Welcome to Allerthorpe & Waplington - Village Community Information

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Welcoming you to the village community of Allerthorpe & Waplington, this welcome pack provides valuable information on village contacts, events, and local facilities. Stay updated through the village website, Parish News, and social media platforms. Join the village mailing list for relevant updates and enjoy being a part of this vibrant community.

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  1. Allerthorpe & Waplington Welcome Pack

  2. On behalf of the village parish council we warmly welcome you into the village community and hope you are settling well into your new home. We understand how hectic moving time can be so we thought it would be useful to put together details regarding village contacts and events for you to keep in one place for easy reference. So how can you find out what s going on?

  3. The village website is kept up to date with events and classes that are held within the village. It is also a great source of wider information that you may find useful if you are new to the area such as contact details for the doctors, dentists and veterinary practices. Village Website www.allerthorpe-pc.org.uk There is also information on the local facilities such as Allerthorpe Common, Allerthorpe Lakeland park and Allerthorpe Golf and Country Park Club. There is a Contact Us page on the site too so if you have any specific questions please do use this facility and we will do our best to assist.

  4. If you send your email address to Jane Smith our parish clerk - clerk.allerthorpe_pc@btinternet.com you will be added to the village mailing list and receive relevant news and information updates. We are keen that these are kept to a minimum so don t worry that you will be inundated with emails! Email We comply with General Data Protection Regulations and ensure your personal identifiable information is protected. If you wish to opt out of the emails in the future please email Jane.

  5. The Parish News is a newsletter produced by the Barmby Moor group of Churches every two months and is hand delivered to everyone within our Parish. It is free of charge to households and funded by advertising. The Parish Council produces an insert for the Newsletter containing articles of interest and updates to ongoing matters for those living in the Parish. Parish Newsletter and Notice Board If there is anything you would like to contribute or announce please contact Margaret Murray - margaret.m.murray17@gmail.com or Mark Stageman - misitaalgoec@gmail.com The village notice board on the outside of the Village Hall is regularly updated. If you have any notices you would like to put onto the board please contact Jane Smith- clerk.allerthorpe_pc@btinternet.com

  6. Allerthorpe has its own Facebook site. Please search for Allerthorpe Community . Facebook This is a private site to ensure it retains the focus on the local area. It s a great place to keep up to date on local events and feel free to post your news too!

  7. Parish council meetings are held in the Village Hall every two months. All villagers are welcome along and if there are any points that you would like to raise these can sent to the parish clerk before the meeting or you can raise them at the start of the meeting. ParishCouncil There is also an annual general meeting and an Annual Parish Meeting where again villagers are welcome to come along. Dates and times of meetings are sent out by email by the parish clerk and are on the village website and notice board.

  8. Your parish councillors are: Councillor Name Email Address Laura Brennan (Chair) lauracadenhead@hotmail.co.uk Debbie Forster (Vice Chair) debbieforster01@live.co.uk Parish Council Jane Smith (Clerk) clerk.allerthorpe_pc@btinternet.com Angela Batty angela3batty@gmail.com Bev Butler Richard.butler16@btinternet.com Clare Metcalfe claremetcalfe@btinternet.com Noel Brennan noelbrennan@hotmail.co.uk Simeon Wilkinson simw10@aol.com

  9. St Botolphs Church St Botolph's Church is part of a group of 5 churches, presided over by Revd. Jan Hardy and her contact details are: The Vicarage, St Helen's Square, Barmby Moor, York, YO42 4HF Telephone: 01759 307490 Email: rev.j.hardy@btinternet.com The church has two services a month, these are detailed in the free Parish Magazine that comes through your door every two months. Church Wardens are Tim O Gram and Mark Stageman help run the church services and responsible for the maintenance of the church Their contact details are :- Tim O Gram - 303180 Mark Stageman -303862

  10. The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is a charitable organisation which runs the finance affairs of the Church and is responsible for the care and maintenance of the building Parochial Church Council (PCC) Your PCC members are: Penny Simmons Secretary Susanne Gilbert Treasurer Mark Stageman Churchwarden Angela Batty Tim O Gram Churchwarden Alastair Burnett Carol Burnett Elinda Ratcliffe Martin Ratcliffe Deborah Bird Margaret Murray

  11. Simeon Wilkinson is the village neighbourhood watch co-ordinator working with the local police to ensure we are all aware of any issues. Neighbourhood Watch You can contact Simeon on simw10@aol.com with any questions or concerns that you may have.

  12. Village Hall The Village Hall committee is chaired by Jane Smith. There is no restriction on the number of members, just enthusiasm and an interest in supporting the village are all the joining requirements. The committee helps maintain the hall and also hosts fund raising events throughout the year. Classes are held weekly in the hall, including yoga, embroidery and painting classes. The hall can be hired and used for private events. To book the hall please contact Jane Smith on clerk.allerthorpe_pc@btinternet.com or 07810 835300.

  13. Allerthorpe Help Scheme Initiated in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic the village has a help scheme. If you require any assistance at all or if you would like to offer your help, please contact scheme co-ordinator Jane Smith on 07810 835300. 100 Club Deborah Bird runs the village 100 Club, where you can buy an annual ticket for 10 and have the chance to win 25 each month plus pots of 50 and 100 each year. The profits are put towards the church funds So how else could you be involved in the community? Churchyard Grass Cutting Rota If you fancy having a fortnight slot in the calendar to help keep the churchyard grass in order, Deborah Bird organises the grass cutting rota and hosts the annual Grass Cutters supper in November. You can contact Deborah on: 01759 306146

  14. And of course Dan and Harriet Morgan will be at The Plough with a warm welcome.

  15. We hope this helps and please do reach out for any further information or support to the parish council members


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