The Moral and Ethical Aspects of Abortion

Moral and ethical
problems of abortion
Prof. Tzibusov
Sergey  Nikolaevich
What is abortion
Abortion is the termination of a
pregnancy before the term when it can
be completed with childbirth.
The bioethical problem of abortion is
to justify the moral admissibility or
inadmissibility of abortion as a practice
of intervention in 
human life
 at the
stage of intrauterine development
In medical science, 
abortions are distinguished.
Spontaneous abortion
) - this
phenomenon belongs to the field of
medicine and is not the subject of
biomedical ethics research.
Artificial termination of pregnancy
(abortion)is the process of using medical
technology to interrupt the natural course of
the pregnancy process in a woman's body.
In the sphere of the law, there are
abortions, i.e.
performed in accordance with the
norms of the current legislation or
violating it.
According to the legislation in force
in our country, there abortions “
at the
woman's request
”, “
for social reasons
and “
for medical indications
Medical indications for the termination of the
Infectious and parasitic  diseases (all active forms of
tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, syphilis, HIV, rubella)
Diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus
complicated forms, pheochromocytoma, toxic goiter,
Diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs
Mental disorders (psychosis, psychotic conditions,
chronic alcoholism, substance abuse, mental
Termination of pregnancy for
social reasons:
a court decision on the deprivation
or restriction of parental rights,
 pregnancy after rape,
a woman’s stay in prison,
disability of 1-2 groups or the death
of her husband during pregnancy
The greatest number of ethical issues
arises in connection with abortions
at the woman's request
for social reasons
, since in this area the
freedom of a person to intervene not
only in the natural processes of human
life, but also in the spiritual, social life
of a person, in the area of his rights and
freedoms. is most manifested
According to the 
Law No. 5487-1 of22 July
1993on Fundamentals of Russian Federation
Legislation on Public Health Care every woman
has the right to decide independently the
question of motherhood.
 Artificial abortions are performed at the
woman's request within the first 
12 weeks 
of the
gestation period, when socially indicated within
22 weeks
, and 
any stage of pregnancy 
medically indicated and with the woman's
Each year more than 75 million women
worldwide experience an 
unwanted pregnancy
About two-third of them end in abortion.
Of the 45 million abortions performed in
the world every year, Russia accounts for
about 2 million (according to official
Some statistics
53% of adolescents begin to
have sex at 15-17 years;
every tenth abortion is
performed by girls aged 14
years and girls aged 15-19,
every second abortion is
performed by young women
aged 20-29 years;
The number of abortions in
adolescents fewer than 14 years
old within 22 weeks of the
gestation period is increasing.
More than 40% of
first pregnancies
are terminated by
artificial abortion.
Dilation and evacuation   during a late stage of gestation
This procedure takes three days.  During the first two days,
the cervix is widened; the woman is given antispasmodic
drugs. On the third day, the woman takes a medication that
provokes childbirth. Once the birth has begun, the doctor does
an ultrasound to locate the baby's legs. Forceps are used to
grasp and pull the legs, shoulders, and arms through the birth
canal. A small incision is made on the base of the skull to
allow a suction catheter inside. The catheter removes the
cerebral material until the skull collapses. The fetus is then
completely removed.
According to statistics,
approximately 55 million
women worldwide perform
abortions annually, i.e. 21%
of all pregnancies are
terminated artificially. The
same abortion statistics show
that about 70 thousand
women die each year from
various complications
resulting from abortions.
Every fifth woman becomes
infertile as a result of the first
The legalization of
abortion statistically has
reduced the number of
criminal abortions, but so
far, for a number of
reasons, women, especially
girls, are trying to
terminate their pregnancy
secretly, under
inappropriate conditions.
Such termination of
pregnancy usually ends
with incomplete removal of
the fetus, bleeding, and
damage to the uterus, which
can lead to serious
consequences, even death.
According to international standards,
everyone has the right to have children,
to be healthy and to make decisions on
these issues independently.
If we consider the moral problem of
abortion from a scientific point of view,
especially bioethics, then the
researchers prioritize the issue of 
status of the embryo.
The first position is expressed in the
Hippocratic Oath. Among the many medical
manipulations, Hippocrates specifically singles
out abortions and promises: "I will not give to a
woman a pessary to produce abortion."
So Hippocrates fixes the position of the
medical profession on the 
 of the participation of a doctor
in the production of an artificial miscarriage.
Another opinion - the opinion of the
legislators of Ancient Greece on the
natural expediency of abortion is
summarized and expressed by
Aristotle, who wrote in “Politics”:
"When couples have children in
excess, let abortion be procured
sense and life have begun. "
Later in the arsenal of the liberal ideology
there is the principle of "a woman's right
over her own body" or "a woman's right to
control her body."It is very difficult to
make a decision regarding abortion,
especially for a truly spiritual person.
Different religions have different
interpretations of this problem. But it
should be noted that most religions
condemn abortion and consider it murder.
A large part of Russia's population is
Orthodox Christians. From the point of
view of the Orthodox faith, the moral issue
of abortion is not as simple as it might
seem. However, it is quite clear, that the
Christian Bible Scripture says: "By killing
unborn children, women destruct God’s
sacred creation”.
The demographic position of the country,
together with the economic factor, is also
another point in assessing the morality of the
abortion problem. In Russia, there is only
minimal support for mothers, which
significantly undermines the status of the family.
The largest mass group of the poor is families
with children; they make up 50-60% of the total
number of poor families.
Every day in the world about 100 million
sexual acts are performed, in 910 000 cases
conception occurs, in 10% of these cases
pregnancy ends with abortion.
At the moment, concern is caused by
both the medical consequences of abortion-
maternal morbidity (often leading to
infertility) and mortality, and moral and
legal-the problems of its admissibility in
the early stages of pregnancy and
legislative regulation.
The most important element of this
argument is the statement: 
the embryo is a
human being
This argument is perceived at the level of
simple everyday observation as self-
evident, not requiring any special evidence.
The well-known Eastern tradition
according to which a person’s age is
counted from the moment of conception,
and not from the moment of birth, speaks in
its favor.
Such scientifically established facts are
cited as the fact that a human embryo
of a rather early age, already at 9
weeks, has a face, fingers, intracerebral
activity, etc., or that, moreover, 
main features of the human
 are already programmed in
the gene. Therefore, under no
circumstances can abortion be morally
And since the right to life is an
inalienable right of any human being,
the emryo also has such a right
. Hence,
abortion is unacceptable from a moral
point of view, abortion should be
prohibited (in those countries where
they are allowed) and in no case should
be allowed (if it is currently prohibited
in this country).
A mitigated anti-abortion position is
considered to be one which, 
, considers abortion
, but as an exception, in
cases where there are 
in the case of rape
allows it
The very admissibility of exceptions is
argued by the need to take into account
the desire and interests of the mother.
In the first case, where there are
medical indications, the 
mother’s right
to life (and health) is violated
. In the
case of rape there is no 
consent of the woman.
 After all, mother
is a person; she also has the right to
life, health, freedom.
Proponents of legalizing abortion give
the following arguments:
1. Even if the embryo is a human being,
one cannot help but see the difference
between the embryo and the person. This
difference is recognized even for a plant:
the difference between a seed, a sprouted
germ, and an adult plant. Even in the case
of a plant, it is recognized that acorn and
oak are not the same thing.
2. Even opponents of abortion admit that
this creature needs the mother precisely
because it is not independent, autonomous,
cannot develop outside the mother’s body,
but must exist within it for nine months.
Therefore, before it is born, it is not yet
independent, and the act of birth determines
exactly the moment when it becomes
That is why birth becomes
the beginning of human life.
In most secular states, it is
believed that a woman's bodily
autonomy gives her the right to
control her body, and the emergence
of a new personality with rights
occurs at the moment of birth.
Therefore, abortion is allowed in all
these countries.
Since ancient times, the 
 considers intentional termination
of pregnancy (abortion) as a grave sin.
Canonical rules equate abortion with
murder. The Church sees the widespread
and justification of abortion in modern
society as a threat to the future of mankind
and a clear sign of moral degradation.
Under no circumstances can the Orthodox
Church bless abortion.
Catholic Church 
"From the very beginning, the fetus
should be revered as a person." The
official documents of the Roman
Catholic Church prohibit abortion,
even for health reasons (Encyclical
Humanae Vitae of Pope PaulVI,
1968; Charter for Health Care
Workers, 1994).
Protestant churches
, abortion is
condemned as a means of birth
control, but is allowed in
exceptional situations, for example,
during pregnancy after rape
(Consensus Statement on Abortion
of the Seventh-day Adventist
Church, 1990, etc.).
“Islamic code of medical
Kuwait, 1981)condemns current
trends in abortion authorization
particular, it says
: “
The sanctity of
human Life covers all its stages
including intrauterine life of the
embryo and fetus. This shall not be
compromised by the Doctor save 
the absolute medical necessity
recognized by Islamic Jurisprudence
teaches that to kill is to
commit the most terrible negative act.
The ethics of Buddhism begin with the
commandment:"abstain of taking of
human or animal life." 
"The embryo is
sacred and carries the full potential of
the human being."
 Therefore, abortion
corresponds to the destruction of life
regardless of stage."
According to the authorities of 
abortion (and generally unwillingness to have
children) is contrary to the history and
Messianic destiny of the Jewish people.
At the same time, one of the most
authoritative Jewish theologians doctor
Maimonides taught: not to have pity for the life
of an aggressor. Referring to this principle, Dr.
Shabad authorized the killing of a child in the
womb if continuing the pregnancy would threat
mother’s physical or mental health.
So, based on the foregoing,
we can conclude that all
religions see
in the embryo
the human being
consider abortion a murder
regardless of gestational
The history of abortion in Russia
instructive. For the first time in the country,
abortion at a woman’s request was allowed
in 1920. At that time, Russia was the first
and only country in the world to have such
liberal abortion legislation.
Until now, Russia (along with the
Netherlands, Sweden and the USA) is the
country with 
the most liberal legislation on
artificial abortion in the world.
According to statistics, in Russia up to 15%
of operations give complications, about 8%
of women remain infertile. Currently, about
7 million Russians cannot experience the
happiness of motherhood, and the reason is
performed earlier abortion. According to
the research Institute of obstetrics,
gynecology and perinatology,
2.3 million 
are registered
annually in Russia, in 10% of cases these
operations end in infertility.
In the dispute of two principles, one based on
the mother's right to choose
 and the other-
on the
fetus right to life
, there is one contradiction that
makes it impossible to resolve it. The fact is that
the principle of the right to choose applies
equally to the fetus and to the woman herself. As
a result, the dispute becomes purely scholastic.
Such disputes are not particularly attractive. It is
necessary to find a practical solution to the
really complex and internally contradictory
problem of abortion, and it is the use of
Slide Note

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, raising moral and ethical dilemmas. Types of abortion include medical and artificial methods, legal considerations, and medical indications for termination. Social reasons for abortion include court decisions, rape, imprisonment, disability, or spousal death during pregnancy.

  • Abortion
  • Ethics
  • Medical Science
  • Legal Considerations
  • Social Reasons

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Presentation Transcript

  1. http:// o-fakultete/ struktura/kafedry/ kafedra-fiziologii-i- anatomii/

  2. Moral and ethical problems of abortion Prof. Tzibusov Sergey Nikolaevich


  4. What is abortion Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before the term when it can be completed with childbirth. The bioethical problem of abortion is to justify the moral admissibility or inadmissibility of abortion as a practice of intervention in human life at the stage of intrauterine development

  5. TYPES OF ABORTION medical science, artificial abortions are distinguished. Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) - this phenomenon belongs medicine and is not biomedical ethics research. Artificial termination (abortion)is the process of using medical technology to interrupt the natural course of the pregnancy process in a woman's body. spontaneous In and to the field of of the subject of pregnancy

  6. TYPES OF ABORTION In the sphere of the law, there are legal and criminal performed in accordance with norms of the current legislation or violating it. According to the legislation in force in our country, there abortions at the woman's request , for social reasons and for medical indications . abortions, i.e. the

  7. Medical indications for the termination of the pregnancy: Infectious and parasitic diseases (all active forms of tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, syphilis, HIV, rubella) Neoplasms Diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus complicated forms, pheochromocytoma, toxic goiter, etc.) Diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs Mental disorders (psychosis, psychotic conditions, chronic alcoholism, substance abuse, mental retardation)

  8. Termination of pregnancy for social reasons: a court decision on the deprivation or restriction of parental rights, pregnancy after rape, a woman s stay in prison, disability of 1-2 groups or the death of her husband during pregnancy

  9. The greatest number of ethical issues arises in connection with abortions performed at the woman's request and for social reasons, since in this area the freedom of a person to intervene not only in the natural processes of human life, but also in the spiritual, social life of a person, in the area of his rights and freedoms. is most manifested

  10. According to the Law No. 5487-1 of22 July 1993on Fundamentals of Russian Federation Legislation on Public Health Care every woman has the right to decide independently the question of motherhood. Artificial abortions are performed at the woman's request within the first 12 weeks of the gestation period, when socially indicated within 22 weeks, and any stage of pregnancy whenever medically indicated and with the woman's consent.

  11. Unwanted pregnancy Cheap expencive

  12. Each year more than 75 million women worldwide experience an unwanted pregnancy. About two-third of them end in abortion. Of the 45 million abortions performed in the world every year, Russia accounts for about 2 million (according to official statistics)

  13. Some statistics 53% of adolescents begin to have sex at 15-17 years; every tenth abortion is performed by girls aged 14 years and girls aged 15-19, years; every second abortion is performed by young women aged 20-29 years; The number of abortions in adolescents fewer than 14 years old within 22 weeks of the gestation period is increasing. More than 40% of first pregnancies are terminated by artificial abortion.

  14. MEDICAL ABORTION Dilation and evacuation during a late stage of gestation This procedure takes three days. During the first two days, the cervix is widened; the woman is given antispasmodic drugs. On the third day, the woman takes a medication that provokes childbirth. Once the birth has begun, the doctor does an ultrasound to locate the baby's legs. Forceps are used to grasp and pull the legs, shoulders, and arms through the birth canal. A small incision is made on the base of the skull to allow a suction catheter inside. The catheter removes the cerebral material until the skull collapses. The fetus is then completely removed.

  15. According approximately women worldwide perform abortions annually, i.e. 21% of all pregnancies terminated artificially. same abortion statistics show that about women die each year from various resulting from Every fifth woman becomes infertile as a result of the first abortion. to statistics, million 55 are The 70 thousand complications abortions.

  16. The abortion reduced criminal abortions, but so far, for a reasons, women, especially girls, are terminate their pregnancy secretly, inappropriate Such termination pregnancy usually with incomplete removal of the fetus, bleeding, damage to the uterus, which can lead consequences, even death. legalization statistically the number of has of number of trying to under conditions. of ends and to serious

  17. LEGAL NORMS According to international standards, everyone has the right to have children, to be healthy and to make decisions on these issues independently. If we consider the moral problem of abortion from a scientific point of view, especially bioethics, researchers prioritize the issue of the status of the embryo. then the

  18. HISTORY OF SOCIETY'S ATTITUDE TO ABORTION The first position Hippocratic Oath. Among the many medical manipulations, Hippocrates specifically singles out abortions and promises: "I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion." So Hippocrates fixes the position of the medical profession inadmissibility of the participation of a doctor in the production of an artificial miscarriage. is expressed in the ethical on the

  19. Another opinion - the opinion of the legislators of Ancient Greece on the natural expediency of abortion is summarized and Aristotle, who wrote in Politics : "When couples have children in excess, let abortion be procured before sense and life have begun. " expressed by

  20. Later in the arsenal of the liberal ideology there is the principle of "a woman's right over her own body" or "a woman's right to control her body."It is very difficult to make a decision especially for a truly spiritual person. Different religions interpretations of this problem. But it should be noted that condemn abortion and consider it murder. regarding abortion, have different most religions

  21. PROBLEM THROUGH THE EYES OF BELIEVERS A large part of Russia's population is Orthodox Christians. From the point of view of the Orthodox faith, the moral issue of abortion is not as simple as it might seem. However, it is quite clear, that the Christian Bible Scripture says: "By killing unborn children, women destruct God s sacred creation .

  22. DEMOGRAPHICS AND POVERTY LINE The demographic position of the country, together with the economic factor, is also another point in assessing the morality of the abortion problem. In Russia, there is only minimal support for significantly undermines the status of the family. The largest mass group of the poor is families with children; they make up 50-60% of the total number of poor families. mothers, which

  23. Every day in the world about 100 million sexual acts are performed, in 910 000 cases conception occurs, in 10% of these cases pregnancy ends with abortion. At the moment, concern is caused by both the medical consequences of abortion- maternal morbidity infertility) and mortality, and moral and legal-the problems of its admissibility in the early stages legislative regulation. (often leading to of pregnancy and

  24. The most important element of this argument is the statement: the embryo is a human being. This argument is perceived at the level of simple everyday observation evident, not requiring any special evidence. The well-known according to which a person s age is counted from the moment of conception, and not from the moment of birth, speaks in its favor. as self- Eastern tradition,

  25. Such scientifically established facts are cited as the fact that a human embryo of a rather early age, already at 9 weeks, has a face, fingers, intracerebral activity, etc., or that, moreover, the main features personality are already programmed in the gene. Therefore, circumstances can abortion be morally justified. of the human under no

  26. And since the right to life is an inalienable right of any human being, the emryo also has such a right. Hence, abortion is unacceptable from a moral point of view, abortion should be prohibited (in those countries where they are allowed) and in no case should be allowed (if it is currently prohibited in this country).

  27. A mitigated anti-abortion position is considered to be one which, in principle, considers unacceptable, but as an exception, in cases where there are medical indications, or in the case of rape, allows it. abortion

  28. The very admissibility of exceptions is argued by the need to take into account the desire and interests of the mother. In the first case, where there are medical indications, the mother s right to life (and health) is violated. In the case of rape there is no voluntary consent of the woman. After all, mother is a person; she also has the right to life, health, freedom.

  29. Proponents of legalizing abortion give the following arguments: 1. Even if the embryo is a human being, one cannot help but see the difference between the embryo and the person. This difference is recognized even for a plant: the difference between a seed, a sprouted germ, and an adult plant. Even in the case of a plant, it is recognized that acorn and oak are not the same thing.

  30. 2. Even opponents of abortion admit that this creature needs the mother precisely because it is not independent, autonomous, cannot develop outside the mother s body, but must exist within it for nine months. Therefore, before it is born, it is not yet independent, and the act of birth determines exactly the moment when it becomes autonomous. That is why birth becomes the beginning of human life.

  31. In most secular states, it is believed that a woman's bodily autonomy gives her the right to control her body, and the emergence of a new personality with rights occurs at the moment of birth. Therefore, abortion is allowed in all these countries.

  32. Orthodox Since Church considers intentional termination of pregnancy (abortion) as a grave sin. Canonical rules equate murder. The Church sees the widespread and justification of abortion in modern society as a threat to the future of mankind and a clear sign of moral degradation. Under no circumstances can the Orthodox Church bless abortion. ancient times, the abortion with

  33. The Catholic Church believes: "From the very beginning, the fetus should be revered as a person." The official documents of the Roman Catholic Church prohibit abortion, even for health reasons (Encyclical Humanae Vitae of Pope PaulVI, 1968; Charter for Workers, 1994). Health Care

  34. In Protestant churches, abortion is condemned as a means of birth control, but is exceptional situations, for example, during pregnancy (Consensus Statement on Abortion of the Seventh-day Church, 1990, etc.). allowed in after rape Adventist

  35. code of medical Islamic . ethics (Kuwait, 1981)condemns current trends in abortion authorization. In particular, it says: The sanctity of human Life covers including intrauterine embryo and fetus. This shall not be compromised by the Doctor save for the absolute medical recognized by Islamic Jurisprudence. all its stages of life the necessity

  36. Buddhism teaches that to kill is to commit the most terrible negative act. The ethics of Buddhism begin with the commandment:"abstain of taking of human or animal life." "The embryo is sacred and carries the full potential of the human being." Therefore, abortion corresponds to the destruction of life regardless of stage."

  37. According to the authorities of Judaism, abortion (and generally unwillingness to have children) is contrary Messianic destiny of the Jewish people. At the same time, authoritative Jewish Maimonides taught: not to have pity for the life of an aggressor. Referring to this principle, Dr. Shabad authorized the killing of a child in the womb if continuing the pregnancy would threat mother s physical or mental health. to the history and one theologians of the most doctor

  38. So, based on the foregoing, we can conclude that all religions see in the embryo the human consider abortion a murder regardless of age. being and gestational

  39. The history of abortion in Russia is instructive. For the first time in the country, abortion at a woman s request was allowed in 1920. At that time, Russia was the first and only country in the world to have such liberal abortion legislation. Until now, Russia Netherlands, Sweden and the USA) is the country with the most liberal legislation on artificial abortion in the world. (along with the

  40. According to statistics, in Russia up to 15% of operations give complications, about 8% of women remain infertile. Currently, about 7 million Russians cannot experience the happiness of motherhood, and the reason is performed earlier abortion. According to the research Institute gynecology and perinatology, 2.3 million abortions annually in Russia, in 10% of cases these operations end in infertility. of obstetrics, are registered

  41. In the dispute of two principles, one based on the mother's right to choose and the other-on the fetus right to life, there is one contradiction that makes it impossible to resolve it. The fact is that the principle of the right to choose applies equally to the fetus and to the woman herself. As a result, the dispute becomes purely scholastic. Such disputes are not particularly attractive. It is necessary to find a practical solution to the really complex and internally contradictory problem of abortion, and it is the use of contraceptives.


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