Apache MINA: High-performance Network Applications Framework

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Apache MINA is a robust framework for building high-performance network applications. With features like non-blocking I/O, event-driven architecture, and enhanced scalability, MINA provides a reliable platform for developing multipurpose infrastructure and networked applications. Its strengths lie in its mature API, performance optimization, and low latency, making it a preferred choice for developers working on network-centric projects. Various organizations, including Apache, Tigris, and Openfire, utilize MINA for services like LDAP, SMTP, and Jabber/XMPP. The framework's engine facilitates asynchronous operations and supports efficient handling of network connections. By leveraging MINA, developers can enhance their application's performance, scalability, and reliability in network communications.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Apache MINA Apache MINA High-performance network applications

  2. Multipurpose Infrastructure Networked Application http://mina.apache.org 2

  3. Where? Where? frontend full stack - developer 3

  4. Design Design Smart Inversion of control pattern (good for Spring) Bad scalability ver. 2.0 since 2012 4

  5. Strengths Strengths Maturity ( 2006 -> v.1.0, v.1.1, , v.2.x -> 2016) API simplification Performance boost (almost like C/C++) Low latency v.2.0 decreased connection latency Queueing sessions Delegated to Executor (i.e. java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor) 5

  6. Who is using it? Who is using it? Apache (LDAPv3, NTP, DNS, DHCP, Kerberos) Tigris (SMTP) Openfire (Jabber/XMPP) 6

  7. Engine 1/3 Engine 1/3 NIO Non Blocking Async Event-Driven Agnostic Framework ByteBuffer (very powerfull, v2 Heap only, no Stack and no Pooling) Future (unlike java5) Blocking functions avail Callbacks on completion Single thread for new connections 7

  8. public public class class My MyHandler Handler extends extends IoHandlerAdapter{ acceptor.getFilterChain().addLast( "logger", new acceptor.getFilterChain().addLast( "codec", @Override @Override new LoggingFilter()); public public Server() throws // Create a TCP acceptor IoAcceptoracceptor= new // Associate the acceptor to an IoHandler instance (your application) acceptor.setHandler( ); // Bind : this will start the server... acceptor.bind(new new InetSocketAddress(PORT)); } public public void sessionIdle(IoSessionsession,IdleStatusstatus) throws } throws IOException{ new new ProtocolCodecFilter( new new TextLineCodecFactory( public public void exceptionCaught(IoSessionsession,Throwablecause) throws Engine 2/3 Engine 2/3 throws Exception{ } new NioSocketAcceptor(); Charset.forName( "UTF-8" )))); @Override @Override public public void messageReceived(IoSessionsession,Objectmessage) throws throws Exception{ } @Override @Override throws Exception { } Service Filter Handler Filter Processor Filter Connector public public Server() throws // Create a TCP connector NioSocketConnectorconnector= new throws Throwable{ App. Logic new NioSocketConnector(); Service Filter Filter Handler Processor connector.setHandler( // Bind : this will connect to server... IoSession session; try try { ConnectFuturefuture=connector.connect(new future.awaitUninterruptibly(); session=future.getSession(); } } Filter ); Acceptor connector.getFilterChain().addLast("codec", new new InetSocketAddress(HOSTNAME, PORT)); new ProtocolCodecFilter( new new SumUpProtocolCodecFactory(false false))); 8

  9. Engine 3/3 Engine 3/3 Write Service Filter Handler Filter Processor Filter Connector App. Logic Service Filter Filter Handler Processor Filter Acceptor Read Reusability Hot Deployment All events 9

  10. Pre Pre- -set features set features All famous network protocols as application (FTP, HTTP/s, Proxy, Firewall, Traffic Shaper, DNS, NTP, ) Many codecs on IoBuffer (aka ByteBuffer) Blacklists, Logging, SSL/TLS, Compression DI & Spring Framework 10

  11. Clone Desktop to TV via Clone Desktop to TV via Wifi Wifi Screen Recorder 30fps MINA MINA@Pi3 de- compressing media compressing media pics pics 11

  12. Converting chat from TCP to UDP Converting chat from TCP to UDP Chat Server Jabber/XMPP (TCP) TCP TCP Chat Proxy (MINA) NAT w UDP-2-TCP conversion High-bandwidth internet Low-bandwidth internet UDP UDP 12

  13. Q? Q? Branislav Bajlovski, VP/CTO @ Sourcico 13


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