Understanding General Conference and The United Methodist Church Dynamics

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Delve into the complexities of the General Conference and the United Methodist Church dynamics, exploring the current environment, differentiating between entities, and navigating the challenges amidst the hyper-anxious system. Discover the essence of self-differentiation and ways to engage with the congregation effectively.

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  2. OUR TIME TOGETHER What do we do while we wait? What is the current environment? What is the difference between the continuing United Methodist Church and the Global Methodist Church? What legislation before General Conference addresses the two competing visions?

  3. WHAT DO WE DO WHILE WE WAIT? But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life. Be merciful to those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh. To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

  4. WHAT IS THE CURRENT ENVIRONMENT? General Conference 2020 was canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic A session in 2021 was canceled after a virtual General Conference presented technological challenges as well as navigating across 14 time zones A session is currently scheduled for Aug. 29-Sept. 6 with a final decision on whether it can proceed in late March.

  5. WHAT IS THE CURRENT ENVIRONMENT? The United Methodist Church is a hyper-anxious system. Much of the information coming from various constituencies has fueled the anxiety. Our decline has reached a point where the pain of doing nothing is greater than trying something. However, much of the attention is placed upon these factors: numbers, finances, fears about the future, shifting demographics and pressure to grow.

  6. SELF-DIFFERENTIATION The ability to be in emotional contact with others yet still autonomous in one s emotional functioning is the essence of the concept of differentiation. (Kerr and Bowen, 1988) A differentiated self is one who can maintain emotional objectivity, while in the midst of an emotional system in turmoil; yet at the same time, actively relate to key people in the system.

  7. SELF-DIFFERENTIATION The fine line between upholding one s vows to support and maintain (Church government and polity) and leading one s congregation to leave The United Methodist Church (paragraph 336.13). Should legislation such as the Protocol passes, there will be adequate time available to churches and pastors to chart their courses. But those courses should be seen as separate journeys, not journeys together.

  8. VISION AND DREAMS 1968 Uniting Conference forming The United Methodist Church sermon by Albert Outler Truly catholic Truly catholic whole, universal, open Truly evangelical Truly evangelical a church ablazed with a passion for the Gospel Truly reformed Truly reformed constantly open to creative change of every sort (in teaching, discipline and administration)

  9. VISION AND DREAMS Truly catholic Truly catholic whole, universal, open True unity not only allows for diversity, it requires it. Never has meant uniform, lock-step, produced by template. A church tormented and befuddled by racial strife is not yet truly catholic A church cannot manage global ties without colonialism or autonomy is not yet truly catholic.

  10. VISION AND DREAMS Truly evangelical Truly evangelical a church ablaze with a passion that God s Gospel shall be preached and heard and responded to in faith and hope and love by all who can be reached and instructed and gathered into the fellowship of God s covenanted People. God loves you and me and all people with a very special love and that Jesus Christ is the sufficient proof of this love to every man who will receive and confess him as Savior and Lord.

  11. VISION AND DREAMS Truly evangelical Truly evangelical a church ablaze with a passion that God s Gospel shall be preached and heard and responded to in faith and hope and love by all who can be reached and instructed and gathered into the fellowship of God s covenanted People. A proclaiming and teaching church Wesley often pointed out that the difference between his movement and others equally zealous in proclamation was his provision of societies which converts came to learn the meaning of the Gospel in depth and in concrete life situations.

  12. VISION AND DREAMS Truly reformed Truly reformed constantly open to creative change of every sort (in teaching, discipline and administration) A church reformed lives by the Scripture for they along provide a decisive appeal to constitutive tradition of Christ without the dead-hand of traditionalism. Scriptural authority does not rest upon their letter nor yet with any arcane or coterie interpretation but rather on the public sense of the texts and their original intentions, enriched by the wisdom of the teaching church through all ages, sifted by canons of critical reason and vital Christian experience in the modern world.

  13. THE CONTINUING UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Starting point would be with the current Book of Discipline (2016) with additional legislation passed in 2019. No provision can change without General Conference action. Just as there has been discussions among those that desire separation, those that have identified as remaining have also been meeting to discuss the future of The United Methodist Church

  14. THE CONTINUING UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Disciple making Belonging and inclusion Influence, connection and impact Experience of God through The United Methodist Church (More information may be found at: https://www.umc.org/en/what-we- believe/umc-topics/our-people/beumc)

  15. DISCIPLE MAKING The UMC is founded on a Wesleyan theology of grace, anchored in Scripture and based in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the continuing movement of the Holy Spirit.

  16. DISCIPLE MAKING The fundamentals of the Wesleyan tradition and dedicate ourselves to the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. A Church anchored in Scripture and a theology of grace. A Church that aspires to be a more just and inclusive force in the world. The connected power of 12 million souls united, working toward good in the world. A Church that has uplifted our own lives and the lives of our friends, family, and those we cherish. A Church built in loving relationships rather than uniformity in thought and action. A Church where everyone does not have to agree and where everyone is welcome.

  17. BELONGING AND INCLUSION All belong and will be loved in The UMC. All will be heard, respected and engaged. All will be free to develop their personal relationship with God and to serve fully in the ministry of Jesus Christ.

  18. BELONGING AND INCLUSION We live out this key theme through the set of core values below: With different backgrounds, opinions and gifts That affirms the wholeness of everyone. We are LGBTQ+, people of many abilities and people in many life situations. That is dismantling racism. Where, when communion is celebrated, everyone is invited to the table. That is diverse and where I am not expected to think like everyone else.

  19. INFLUENCE, CONNECTION AND IMPACT With more than 12 million members across the globe, we are a powerful connection, living and sharing the grace of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Committed to work for global health, education, creation care, child welfare, disaster recovery and countless other efforts.

  20. INFLUENCE, CONNECTION AND IMPACT Core values include the following: We want to be part of a Church that: Matters. Shapes the world and cares for all of God s creation. Has given billions of dollars to offer healing to a broken world. People look to for inspiration and wisdom. Can do so much more together, than alone, to change the world. Laments its failures and walks humbly with God in repairing a broken world.

  21. EXPERIENCE OF GOD THROUGH THE UMC We embrace a Church where we experience our triune God in personal and community relationships, transforming our own lives, the lives around us, and the entire world.

  22. EXPERIENCE OF GOD THROUGH THE UMC We live out this key theme through the set of core values. We want to be a part of a church: Where I found my relationship with God. That helped my children. That shaped my parents and grandparents. Where I first experienced God s love. Where I can use my gifts and be part of a community.

  23. GLOBAL METHODIST CHURCH Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly and witness boldly. (More information can be found at: www.globalmethodist.org)

  24. WORSHIP PASSIONATELY In our worship, we desire to surrender to and be fully devoted to one God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We are passionate about what is important to God.

  25. LOVE EXTRAVAGANTLY Jesus calls those who follow Him to love God wholeheartedly and love their neighbors as themselves. We will demonstrate to the world the extravagant love of God in the person of Jesus Christ.

  26. WITNESS BOLDLY We have been entrusted with a lifesaving and transforming message that we must share with others. Our witness will be bold, compelling and fearless. Our mission advances when individuals become disciples of Jesus Christ and join God s mission to make more disciples.

  27. GMC VISION Our Vision is to join God in a journey of bringing new life, reconciliation, and the presence of Christ to all people, and to helping each person reflect the character of Christ.

  28. GMC VISION Through our ministries, we desire to share the whole counsel of God with all peoples and to advance the presence and fulfillment of the Kingdom of God in every part of the world and at all levels of societies and cultures. The Global Methodist Church is committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the inspiration and authority of the Scriptures, and the work of the Holy Spirit in conveying God s truth and grace to all people.

  29. GMC VISION We will be a global church that recognizes and deploys the gifts and contributions of each part of the church, working as partners in the gospel with equal voice and leadership. Our witness to the world will be marked by mutual love, concern, sharing, and a focus on those who are most vulnerable. We will watch over one another in love and bear witness to the transforming power of the Good News as we humbly, but boldly, strive to serve others as ambassadors of Christ!
