Progress Report on Conditional Grants (RBIG & WSIG)

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The presentation provides an overview of the progress on Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant (RBIG) and Water Service Infrastructure Grant (WSIG). It covers the purpose, budget allocations, grant mechanisms, implementation readiness, challenges, and capacity building initiatives related to these grants. The RBIG aims to enhance regional water infrastructure, while the WSIG focuses on water supply and sanitation projects to accelerate service provision to communities, especially in rural areas. The collaboration with municipalities, planning processes, and monitoring mechanisms are highlighted, along with the importance of addressing water conservation and demand management.

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  1. PRESENTATION TITLE Conditional Grants Progress (RBIG & WSIG) Presented by: Name Surname Directorate Presentation to the Portfolio Committee Date on Date: 30 August 2019

  2. Introduction Grant Purpose Overview o RBIG Policy o Definition of Regional Bulk o Project Criteria o Implementation Readiness o RBIG (Direct and Indirect transfers) o WSIG(Direct and Indirect transfers) o Alignment of RBIG, WSIG and MIG o Collaborations with COGTA & Municipalities o Planning Process o Monitoring of Grants-RBIG/WSIG o Programme linkage o RBIG Scope 5. Budget Allocation 6. Progress (RBIG & WSIG) 7. Refocusing RBIG Approach 8. Capacity Building 9. Challenges 1. 2. 3.

  3. Introduction Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant (RBIG) Grant mechanism established in 2007 to supplement the financing for the development of regional bulk water infrastructure and regional bulk sanitation collection as well as regional water and waste water treatment works (social component only) Budget Allocations 2019 MTEF (R18 .7 billion).Estimated R70 billion investment required The allocations above includes R2.4 billion for transfer to Water Boards Water Service Infrastructure Grant (WSIG) - WSIG came after the merging of MWIG, WSOS, RHIP. - Provide interim , intermediate water and sanitation supply. - Support the existing BEP intervention in formal residential areas - Support municipalities in WC/WD management. - Support drought relief projects in affected municipalities - Budget allocations 2019 MTEF (13.7 billion) 3

  4. Purpose of the Grants Regional Infrastructure Grant (RBIG) Assist Water Services Authorities (WSAs) to (i) develop new, refurbish, upgrade and replace ageing water and sanitation infrastructure of regional significance that connects water resources to infrastructure serving extensive areas across municipal boundaries or large regional bulk infrastructure serving numerous communities over a large area within a municipality and (ii) implement bulk infrastructure with a potential of addressing Water Conservation and Water Demand Management (WC/WDM) projects or facilitate and contribute to the implementation of local WC/WDM projects that will directly impact on bulk infrastructure requirements. Water Services Infrastructure Grant (WSIG) Assist Water Services Authorities (WSAs) to (i) facilitate the planning and implementation of various water and on site sanitation projects to accelerate backlog reduction and enhance the sustainability of services especially in rural municipalities, (ii) provide interim, intermediate water and sanitation supply that ensures provision of services to identified and prioritised communities, including through spring protection and groundwater development, (iii) support municipalities in implementing water conservation and water demand management projects, (iv) support the closeout of existing bucket eradication programme intervention in formal residential areas and (v) support drought relief projects in affected municipalities 4

  5. o Our new approach to infrastructure development is based on stronger partnerships between the public and private sectors, and with local communities. It includes a special package of financial and institutional measures to boost construction and prioritise water infrastructure, roads and student accommodation through a more efficient use of budgeted money. o Government will continue to provide employment through the Expanded Public Works Programme, especially in labour intensive areas like maintenance, clearing vegetation, plugging water leaks and constructing roads. 5

  6. How does RBIG respond to SONA o Ensure that WC/WDM is effectively addressed before approving RBIG projects (RBIG and WSIG) o Ensure adequate O & M, and asset management measures are part of the new RBIG projects o Promote where possible WC/WDM related RBIG projects i.e. Wastewater recycling (re-use) 6

  7. RBIG Policy o Aim: This fund aims to support Government s development targets (e.g. eradication of basic water supply and basic sanitation backlogs) as well as socio economic priorities, enablement of growth and development initiatives as well as addressing specific water risks (e.g. water availability, water quality and environmental challenges). o Responsibility: DWS is responsible and accountable for the management of this specific-purpose Water Services Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant. o Accountability: The transfer from National Treasury to DWS will take place as per DoRA, PFMA and bi-lateral arrangements. o Assessment / Allocation: The fund is project focused and each case is assessed and selected on merit. It is not formula based and not generically allocated. o Co-funding; While this fund must enable economic development, the proportional capital cost for higher levels of domestic, commercial and industrial uses must be obtained from suitable co-funding or financing mechanisms 7

  8. Policy Definition of Regional bulk o The infrastructure required connecting the water resource, on a macro or subbing regional scale (over vast distances), with internal bulk and reticulation systems or any bulk supply infrastructure that may have a significant impact on water resources in terms of quantity and quality. Macro is defined as infrastructure serving extensive areas across multi-municipal boundaries Sub-regional is defined as large regional bulk infrastructure serving numerous communities over a large area normally within a specific district or local municipal area Over vastdistances is considered as any distances greater than 5 km Bulk infrastructure that has a significant impact on water resources includes: o Any bulk scheme that is designed for maximum demand of 5 Ml/day or more o Any waste water treatment plant that discharges into a fresh water resource system o Any water treatment plant that is designed for a maximum demand of more than 2 Ml/day 8

  9. Project Criteria Funding is only allocated for implementation once the Projects is implementation ready . Projects must be aligned with regional and national water resource development strategies, including compliance to WC/WDM. Projects must provide for realistic longer-term development scenarios and totalneeds Projects must have stakeholder involvement and commitment. Projects must be environmentally acceptable (approved EIA and environmental Management plan). 9

  10. REGIONAL BULK INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT-DIRECT GRANT (SCHEDULE 5B) Direct grant is an allocation gazetted in schedule 5b, In this schedule disbursement of funds to municipalities are done or transferred in advance (pre-work payment) to municipalities. Municipalities based on the transfer made execute the work aligned with the conditions of the funds transferred and report to the Department as the transferring institution on the performance of the funds (expenditure incurred including physical progress made) within regulated period and intervals. Municipalities classified on direct payment are deemed to be institution with requisite capacity to implement water services infrastructure projects of bulk nature as well as ability to conform fully with the regulated provisions and condition as per the framework of the grant and also the Division of Revenue Act 10

  11. REGIONAL BULK INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT-DIRECT GRANT (SCHEDULE 6B) Indirect grant is an allocation gazetted in schedule 6b, In this schedule the Department implement the projects or appoint the implementing agent either in the form of water board or other municipality on behalf of the concerned municipalities for the benefit of the concerned municipality. Where the latter takes effect, the concerned Implementing agent execute the work and after based on the work done invoice the Department for the reimbursement or payment of this work, The payment is done post verification by the Department on work claimed. The implement agent also report to the Department on regulated period or intervals as contained in the Service Level Agreement signed between the two institutions. 11

  12. WATER SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT-DIRECT GRANT (SCHEDULE 5B) Direct grant is an allocation gazetted in schedule 5b, In this schedule disbursement of funds to municipalities are done or transferred in advance (pre-work payment) to municipalities. Municipalities based on the transfer made execute the work aligned with the conditions of the funds transferred and report to the Department as the transferring institution on the performance of the funds (expenditure incurred including physical progress made) within regulated period and intervals. Municipalities classified on direct payment are deemed to be institution with requisite capacity to implement water services infrastructure projects of with focus on secondary bulk (Reticulation), source development including amongst others boreholes, spring protection as well as ability to conform fully with the regulated provisions and condition as per the framework of the grant and also the Division of Revenue Act

  13. WATER SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT- INDIRECT GRANT (SCHEDULE 6B) Indirect grant is an allocation gazetted in schedule 6b, In this schedule the Department implement the projects or appoint the implementing agent either in the form of water board or other municipality on behalf of the concerned municipalities for the benefit of the concerned municipality. Where the latter takes effect, the concerned Implementing agent execute the work and after based on the work done invoice the Department for the reimbursement or payment of this work, The payment is done post verification by the Department on work claimed. The implement agent also report to the Department on regulated period or intervals as contained in the Service Level Agreement signed between the two institutions. Though the municipality does not implement project on their own in this schedule, they still play a role of project identification and prioritisation and the difference is merely implementation method or model. The Department is required to develop a capacity plan to capacitate all municipalities in this schedule so that in foreseeable future they can be moved to direct grant and perform on their own their functions as outlines in both section 156 of the Constitution of Republic of South Africa, Act number 108 of 1996 as well as section 84 of the Municipal Structures Act , Act number 117 of 1998.

  14. ALIGNMENT OF REGIONAL BULK INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT (RBIG), WATER SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT (WSIG) AND MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT (MIG) REGIONAL BULK INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT (RBIG)-focuses on the development of the water services infrastructure of bulk in nature such as Bulk line, Waste Water Treatment Works, Water Treatment Works, Reservoirs and this include new bulk infrastructure, refurbishment of existing bulk infrastructure. WATER SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT (WSIG)-focuses on the provision of secondary bulk either as a new or augmentation, source development such as boreholes, spring protection, refurbishment, water conservation and water demand management as well as on site sanitation. So RBIG comes with bulk water and WSIG connect from bulk to Communal reservoirs and stand pipes MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT (MIG)-Focuses on the reticulation, source development, water conservation and water demand management, refurbishment, augmentation as well as sanitation. The Department recommended technical reports for MIG projects to ensure that projects implemented are alignment with both RBIG and WSIG including avoiding duplication with WSIG. So RBIG comes with bulk and MIG like WSIG connect from bulk to communal reservoirs and stand pipes

  15. Collaborations with COGTA & Municipalities The department in collaboration with municipalities does needs assessment Identifies needs consolidated into projects and included into IPP s and WSDP Selects/ identifies projects submitted to DWS for considerations Recommends projects communicated to municipalities Projects included in DoRA Approval of MIG technical reports are done by DWS confirmed and list

  16. : Planning processes: Divided into 6 components Strategic planning: Identifies and sets the scope and mandate and priorities Water Services Planning and information (needs and project identification) to be lead by planning unit Technical Infrastructure planning: Development of feasibility / technical studies IA / assisted by planning unit Project planning: Development of Business Plans to be lead by Regional Office and assisted by the COGTA Programme Planning: Budget allocation and approval PMU Project execution planning : Monitoring and evaluation (M &E) RO/HO/Planning unit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

  17. Planning processes Strategic planning: direction by Government strategies and National Planning (i.e. SIP) WATER SERVICES PLANNING AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Programme Planning: Budget allocation prioritisation / PROVINCIAL BUDGET APPROVAL Baseline and backlog eradication plan Project planning: BUSINESS PLANS Need assessment Master plan / WSDP Technical Infrastructure Planning: Feasibility study / TECHNICAL REPORT Project execution Planning: IMPLEMENTATION M & E REPORTS

  18. Different components of Planning integration Planning integration 7 DWS -National Water Resources 8 RWU / DWS Bulk Water supply 9 WSA Reticulation / Services 10 Others Water supply value chain (7-10) 1 Strategic 2 WS needs 3 Feasibility 4 Project BP 5 Programme 6 Project implementation Programme / Project cycle ( 1-6)

  19. Monitoring of Grants-RBIG/WSIG The DWS has developed monthly reporting template Municipalities submit monthly and quarterly performance evaluation reports in line with section 71 of MFMA and section 10(7)(b) of DoRA Municipalities submit annual performance reports in line with section 10(8) Conducting regular site meetings (schedule and unscheduled) Conduct induction workshops on grants management Regular meetings with MISA, COGTA, Treasury and Premiers

  20. Linkage with other programmes

  21. Types of infrastructure (regional vs bulk) Significance Type NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES REGIONAL REGIONAL BULK LOCAL RETICULATION 21

  22. RBIG Scope National Water Resource Planning RBIG scope includes: 1. Small Water Resource schemes 2. Raw water abstraction 3. Regional schemes 4. Large internal bulk 5. Large WTW & WWTW Water Resources Raw Water abstraction consolidated Regional planning (RBIG) Regional bulk RBIG scope excludes: 1. Metros 2. Dams of National significance 3. Reticulation 4. Operation and maintenance 5. Other sectors besides Water Services Internal Bulk WSA Infrastructure master plans Reticulation

  23. Overview of 2018/19 Expend performance 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 Budget Transfer Exp by WSA 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 RBIG 5b WSIG 5b including drought Drought only Budget 1,963,000 4,777,267 1,302,211 Transfer 1,963,000 4,777,267 1,302,211 Exp by WSA 1,539,514 2,334,593 401,444

  24. RBIG 5b Breakdown expenditure 2018/19 FY Region Revised Budget allocation 2018/19 Total Actual Transfer 31 March 2019 % Transferred Actual Expenditure by Municipality 30 June 2019 % Spend Against Transferred Unspent funds by municipalities Eastern Cape 477 707 477 707 100 362 951 76 114 756 Free State 108 500 108 500 100 58 137 54 50 363 Gauteng 0 0 0 0 0 0 KwaZulu Natal 481 944 481 944 100 356 034 74 125 910 Limpopo 370 505 370 505 100 377 368 100 -6 863 Mpumalanga 213 440 213 440 100 213 822 100 -382 Northern Cape 137 477 137 477 100 50 499 37 86 978 North West 163 927 163 927 100 116 793 71 47 134 Western Cape 9 500 9 500 100 3 909 41 5 591 Total 1 963 000 1 963 000 100 1 539 514 78 423 486

  25. WSIG 5b Breakdown expenditure 2018/19 FY Region Revised Budget allocation 2018/19 Total Actual Transfer 31 March 2019 % Transferred Actual Expenditure by Municipality 30 June 2019 % Spend Against Transferred Unspent funds by municipalities Eastern Cape 1 135 214 1 135 214 100 378 904 33% 756 310 Free State 301 375 301 375 100 189 687 63% 111 688 Gauteng 185 000 185 000 100 98 967 54% 86 033 KwaZulu Natal 966 668 966 668 100 467 748 48% 498 920 Limpopo 643 475 643 475 100 428 889 67% 214 586 Mpumalanga 482 701 482 701 100 390 950 81% 91 751 Northern Cape 320 109 320 109 100 153 482 48% 166 627 North West 646 806 646 806 100 207 416 32% 439 390 Western Cape 95 919 95 919 100 18 550 19% 77 369 Total 4 777 267 4 777 267 100 2 334 593 49% 2 442 674

  26. Drought Expenditure 2018/19 FY Region Budget allocation Actual Transfers 31 March 2019 % transfer red Actual Expenditure by Municipaliti es R 000 % spent by municipa lities Unspent Budget by Municipalit ies % % R 000 R 000 R 000 Eastern Cape 647 214 647 214 100 231 940 36 415 274 KwaZulu Natal 122 366 122 366 100 15 196 12 107 170 Limpopo 97 475 97 475 100 12 517 13 84 958 Mpumalanga 56 800 56 800 100 35 936 63 20 864 Northern Cape 9 788 9 788 100 7 600 78 2 188 North West 309 649 309 649 100 94 654 31 214 995 Western Cape 58 919 58 919 100 3 601 6 55 318 Total 1 302 211 1 302 211 100 401 444 31 900 767

  27. Budget allocation (2019 MTEF) Budget 2019/20 Budget 2020/21 Budget 2021/22 Total Budget 2019 MTEF Programme R 000 R 000 R 000 R 000 RBIG Schedule 5b 2 066 360 2 180 005 2 343 505 4 523 510 Schedule 6b 3 037 523 3 206 832 3 447 295 6 654 127 Transfer to Water Boards 782 891 825 830 867 122 1 692 952 Sub-Total 5 886 774 6 212 667 6 657 922 12 870 589 WSIG Schedule 5b 3 669 319 3 870 972 4 161 295 8 032 267 Schedule 6b 644 085 678 806 729 692 1 408 498 Sub-Total 4 313 404 4 549 778 4 890 987 9 440 765 Grant Total 10 200 178 10 762 445 11 548 909 35 181 943 28

  28. Summary of Budget Allocations Grants 2019/20 RBIG (Water Boards) 8% WSIG (Direct Transfer) WSIG (Direct Transfer) 36% WSIG (Indirect Transfer) RBIG (Indirect Transfer) 30% RBIG (Direct Transfer) RBIG (Indirect Transfer) RBIG (Water Boards) RBIG (Direct Transfer) 20% WSIG (Indirect Transfer) 6% 29

  29. Total Percentage Grant Allocation Per Province Western Cape 2% North West 8% Eastern Cape 14% Northern Cape 9% Eastern Cape Free State Free State 14% KwaZulu Natal Gauteng Mpumalanga 12% Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West KwaZulu Natal 15% Western Cape Limpopo 20% Gauteng 6% 30

  30. SUMMARY OF WATER BOARD INFRASTRUCTURE GRANTS RBIG - 2019/20 Budget Allocation(Appropriation Allocation) Schedule 5B 65 373 Water Boards % Allocation Magalies Water Board 8% Umgeni Water Board 320 000 41% Amatola Water Board 185 000 24% Sedibeng Water Board 212 518 27% Total 782 891 100% Sedibeng Water Board 27% Magalies Water Board 8% Magalies Water Board Umgeni Water Board Amatola Water Board Umgeni Water Board 41% Sedibeng Water Board Amatola Water Board 24% 31

  31. RBIG Progress Beneficiaries: People/Household Number of Projects and phases completed 3 Projects & phases completed 2007/08 24 250 2 Projects & phases completed 2008/09 2 568 6 Projects & phases completed 2009/10 2 574 9 Projects & phases completed 2010/11 286 228 5 Projects & phases completed 2011/12 263 228 5 Projects & phases completed 2012/13 30 059 9 Projects & phases completed 2013/14 177 098 9 Projects & phases completed 2014/15 448 749 13 Projects & phases completed 2015/16 563 974 5 Projects & phases Completed 2016/17 12 048 10 Projects & phases Completed 2017/18 326 972 15 Projects & phases completed 2018/19 91 Total Projects and phases Completed 1 023 773 3 161 521 32

  32. WSIG Progress 2016/17 audited financial outcome Direct Water Services Infrastructure Grant: o of the R2. 844 billion allocated, R2.367 billion (83 per cent) was spent Indirect Water Services Infrastructure Grant o of the R311 million allocated, R297 million (95 per cent) was spent 2016/17 service delivery performance Water Services Infrastructure Grant: o 28 200 households served o 509 jobs created 2017/18 audited financial outcome Water Services Infrastructure Grant (Schedule 5, Part B): of the R3.3 billion allocated, R3.3 billion (99 per cent) was transferred Water Services Infrastructure Grant (Schedule 6, Part B): of the R852 million allocated, R829 million (97 per cent) was spent 2017/18 service delivery performance Water Services Infrastructure Grant: 13 439 households served 1 604 jobs created o o o o 2018/19 audited financial outcome Water Services Infrastructure Grant (Schedule 5, Part B): of the R4.8 billion allocated, R 4.8 billion (100 per cent) was transferred Water Services Infrastructure Grant (Schedule 6, Part B): of the R608 million allocated, R579 million (95 per cent) was spent o o 2018/19 service delivery performance Water Services Infrastructure Grant: 28 031 households served 649 jobs created o o 33

  33. RBIG 5b Actual Transfers 26 Aug 2019 % Transferred Against payment Schedule Payment Schedule Aug 2019 Current Budget Actual Transfers Outstandin g Transfers Regions R 000 351 727 143 121 340 293 630 998 370 000 89 057 121 693 19 471 2 066 360 R 000 175 599 R 000 175 599 52 900 93 774 R 000 0 8 000 0 0 0 0 43 693 0 51 693 Eastern Cape Free State KwaZulu Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape Total 100 87 100 100 100 100 0 0 91 60 900 93 774 149 393 149 393 63 000 10 752 43 693 0 597 111 545 418 63 000 10 752 0 0 Narratives: Outstanding transfers due to withholding of funds for Ngwathe LM in Free state and Dr Ruth Segometsi DM in North West.

  34. Eastern Cape RBIG 5b Progress 2019/20 Nr. Project Name Benefiting Municipality progress % Physical Current allocation Actual Transfer s to date Actual Transfer % Proposed Revised Budget Year Planned to Completed No of Househ olds to benefit % ,000 ,000 ,000 ORTDM KSD PI Water OR Tambo DM 1 88 246 398 128 099 52 246 398 Jul-20 200000 Cluster 4 Bulk Water Supply 3 89 40 000 18 000 45 28 000 May-20 110165 Cluster 6 Bulk Water Supply 4 92 35 329 16 000 45 14 829 Mar-21 4193 Middleburg Ground Water Supply Chris Hani DM 5 0 30 000 13 500 45 13 000 Jun-20 Cluster 9 Bulk Water Supply 6 90 0 0 0 43 200 Jun-22 13013 Xonxa Bulk Water Supply 7 99 0 0 0 6 300 Aug-19 156 892 Total 351 727 175 599 50 351 727

  35. Free State RBIG 5b Progress 2019/20 Nr. Project Name Benefiting Municipality Physical progress % Current allocation Actual Transfers to date Actual Transfe r% Proposed Revised Budget Year Planned to Completed No of Househ olds to benefit % ,000 ,000 ,000 Rouxville /Smithfield /Zastron Bulk Water Supply (Mohokare BWS) Setsoto Bulk water supply (Senekal) Phase 1,2&3 Mantsopa- Tweespruit, Excelsior, Hobhouse Bulk Water Supply Ngwathe Bulk Water Supply Phase 3(Edenville) Mohokare LM 1 74 30 000 15 000 50 50 0002019/20 8464 2 Setsoto LM 21 70 121 32 900 47 70 1212020/21 11370 Mantsopa LM 3 96 5 000 5 000 100 5 0002019/20 15170 Ngwathe LM 4 10 38 000 0 0 38 0002020/21 8456 Total 143 121 52 900 37 163 121

  36. KwaZulu RBIG 5b Progress 2019/20 Nr. Project Name Benefiting Municipal ity Physical progress % Current allocation Actual Transfers to date Actual Transfe r% Proposed Revised Budget Year Planned to Completed No of Househ olds to benefit % ,000 ,000 ,000 uThukela DM Driefontein Indaka Bulk Water Supply 1 56% 10 000 0 0 10 0002025/26 34 000 Greytown Regional Bulk Water Scheme Phase 2 Nongoma Bulk Water Supply Umzinyathi DM 2 90% 20 000 5 000 25 20 0002019/20 4 637 3 54% 73 774 12 774 17 43 7742021/22 26 000 Zululand DM Mandlakazi Bulk Water Supply Phase 5 Middledrift Bulk Water Supply Greater Mthonjaneni Bulk Water Supply Phase 2 Ngcebo Regional Bulk Water III (Lower Tugela) Greater Bulwer Donnybrook Water Scheme Phase 2 4 44% 90 000 25 000 28 90 0002027/28 14 260 5 50% 61 519 36 000 59 02026/27 29 596 King Cetshwayo DM 6 53% 30 000 5 000 17 118 9302026/27 16 602 7 Ilembe DM 82% 35 000 0 0 02023/24 97 650 Harry Gwala DM 8 50% 20 000 10 000 50 29 0252026/27 23 729 Total 340 293 93 774 28 311 729

  37. Limpopo RBIG 5b Progress 2019/20 Nr. Project Name Benefiting Municipality Physical progress % Current allocation Actual Transfers to date Actual Transfe r% Proposed Revised Budget Year Planned to Completed No of Househ olds to benefit % ,000 ,000 ,000 Polokwane WWTW 1 530 998 149 393 28 600 998 Jun-22 186000 Polokwane LM Polokwane BWS 2 100% 100 000 0 0 0 Jul-19 7072 Total 630 998 149 393 28 600 998

  38. Mpumalanga RBIG 5b Progress 2019/20 Nr. Project Name Benefiting Municipality progress % Physical Current allocation Actual Transfers to date Actual Transfe r% Proposed Revised Budget Year Planned to Completed No of Househ olds to benefit % ,000 ,000 ,000 1 Balfour WWTW's Balfour/Siyathemba RBWS Empuluzi/Methula Regional Bulk Infrastructure Scheme Lushushwane Regional Bulk Infrastructure Scheme Eerstehoek Regional Bulk Infrastructure Scheme Amsterdam/Sheep moor Regional Bulk Infrastructure Scheme Msukaligwa Regional Bulk Water Supply Scheme BLM Water Services: Malvajan WWTW 60 48 000 28 000 58 60 000 Apr-21 12637 Dipaleseng LM 2 20 70 000 20 000 29 70 000 Jun-21 29370 3 20 65 000 5 000 8 65 000 Mar-21 13548 Chief Albert Luthuli LM 4 80 57 000 5 000 9 15 000 Oct-19 3257 Not yet Determine d 5 0 25 000 0 0 25 000 Apr-21 6 Mkhondo LM 25 40 000 5 000 13 40 000 Dec-21 2940 Not yet Determine d Not yet Determine d 7 Msukaligwa LM 0 25 000 0 0 5 000 Nov-22 Bushbuckridge LM 8 10 40 000 0 0 40 000 Jun-20 Total 370 000 63 000 17 320 000

  39. Northern Cape RBIG 5b Progress 2019/20 Nr. Project Name Benefiting Municipality progress % Physical Current allocation Actual Transfers to date Actual Transfe r% Proposed Revised Budget Year Planned to Completed No of Househ olds to benefit % ,000 ,000 ,000 Brandvlei BWS Hantam LM 21 503 52 203 2021/22 1 20 10 752 50 752 Karoo Hoogland LM Williston BWS 20 000 0 2020/21 2 86 0 0 727 Britstown WWTW Emthanjeni LM 3 910 4 910 2020/21 3 2 0 0 706 Vanwyksvlei BWS phase 2 Kareeberg LM - 31 944 2020/21 4 2 0 0 616 Danielskuil WWTW Kgatelopele LM 12 644 0 2022/23 5 0 0 0 0 Gamagara LM Kathu BWS 31 000 0 2022/23 6 0 0 0 0 6 Total 89 057 10 752 12 89 057

  40. North West RBIG 5b Progress 2019/20 Nr. Project Name Benefiting Municipality progress % Physical Current allocation Actual Transfers to date Actual Transfe r% Proposed Revised Budget Year Planned to Completed No of Househ olds to benefit % ,000 ,000 ,000 Taung/Naledi BulkWater Supply Scheme Dr Ruth 1 95% 60 000 0 0 60 000 2020/21 108714 Segometsi DM Mamusa Bulk Water Supply Scheme 2 68% 61 693 0 0 61 693 2022/23 40981 Total 121 693 0 0 121 693

  41. Western Cape RBIG 5b Progress 2019/20 Nr. Project Name Benefiting Municipality progress % Physical Current allocation Actual Transfers to date Actual Transfe r% Proposed Revised Budget Year Planned to Completed No of Househ olds to benefit % ,000 ,000 ,000 Tulbagh Bulk Water Supply Witzenberg LM 1 5% 19 471 0 0 19 471 2021 2413 Total 19 471 0 0 19 471

  42. Overview of RBIG 6b Actual Expenditure 26 Aug 2019 Actual Expenditure s R 000 Current Budget R 000 Cash flow Aug 2019 R 000 Available Budget Region % spent R 000 Eastern Cape 332 693 150 091 75 990 26 247 248 Free State 795 503 315 230 73 444 9 721 051 Gauteng 449 961 187 390 310 10 407 004 KwaZulu Natal 3 600 0 2 218 67 1 195 Limpopo 746 820 372 355 74 187 17 619 484 Mpumalanga 291 863 37 452 16 330 6 275 533 Northern Cape 158 813 12 100 269 0 158 544 North West 198 270 104 659 67 981 36 126 334 Western Cape 60 000 0 0 0 60 000 Total 3 037 523 1 179 277 310 729 14 2 616 393

  43. Overview of RBIG Actual Transfers to Water Boards 26 Aug 2019 Budget Allocated Cash Flow Aug 2019 Actual Transfers % Spent Available Budget Region Project Names R 000 R 000 R 000 R 000 NORTH WESTPILANNESBRG 65 373 32 373 0 0 65 373 BWS EASTERN CAPENOOITGEDAGT BWS GREATER MPOFANA 185 000 117 958 90 445 49 94 555 80 000 25 000 12 000 15 68 000 KWAZULU NATAL MAPHUMULO 80 000 40 000 6 000 8 74 000 UMSHWATHI BWS 160 000 96 000 24 000 15 136 000 NAMAKWA 75 000 75 000 75 000 100 0 NORTHERN CAPE VAAL GAMAGARA 137 518 137 518 137 518 100 0 TOTAL: TRANSFER TO WATER BOARDS 782 891 523 849 344 963 44 437 928

  44. RBIG RBIG Projects Projects Earmarked Earmarked for for Completion Completion No PROJECT PHASES MEGA PROJECTS EARMARKED FOR COMPLETION 1 Jozini Bulk Water Supply Umshwathi BWS Phase 3 2 Sebokeng WWTW Phase 1 of 2 3 LARGE PROJECT PHASES EARMARKED FOR COMPLETION Xonxa BWS Phase 1 of 2 4 Greytown BWS Phase 2 of 2 5 Greater Mpofana BWS Phase 1 6 Polokwane BWS Phase 1 7 Empuluzi Phase 3A of 8 8 Empuluzi Phase 4A of 8 9 Greater Mamusa BWS Phase 3 10

  45. RBIG RBIG Projects Projects Earmarked Earmarked for for Completion Completion No PROJECT PHASES Taung /Naledi BWS Phase 2 11 Stellenbosch WWTW Phase 1 of 2 12 Ratlou BWS Phase 1 (Setlagole) 13 Mafikeng BWS upgrade of WTW phase 2 14 Tlokwe WTW Phase 2 pipeline and pump station (Potchefstroom) 15 SMALL PROJECTS EARMARKED FOR COMPLETION Mantsopa BWS Phase 2 of 2 16 Rouxville/ Smithfield/ Zastron BWS (Mohokare) 17 Lushushwane BWS Phase 2 of 3 18 Lushushwane BWS Phase 3 of 3 19 Van Wyksvlei Groundwater Phase 1 of 2 (Canavan) 20

  46. RBIG RBIG Projects Projects Earmarked Earmarked for for Completion Completion No PROJECT PHASES Metsimaholo Bulk Sewer (Upgrading of Deneysville wastewater treatment works) Phase 1 of 1 21 Mafube Bulk Sewer Phase 1 of 2 22 Jagersfontein/Fauresmith BWS phase 2 23 Tswelopele BWS Phase 1 of 2 24 Koster WWTW Phase 1 of 1 25

  47. 2019/20 Water Service Infrastructure Grant Schedule 5b

  48. WSIG 5b Actual Transfers 26 Aug 2019 Payment Schedule Aug 2019 % Transferred against planned transfer Outstandi ng Transfers Current Budget Actual Transfers Regions R 000 R 000 R 000 R 000 Eastern Cape 520 461 84 500 69 500 82 15 000 Free State 307 323 143 795 119 045 83 24 750 Gauteng 184 891 59 500 59 500 100 0 KwaZulu Natal 903 374 247 000 247 000 100 0 Limpopo 506 650 94 330 94 330 100 0 Mpumalanga 510 000 102 000 77 000 75 25 000 Northern Cape 308 620 70 724 39 120 55 31 604 North West 328 000 65 600 44 600 68 21 000 Western Cape 100 000 15 800 15 800 100 0 Total 3 669 319 883 249 765 895 87 117 354

  49. WSIG 6b Actual Expenditure 26 Aug 2019 Cash flow Aug 2019 R 000 R 000 Invoices (payable s+ accruals) R 000 Total Expenditu res(expen +Invoices) R 000 Actual Expendi tures R 000 Current Budget % spent Available Budget R 000 Region Eastern Cape 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Free State 222 000 73 762 59 962 1 108 61 070 28 160 930 Gauteng 20 000 7 600 0 0 0 0 20 000 KwaZulu Natal 0 0 0 16 358 16 358 0 -16 358 Limpopo 170 233 30 500 0 0 0 0 170 233 Mpumalanga 20 000 5 000 0 0 0 0 20 000 Northern Cape 96 852 38 601 10 001 0 10 001 10 86 851 North West 115 000 23 000 2 340 0 2 340 2 112 660 Western Cape 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 644 085 178 463 72 303 16 358 89 769 14 554 316


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