also included 5 year old children. For the school year 2012/2013, the amount provided for free transportation of children and students up to 16 years of age is 27,440,009 BGN for 3,887 routes, benefiting 62,617 children and students.

  18. Financial resources to reduce early school leaving Other such programs are: "Optimization of the school network" - transport costs. "Creating an Affordable Architectural Environment" - for children with limited opportunities. "Qualification" - for directors and teachers. "Inclusive training" - equal access to education.

  19. Financial resources to reduce early school leaving The projects "Creating a Favorable Multicultural Environment Intercultural Education and Education", "Integration of Children and Students from Ethnic Minorities into the Educational Students in the Educational System" and "Educational Integration of Children and students from Ethnic minorities" support integration, reducing the number of early school leavers, and the inclusion of uncovered children from ethnic minorities in the education system. for Practical Implementation of System", "Reintegration of Disabled

  20. Financial resources to reduce early school leaving Through the "Literacy of Adults" project each year in the literacy courses (initial stage) and in the courses for learning content for 5, 6 and 7 grade are included on average 11000 persons over 16 years, On average 7000 of them successfully complete the training.

  21. Financial resources to reduce early school leaving Projects such as "Job Opportunities", "Increasing employment opportunities of unemployed persons through Perspective" are aimed at vocational guidance and motivational training of young people dropped out of school or not covered by the education system and at apprenticeship. quality vocational training", "New

  22. Socio-economic resources and reducing the share of premature school dropouts Regional assistance system. Family allowances for children, scholarships for pupils after primary education graduation and special protection for children with outstanding talents are provided. policies provide an effective social

  23. Socio-economic resources and reducing the share of premature school dropouts Control functions of municipalities on the attendance of kindergarten and school by children in obligatory preschool and school age; providing additional educational opportunities for pupils at risk of dropping out; control over the fulfillment of the duties of the pedagogical teams for continuous contact and informing the parents about the development of the child and the student.

  24. Socio-economic resources and reducing the share of premature school dropouts In 31 youth information and counseling centers young people are directed to non-formal education, free realization entrepreneurship activity, etc. Target groups under the program are young people and workers aged from 15 to 29 years. specialized counseling personal skills, for professional development, lifestyle, and healthy civic

  25. Physical environment and early school leaving Ensuring an accessible environment and appropriate training conditions, including through sheltered and center schools, is directly in line with the targets for reducing the share of early school leavers. Special schools provide access to education for children with special educational needs who can not be trained with resource support in a general education environment.

  26. Other prevention and reduction measures leaving school Different forms of education are used - individual, evening, part-time. Programs for acquiring key competencies are developed and implemented. Entrepreneurship education is a key to both the development of one of the eight key competences and is directly related to improving the underlying skills of students.

  27. Other prevention and reduction measures leaving school Schools implement measures to prevent and overcome the absences and early exit from the system, such as: developing a strategy, an action plan according to the specific circumstances and the individual case of each pupil. Timely informing parents about the absences and the success of the pupils and conducting joint activities with the parents; activating student self-government and involving students in interest-based activities, etc.

  28. ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHALLENGES The first challenge the unevenly distribution by region. PLANNING AREAS 2010 2011 2012 Total 13,9 11,8 12,5 Northwest areas 17,2 16,6 20,8 North Central areas 17,9 17,1 14,9 Northeast areas 18,7 14,3 13,6 Southeast areas 18,5 19,3 21,1 South central areas 16,5 15,0 15,9 Southwest areas 4,3 3.4 4

  29. ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHALLENGES The second challenge the lack of coordination between the institutions - social services, municipal administration, school administration

  30. ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHALLENGES The third challenge the large number of children not education. Only 73.4% of children in this age are attending kindergarten and pre-school education. While for the EU-27 this percentage is 90.8%, according to EUROSTAT data sheet. attending kindergarten and pre-school

  31. ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHALLENGES The fourth challenge the increase in the number of pupils leaving school because of their departure abroad. Their share for the period 2008/2009 - 2011/2012 school years has increased by 49.40% of all those who left school.

  32. ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHALLENGES The fifth challenge - the students, who repeating classes, are one of the main risk groups for early school leaving, and the reasons for this are their low success and low interest to continue education. In the school year 2012/2013, the number of the students who repeat classes is 5909, and in the last eight school years it has decreased almost threefold in primary school and twice in high school.

  33. ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHALLENGES The sixth challenge young people in the 18-24 age group who are not employed and are not included in education and training. According to Eurostat, Bulgaria is at the forefront among the countries in the European Union on this indicator. In 2011 in the EU non-pupils and non-employed in this age group were 16.7%, while in Bulgaria their share is with 11.2% percentage points higher - 27.9%.

  34. ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN CHALLENGES The seventh challenge the creation of an unified and reliable system for managing information on early school leaving, with the protection of personal data.

  35. Good practices Professional High School of Light Industry and Construction, Professional High School of Light Industry and Construction, Svishtov Svishtov. . A "School Practices" program has been developed and a "Public Council" has been set up involving all stakeholders - class leaders, parents, teachers, pedagogical counselor.

  36. Good practices The "School Practices" program, besides working in the city's enterprises, also includes three projects: "Culinary journey - my European practice" project under the Leonardo da Vinci sectoral program - Rimini, Project "German quality in the restaurant industry" by sectoral program "Leonardo da Vinci" - Berlin, Germany "Mediterranean cuisine - the Spanish restaurant experience" under the Erasmus+ Program - Valencia, Spain - currently running. Italy - the 2012-2013 school year; - the school year 2013-2014;

  37. Good practices "Public Council" Class managers: Complete assessment cards about the risk of leaving school for each student who has exceeded five unexcused absences; Prepare individual plans for working with these students; Manually complete checklists on the number of excused and unexcused absences and the reasons for them; Timely inform parents. In a number of cases, they also visit the homes of students threatened with dropping out.

  38. Good practices "Public Council" Parents: Conduct meetings with the parents of students with unexcused absences. Parents also fill in questionnaires to study their expectations for their children's high school education, their level of satisfaction with what has been achieved in their previous training, and their recommendations for improving the learning process.

  39. Good practices "Public Council" Teachers: At the beginning of the school year, a timetable for counseling teachers with pupils and parents is prepared, updated at the beginning of the second term. Pedagogical Adviser: Counseling and psychological support for needy students and parents.

  40. Good practices Asen solving the problem of detention of students in the educational system by providing opportunities for vocational training and entrepreneurship training through a learning enterprise. Asen Zlatarov Zlatarov Secondary Secondary School, School, town town Shabla Shabla, in

  41. Good practices - School teachers have taken action to fully cover all children, including Roma, in compulsory school age in the system of public education and working with dropouts for returning to school; - All-day organization for pupils from 1st to 8th grade, the compulsory school hours are combined with forms of self-training, activities in interests and organized recreation, with the aim to increase their motivation and overcoming the knowledge gap;

  42. Good practices - Additionally, in order to overcome the students' gaps, works a national program "With care for each pupil", under the module "Providing additional training of primary and lower secondary school pupils to increase achievements in general education ; - Providing free textbooks and learning handbooks for pupils in grades 1-7; - Providing free transportation to school for rural students;

  43. Good practices - Providing breakfast and/or fruit, and/or milk/tea, including lactic acid products to each pupil in the 1st - 4th grade; - Conducting charity campaigns to help children in a difficult social situation; - The school works in close contact with both the Municipal Department Protection. Administration of - Shabla and and the Social Assistance Child

  44. Good practices Since 2011 Asen Zlatarov school has been registered in the Bulgarian Training Firms Net (BUCT) and has successfully applied the method of the training enterprises in the "Work on Project" classes in 11 grade and manufacturing practice in 12 grade, as the idea is students to get the most practical skills and knowledge to be competitive on the labor market, as well as on their peers in the big cities.

  45. Conclusion 1. Improving the learning environment is a prerequisite for preventing early school leaving. 2. Changing the reproductive methodology of learning with active methodology, motivates and engages students, makes learning interesting. All children are curious!

  46. Conclusion 3. Social support for children from poor families should become the main concern of the state. 4. Teachers should acquire the skills to form, above all, "soft skills" (self-organization, self-control, planning, discussion, etc.) among students. Thus, learning becomes more understandable, necessary



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