USSSA Softball Rules and Regulations for 2023

2023 Rule Test
1)  There are two pitching distances in USSSA.
Forty feet for U10’s and U12’s and forty-three feet
for U14’s and above.
2)  The distance from home to second base is
84' 10 1/4".
3)  The first batter of the game, B1, hits a ground
ball to F6. F6's throw to F3 just beats B1. The
offensive coach protests B1 would have been safe
if the base distance was not incorrect. The base
distance is verified to be 65'. The umpires should
have the base distance reset to 60' immediately;
No protest is allowed and B1 remains out.
4)  The Batter’s box is measured from the mid-
point of home plate with four feet in the front
portion and three feet in the back portion.
5)  The double first base is required.
6)  The three-foot running lane begins 30 feet
from home plate. The mid-point between home
and first base.
7)  All teams must use the 12-inch ball with
the USSSA logo.
8)  Adult coaches may wear sandals in the
coach’s box.
9)  A batted ball is considered fair if it
touches first, second, or third base.
10)  The flex player is a non-batting position.
11)  Fair or foul balls are determined by the
position of the player when she touches the ball.
12)  An illegal player is one who does not
have a legal right to the position.
13)  Interference is a violation by the
14)  The strike zone is the space over home plate
from the batter’s front armpit to the top of the
batter’s knees.
15)  An infield fly can be ruled when the batter
bunts the ball in the air, there are less than two
outs, and runners occupy first and second base.
16)  With bases loaded and two outs the batter
hits a grand slam. All runners touch home but the
runner on first misses second and is out on
appeal. Two runs score.
17)  An assistant coach may represent the
team at the pre-game conference.
18)  In a tiebreaker inning, the player in front
of the scheduled batter is placed on 2nd.
19)  After the third out in the bottom of the
inning is recorded and before the first pitch of the
next inning, the clock sounds. The game is ended.
20)  If the player to start on 2nd base in the
tiebreaker inning was removed from the game
with no available substitute to replace her, the
player who precedes the absent player is placed
on second base and no out is charged.
21)  The umpire should confirm with each
scorebook the number of the player to occupy
second base in a tiebreaker.
22)  The catcher asks for time and goes to talk to
her pitcher. Baserunners may leave their bases to
talk to a coach.
23)  Between innings and before the ball is
declared live, the coach goes to the pitching circle
and while fixing the pitching area talks to the
pitcher. This is a charged conference.
24)  The coach calls time out to take water to the
pitcher on a hot day. The coach asks the pitcher
how she is feeling. Because he talks with her this
is a charged conference.
25)  A coach forgot to add two substitutes (who
are eligible roster members on the team) to the
lineup card at the pregame meeting with the
umpires. Thus, he is not allowed to add them for
that game.
26)  At the pregame, the coach presents a lineup
with 10 batters (1 AP, No DP/Flex, No substitutes).
Unless proclaimed otherwise, this is considered a
traditional lineup.
27)  In a traditional (non-roster batting) lineup, as
long as an 8 batter minimum is maintained, a
team may drop positions in the batting order for
any reason (including ejection), and create an
Absent Player(s) (automatic out) position - IF no
substitutes are available
28)  After a team warning, a player is wearing
jewelry which the umpires deem to be dangerous.
The team is playing with nine players. They may
continue and play short.
29)  When the DP is playing defense for any player
other than the FLEX, that defensive player has
temporarily left the game and only has one re-
entry remaining in that game.
30)  The FLEX may not play offense only.
31)  The FLEX may run for a player other that the
DP if the player is injured and there are no
available substitutes.
32)  The penalty for an unreported substitution is:
first offense a team warning is issued and second
offense the head coach is restricted to the bench
for the remainder of that game.
33)  Placing the FLEX offensively in other than
the DP position makes her an illegal player.
34)  The penalty for using an ineligible player
is ejection of the player and the coach.
35)  If a player becomes seriously injured during a
play, the Umpire(s) should immediately call dead
ball and then award one base from the last base
possessed for each runner on base at the time.
36)  A player who has been removed from a game
due to the blood rule can return later in the same
game without it being considered a re-entry since
it was due to the blood rule (the one exception).
37)  It is an illegal pitch when the pitcher takes her
starting position with her pivot foot in contact
with the pitching plate and the ball held in her
pitching hand behind her back and not visible to
the batter.
38)  A pitcher leaping is illegal.
39)  The pitcher may only push off from the
40)  The pitcher may use chalk from the line
defining the pitcher’s circle as a drying agent for
her hands
41)  If the ball slips from the pitcher’s hand during
the back swing and goes backward, a ball is called
on the batter and the ball remains alive.
42)  It is an illegal pitch when the pitcher attempts
a quick return of the ball before the batter is in
position or is off balance as result of a previous
43)  With a runner on 3rd base, an illegal pitch is
called but the batter hits a fly ball to the outfield
which is caught and the runner from 3rd tags up
and scores. The umpire should return the runner
to 3rd base because the batter failed to reach 1st
44)  It is an illegal pitch if the 3rd baseman has
positioned herself with one foot in foul territory
as the pitch is released.
45)  It is an illegal pitch if the pitcher while within
the pitcher’s circle applies saliva to her pitching
hand fingers and then immediately grips the ball
even though the pitch had not started.
46)  When the pitcher takes her position
preliminary to pitching, only the pivot foot must
be partially within the 24-inch length of the
pitcher’s plate.
47)  The pitch has begun and cannot be
discontinued after the pitcher’s hands have
separated to start the pitch.
48)  With a 2-1 count on the batter, the defense
correctly appeals an improper batter. The proper
batter is out. The next batter following the proper
batter bats.
49)  The pitcher is on the pitching plate with her
hands together when the batter walks from the
left to right batter's box. The ball remains live and
the pitch gets delivered.
50)  After R1 (the runner on 1st base) gets safely
to 2nd base on a passed ball, it is discovered the
batter has an illegal bat. The batter is declared
out but R1 remains on 2nd base.
51)  On a bunt, the ball rolls into the dropped bat
in the fair ground. The ball is immediately dead,
the batter out, and all runners must return to
their bases
52)  After a foul ball, the umpire notices the bat is
cracked. The batter is given the benefit of the
doubt that the cracking occurred on the foul ball
and was not there when she entered the box with
the bat. The bat is removed but she is not
declared out and continues to bat .
53)  The on-deck batter drops her bat and runs to
third base to tell her teammate to slide. The third
baseman is not sure who is the live runner and
who is the on-deck batter, so she does not make a
play. Interference is declared and the runner on
third base is declared out.
54)  It is discovered that the batter entered the
box with an illegal damaged bat that is approved
and has not been altered. She is declared out and
both she and the coach are ejected.
55)  With a 2-2 count the batter steps out of the
box causing the pitcher to stop her forward
motion after the hands separated. The ball is
immediately dead, no pitch is declared, and the
count remains 2-2.
56)  R3 is on third base when B2 receives ball 4.
F2 returns the ball to F1 who is within the
pitcher's circle. As B2 advances to first base, R3
moves off the base. B2 reaches first and
continues to second base as R3 stands motionless
off third base. The pitcher makes no motion
toward either runner. R3 is called out.
57)  R1 takes a large lead off of first base with the
pitch. The catcher throws the ball back to the
pitcher who receives the ball outside of the circle.
She looks at R1 but makes no play or motion
toward her. R1 stands motionless. R1 should be
called out.
58 After a pitch, F2 returns the ball to F1 who is
within the pitcher's circle. R3, who had taken a
lead, returns to third base. F1 walks outside of the
circle to adjust her hairband, and R3 then makes a
break toward home. R3 should be called out.
59)  B1 (the pitcher) hits a double. B2 then flies
out. The coach asks for a courtesy runner for B1.
This is legal.
60)  Team A starts the game with 2 substitutes. In
the 5th inning, the coach requests a courtesy
runner for the catcher. Both substitutes have
already been substituted into the game. Team A
may not use a courtesy runner.
61)  When determining the Last Completed at Bat
courtesy runner, the pitcher and catcher are
skipped over.
62)  In the 4th inning, the pitcher hits a single.
The coach uses a courtesy runner for the pitcher.
The courtesy runner successfully steals second
base, but injures her ankle and cannot continue.
Another courtesy runner takes her place. This is
63)  B2 is standing completely in the batter’s box
when she is hit by a pitch that first bounces in the
front of the batter’s box. She is awarded 1st base.
64)  R1 is on first base and is off with the pitch. B2
hits a deep fly ball that is caught by F8. R1 has
passed second base when the catch is made, and
when returning to first base, she does not touch
second base. This is a legal action.
65)  The penalty for a fake tag is obstruction.
66)  R2 is on second base. B3 hits a fly ball to F9
which is caught. R2 is returning to second base
when F9’s throw to the infield is wild and goes
out of play. R2 is awarded home.
67)  B1 hits a fly ball in the infield with F3 settling
under the ball, directly in the running lane, 20
feet from first base. B1 runs out of the running
lane in her attempt to reach first base. She should
be declared out for violating the running lane
68)  R3 is on third base when B2 hits a long fly ball
to F8. While R3 is returning to the third base to
tag up, she trips and falls. The third base coach
helps her to her feet. This is legal.
69)  B4 hits a sharp grounder down the left field
line. As F7 nears the ball, a spectator picks it up in
fair territory. This is an automatic 2 base award.
70)  R1 is on first base. B2 hits a fly ball to F9 who
catches it. R1 returns to first base before the
throw arrives, but she only touches the orange
base. She is then tagged by F3. She is declared
71)  With R1 on first base, B2 singles. R1 goes to
third base but fails to touch second base. The
coach in the dugout requests time and appeals
that R1 missed second base. The umpire should
grant the appeal and declare R1 out.
72)  The batting order is B1, B2, B3. B2 bats in
place of B1 and walks. Before the next pitch, the
defensive coach appeals batting out of order to
the umpire. B2 is declared out and B3 is the next
73)  The batting order is B1, B2, B3, B4. B3 bats in
place of B1 and walks. B2 comes up and swings at
the first pitch. The defensive coach appeals
batting out of order to the umpire. The Umpires
rule the appeal is too late. B3 remains on base; B4
replaces B2 at bat with a 0-1 count; B1&B2 lose
their turn at bat.
74)  R1 interferes with F4's initial play on a batted
ball. The Umpires should declare R1 out and allow
the play to continue.
75) The third base Coach physically restrains her
runner from advancing. The runner is out, and the
ball is dead.
76)  At the pregame, the umpire reminds the
team that no dangerous jewelry is allowed. This is
considered a team warning.
77)  The batter enters the batter’s box with a non-
approved bat, the batter and head coach are
78)  An ejected player is eligible to play in the
team's next game.
79)  When a coach makes a formal rule
interpretation protest, play can continue until a
tournament official arrives.
10C Rules
80)  (10C) A 5 run limit per inning shall be
imposed for the first 2 innings of the game.
81)  (10C) The uncaught third strike and
infield fly rule do not apply.
82)  (10C) R3 is the runner on third base. In an
attempted pickoff, the catcher throws the ball
into Left Field. R3 may advance to home and
83)  (10C) R3 is the runner on third base. In an
attempted pickoff, the catcher throws the ball out
of play. R3 is awarded home.
84)  (10C) On a walk, the Batter/Runner may
legally attempt to advance to third base.
Two (2) Umpire Mechanics
85)  The first illegal pitch can be handled with
an umpire warning.
86)  Plate Umpire calls for plate conference.
Pitcher and catcher are allowed to continue to
warm up in the infield while conference is taking
87)  Lineup Card Management. The plate umpire
shall keep a written record of ALL
ejections/restrictions and team warnings
88)  There are 4 elements to every play. The
ball, the base, the runner and the fielder.
89)  The Umpire should be no closer than 15
feet on a tag play.
90)  Runner on 3rd. Ball hit to F4. Plate Umpire
should pick up the bat to move it away from the
plate, and then set up in right hand batter’s box
for possible play at the plate.
91)  Once action is complete, both umpires
should immediately move to next position.
92)  No runners on base. U1 takes position about
20-25 ft. from 1st base just off the line in foul
territory in an upright, standing position.
93)  No one on. Ball hit to F4. Base Umpire should
step into foul territory to make call at first. Ball is
overthrown. Plate Umpire should prepare to
make call at third only.
94)  No one on. Fly ball down the right field
line. Base Umpire should turn and chase.
95)  Runner on 1st base. Bunt up 1st base side. P
exits starting position to the left of the catcher
and follows the play up the 1st base line for about
10 feet then observes the play at 1st base and if
runner advances toward 3rd base, then quickly
moves toward the play at 3rd base.
96)  Runner at 2nd. Ball hit to F6, who throws to
1st base. Base Umpire should step toward 1st to
make call, then pivot toward third for the second
97)  Runner on 2nd base. U1 sets up about 15 feet
from 3rd base just behind the baseline to cover
the steal of 3rd.
98)  Runner at 2nd. Base hit to left field. Base
Umpire has potential call at 2nd. Plate Umpire
should move toward third for possible play.
99)  Runner on 3rd base. Runner is off 3rd with
pitch. Sharp line drive fielded by LF on one
bounce. LF throws to 3rd as Runner dives back to
third. Plate Umpire has the call at 3rd.
100)  Runners on 1st & 2nd base. Fly ball to left
field. Base Umpire does not go out to cover the
catch. Base Umpire has tag up responsibility at
both 1st & 2nd base.
Slide Note

In USSSA softball for 2023, there are specific rules regarding pitching distances, base distances, batters' boxes, equipment requirements, and player positions. The rules cover aspects such as pitching distances for different age groups, base distances, coach attire, fair balls, and more. It is important for players, coaches, and officials to understand and adhere to these regulations to ensure fair play and a smooth game experience.

  • USSSA Softball
  • Rules and Regulations
  • 2023
  • Pitching Distances
  • Equipment Requirements

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2023 Rule Test

  2. 1) There are two pitching distances in USSSA. Forty feet for U10 s and U12 s and forty-three feet for U14 s and above. 1.1 Thirty-five feet, forty feet, forty-three feet for 10U s, 12u s, 14U s-18U s respectively.

  3. 2) The distance from home to second base is 84' 10 1/4". 1.Diagram

  4. 3) The first batter of the game, B1, hits a ground ball to F6. F6's throw to F3 just beats B1. The offensive coach protests B1 would have been safe if the base distance was not incorrect. The base distance is verified to be 65'. The umpires should have the base distance reset to 60' immediately; No protest is allowed and B1 remains out. 1.1 NOTE; 8.17.D

  5. 4) The Batters box is measured from the mid- point of home plate with four feet in the front portion and three feet in the back portion. 1.2.E

  6. 5) The double first base is required. 1.2.C Optional.

  7. 6) The three-foot running lane begins 30 feet from home plate. The mid-point between home and first base. 1.2.G

  8. 7) All teams must use the 12-inch ball with the USSSA logo. 2.3 10U and under use 11-inch ball.

  9. 8) Adult coaches may wear sandals in the coach s box. 2.4 No open toe shoes are permitted on the field.

  10. 9) A batted ball is considered fair if it touches first, second, or third base. 3.Fair Ball

  11. 10) The flex player is a non-batting position. 3.Flex

  12. 11) Fair or foul balls are determined by the position of the player when she touches the ball. 3.Fair Ball Position of the ball.

  13. 12) An illegal player is one who does not have a legal right to the position. 3.Illegal Player

  14. 13) Interference is a violation by the defense. 3.Interference Offense

  15. 14) The strike zone is the space over home plate from the batter s front armpit to the top of the batter s knees. 3.Strike Zone

  16. 15) An infield fly can be ruled when the batter bunts the ball in the air, there are less than two outs, and runners occupy first and second base. 3.Infield Fly No infield fly on a bunt attempt.

  17. 16) With bases loaded and two outs the batter hits a grand slam. All runners touch home but the runner on first misses second and is out on appeal. Two runs score. 4.2.C.1 With two outs, if the missed base is one to which a runner is forced to advance, no runs would score.

  18. 17) An assistant coach may represent the team at the pre-game conference. 4.8.D At least one adult coach from each team must attend the pregame conference.

  19. 18) In a tiebreaker inning, the player in front of the scheduled batter is placed on 2nd. 4.5 The last completed at bat, the player in front of the lead off batter, assumes a position on 2nd base.

  20. 19) After the third out in the bottom of the inning is recorded and before the first pitch of the next inning, the clock sounds. The game is ended. 4.3 A new inning begins as soon as the third out is recorded in the previous inning. The clock sounded after the start of the next inning. Any inning which has been started prior to the time limit expiring will be completed.

  21. 20) If the player to start on 2nd base in the tiebreaker inning was removed from the game with no available substitute to replace her, the player who precedes the absent player is placed on second base and no out is charged. 4.5

  22. 21) The umpire should confirm with each scorebook the number of the player to occupy second base in a tiebreaker. 4.5 It is the responsibility of the Umpire and scorekeeper to notify the teams involved as to which player starts the half inning at second base.

  23. 22) The catcher asks for time and goes to talk to her pitcher. Baserunners may leave their bases to talk to a coach. 4.8.B When a defensive player requests time to speak to one or more defensive players, base runners may not abandon the vicinity of their bases without it being a charged offensive conference.

  24. 23) Between innings and before the ball is declared live, the coach goes to the pitching circle and while fixing the pitching area talks to the pitcher. This is a charged conference. 4.8.A "The defensive team charged conference is effective when the ball first becomes live "

  25. 24) The coach calls time out to take water to the pitcher on a hot day. The coach asks the pitcher how she is feeling. Because he talks with her this is a charged conference. 4.8.C A conference is not charged for an obviously incapacitated player. Receiving water on a hot day and the coach asking the condition of the pitcher falls within the spirit of this rule.

  26. 25) A coach forgot to add two substitutes (who are eligible roster members on the team) to the lineup card at the pregame meeting with the umpires. Thus, he is not allowed to add them for that game. 5.1.C Eligible roster members may be added as substitutes at any time.

  27. 26) At the pregame, the coach presents a lineup with 10 batters (1 AP, No DP/Flex, No substitutes). Unless proclaimed otherwise, this is considered a traditional lineup. 5.1.D

  28. 27) In a traditional (non-roster batting) lineup, as long as an 8 batter minimum is maintained, a team may drop positions in the batting order for any reason (including ejection), and create an Absent Player(s) (automatic out) position - IF no substitutes are available 5.2.A

  29. 28) After a team warning, a player is wearing jewelry which the umpires deem to be dangerous. The team is playing with nine players. They may continue and play short. 5.2; 11.2.E

  30. 29) When the DP is playing defense for any player other than the FLEX, that defensive player has temporarily left the game and only has one re- entry remaining in that game. 5.4.F When the DP plays defense for a player other than the FLEX, that player will continue to bat and is NOT considered to have left the game.

  31. 30) The FLEX may not play offense only. 5.4.G FLEX may play offense only if both FLEX in the DP slot and the team is using an AP(s).

  32. 31) The FLEX may run for a player other that the DP if the player is injured and there are no available substitutes. 5.4.J Illegal substitution.

  33. 32) The penalty for an unreported substitution is: first offense a team warning is issued and second offense the head coach is restricted to the bench for the remainder of that game. 5.5.Penalty Second Offense the coach is EJECTED for the remainder of that game only.

  34. 33) Placing the FLEX offensively in other than the DP position makes her an illegal player. 5.4.J; 5.7.D

  35. 34) The penalty for using an ineligible player is ejection of the player and the coach. 5.8 The penalty is a forfeit of the game in progress.

  36. 35) If a player becomes seriously injured during a play, the Umpire(s) should immediately call dead ball and then award one base from the last base possessed for each runner on base at the time. 5.9.A The umpire should award any bases that would have been reached in the Umpire's judgment.

  37. 36) A player who has been removed from a game due to the blood rule can return later in the same game without it being considered a re-entry since it was due to the blood rule (the one exception). 5.10.B If excessive time is involved, the re-entry rule WOULD apply to players.

  38. 37) It is an illegal pitch when the pitcher takes her starting position with her pivot foot in contact with the pitching plate and the ball held in her pitching hand behind her back and not visible to the batter. 6.1.A & B There is no requirement that the ball be visible to the batter.

  39. 38) A pitcher leaping is illegal. 6.1.E.3 The pivot foot may be airborne.

  40. 39) The pitcher may only push off from the rubber. 6.1.E Note 2

  41. 40) The pitcher may use chalk from the line defining the pitcher s circle as a drying agent for her hands 6.1.I.1 Chalk is expressly prohibited.

  42. 41) If the ball slips from the pitchers hand during the back swing and goes backward, a ball is called on the batter and the ball remains alive. 6.1.M

  43. 42) It is an illegal pitch when the pitcher attempts a quick return of the ball before the batter is in position or is off balance as result of a previous pitch. 6.4.C This is a No Pitch not an illegal pitch.

  44. 43) With a runner on 3rd base, an illegal pitch is called but the batter hits a fly ball to the outfield which is caught and the runner from 3rd tags up and scores. The umpire should return the runner to 3rd base because the batter failed to reach 1st base. 6.3.C The offensive coach has the option to accept the play with the runner scoring and the batter retired.

  45. 44) It is an illegal pitch if the 3rd baseman has positioned herself with one foot in foul territory as the pitch is released. 6.2.A Penalty

  46. 45) It is an illegal pitch if the pitcher while within the pitcher s circle applies saliva to her pitching hand fingers and then immediately grips the ball even though the pitch had not started. 6.1.I EFFECT

  47. 46) When the pitcher takes her position preliminary to pitching, only the pivot foot must be partially within the 24-inch length of the pitcher s plate. 6.1.A Both feet must be touching the ground within the 24- inch length of the pitcher s plate.

  48. 47) The pitch has begun and cannot be discontinued after the pitcher s hands have separated to start the pitch. 6.1.E.1

  49. 48) With a 2-1 count on the batter, the defense correctly appeals an improper batter. The proper batter is out. The next batter following the proper batter bats. 7.2 An improper batter may be replaced with the proper batter who assumes the improper batter's count provided the infraction is detected before the improper batter is put out or becomes a base runner.

  50. 49) The pitcher is on the pitching plate with her hands together when the batter walks from the left to right batter's box. The ball remains live and the pitch gets delivered. 7.1 The batter shall not disconcert the pitcher by stepping out of the box on one side of home to the box on the other side. Dead ball she is out.


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