Personal Development: Creating a Personal Development Plan for Career Success

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Explore the essential components of personal development with Ms. Minnie in this insightful lesson. Discover the importance of a Personal Development Plan (PDP), conducting skills audits, and enhancing key skills needed in various working environments. Uncover the significance of lifelong learning and how it contributes to career advancement and personal growth.

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  3. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE PDP A PDP is a Personal Development Plan . This A PDP is a Personal Development Plan . This helps you to develop and strengthen some helps you to develop and strengthen some skills. skills. It is important to update your PDP so that you It is important to update your PDP so that you can keep track of your development. can keep track of your development. Performing a skills audit Performing a skills audit - -This allows you to determine which skills you have and which you determine which skills you have and which you have to develop. have to develop. This allows you to 3


  5. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE STRENGHTS, ABILITIES AND SKILLS There are some skills that are needed in every There are some skills that are needed in every working environment. working environment. They include: They include: Written communication skills. Written communication skills. Verbal communication skills. Verbal communication skills. Working independently and team skills. Working independently and team skills. Human relation skills. Human relation skills. 5

  6. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE STRENGHTS, ABILITIES AND SKILLS Leadership, management and self Leadership, management and self- - management management Planning and organising Planning and organising Technical skills Technical skills Money management and numeracy Money management and numeracy 6

  7. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE LIFELONG LEARNING Gaining knowledge is a lifelong skill. Lifelong Gaining knowledge is a lifelong skill. Lifelong learning is enriching and rewarding and benefits learning is enriching and rewarding and benefits you. you. Learning is not only the collection of facts but the Learning is not only the collection of facts but the application thereof. application thereof. A lifelong learner is eager to acquire skills that A lifelong learner is eager to acquire skills that will enhance his/her career. will enhance his/her career. 7

  8. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE VALUE OF LIFELONG LEARNING Employers look for candidates who are willing Employers look for candidates who are willing to learn. to learn. You will find employment easier You will find employment easier You will be an asset in the workplace because You will be an asset in the workplace because you will be innovative and ready to share you will be innovative and ready to share knowledge. knowledge. Doors will open for you and there will be Doors will open for you and there will be promotion opportunities. promotion opportunities. 8

  9. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE VALUE OF LIFELONG LEARNING It is your responsibility to become a lifelong It is your responsibility to become a lifelong learner. learner. Emphasis must be placed on your willingness Emphasis must be placed on your willingness to learn. to learn. Start by asking questions: Why? When? How? Start by asking questions: Why? When? How? Experience the fun of finding out Experience the fun of finding out The most successful people are those who are The most successful people are those who are always learning. always learning. 9

  10. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE GOALS FOR LIFELONG LEARNING A short tem goal A short tem goal- - is something that you need to is something that you need to achieve immediately. achieve immediately. A medium term goal A medium term goal- - is a goal achieved over a is a goal achieved over a longer time span (weeks or months). longer time span (weeks or months). A long term goal A long term goal- - look to the future (5 look to the future (5- -10 years). years). 10 10

  11. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE HOW TO REACH YOUR GOAL Decide on your goal. Decide on your goal. Compile your action plan. Compile your action plan. Specify a time period. Specify a time period. Evaluate and revise your plan to see if you are Evaluate and revise your plan to see if you are still on track. still on track. Apply the SMART criteria. Apply the SMART criteria. 11

  12. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE SMART CRITERIA S = Specific (it must be clear what your goals are) S = Specific (it must be clear what your goals are) M= Measurable (must be able to measure your M= Measurable (must be able to measure your progress, to look back and evaluate success of progress, to look back and evaluate success of achieving your goals) achieving your goals) A = Achievable/attainable (must be able to do and A = Achievable/attainable (must be able to do and reach your goal) reach your goal) R = Realistic (must be likely to achieve or R = Realistic (must be likely to achieve or implement) implement) T= Time bound (with a time schedule set a T= Time bound (with a time schedule set a timeframe to track progress and achievement) timeframe to track progress and achievement) 12

  13. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE PLANNING MY EMPLOYABILITY Skills needed to land a job. Skills needed to land a job. Creative, critical and problem solving skills. Creative, critical and problem solving skills. Creative thinking means that you can come up Creative thinking means that you can come up with new and different ideas. with new and different ideas. Critical thinking is the ability to gather and assess Critical thinking is the ability to gather and assess evidence and information, and use clear reasoning evidence and information, and use clear reasoning methods to reach conclusions. methods to reach conclusions. Problem solving involves using logic, as well as Problem solving involves using logic, as well as imagination to make sense of your situation and imagination to make sense of your situation and arrive at an intelligent solution. arrive at an intelligent solution. 13

  14. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE THE PROBLEM SOLVING LOOP 1. Identify 1. Identify the the problem problem 2. Explore 2. Explore information information and create and create ideas ideas 5. Evaluate 5. Evaluate the results the results 4. Build 4. Build and test and test the idea the idea 3. Select 3. Select the best the best idea idea 14

  15. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE HUMAN RELATIONS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION It is necessary to build good relations with others It is necessary to build good relations with others at work. With the increase of diversity in the at work. With the increase of diversity in the workplace human relations skills help employees workplace human relations skills help employees build solid, stable, healthy relationships with build solid, stable, healthy relationships with colleagues from different cultures and age colleagues from different cultures and age groups, which provides a pleasant and less groups, which provides a pleasant and less stressful workplace. stressful workplace. 15

  16. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE GOOD AND HEALTHY HUMAN RELATIONS Interact well with others and build Interact well with others and build relationships. relationships. Able to work under supervisors and managers Able to work under supervisors and managers who are difficult to deal with. who are difficult to deal with. Able to work quickly and efficiently when Able to work quickly and efficiently when deadlines are expected to be met. deadlines are expected to be met. Can work with and deal with people of different Can work with and deal with people of different races and ethnic groups, religions or from races and ethnic groups, religions or from different countries. different countries. 16

  17. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE GOOD AND HEALTHY HUMAN RELATIONS Get along with, support and effectively motivate Get along with, support and effectively motivate colleagues and team members. colleagues and team members. Are able to handle workplace disagreements as Are able to handle workplace disagreements as and when they arise. and when they arise. Convey feelings while controlling emotions. Convey feelings while controlling emotions. Maintain confidentiality. Maintain confidentiality. 17

  18. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION eep I It t S Simple and imple and S Short verbal communication entail communicating by means of facial entail communicating by means of facial expressions, body movement and gestures, eye expressions, body movement and gestures, eye contact, posture, tone of voice and even contact, posture, tone of voice and even muscle tension and breathing. muscle tension and breathing. KISS KISS= = K Keep hort Body language and non Body language and non- -verbal communication 18

  19. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION KISS KISS= = K Keep eep I It t S Simple and imple and S Short hort The way you look, listen, move and react with The way you look, listen, move and react with another person tells them more about how you another person tells them more about how you are feeling than words alone ever can. are feeling than words alone ever can. 19

  20. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE FLEXIBILITY, ADAPTABILITY AND TRANSFERRING SKILLS. Flexibility Flexibility means you are not rigid, and willing means you are not rigid, and willing to give in or change. to give in or change. Adaptability Adaptability means the ability to change to fit means the ability to change to fit circumstances. In our ever changing world and circumstances. In our ever changing world and with technology this means keeping up with with technology this means keeping up with new technologies that are available to us. new technologies that are available to us. Transferring skills Transferring skills it implies that you are able it implies that you are able to apply skills that you have learnt in one to apply skills that you have learnt in one context in another context (situation). context in another context (situation). 20

  21. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE COMPUTER LITERACY AND OTHER TECHNICAL SKILLS Nearly every job will require you to have computer Nearly every job will require you to have computer literacy skills. An understanding of computer literacy skills. An understanding of computer hardware and software is essential. hardware and software is essential. Email Email Word Word Excel (spreadsheet) Excel (spreadsheet) Database (access) Database (access) 21

  22. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE SKILLS Money management skills Money management skills this is about being self disciplined and being financially self disciplined and being financially responsible. responsible. A budget is a simple plan to manage money. A budget is a simple plan to manage money. Information research and management Information research and management research is the investigation, collection, research is the investigation, collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of fact analysis, interpretation and presentation of fact and information. and information. this is about being 22

  23. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE SKILLS Information management Information management the ability of organisations to capture, manage, preserve, organisations to capture, manage, preserve, store and deliver the right information for and store and deliver the right information for and to the right people to use at the right time is to the right people to use at the right time is important. important. Language proficiency Language proficiency refers to a persons ability to use language effectively and ability to use language effectively and confidently for a variety of purposes. (Speaking, confidently for a variety of purposes. (Speaking, listening, reading and writing) listening, reading and writing) the ability of refers to a persons 23

  24. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE A LEADER SHOULD HAVE THE FOLLOWING QUALITIES. Acknowledge peoples ideas and achievements. Acknowledge peoples ideas and achievements. Give credit and praise where it is due. Give credit and praise where it is due. Trust and support members of a team. Trust and support members of a team. Give responsibility to members and get the Give responsibility to members and get the members to commit to one another and the members to commit to one another and the team. team. Control emotions and deal with crisis situations Control emotions and deal with crisis situations calmly. calmly. 24

  25. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE A LEADER SHOULD HAVE THE FOLLOWING QUALITIES. Resolve and deal with conflict effectively. Resolve and deal with conflict effectively. Communicate effectively. Communicate effectively. Delegate effectively by matching people with Delegate effectively by matching people with tasks. tasks. Facilitate problem solving and make good Facilitate problem solving and make good decisions. decisions. Plan and keep track. Plan and keep track. Involve every individual in goal setting and Involve every individual in goal setting and problem solving. problem solving. 25

  26. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE A LEADER SHOULD HAVE THE FOLLOWING QUALITIES. Maintain good relationships within the group. Maintain good relationships within the group. Keep team members informed and make Keep team members informed and make teamwork enjoyable. teamwork enjoyable. Ensure participation in the team. Ensure participation in the team. Successful budgeting. Successful budgeting. Set standards and maintain them. Set standards and maintain them. 26

  27. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE TEAMWORK Leadership skills are not the only skill Leadership skills are not the only skill employers look for. employers look for. Teamwork is an essential part of workplace Teamwork is an essential part of workplace success. success. Regardless of your job you need to work well Regardless of your job you need to work well with others with others. 27

  28. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE SELF MANAGEMENT SKILL Know yourself. Know yourself. Be open to change. Be open to change. Get into the habit of finishing what you start. Get into the habit of finishing what you start. Ask Ask Am I moving towards my goals? Am I moving towards my goals? Do things with a sense of urgency. Do things with a sense of urgency. 28

  29. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE SELF MANAGEMENT SKILL Finish a task you are working on before you go Finish a task you are working on before you go home. home. Concentrate on your work and do only one Concentrate on your work and do only one thing at a time. thing at a time. Practice being punctual Practice being punctual Plan your day and your future Plan your day and your future Avoid worry Avoid worry the majority of things that you the majority of things that you worry about never happen. worry about never happen. 29

  30. LESSON PREPARED BY MS MINNIE SELF MANAGEMENT SKILLS INCLUDES Positive attitude. Positive attitude. Energetic behaviour. Energetic behaviour. Working without supervision. Working without supervision. 30
