Understanding the APT Process in Academic Institutions

Adrienne Jeffries
Karl Pfister
 Overview of APT process & routing dossiers
 APT stands for 
romotion, and 
APT Committee
: composed of 12 faculty members and is the third level of faculty
review of promotion and tenure decisions
The APT Committee reviews faculty promotion and tenure decisions after reviews have been
successfully completed at the Departmental and School-levels
The committee makes recommendations to the Provost, who makes the final decision, subject to
confirmation by BOT (Board of Trustees)
 ASAC stands for 
rts and 
Elected representative from each of the four divisions serve on the committee, which is charged with the
review of all new tenure-track assistant professor appointments and all appointments that confer
tenure in the College.
ASAC Schedule (page 41in the Chair’s Manual)
Appointment Review Table
 (pgs. 39-40 in the Chair’s Manual)
*No faculty member may vote on another faculty member’s appointment of the same rank
Initial appointment confers permanent tenure
Associate Professor (without tenure)
Initial appointment is ordinarily for a probationary term of five years
Under very special circumstances, an initial appointment with permanent tenure may be made
Assistant Professor
Initial appointment is for a probationary term of four years
Instructor with Special Provision
Rank for newly hired faculty who have not yet completed the requirements for the PhD degree.
Appointment is for a probationary term of one year
Associate Professor
Reappointment to Associate Professor confers tenure
 Assistant Professor
Reappointment is for a term of three years
 Instructor with Special Provision
Appointment is renewable for up to three additional successive one-year terms, a total of four years
No reappointment beyond four years is allowed
Automatically upon conferral of a specified academic degree the instructor shall be reappointed at
the rank of assistant professor
 Associate Professor
No less than 12 months before the end of the probationary appointment, a decision will be made as to
whether the associate professor will be reappointed to confer tenure or promoted to full professor
Assistant Professor
No less than 12 months before the end of the first probationary appointment, a decision will be made as to
whether the assistant professor will be reappointed
No less than 12 months before the end of the second probationary term, a decision will be made as to
whether the assistant professor will be promoted
Assistant and Associate Professors 
can request an Extension of their Tenure
Clock if there are compelling reasons to do so (pg. 64 in the Chair’s Manual)
Must be submitted no later than 24 months before the end of their current term
Extensions are granted in 12 month increments.
 Deferring a Promotion Review for Tenured Faculty (pg. 64 in the Chair’s Manual)
 Problematic promotion and tenure decisions (pg. 65 in the Chair’s Manual)
Promotion to the rank of full professor confers permanent tenure
Associate professors promoted to full professors receive a 
salary increase
 Associate Professor
Promotion to associate professor from assistant professor always confers tenure
Assistant professors promoted to associate professors with tenure receive a 
salary increase
Promotion from Instructor with Special Provision to Assistant Professor
Promotion at any time from the rank of instructor to that of assistant professor constitutes an initial
appointment at the latter rank. In such cases the appointment to assistant professor shall be retroactive
to the effective date of instructor or to July 1 or January 1 immediately preceding the conferral of the
degree whichever is nearest in point of time.
Post-tenure review must be made not less frequently than every five years
Associate Professor
In any case where an associate professor has served five years in that rank and acquires permanent
tenure in that rank, a post-tenure review must be made not less frequently than every five years
 Deferral of PTR
Deferral decisions and/or decisions not to promote must be reviewed and approved by the Provost
 Post-Tenure Review Training
Review by:
SAD & Dean
Probationary term 1
Probationary term 2
Review by:
Review by:
*Typically, Assistant Professors do not serve their 7
 year at this rank.
w/ tenure
Probationary term (untenured)
Tenure Review by:
Once a faculty member is tenured, they are subject to a 5-year review schedule.
*If out of cycle, SAD approval required.
After 18 months, can be promoted to Professor at any time during this period*
 Ensure all dates on the AP-2 form correspond with CV
 CV must contain the date of latest revision and all pages must be numbered
 Letters of recommendation should have a designation in its upper right hand corner
as to which list the reviewer was selected (department chair/personnel committee or
 Do not forward a hardcopy to the Dean’s Office until documents in RASR have been
reviewed and approved
ASAC schedule is released
Schedule for Mandatory Reviews for
Reappointments and Promotions is sent to Chairs
Contract renewal, promotion and tenure
documents are due. Adjustments to this timetable
can occur only in consultation with your SAD
Dossiers for Assistant Professor reappointments
effective 7/1 are due in RASR
For appointments with tenure or on the tenure-
track, this is the last chance for a person
appointed as of 7/1 to receive all of the
necessary approvals.
Dossiers for promotions for senior
lecturers/teaching professors with 7/1 effective
dates are due in RASR
Chairs notify faculty who are due for
renewal/promotion review during the following
 Tenure is not acquired at these ranks
 Fall reviews for promotion to Teaching Associate Professor and Teaching Professor to
be effective 1/1/2018. Departments must submit dossiers by 11/1/2017.
 Spring reviews for promotion to Teaching Associate Professor and Teaching Professor
to be effective 7/1/18, Departments must submit dossiers by 3/27/18.
 Teaching Assistant Professor to Teaching Associate Professor
 Teaching assistant professors promoted to teaching associate professors receive a 
increase effective on their promotion date, subject to legislative and BOG approvals
Teaching Associate Professor to Teaching Professor
Teaching associate professors promoted to teaching professors receive a 
salary increase
effective on their promotion date, subject to legislative and BOG approvals
Janet Farrell
Teresa Wilkinson
Slide Note

This informative content delves into the intricate procedures of the Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (APT) process in academic settings. It covers key aspects such as the composition of the APT Committee, the role of the Arts and Sciences Advisory Committee (ASAC), typical tenure-track career progression, and the recommendation and appointment process for faculty members. The detailed overview provides valuable insights into the faculty promotion and tenure decisions in higher education institutions.

  • APT process
  • Academic institutions
  • Faculty review
  • Promotion and tenure
  • Career progression

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Presentation Transcript

  1. UNDERSTANDING APT PROCESS Adrienne Jeffries Karl Pfister

  2. TIMELINE Introductions Overview of APT process & routing dossiers

  3. BEFORE WE GET STARTED APT stands for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure APT Committee: composed of 12 faculty members and is the third level of faculty review of promotion and tenure decisions The APT Committee reviews faculty promotion and tenure decisions after reviews have been successfully completed at the Departmental and School-levels The committee makes recommendations to the Provost, who makes the final decision, subject to confirmation by BOT (Board of Trustees) ASAC stands for Arts and Sciences Advisory Committee Elected representative from each of the four divisions serve on the committee, which is charged with the review of all new tenure-track assistant professor appointments and all appointments that confer tenure in the College. ASAC Schedule (page 41in the Chair s Manual)

  4. TYPICAL TENURE-TRACK CAREER PROGRESSION Recommendation & Appointment Promotion & Tenure Post-Tenure Review Recruitment Reappointment Tenure Review

  5. Recommendation & Appointment RECOMMENDATION & APPOINTMENT Initial appointments, reappointments, and promotions, regardless of faculty rank (tenure-track or fixed term), for a term longer than one year must be initiated by recommendation of the Chair upon the advice of the assembled full professors of the unit (at least 4) All College units include tenured associate professors in the review and vote for all tenure-track faculty personnel actions* Department Committee Approval Dossier submitted to Janet and Teresa for review prior to submission to ASAC Dean s Office Review Tenured new hire appointments require approval from ASAC, which advises the Dean on tenure-track and tenured personnel actions ASAC Approval APT committee approval BOT approval (final approval) Provost Office Appointment Review Table (pgs. 39-40 in the Chair s Manual) *No faculty member may vote on another faculty member s appointment of the same rank

  6. Recommendation & Appointment TENURE/TENURE-TRACK FACULTY APPOINTMENTS Professor Initial appointment confers permanent tenure Associate Professor (without tenure) Initial appointment is ordinarily for a probationary term of five years Under very special circumstances, an initial appointment with permanent tenure may be made Assistant Professor Initial appointment is for a probationary term of four years Instructor with Special Provision Rank for newly hired faculty who have not yet completed the requirements for the PhD degree. Appointment is for a probationary term of one year

  7. Reappointment TENURE-TRACK FACULTY REAPPOINTMENTS Associate Professor Reappointment to Associate Professor confers tenure Assistant Professor Reappointment is for a term of three years Instructor with Special Provision Appointment is renewable for up to three additional successive one-year terms, a total of four years No reappointment beyond four years is allowed Automatically upon conferral of a specified academic degree the instructor shall be reappointed at the rank of assistant professor

  8. Tenure Review TENURE REVIEW Associate Professor No less than 12 months before the end of the probationary appointment, a decision will be made as to whether the associate professor will be reappointed to confer tenure or promoted to full professor Assistant Professor No less than 12 months before the end of the first probationary appointment, a decision will be made as to whether the assistant professor will be reappointed No less than 12 months before the end of the second probationary term, a decision will be made as to whether the assistant professor will be promoted Probationary Assistant and Associate Professors can request an Extension of their Tenure Clock if there are compelling reasons to do so (pg. 64 in the Chair s Manual) Must be submitted no later than 24 months before the end of their current term Extensions are granted in 12 month increments. Deferring a Promotion Review for Tenured Faculty (pg. 64 in the Chair s Manual) Problematic promotion and tenure decisions (pg. 65 in the Chair s Manual)

  9. Promotion & Tenure TENURE/TENURE-TRACK FACULTY PROMOTIONS Professor Promotion to the rank of full professor confers permanent tenure Associate professors promoted to full professors receive a $8,000 salary increase Associate Professor Promotion to associate professor from assistant professor always confers tenure Assistant professors promoted to associate professors with tenure receive a $5,000 salary increase Promotion from Instructor with Special Provision to Assistant Professor Promotion at any time from the rank of instructor to that of assistant professor constitutes an initial appointment at the latter rank. In such cases the appointment to assistant professor shall be retroactive to the effective date of instructor or to July 1 or January 1 immediately preceding the conferral of the degree whichever is nearest in point of time.

  10. Post-Tenure Review POST-TENURE REVIEW (PTR) Professor Post-tenure review must be made not less frequently than every five years Associate Professor In any case where an associate professor has served five years in that rank and acquires permanent tenure in that rank, a post-tenure review must be made not less frequently than every five years Deferral of PTR Deferral decisions and/or decisions not to promote must be reviewed and approved by the Provost Post-Tenure Review Training http://old.northcarolina.edu/aa/tenuretraining/index.php

  11. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Probationary term 1 Probationary term 2 Associate Year 7* Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Hired Professor w/ tenure Promotion Review by: Department ASAC APT BOT Reappointment Review by: Department ASAC APT BOT Appointment Review by: Department SAD & Dean APT BOT *Typically, Assistant Professors do not serve their 7th year at this rank.

  12. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Probationary term (untenured) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Hired Tenure Review by: Department ASAC APT BOT After 18 months, can be promoted to Professor at any time during this period* Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Tenured Professor Once a faculty member is tenured, they are subject to a 5-year review schedule. *If out of cycle, SAD approval required.

  13. DOSSIER TIPS Ensure all dates on the AP-2 form correspond with CV CV must contain the date of latest revision and all pages must be numbered Letters of recommendation should have a designation in its upper right hand corner as to which list the reviewer was selected (department chair/personnel committee or candidate) Do not forward a hardcopy to the Dean s Office until documents in RASR have been reviewed and approved

  14. TIMELINE August ASAC schedule is released March For appointments with tenure or on the tenure- track, this is the last chance for a person appointed as of 7/1 to receive all of the necessary approvals. Dossiers for promotions for senior lecturers/teaching professors with 7/1 effective dates are due in RASR Chairs notify faculty who are due for renewal/promotion review during the following year. September Schedule for Mandatory Reviews for Reappointments and Promotions is sent to Chairs December Contract renewal, promotion and tenure documents are due. Adjustments to this timetable can occur only in consultation with your SAD January Dossiers for Assistant Professor reappointments effective 7/1 are due in RASR

  15. FIXED TERM FACULTY Tenure is not acquired at these ranks Fall reviews for promotion to Teaching Associate Professor and Teaching Professor to be effective 1/1/2018. Departments must submit dossiers by 11/1/2017. Spring reviews for promotion to Teaching Associate Professor and Teaching Professor to be effective 7/1/18, Departments must submit dossiers by 3/27/18. Teaching Assistant Professor to Teaching Associate Professor Teaching assistant professors promoted to teaching associate professors receive a $3,000 salary increase effective on their promotion date, subject to legislative and BOG approvals Teaching Associate Professor to Teaching Professor Teaching associate professors promoted to teaching professors receive a $5,000 salary increase effective on their promotion date, subject to legislative and BOG approvals

  16. QUESTIONS? Janet Farrell Teresa Wilkinson


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