Progress Report on Victim Support and Safeguarding - Police and Crime Plan

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This report outlines the progress made towards Priority 5 of the Police and Crime Plan, focusing on victim support and safeguarding. It covers key achievements, workstreams, strategic context, fair treatment for victims, delivery of services, and future steps for 2023-24. The report also highlights initiatives to enhance public confidence, improve victim services, address domestic abuse, violence against women, and reduce re-offending. Partnerships, training, monitoring, and compliance efforts are integral to ensuring fair treatment and effective support for victims.

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  1. Victim Support and Safeguarding: Priority 5 - Police and Crime Plan PERFORMANCE SCRUTINY MEETING Tuesday 11 July 2023

  2. Purpose Aim Objectives 1. Strategic context and overview of key changes To provide assurance regarding progress towards the Police and Crime Plan: Priority 5 Victim Support and Safeguarding 2. Key achievements in the last 12 months 3. Progress and delivery of the 9 priority workstreams 4. Next steps for 2023-24

  3. Progress and Delivery - Overview 1. Fair treatment for all victims 2. Communication channels and support 3. Commissioning top-quality services 4. Partnership work to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls 5. Tackling knife and violent crime 6. Partnership safeguarding children and adults at risk of exploitation 7. Protection of victims of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, violence, harassment and stalking 8. Engagement with the public and partners 9. Proactively reducing re-offending

  4. Strategic Context Public confidence of victims National Victim Notification Scheme HMICFRS COVID-19 impact Police Uplift Programme National Landscape Serious Violence Duty Domestic Abuse Act 2021 VAWG Action Plan Victims Bill

  5. Objective 1 Fair Treatment Victim Support opt out process change and OPCC contract monitoring Training : (i) Victims Code; (ii) Thrive +; (iii) Op Hampshire Mandatory process change for Victim Needs Assessments Partnership work to improve DA referrals to Children s Social Care Strong links to the National User Insight Group Introduction of Domestic Abuse Review Team Victims Code Compliance performance monitoring Pilot a new national survey to improve data collection Quality Assurance Thematic Testing

  6. Objective 1 Delivery I just want to say thank you so much for all your help over the last 28 months. I know none of us got the opportunity to get what we wanted out of this but I honesty do not think we could have got through this without your wise calm and collected words. You have literally been there every step of the way with advice and just a person to rant too as well. We just want to express our thanks as we do not know how we would have gone through it without such a great person on the other end of the phone. Thank you so much. Victims accepting support and referred to Derbyshire Victims Services: 8386 (2019-20) 18,105 (2022-23) Case Study (paras 3.22-3.24) Victim of assault occasioning actual bodily harm 2.5 year criminal justice system Witness Care Unit support

  7. Objective 2 Support and Communication Channels Incident grading, management and replacement of Control Works Victims App development Victim contact Digital contact - Interactive Voice Recognition and Sign 101 development Development of a Crime Management Unit Automated crime recording referrals to victims services Contact Centre Performance and Demand Managers Most Appropriate Agency policy Mental Health Triage Car

  8. Objective 2 Performance impact 999 101 System challenge Strong performance nationally 101 calls reduced Increasing demand 2019-2023 Ring time for triage increasing 7 seconds average ring time 50.7% answered within 60 seconds 0.6% average abandonment rate 12.1% average abandonment rate

  9. Objective 3 Top Quality Commissioned Services Derbyshire Victim Services Joint Performance Framework Victims Voice Quality Assurance Contract monitoring and joint scrutiny (OPCC/Police) Victims App development and Victim Champions QualityAssurance Thematic Testing Mapping the Victim Journey

  10. Objective 4 Joint Working: Violence Against Women and Girls VAWG Partnership Board RASSO teams Building Trust and Confidence Outputs: Training 1345 officers (module 1) 1155 staff (module 2) Module 3 Domestic Abuse Impact: 44% increase - CPS early advice Investigation timeliness 234 days to charge an suspects (346 days national average) RASSO teams Pursue Perpetrators Investigation quality Training Safer Spaces Operation Keepsafe

  11. Objective 5 Tackling and Reducing Knife and Violent Crime Supporting Communities and Local Partnerships Effective Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Response Early County Lines and Drugs 2023-24+ Intervention and Prevention Shattered Board game in schools Prevention visits to potential offenders Mentoring schemes Presentations to Headteachers and Safeguarding leads in schools Stop and search training for new police officers Targeted operational activity Serious Violence Tasking Operation Sceptre knife crime intensification weeks Mini Violence Reduction Unit Partnership interventions Repeat and Serial Offenders Operation Wintershield

  12. Objective 5: Knife and Violent Crime Delivery Stop & Search Knife Crime 7.7% reduction Violence With Injury Violence Without Injury 124% increase 14.8% reduction 34% increase

  13. Objective 6: Partnership Safeguarding - Exploitation Protection Prevention Partnership Governance Exploitation Team Serial and Repeat Civil Orders County Lines Missing Persons Abuse and Exploitation Partnerships and Prevention Board Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Derby Safeguarding Adults Board Investigations Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board PCOT RASSO Domestic Abuse Derbyshire Serious Organised Crime and Exploitation Board (SOC-EX)

  14. Objective 6: Partnership Safeguarding - Exploitation Missing persons Protecting Children Online 12% reduction in repeat missing persons Over 450 cases p.a. 48% reduction in children missing from local authority care Safeguarding more than 400 children since May 22 Criminal Exploitation Digital Forensics 24 County Lines disrupted, over 50 arrests Significant backlog reductions ISO accreditation 24 children safeguarded

  15. Objective 7: Help for Victims Domestic Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Stalking and Harassment Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Domestic Abuse Support Protection 2023-24+ Domestic Abuse Review Team Co-location IDVAs MARAC arrangements DA Homicide Reviews RASSO teams Co location ISVAs (Adult and Child) Rape Scrutiny Panels IDVA outreach (PCC) PPN referral processes Victim Liaison and Coordinator (RASSO) MARAC peer review (SafeLives) Serious and Repeat Team Stalking Coordinator Civil Orders Team: DA Protection Notice Sexual Harm Prevention Orders Stalking Protection Orders Operation Soteria Bluestone Detective resilience plan Improvement: Outcomes Timeliness Case Quality

  16. Objective 7: Help for Victims Domestic Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Stalking and Harassment Domestic Abuse Review Team Serial and Repeat Offenders Stalking Protection Orders Detective Vacancies 31 vacancies Detective and investigators recruitment pipeline 21000 PPNs Improved compliance (22% to 65%) 95 suspects apprehended in the 1st month 6.54 per 1000 cases (from 1.9%)

  17. Objective 8 Engagement and Reassurance Minimum standards of engagement for SNTs Engagement App launched in Jan 2023 Neighbourhood Policing Board 782 Facebook posts (Nov 22-Apr23) 731 Twitter posts 174 Instagram posts 44 Linked-In posts 3000 Tik Tok followers since Feb 2023 414,000 audience across different social media channels Problem Solving training to nearly 3000 officers, staff and partners Promotion of social media Victim Code of Practice Problem Solving Training Scrutiny Panels (stop and search, use of force) Reporting channels (in person, mobile, on-line) Reachout launch to tackle ASB

  18. Objective 9 Proactive Approach to Reduce Re-offending DRIVE (ceased) and GLOW programmes Out of Court Disposals Integrated Offender Management Funded initiatives Two-tier system Circa 200 offenders NPS IOM Innovation Fund for voluntary GPS tags Interventions (Red Snapper) YOS and Youth Justice Panels Serial, Repeat and Civil Orders Team PCC funded

  19. Summary Reflections and the year ahead 2022-23 2023-24 Stronger governance New Force Operating Model Implementation of specialist teams (DART, RASSO, Serial and Repeat Offenders, Civil Orders) Progress on HMICFRS recommendations for Child Protection and PEEL Implemented a Strategic Improving Investigations Board Introduced QATT processes Evaluate Victim Needs Assessment and Victim Personal Statement processes Embed out of court disposals Focus on improving investigation quality Build detective and investigator resilience, including a tutor hub Victims App launch and embed Victims Champions Victims Joint Performance Framework Embed Victims Champions

  20. Questions?


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