UNR WLTP: Regulations Update for Vehicle Type Approval

Transposition of GTR15 (WLTP) and GTR19 (Evap)
UN Regulations
Update from WLTP Transposition Task Force
September 2018
03e_Appendix 3a
UN Regulation WLTP
This document presents a draft of the potential structure
and content of a new UNR WLTP.
Rob Gardner, TRL - September 2018
UNR WLTP: Section 1 - Scope
and Application (?) [consider expanding title beyond just “Scope”]
This UN Regulation applies to the type approval of vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 with a
reference mass not exceeding [2,610 kg] with regard to the WLTP Type 1 test for criteria emissions [
use “
emissions of gaseous compounds, particulate matter, particle number
] and to emissions of carbon
dioxide and fuel consumption and/or the measurement of electric energy consumption and electric
range, to the Type 4 test for Evaporative Emissions and to the Type 5 test for verifying the durability of
pollution control devices.
This Regulation does not lay down rules for the Type II test, Type III test, Type VI test, in-service
conformity, or On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) systems.
At the manufacturer's request, type approval granted under this Regulation may be extended from
vehicles mentioned above to M1, M2, N1 and N2 vehicles with a reference mass not exceeding [2,840
kg] and which meet the conditions laid down in this Regulation.
[Dark red text below is from UNR101]
It does not apply to a category N1 vehicle if both:
(a) The engine type fitted to that type of vehicle has received type approval pursuant to Regulation No.
49, and
(b) The total annual worldwide production of N1 vehicles of the manufacturer is less than 2,000 units.
Equivalent approvals  (???)
The following do not need to be approved to this Regulation – vehicles above 2,380 kg to which
approvals to UNR 49 have been granted as an extension.
UNR WLTP: Section 2 - Definitions
Copy relevant definitions from Section 3 of GTR15 and Section 3 of GTR19
Copy (and amend for UNR) relevant definitions from Article 2 of EU 2017/1151?
(Level 1a)
Copy relevant Japan definitions (Level 1b)
Plus other definitions in UNR R83 and UNR R101 that need to be copied
UNR WLTP: Section 3 - Application for approval
Copy ‘generic’ UNECE regulatory text from UNR R83 and amend as necessary
Check Article 3 and Article 4 of EU 2017/1151 for any new WLTP specifics that need
to be incorporated?
Add equivalent text for Japan
UNR WLTP: Section 4 - Approval
Copy ‘generic’ UNECE regulatory text from UNR R83 and amend as necessary
Add equivalent text for Japan
Use this section to provide instructions for TAAs as to how they issue approvals for
Level 1a, 1b and 2.
Mention concept of multi-stage approvals?
UNR WLTP: Section 5 - Specifications and tests
Introductory text - Copy and amend UNR R83, including information on small volume
5.1 General
Incorporate relevant text from Section 5 of GTR15. NB: some is already included in
the equivalent UNR R83 text (e.g. fuel inlet orifices and electronic system security).
Incorporate relevant text from Section 5 of GTR19. NB: some is already included in
the equivalent UNR R83 text (e.g. security of hoses).
Incorporate amendments in Section 2 of Annex I to EU 2017/1151 (e.g. odometer
Add equivalent text for Japan
UNR WLTP: Section 5 - Specifications and tests
5.2. Test procedure
Copy and amend UNR R83 text to match requirements of UNR WLTP
Incorporate relevant requirements in Section 2 of Annex I to EU 2017/1151 (Figure
I.2.4.) – which provide an update to UNR R83 Table A
Add equivalent text for Japan
UNR WLTP: Section 5 - Specifications and tests
5.3. Description of Tests
Add some generic introductory text
5.3.1. Type 1 test
Adapt main body of GTR15 to fit with the format of UNR 83
EU limits for 4 phase WLTC
Japan limits for 3 phase WLTC
Determination of CO
 Emissions And Fuel Consumption from Vehicles Submitted to
Multi-stage Type-approval Or Individual Vehicle Approval (?)
UNR WLTP: Section 5 - Specifications and tests
5.3. Description of Tests cont.
5.3.2. [Reserved - Placeholder for Type II (2?) test]
5.3.3. [Reserved - Placeholder for Type III (3?) test]
5.3.4. Type IV (4?) test
Adapt main body of GTR19 to fit with the format of UNR 83
5.3.5. Type V (5?) test
Level 1a: Copy and amend UNR R83 section 5.3.6. Add text from Annex VII of EU
2017/1151 which recognises the switch from NEDC to WLTP for the Type I/1 test
Level 1b: Japan developing procedure
5.3.6. [Reserved - Placeholder for Type VI (6?) test]
UNR WLTP: Section 6 - 
Modifications of the vehicle type
Level 1a - Copy (and amend for UNR) new extensions requirements from Section 3 to
Annex I of EU 2017/1151 that reflect WLTP
Level 1b - Add equivalent text for Japan
UNR WLTP: Section 7 - Extensions
Level 1a - Align with EU 2017/1151 as amended by the 2nd Act
Level 1b - Add equivalent text for Japan
UNR WLTP: Section 8 - Conformity of production
Level 1a - Interim use of EU 2017/1151 procedure.
Copy (and amend for UNR) new CoP requirements from Section 4 to Annex I of
EU 2017/1151, along with the new Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to replace those
currently in UNR R83.
Level 1b – 
Interim use of Japan procedure
Japan developing CoP Procedure
Level 2 - TBD
UNR WLTP: Section 9 – 
In Service Conformity
In Service Conformity will not be included in UNR WLTP – see UNR83 08 Series.
UNR WLTP: Sections 10 - 13
10. Penalties for non-conformity of production
Standard UNR text
By the time that the UNR WLTP is applicable there will be a new EU Type
Approval Framework in place. Need to check whether the current UNR83
text would remain applicable.
11. Production definitively discontinued
Standard UNR text
See Section 10.
12. Transitional provisions
If ‘Approach 1’ or ‘Approach 2’ are used we will need to include Introductory
13. Names and addresses of Technical Services responsible for conducting approval
tests, and of Type Approval Authorities
Standard UNR text
UNR WLTP: Appendix 1 
Verification of conformity of
production for Type 1 test—statistical method
Level 1a – Align with EU 2017/1151 as amended by the 2nd Act
Level 1b – under development
Level 2 - TBD
UNR WLTP: Appendix 2 
Calculations for Conformity of
Production for EVs
Level 1a – Align with EU 2017/1151 as amended by the 2nd Act
Level 1b – under development
Level 2 - TBD
UNR WLTP: Appendix 3 
Requirements for vehicles that use a
reagent for the exhaust after-treatment system
For UNR WLTP or UNR 83 08 series? TBD.
Level 1a – Align with EU 2017/1151 as amended by the 2nd Act (same as the UNR 83
07 series Appendix 6 update)
Level 1b – Currently no requirement in Japan. Can consider but may not be needed in
Japan. TBD
Level 2 - TBD
NB: Appendices 3-5 in UNR83 cover In-Service Conformity and have been deleted
for UNR WLTP as ISC will be in UNR83 08 series. UNR83 Appendix 6 (SCR) therefore
now becomes Appendix 3.
NB2: SCR requirements may be added to GTR15. If that happens then this appendix
would be moved to Annexes Part B WLTP.
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part A
Annex A1: Engine and vehicle characteristics and information concerning the
conduct of tests 
– this will exclude all the specific ‘non-Type 1/Type 4 info’ that is
currently in UNR 83 07 series (e.g. Section OBD).
NB: there will be a lot of duplication between the information documents for UNR
WLTP and UNR83 08 if we take this approach. May need a novel approach.
Appendix 1 - Information on test conditions
Appendix 2 – WLTP Test Report
Appendix 3 – WLTP Road Load Test Report
Appendix 4 – WLTP Test Sheet
Appendix 5 – Evap Test Report
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part A cont.
Annex A2: Communication
Addendum to type approval communication No … concerning the type approval of
a vehicle with regard to exhaust emissions pursuant to Regulation WLTP xxx
series of amendments
Appendix 1 - Amend UNR R83 Annex 2 Communication and Addendum to Type
Approval Communication to include the WLTP updates provided in Appendix 4 to
Annex I of EU 2017/1151 – Level 1a
Level 1b - TBD
Annex A3: Arrangements of the approval mark
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B – Type 1 Test (WLTP)
Annex B1: WLTC
Base on GTR15 Amendment 5
Level 1a – Include extra high phase. Remove GTR15 option to allow exclusion of
extra-high phase
Level 1b – Exclude extra high phase
Level 2
4 phase WLTC – EU limits
3 phase WLTC – Japan limits
Annex B2: Gear selection and shift point determination for vehicles equipped with
manual transmissions
Base on GTR15 Amendment 5
No variation between Level 1a, Level 1b and Level 2
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B – Type 1 Test (WLTP)
Annex B3: Reference fuels
Level 1a - Delete GTR15 reference fuels that are not in Annex IX of EU 2017/1151
Level 1b - Amend GTR15 to include the reference fuels for Japan
Level 2 - ‘Most stringent’ reference fuels to be determined.
Diesel reference fuel
Proposal from ACEA
Petrol fuel
JARI study underway. Results expected December 2018
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B – Type 1 Test (WLTP)
Annex B4: Road load and dynamometer setting
Base on GTR15 Amendment 5
Level 1a and Level 1b – amend Amend GTR15 para to remove the +5
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B – Type 1 Test (WLTP)
Annex B5: Test equipment and calibrations
Base on GTR15 Amendment 5
Delete GTR15 Section 7 (Additional sampling and analysis methods)
Level 1a – include PN measurement requirements
Level 1b – exclude PN measurement requirements
Level 2 – include PN measurement requirements
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B – Type 1 Test (WLTP)
Annex B6: Type 1 test procedures and test conditions
Base on GTR15 Amendment 5
4 phase WLTC – EU limits
3 phase WLTC – Japan limits
Regional corrections
ATCT and Target speed correction in Level 1a and Level 2 for 4 phase cycle only
(not 3 phase cycle)
Level 1a: 0.99
Level 1b: 1.0
Level 2: TBD
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B – Type 1 Test (WLTP)
Annex B6: Type 1 test procedures and test conditions – cont. Auxiliary devices
Level 1a: 
Daylight running lamps
Level 1b
: N/A
Level 2: TBD
Dual-axis dyno for 4WD vehicles
Level 1a - 
Include paragraphs to from EU 2017/1151 (as
Level 1b – TBD
Level 2 – TBD
Regenerative factor Ki
Level 1a – include Extra-High
Level 1b – exclude Extra-High
Level 2 - 
EU accept 3_phase_Ki, and on the other hand, JPN accept 4_phase_Ki
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B – Type 1 Test (WLTP)
Annex B6: Type 1 test procedures and test conditions – cont.
Ambient Temperature Correction Test
Level 1a – copy EU 2017/1151 Sub-Annex 6a
Level 1b – N/A
Level 2 – ATCT for 4 phases. No ATCT for 3 phases.
Target speed correction
Level 1a – copy EU 2017/1151 Sub-Annex 6b
Level 1b – N/A
Level 2 – Correction for 4 phase results. No correction 3 phase results.
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B – Type 1 Test (WLTP)
Annex B7: Calculations
Base on GTR15 Amendment 5
Table A7/1 Step 2b Correction of CO
 results against the target speed and distance
Level 1a – copy from EU 2017/1151
Level 1b – N/A
Level 2 - copy from EU 2017/1151 for 4 phase results
Table A7/1 Step 8 Averaging of criteria emissions
Level 1a - EU 2017/1151 "In the case of the combined THC+NOx emissions, the
highest value of the sum referring to either the VH or VL is to be used“
Level 1b – N/A
Level 2 - Calculate the average. Region can decide whether to use average or
individual value. Japan 3-phase, EU 4-phase - allows the option to exist in Level
2 - TBD.
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B – Type 1 Test (WLTP)
Annex B7: Calculations
Section 7.3 Criteria for drive trace indices
Level 1a – RMSSE threshold 1.3
Level 1b – RMSSE threshold 0.8
Level 2 – TBD
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B – Type 1 Test (WLTP)
Annex B8: Pure electric, hybrid electric and compressed hydrogen fuel cell hybrid
Base on GTR15 Amendment 5
Phase specific fuel consumption (paragraphs and
Level 1a – not required
Level 1b – include
Level 2 – CO
/fuel consumption is just performance value, no need to consider
stringency”. Include in Level 2.
Electric energy consumption
Level 1a – required
Level 1b – not required
Level 2 - CO
/fuel consumption is just performance value, no need to consider
stringency. Include in Level 2
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B – Type 1 Test (WLTP)
Annex B8: Pure electric, hybrid electric and compressed hydrogen fuel cell hybrid
Appendix 3 para 1.4 c)
Level 1a – EU 2017/1151 includes ATCT here
Level 1b – N/A
Level 2 – TBD
Appendix 5 Utility Factors
Level 1a – EU UF values
Level 1b – Japan UF values
Level 2 - EU UF values for 4 phases. Japan UF values for 3 phases.
Appendix 6 paras 2.3(d), 3.3(d) & 4.3(d) - Option to replace reference test cycle
with applicable WLTP city test cycle.
Level 1a – delete – option not allowed in EU
Level 1b – N/A
Level 2 – delete option
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B – Type 1 Test (WLTP)
Annex B8: Pure electric, hybrid electric and compressed hydrogen fuel cell hybrid
Appendix 7 - Phase specific fuel consumption (paragraph 2.2.7.)
Level 1a – not required
Level 1b – include
Level 2 – CO2/fuel consumption is just performance value, no need to consider
stringency”. Include in Level 2.
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B – Type 1 Test (WLTP)
Annex B9: Determination of method equivalency
Base on GTR15 Amendment 5
Same text for Level 1a, Level 1b and Level 2
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part C
Annex C1: [Reserved for Type 2 test (?)]
Annex C2: [Reserved for Type 3 test (?)]
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part C cont.
Annex C3: Type 4 test - Evaporative emissions
Base on GTR19 Amendment xxx
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part C cont.
Annex C4: Type 5 test – Durability
Level 1a – base on EU 2017/1151 as amended
Level 1b – under development
Level 2 - TBD
UNR WLTP: Annexes Part C cont.
Annex C5: [Reserved for Type 6 test – Low temperature test]
Contact information
Rob Gardner, TRL Ltd on behalf of the European Commission
(Task Force Leader)
Alessandro Marotta, European Commission
Slide Note

This document details the transposition of GTR15 (WLTP) and GTR19 (Evap) into UN Regulations, focusing on the scope, definitions, and application for approval of vehicle categories M1, M2, N1, and N2. It outlines requirements for emissions testing, carbon dioxide, fuel consumption, electric energy consumption, and more, while also addressing specific conditions for type approval extension. The regulations also exempt certain vehicles and specify equivalent approvals. Sections cover scope, definitions, and application procedures, referencing EU regulations and incorporating Japan-specific details.

  • UNR
  • WLTP
  • Regulations
  • Vehicle Approval
  • Emissions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WLTP-24- 03e_Appendix 3a Transposition of GTR15 (WLTP) and GTR19 (Evap) into UN Regulations Update from WLTP Transposition Task Force September 2018 1

  2. WLTP-24-03e Appendix UN Regulation WLTP This document presents a draft of the potential structure and content of a new UNR WLTP. Rob Gardner, TRL - September 2018

  3. UNR WLTP: Section 1 - Scope Scope and Application (?) [consider expanding title beyond just Scope ] This UN Regulation applies to the type approval of vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 with a reference mass not exceeding [2,610 kg] with regard to the WLTP Type 1 test for criteria emissions [or use emissions of gaseous compounds, particulate matter, particle number ] and to emissions of carbon dioxide and fuel consumption and/or the measurement of electric energy consumption and electric range, to the Type 4 test for Evaporative Emissions and to the Type 5 test for verifying the durability of pollution control devices. This Regulation does not lay down rules for the Type II test, Type III test, Type VI test, in-service conformity, or On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) systems. At the manufacturer's request, type approval granted under this Regulation may be extended from vehicles mentioned above to M1, M2, N1 and N2 vehicles with a reference mass not exceeding [2,840 kg] and which meet the conditions laid down in this Regulation. [Dark red text below is from UNR101] It does not apply to a category N1 vehicle if both: (a) The engine type fitted to that type of vehicle has received type approval pursuant to Regulation No. 49, and (b) The total annual worldwide production of N1 vehicles of the manufacturer is less than 2,000 units. Equivalent approvals (???) The following do not need to be approved to this Regulation vehicles above 2,380 kg to which approvals to UNR 49 have been granted as an extension.

  4. UNR WLTP: Section 2 - Definitions Copy relevant definitions from Section 3 of GTR15 and Section 3 of GTR19 Copy (and amend for UNR) relevant definitions from Article 2 of EU 2017/1151? (Level 1a) Copy relevant Japan definitions (Level 1b) Plus other definitions in UNR R83 and UNR R101 that need to be copied

  5. UNR WLTP: Section 3 - Application for approval Copy generic UNECE regulatory text from UNR R83 and amend as necessary Check Article 3 and Article 4 of EU 2017/1151 for any new WLTP specifics that need to be incorporated? Add equivalent text for Japan

  6. UNR WLTP: Section 4 - Approval Copy generic UNECE regulatory text from UNR R83 and amend as necessary Add equivalent text for Japan Use this section to provide instructions for TAAs as to how they issue approvals for Level 1a, 1b and 2. Mention concept of multi-stage approvals?

  7. UNR WLTP: Section 5 - Specifications and tests Introductory text - Copy and amend UNR R83, including information on small volume manufacturers 5.1 General Incorporate relevant text from Section 5 of GTR15. NB: some is already included in the equivalent UNR R83 text (e.g. fuel inlet orifices and electronic system security). Incorporate relevant text from Section 5 of GTR19. NB: some is already included in the equivalent UNR R83 text (e.g. security of hoses). Incorporate amendments in Section 2 of Annex I to EU 2017/1151 (e.g. odometer security) Add equivalent text for Japan

  8. UNR WLTP: Section 5 - Specifications and tests 5.2. Test procedure Copy and amend UNR R83 text to match requirements of UNR WLTP Incorporate relevant requirements in Section 2 of Annex I to EU 2017/1151 (Figure I.2.4.) which provide an update to UNR R83 Table A Add equivalent text for Japan

  9. UNR WLTP: Section 5 - Specifications and tests 5.3. Description of Tests Add some generic introductory text 5.3.1. Type 1 test Adapt main body of GTR15 to fit with the format of UNR 83 EU limits for 4 phase WLTC Japan limits for 3 phase WLTC Determination of CO2 Emissions And Fuel Consumption from Vehicles Submitted to Multi-stage Type-approval Or Individual Vehicle Approval (?)

  10. UNR WLTP: Section 5 - Specifications and tests 5.3. Description of Tests cont. 5.3.2. [Reserved - Placeholder for Type II (2?) test] 5.3.3. [Reserved - Placeholder for Type III (3?) test] 5.3.4. Type IV (4?) test Adapt main body of GTR19 to fit with the format of UNR 83 5.3.5. Type V (5?) test Level 1a: Copy and amend UNR R83 section 5.3.6. Add text from Annex VII of EU 2017/1151 which recognises the switch from NEDC to WLTP for the Type I/1 test Level 1b: Japan developing procedure 5.3.6. [Reserved - Placeholder for Type VI (6?) test]

  11. UNR WLTP: Section 6 - Modifications of the vehicle type Level 1a - Copy (and amend for UNR) new extensions requirements from Section 3 to Annex I of EU 2017/1151 that reflect WLTP Level 1b - Add equivalent text for Japan

  12. UNR WLTP: Section 7 - Extensions Level 1a - Align with EU 2017/1151 as amended by the 2nd Act Level 1b - Add equivalent text for Japan

  13. UNR WLTP: Section 8 - Conformity of production Level 1a - Interim use of EU 2017/1151 procedure. Copy (and amend for UNR) new CoP requirements from Section 4 to Annex I of EU 2017/1151, along with the new Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to replace those currently in UNR R83. Level 1b Interim use of Japan procedure Japan developing CoP Procedure Level 2 - TBD

  14. UNR WLTP: Section 9 In Service Conformity In Service Conformity will not be included in UNR WLTP see UNR83 08 Series.

  15. UNR WLTP: Sections 10 - 13 10. Penalties for non-conformity of production Standard UNR text By the time that the UNR WLTP is applicable there will be a new EU Type Approval Framework in place. Need to check whether the current UNR83 text would remain applicable. 11. Production definitively discontinued Standard UNR text See Section 10. 12. Transitional provisions If Approach 1 or Approach 2 are used we will need to include Introductory Provisions 13. Names and addresses of Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests, and of Type Approval Authorities Standard UNR text

  16. UNR WLTP: Appendix 1 Verification of conformity of production for Type 1 test statistical method Level 1a Align with EU 2017/1151 as amended by the 2nd Act Level 1b under development Level 2 - TBD

  17. UNR WLTP: Appendix 2 Calculations for Conformity of Production for EVs Level 1a Align with EU 2017/1151 as amended by the 2nd Act Level 1b under development Level 2 - TBD

  18. UNR WLTP: Appendix 3 Requirements for vehicles that use a reagent for the exhaust after-treatment system For UNR WLTP or UNR 83 08 series? TBD. Level 1a Align with EU 2017/1151 as amended by the 2nd Act (same as the UNR 83 07 series Appendix 6 update) Level 1b Currently no requirement in Japan. Can consider but may not be needed in Japan. TBD Level 2 - TBD NB: Appendices 3-5 in UNR83 cover In-Service Conformity and have been deleted for UNR WLTP as ISC will be in UNR83 08 series. UNR83 Appendix 6 (SCR) therefore now becomes Appendix 3. NB2: SCR requirements may be added to GTR15. If that happens then this appendix would be moved to Annexes Part B WLTP.

  19. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part A Annex A1: Engine and vehicle characteristics and information concerning the conduct of tests this will exclude all the specific non-Type 1/Type 4 info that is currently in UNR 83 07 series (e.g. Section OBD). NB: there will be a lot of duplication between the information documents for UNR WLTP and UNR83 08 if we take this approach. May need a novel approach. Appendix 1 - Information on test conditions Appendix 2 WLTP Test Report Appendix 3 WLTP Road Load Test Report Appendix 4 WLTP Test Sheet Appendix 5 Evap Test Report

  20. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part A cont. Annex A2: Communication Addendum to type approval communication No concerning the type approval of a vehicle with regard to exhaust emissions pursuant to Regulation WLTP xxx series of amendments Appendix 1 - Amend UNR R83 Annex 2 Communication and Addendum to Type Approval Communication to include the WLTP updates provided in Appendix 4 to Annex I of EU 2017/1151 Level 1a Level 1b - TBD Annex A3: Arrangements of the approval mark

  21. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B Type 1 Test (WLTP) Annex B1: WLTC Base on GTR15 Amendment 5 Level 1a Include extra high phase. Remove GTR15 option to allow exclusion of extra-high phase Level 1b Exclude extra high phase Level 2 4 phase WLTC EU limits 3 phase WLTC Japan limits Annex B2: Gear selection and shift point determination for vehicles equipped with manual transmissions Base on GTR15 Amendment 5 No variation between Level 1a, Level 1b and Level 2

  22. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B Type 1 Test (WLTP) Annex B3: Reference fuels Level 1a - Delete GTR15 reference fuels that are not in Annex IX of EU 2017/1151 Level 1b - Amend GTR15 to include the reference fuels for Japan Level 2 - Most stringent reference fuels to be determined. Diesel reference fuel Proposal from ACEA Petrol fuel JARI study underway. Results expected December 2018

  23. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B Type 1 Test (WLTP) Annex B4: Road load and dynamometer setting Base on GTR15 Amendment 5 Level 1a and Level 1b amend Amend GTR15 para to remove the +5oC option

  24. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B Type 1 Test (WLTP) Annex B5: Test equipment and calibrations Base on GTR15 Amendment 5 Delete GTR15 Section 7 (Additional sampling and analysis methods) Level 1a include PN measurement requirements Level 1b exclude PN measurement requirements Level 2 include PN measurement requirements

  25. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B Type 1 Test (WLTP) Annex B6: Type 1 test procedures and test conditions Base on GTR15 Amendment 5 Limits: 4 phase WLTC EU limits 3 phase WLTC Japan limits Regional corrections ATCT and Target speed correction in Level 1a and Level 2 for 4 phase cycle only (not 3 phase cycle) dCO2 determination Level 1a: 0.99 Level 1b: 1.0 Level 2: TBD

  26. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B Type 1 Test (WLTP) Annex B6: Type 1 test procedures and test conditions cont. Auxiliary devices Level 1a: Daylight running lamps Level 1b: N/A Level 2: TBD Dual-axis dyno for 4WD vehicles Level 1a - Include paragraphs to from EU 2017/1151 (as amended) Level 1b TBD Level 2 TBD Regenerative factor Ki Level 1a include Extra-High Level 1b exclude Extra-High Level 2 - EU accept 3_phase_Ki, and on the other hand, JPN accept 4_phase_Ki

  27. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B Type 1 Test (WLTP) Annex B6: Type 1 test procedures and test conditions cont. Ambient Temperature Correction Test Level 1a copy EU 2017/1151 Sub-Annex 6a Level 1b N/A Level 2 ATCT for 4 phases. No ATCT for 3 phases. Target speed correction Level 1a copy EU 2017/1151 Sub-Annex 6b Level 1b N/A Level 2 Correction for 4 phase results. No correction 3 phase results.

  28. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B Type 1 Test (WLTP) Annex B7: Calculations Base on GTR15 Amendment 5 Table A7/1 Step 2b Correction of CO2 results against the target speed and distance Level 1a copy from EU 2017/1151 Level 1b N/A Level 2 - copy from EU 2017/1151 for 4 phase results Table A7/1 Step 8 Averaging of criteria emissions Level 1a - EU 2017/1151 "In the case of the combined THC+NOx emissions, the highest value of the sum referring to either the VH or VL is to be used Level 1b N/A Level 2 - Calculate the average. Region can decide whether to use average or individual value. Japan 3-phase, EU 4-phase - allows the option to exist in Level 2 - TBD.

  29. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B Type 1 Test (WLTP) Annex B7: Calculations Section 7.3 Criteria for drive trace indices Level 1a RMSSE threshold 1.3 Level 1b RMSSE threshold 0.8 Level 2 TBD xxx

  30. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B Type 1 Test (WLTP) Annex B8: Pure electric, hybrid electric and compressed hydrogen fuel cell hybrid vehicles Base on GTR15 Amendment 5 Phase specific fuel consumption (paragraphs and Level 1a not required Level 1b include Level 2 CO2/fuel consumption is just performance value, no need to consider stringency . Include in Level 2. Electric energy consumption Level 1a required Level 1b not required Level 2 - CO2/fuel consumption is just performance value, no need to consider stringency. Include in Level 2

  31. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B Type 1 Test (WLTP) Annex B8: Pure electric, hybrid electric and compressed hydrogen fuel cell hybrid vehicles Appendix 3 para 1.4 c) Level 1a EU 2017/1151 includes ATCT here Level 1b N/A Level 2 TBD Appendix 5 Utility Factors Level 1a EU UF values Level 1b Japan UF values Level 2 - EU UF values for 4 phases. Japan UF values for 3 phases. Appendix 6 paras 2.3(d), 3.3(d) & 4.3(d) - Option to replace reference test cycle with applicable WLTP city test cycle. Level 1a delete option not allowed in EU Level 1b N/A Level 2 delete option

  32. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B Type 1 Test (WLTP) Annex B8: Pure electric, hybrid electric and compressed hydrogen fuel cell hybrid vehicles Appendix 7 - Phase specific fuel consumption (paragraph 2.2.7.) Level 1a not required Level 1b include Level 2 CO2/fuel consumption is just performance value, no need to consider stringency . Include in Level 2.

  33. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part B Type 1 Test (WLTP) Annex B9: Determination of method equivalency Base on GTR15 Amendment 5 Same text for Level 1a, Level 1b and Level 2

  34. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part C Annex C1: [Reserved for Type 2 test (?)] Annex C2: [Reserved for Type 3 test (?)]

  35. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part C cont. Annex C3: Type 4 test - Evaporative emissions Base on GTR19 Amendment xxx

  36. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part C cont. Annex C4: Type 5 test Durability Level 1a base on EU 2017/1151 as amended Level 1b under development Level 2 - TBD

  37. UNR WLTP: Annexes Part C cont. Annex C5: [Reserved for Type 6 test Low temperature test]

  38. Contact information Rob Gardner, TRL Ltd on behalf of the European Commission (Task Force Leader) rgardner@trl.co.uk Alessandro Marotta, European Commission Alessandro.Marotta@ec.europa.eu 38


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