Wellbeing and Learning Success at Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bro Edern

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Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bro Edern excels in promoting students' health, wellbeing, and positive attitudes towards learning. Nearly all pupils feel safe, supported, and valued in the school community, with a focus on healthy living, physical activity, and enriching extracurricular experiences.

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  1. Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bro Edern IECHYD A LLES MYFYRWYR YN 2017/18 STUDENTS HEALTH AND WELLBEING IN 2017/18

  2. Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bro Edern Llethol Overwhelmed

  3. Adroddiad ESTYN / ESTYN Report Lles ac agweddau at ddysgu: Rhagorol Wellbeing and attitudes to learning: Excellent Mae gan bron pob un o r disgyblion agweddau cadarnhaol iawn tuag at fywyd ysgol ac yn gwerthfawrogi n fawr bod yn rhan o gymuned Gymraeg gl s a gofalgar. Nearly all pupils have very positive attitudes towards school life and greatly appreciate being part of a close-knit and caring Welsh community.

  4. Adroddiad ESTYN / ESTYN Report Mae r rhan fwyaf o ddisgyblion yn teimlo n ddiogel yn yr ysgol. Maent yn gwybod at bwy i droi os oes angen cymorth arnynt. Maent yn teimlo bod yr ysgol yn ymateb i w pryderon a r achosion prin iawn o fwlio yn amserol ac yn synhwyrol. Most pupils feel safe at school. They know whom to approach if they need support. They feel that the school responds to their concerns and the very rare instances of bullying in a timely and sensible manner.

  5. Adroddiad ESTYN / ESTYN Report Mae gan y rhan fwyaf o ddisgyblion ddealltwriaeth gadarn o sut i gadw n iach trwy ddeiet iach ac ymarfer corff rheolaidd. Mae r rhan fwyaf yn mwynhau dod i r ysgol ac mae cyfraddau uchel iawn yn cymryd rhan yn fuddiol mewn gweithgareddau allgyrsiol sy n cynnwys arlwy amrywiol o chwaraeon a phrofiadau celfyddydol gwerthfawr. Er enghraifft, maent yn cymryd rhan mewn sesiynau ffitrwydd cyn i r diwrnod ysgol ddechrau a gweithdai barddoniaeth ac ysgrifennu creadigol gyda llenorion o fri. Most pupils have a sound understanding of how to stay healthy through a healthy diet and regular physical exercise. Most enjoy coming to school and a very high proportion take part beneficially in extra-curricular activities, which include a varied offer of sports and valuable art experiences. For example, they take part in fitness sessions before the start of the school day, and poetry and creative writing workshops with well-known writers.

  6. Nifer y disgyblion / Number of pupils Blwyddyn 7 / Year 7 117/137 Blwyddyn 8 / Year 8 - 44/130 Blwyddyn 9 / Year 9 - 92/115 Blwyddyn 10 / Year 10 88/108 Blwyddyn 11 / Year 11 58/81 Blwyddyn 12 / Year 12 38/44 Ysgol / School 437/615 (71%)

  7. Y camau nesaf / next steps Dathlu / Celebrate Targedu / Target Cynllunio / Plan Gweithredu / Act Gwerthuso / Evaluate

  8. Blaenoriaethau / Priorities 1. Cynyddu Gweithgarwch corfforol y merched Increase female pupils physical activity 2. Lleihau faint o amser mae bechgyn blynyddoedd 9, 10, 11 a 12 yn treulio n eistedd yn ystod diwrnod Reduce amount of time boys spend sitting during the day 3. Gwella perthnasoedd disgybl athro Improve pupil teacher relationships

  9. Blaenoriaethau / Priorities 4. Cryfhau llais y merched Strengthen female pupil voice 5. Lleihau gwasgedd gwaith ar ferched Reduce work pressures for female students 6. Parhau i weithio i leihau bwlio Continue to work towards reducing bullying

  10. Cynyddu Gweithgarwch corfforol y merched / Increase female pupils physical activity Llais y disgybl / Pupil Voice Cynyddu gweithgareddau amser cinio / Increase number of lunch time activities Defnyddio aelodau r 6ed / Use 6thform students Milltir y dydd / Mile a day Cynyddu teithio llesol i r ysgol / Increase Active travel to school Cynyddu amrywiaeth o weithgareddau corfforol yn y wers clwb / Increase variety of physical activities in the club lesson Cylchgrawn Iechyd a Lles / Health and Wellbeing magazine Cyfrif trydar Iechyd a Lles / Health and Wellbeing twitter account

  11. Lleihau faint o amser mae bechgyn blynyddoedd 9, 10, 11 a 12 yn treulio n eistedd yn ystod diwrnod Reduce amount of time boys spend sitting during the day Llais y disgybl / Pupil voice Cynnal gwaith ymchwil pellach / Carry out further research Cynnwys rhieni a gwarchodwyr / Involve parents and guardians Cylchgrawn Iechyd a Lles / Health and Wellbeing magazine Cyfrif trydar Iechyd a Lles / Health and Wellbeing twitter account

  12. Gwella pethnasoedd disgybl athro Improve pupil teacher relationships Llais y disgybl / Pupil voice Cylchoedd / Circle time Dulliau adferol / Restorative practices Modelu ymddygiad / Modelling behaviour Rhannu arfer dda / Sharing of good practice Mentora / Mentoring Canllawiau cynnal ymddygiad da / Guidance for maintaining good behaviour

  13. Cryfhau llais y merched Strengthen female pupil voice Llais y disgybl / Pupil voice Cylchoedd / Circle time Dulliau adferol / Restorative practices Mentora / Mentoring

  14. Lleihau gwasgedd gwaith ar ferched / Reduce work pressures for female students Llais y disgybl / Pupil voice Cylchoedd / Circle time Dulliau adferol / Restorative practices Mentora / Mentoring Dadansoddi data / Data analysis Siaradwyr Gwadd / Guest Speakers

  15. Parhau i weithio i leihau bwlio / continue to work towards reducing bullying Llais y disgybl / Pupil voice Cylchoedd / Circle time Dulliau adferol / Restorative practices Mentora / Mentoring Mentorwyr ifanc / Young mentors Dadansoddi data / Data analysis Siaradwyr Gwadd / Guest Speakers

  16. Diolch Thank you


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