Understanding Adulteration of Crude Drugs

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Adulteration of crude drugs involves substituting the original substance with similar-looking but chemically inferior ones. This deceptive practice can be intentional or accidental, driven by factors like profits, scarcity, or high prices in the market. Different types and reasons for adulteration are explored, along with conditions or stages that may be involved.

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  1. ADULTERATION OF CRUDE DRUGS O.P. Verma Associate Professor Dept. of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Goel Institute of Pharmacy and Sciences Lucknow

  2. DEFINATION Adulteration is a practice of substituting original crude drug partially or whole with other similar looking substances but the latter is either free from or inferior in chemical and therapeutic properties. OR

  3. Adulteration in s implewordsisthe debasement of an article. OR Adulteration is broadly defined as admixture or substitution of original or genuine article/ drug with inferior, defective or otherwise us elessor harmful s ubs tances .

  4. ADULTRANT: The adulterant must be some material which in both cheap and available in fairly large amounts. Substitution is the addition of an entirely different article in place of that which is required e.g. Supply of cheap cottonseed oil in place of olive oil (Sweet oil).

  5. TYPES OF ADULTERATION 1.Deliberate ( Intentional ) adulteration 2.Un-deliberate (Un-intentional) or Accidental adulteration

  6. 1 . DELIBERATE ADULTERATION ( INTENTIONAL ) Deliberate adulteration Are normally commercial mainly with the intention of enhancementof profits.

  7. 2. Un-DELIBERATE ( ACCIDENTAL ) ADULTERATION Un-deliberate adulteration Are normally naturally occurring, accidental, careless or by ignorance and non harmful.

  8. REASONS FOR ADULTERATION 1 .Scarcity of thedrug. 2.Thehigh priceof thedrug in themarket, eg:Clove,Cinnamon,Cardamom 3. It isvery common with the contraband drugse.g.Opium

  9. CONDITIONS OR STAGES OF ADULTERATION The term 'adulteration' or debasement of an article covers a number of conditions, which may be deliberate or In-deliberate. Inferiority, Spoilage, Deterioration, Admixture, Sophistication, Substitution

  10. Inferiority Is a natural s ubs tandard condition (e.g. where a crop is taken whose natural constituent is below the minimum standard for that particular drug)

  11. Spoilage Is a substandard condition produced by microbial or other pest infestation, which makes a product unfit for consumption.

  12. Deterioration Isthelos sin thequality or valueof an article due to destruction valuable constituents by bad treatment or aging or to the deliberate extraction of the constituents.

  13. Admixture Is the addition of one article to another through accident, ignorance or carelessness e.g. Inclusion of soil on an underground organ or the co-collection of two similar species.

  14. Sophistication Isthe deliberate addition of inferior material with intent to defraud ( cheat to get money ) ; such materials are carefully produced and may appear at first sight to be genuine. E.g. Powder ginger may be diluted with starch with addition of little coloring material to give the correct shade of yellow colour.

  15. Substitution Istheaddition of an entirely different article in placeof that whichisrequired. E.g. Supply of cheap cottonseed oil in place of olive oil (Sweet oil).

  16. METHODS OF DRUG ADULTERATION 1.Substitution with CommercialVarieties 2.Adulteration by Artificially Manufactured Substitutes 3 . S ubstitution by Exhaus ted Drugs 4.Adulteration by Addition of WorthlessHeavy Materials ( Harmful Adulteration) 5.Addition of Synthetic Principles 6. Us ageof VegetativeMatter from theS amePlant 7.Adulteration of Powders Inferior/Sub- standard

  17. 1. Substitution CommercialVarieties Due to morphological resemblance to the with Inferior/Sub- standard authentic drugs, different inferior commercial varietiesare us ed asadulterant which may or may not have any chemical or therapeutic potential asthat original natural drug

  18. Thisisthe mostcommon type of adulteration Eg. Arabian Senna and Dog Senna have been used to adulterate Indian Senna (Cassia senna) Eg. Medicinal Ginger ( Zingiber officinale) is replaced by Japaneseginger (Zingibermioga )

  19. 2. Adulteration by Artificially Manufactured Substitutes Here the substances artificially prepared to resemble the original drug ( provide the general form and appearance i.e colour, shape, size) and are used as substitute of the original one.

  20. Generally , this practice isfollowed for much costlier drugs Eg.Artificial invert s ugar for Honey Eg.Paraffin waxmade yellow coloration and subs tituted for Beeswax. Eg.Compress ed chicory in placeof Coffee

  21. 3. Substitution by Exhausted Drugs In thistype the s ameplant drug isadmixed but it is devoid of any medicinally active constituents as they are already extracted out. (no active medicinal components as they have already been extracted out).

  22. This practice is most common in case of volatile oil containing materials like clove, fennel ,cardamom,cinnamon etc., Eg. Exhaus ted Clove to Clove Eg. Exhaus ted Ginger to Ginger 24

  23. 5. Adulteration by Addition of Worthless Heavy Materials ( Harmful Adulteration) Here, the wastes from market are collected and admixed with original drug. This is particularly noticed for liquids and unorganized drugs.

  24. Addition of Synthetic Principles 6. S ometimes to fortify inferior natural products,syntheticprinciplesare added Eg.Adding Citral to Oil of Lemon Eg.Benzyl benzoate to Bals am of Peru etc.

  25. Usage of Vegetative Matter from the Same Plant 7. S ome times , the other plants growing along with medicinal plant are mixed due to their resembling colour,odour and in some cas escons tituents.

  26. 8. ADULTERATION OFPOWDERS Besidesthe entire drugs, the powdered forms arefrequently ,found to beadulterated. Eg.Red S anderswood in Caps icum Eg.Exhaus ted Ginger powder in powdered Ginger Eg.Thepowdered bark isfrequently adulterated with Brick powder

  27. QUESTION BANK Long Essays:1 0 Marks 1.Explain in detail the various methods of adulteration of crudedrugswith examples . 2.Explain the five different methods usedfor adulteration of crudedrugsand discuss . 4. Define adulteration. Explain the various methods of adulteration with examples. 5.What do you mean by deliberate and indeliberate adulteration give examples

  28. Short Essays:5Marks 1. Define adulteration and explain the various methods of adulteration. 2. Defineadulteration and givethereasonsfor adulteration with examples. 3.What do you mean by deliberate and indeliberate adulteration with examples? 4. Dis cus swith exampleson adulteration of powder and liquid drugs. 5.Explain in detail the methods of adulteration of crude drugswith examples . 6.Name fivedifferent methodsused for adulteration of crude drugsand explain with examples. 7. What isadulteration? Explain in-deliberate adulteration of crudedrugswith examples

  29. 8.Name five different methods usedfor adulteration of crude drugsand explain with examples . 9.What isadulteration? Explain in-deliberate adulteration of crudedrugswith examples 10. What isadulteration? Explain the deliberate adulteration of crudedrugswith examples. Short Answers:2 Marks 1.Define Adulteration and Substitution. 2.What do you mean by deliberate and indeliberate adulteration? 3. Givethevariousreasonsof adulteration 4.Artificial adulteration with examples. 5.Name the different methods of adulteration of crude drugs.

  30. 6.Define adulteration and sophistication. 7.What are exhaus ted drugs?Giveexamples. 8.What isharmful adulteration?Giveexamples. 9. Givethe difference between substitute and official drug with example. 10.What issubstitution?Giveexamples . 11.What isdeterioration?Giveexample. 12.Adulteration of crude drugs with artificial adulterants

  31. Thank You


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