Overview of BUC Visioning Plan 2024

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This slide deck provides an overview of BUC's Visioning Plan for 2024, focusing on the goals, proposed plan, core questions, pillars from BUC Vision 2015, accomplishments, key tools for visioning, and the motion accepted by the Council. It details the goal of establishing BUC's foci and priorities for the next 2-5 years, building on strengths, finding synergies, and utilizing resources effectively. The plan outlines sessions for BUC Council members and congregation, emphasizing comparisons, SWOT analysis, desired foci, and priorities to guide the visioning process.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 1

  2. Intro to BUC Visioning This slide deck provides an overview of BUC s Visioning Plan: 1) Goal for BUC Visioning Sessions 2) Proposed plan & timeline for BUC Council & Congregation participation in Visioning (via Zoom & Survey Monkey) 3) Three Core Questions to guide BUC s visioning: What do we need as a congregation? What do our local and broader communities need from us? What does God need from us? 4) 9 Pillars from BUC Vision 2015 & their fit with the 3 Core Questions 5) Accomplishments for each pillar since 2015 6) Key tools for visioning: 1) SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) & 2) Foci and Priorities Examples of potential visioning questions for each 8) Motion accepted by Council, Jan 26, 2021 BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 2

  3. Goal for BUC Visioning, 2021 1) Key Goal: To establish BUC s foci and priorities going forward in the next 2-5 years 2) Additionally, to help us see how we can build on our foundation & strengths to find collaborative synergies and opportunities to move forward with renewed purpose, energy and joy! 3) And, to help us consider how we can best use our own resources and, perhaps paid resources, to achieve our priorities BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 3

  4. Overview of Plan For BUC Council Members Four Sessions with BUC Council: Goals: 1) To be able to compare Council s vision for BUC with our congregation s vision, and, 2) To give Council Chairs practice with the visioning tools and to trial Advanced Zoom Break Out Rooms and Survey Monkey technologies. 1. Intro (Jan 26, 2021 Council Meeting) 2. Council SWOT Analysis (February Council Meeting) 3. Council Desired Foci & Priorities (March Council Mtg) 4. Comparison of Council results with Congregational Results & Council decisions on next steps (June Council Meeting) BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 4

  5. Visioning Plan Overview For BUC Congregation Eight Sessions Overall with BUC Congregation: 1. Brief Intro at ACM (March 21, 2021) 2. Six Sunday Afternoon Sessions (Starting March 28 to end-May, with breaks for Easter & Mother s Day -- 2 hours each, with breakout sessions) What Do We Need As A Congregation? What Do Our Local and Broader Communities Need From Us? What Does God Need from Us? SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats/ Risks) Desired Foci & Priorities #1 March 28 #2 April 11 #3- April 18 #6- May 16 #5- May 2 #4 April 25 3. clarification of priorities (May 30, 2021) 4. Congregational Meeting: Council-lead Roll-out of Vision, Immediate Priorities and Next Steps (TBD, Sept, 2021) Congregational Talk-Back about congregational results and BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 5

  6. Core Questions for BUCs Visioning (Paraphrased with thanks to Rev Sharon Moon, BUC Visioning Wrap-up Workshop, 2015) What do we need as a congregation? Called To Worship: What do our local & broader communities need from us? Sent To Serve: What does God need from us? BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 6

  7. BUC Core Questions & Pillars/Foci BUC s Pillars from 2015 Peace, healing & prayer Church that is joyful & uplifting Church that is relevant & inspirational Personal growth & education A growing congregation: Youth & Young Families What do we need as a congregation? Called To Worship: BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 7

  8. BUC Core Questions & Pillars/Foci BUC s Current Pillars & Foci Pillars: Shared Community Broader Reach Outreach Foci: Food Security Affordable Housing Help Alleviate Poverty What do our local & broader communities need from us? Sent To Serve: BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 8

  9. BUC Core Questions & Pillars/Foci BUC s Current Pillars & Foci What does God need from us? Pillars: Inclusive & Progressive Outreach Foci: Human Rights, Diversity & Reconciliation Called to Worship, Sent To Serve: BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 9

  10. BUC Pillars & Accomplishments Since Visioning in 2015 Peace, Healing & Prayer Home, hospital, palliative, telephone & Zoon pastoral visits by Rev Carla & PCT Prayer Circle weekly Healing Pathway in person & now by Zoom, weekly Meditation Group Prayer Shawls Winter Labyrinth Casserole Ministry Joyful & Uplifting Music Instrumental & Choir (Sr & Jr) JNAC with a common voice to call Rev Carla to BUC Carla is uplifting Sunday Fellowship Coffee hour & celebrations Sunwich Lunches, Potlucks, 40th Anniversary Game nights Men s Breakfast & Group Book Club & Lending Library What have we accomplished within the congregation? Congregational Growth: Youth & Young Families Storytime during service and on website New SS curriculum & SS Superintendent BUC Family Newsletter Parent s Night Off in Advent (2016 & 17) Camp Awesome (subsidized) Jr. Choir Family-integrated and special services: Blessing the Animals, Christmas Eve etc Relevant & Inspirational Called Rev Carla! Spiritual Writing Group Participative services Web-site re-vamp & recorded on-line services Carla s down-to-earth Personal Growth & Education Adult: Congregational Designated Minister position Bible Studies & Book Studies Adult Confirmation UCW learning events 2024-09-30 sermons BUC Visioning 10

  11. BUC Pillars & Accomplishments Since Visioning in 2015 Shared Community White Gift Sunday (3 Ottawa chaplaincies) BUC Board Chair & membership for BNPHI Steepleview Crossing BUC Board Chair & membership on Barrhaven Food Cupboard; BUC Leadership for Come Sing Noel BUC support for MHI: The Haven and Blake House Community garden established Use of church building & property in service of others (daycare and multiple community organizations) at attractive rental rates Contribute to a healthier future & green example solar energy Broader Reach Beyond Barrhaven s Boundaries UCC Mission & Service Support for Cdn Foodgrains Bank Support for Parkdale UC In From the Cold Partnership with SNMC & Sequoia Church to settle refugee families from Eritrea and Syria BUC s own project to re-unite a Syrian Christian family Services on BUC s website What have we accomplished in the local & broader community? BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 11

  12. BUC Pillars & Accomplishments Since Visioning in 2015 Inclusive & Progressive Actively working towards becoming an affirming church Anti-racism & Inclusion Working Group Truth & reconciliation-related outreach initiatives to help build awareness & to help journey towards right relations with our Indigenous neighbours Aboriginal and reconciliation services BUC Indigenous lending library Stewardship (not a pillar in 2015) Green example solar panels etc Whole life stewardship initiated along with Narrative Budget in 2015-2017, lapsed and then rejuvenated in 2019. What have we accomplished to help make God s World a better place ? BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 12

  13. BUC SWOT ANALYSIS From a Congregational Perspective From the Perspective of the Community From God s Perspective (eg Living/Sharing our Faith; Diversity, Inclusivity; Stewardship ) Strengths (What do we do incredibly well? What needs are already well met? What do we do that gives us joy?) Weaknesses/Challenges (What holds us back? Shortfalls? How is our health as a congregation? Resource Needs? etc) Opportunities (Partnerships that we could form or contribute to; Internal strengths & joys that we could broaden or use to attract or serve others; Collaboration within BUC; Technology etc). Threats & Risks - Internal & External (Limited growth, resources, keeping up in a fast moving world).

  14. BUCs Core Questions & Some of the Even Harder Questions That They Raise Viewing our accomplishments: Are we mostly serving ourselves? Are we purposeful, going in too many directions, over-subscribed in some areas? Are we working in silos? Does the congregation feel informed/involved? Has COVID taught us that we really miss some things but can let go of some others? What about time, talent and treasure short falls there??? Does what we want to do, match what we are able to give? Do we actively encourage giving (time, talent & treasure) should we? Are we relevant & inspirational ?* Do we have a vital & vibrant culture ?* Are we a place where people can tell their story?* Do we encourage personal story telling/testimonials? Do we have ways outside the church service to share our faith or tell our stories? Are we excited about our faith & God s calling?* Are we nurtured for the journey?* Are our adult Cristian Education efforts effective? Are there less formal ways or virtual ways to build this foundation?? Do we need lay or paid resources to help out in this area? Do we have the lay resources? Does BUC look like our community? Should we? What kind of demographics do we want to see in our congregation (young families, youth , diverse families??) If young families or people with diverse backgrounds aren t coming to us, how do we reach out to them and keep them coming? Are we relevant & inspirational virtually? Are we reaching people we wouldn t otherwise from our congregation shut ins, travelers, shift workers etc? Is it important to keep it up/ step it up ?? (*with thanks to Rev Michael Blair, General Secretary UCC, Broadview Jan/Feb 2021) What do we need as a congregation? Called To Worship: BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 14

  15. BUCs Core Questions & Some of the Even Harder Questions That They Raise Are we relevant & inspirational in our local community? Are we a visible, known presence? Do we see the outreach opportunities in all that we do? Are we silo-ed (outreach working away on its own)? Are we missing opportunities to use what we do best (or enjoy the most) to broaden our involvement or reach, to be more visible?? Are we well connected & partnered within our community? What about faith connections -- UCC congregations? Other faith communities? Appropriate, enough, not enough?? Are there more opportunities there? How separate should we be? Does our communication strategy reach out to the right people?? Is it effective? Does our website reach people in the community (Church Services? Renters? Volunteers?). BUC Visioning, What do our local & broader communities need from us? Sent To Serve: 2024-09-30 15

  16. BUCs Core Questions & Some of the Even Harder Questions That They Raise Is inclusive & progressive reflected in our activities, across our ministries, in our membership & very way of being? Are we silo-ed in a approach? Are we willing to listen to people s stories, hold them respectfully and learn from them? Are we a connection point, an example of a big, welcoming tent ? Does our congregation reflect the diversity in our community? How do we reach out to diverse folks & young families in our community? Are we inviting? Do we wholly embrace and welcome differences? Do we celebrate and make use of everyone s gifts and leadership? What about stewardship (time, talent & treasure)? What does God need from us there? Sent To Serve: What does God need from us? BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 16

  17. BUC Visioning Foci and Priorities From God s Perspective From the Perspective of the Community From a Over-arching Comments Congregational Perspective What is our purpose? Why do we exist? Where do we want to be in 5 years? What do we do the very best? What strong foundations have we already built? Can these become vehicles to build on? What is most important to us? What should our overall 1 or 2 foci be? (eg growth- youth, young families, or other demographics? Diversity & Inclusivity? Service over self? Stewardship time, talent & $$; Presence/ Visibility Other...) What are our most immediate priorities (2021 & 2022)? What are the relationships, resources & partners needed to achieve our priorities?

  18. BUCs Core Questions & Questions About Our Foci, Priorities, Partners and Resources Inclusive & Progressive are these the right pillars to express diversity, affirming, relationship-building (indigenous, cross-cultural), human rights, reconciliation? How do we reach out to diverse folks & young families in our community? Can we build on our strengths & broaden or re-look at our outreach foundation with a bigger lens? Is inclusive & progressive reflected across our activities, our membership, our partnerships, our very way of being, our BUC Mission? Do we need more focus and a staged plan to move forward purposefully? What is the immediate need/priority? What do we want to look like in 5 years? Do we need paid help to help us reach out in this way (eg part of CDM s role?) What about stewardship (time, talent & treasure)? What does God need from us there? Sent To Serve: What does God need from us? 2024-09-30 BUC Visioning 18

  19. BUCs Core Questions & Questions About Our Foci, Priorities, Partners and Resources Do we still have the right fit for our outreach foci & projects? Do we need to let go, reprioritize or begin to let go? If the right fit, do we have the right depth of involvement over-involvement, under-involvement? Are we well connected & partnered within our community? Are we actively meeting a need? Can our outreach foci (food security, affordable housing and help alleviate poverty) be looked at with a diversity lens?? Are we a visible presence? Is that important to us?? What about faith connections? Are merged or shared resources, on-line options, expertise an issue? Does our website make our outreach and service foci visible? Does it draw-in volunteers from BUC & from beyond our walls? What about donations? Do we need some paid resources to help us reach out to the community (eg part of CDM role?). What would that look like? BUC Visioning What do our local & broader communities need from us? Sent To Serve: 2024-09-30 19

  20. BUCs Core Questions & Questions About Our Foci, Priorities, and Resources Could we be more efficient with our use of resources (time, talent, $$). Are our volunteer resources spread out evenly (too many in some areas, too few in others)? Do we need to keep doing everything we ve been doing?? What are our top priorities? Do we encourage and make use of everyone s gifts and leadership? What about our richness of Lay Leaders? Are we over-burdening Rev Carla? In order to better serve God and the Community, do we need to amalgamate some ministries and working groups under a broader umbrella or a different lens? What would that look like? What could that accomplish? Would paid resources strengthen our efforts? What about growth? What are our priorities (young families, youth , diverse families, other?). How can we reach them using our strengths? Do we need to accept that being part of BUC does not necessarily mean coming on Sunday? Do we need paid resources to help us strengthen our efforts in this area? What would that look like? How do we balance our in-person verses on-line presence? Are we relevant & inspirational virtually? Are we reaching people in the congregation & community that we wouldn t otherwise. How does on-line affect stewardship time, talent and treasure? What do we need as a congregation? Called To Worship: BUC Visioning 2024-09-30 20

  21. Motion Passed by BUC Council Jan 26, 2021: It is moved that BUC Visioning, including a SWOT analysis and establishment of overall foci and immediate priorities, be lead by Melanie Macdonald and Mary Byford, using Zoom and Survey Monkey technologies and taking place over a series of Council and Congregational sessions during the Winter and Spring of 2021. The overall budget is established at $1,200.
