The Living Legacy of the Sahabah - Shadows in the Sun Exam Review

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Explore the significance of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) through the stories of Abu Ubaydah, Abdullah b. al-Jarrah, and Abdullah b. Mas'ud. Reflect on their unique qualities, selflessness, and wisdom as custodians of the ummah. Learn valuable lessons from their lives and final advice in this insightful examination review.

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  1. SHADOWS IN THE SUN The Living Legacy of the Sahabah Qabeelat Ruhma Exam: Sunday, October 19, 2014

  2. PART 1: THE IMPORTANCE OF THE HISTORY OF THE COMPANIONS OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAW) Over 1/3 of the Quran is based on stories that give us divine insight into past human experience Surah Yusuf, verse 111: In their histories, there is certainly a lesson for men of understanding. Surah Al-Araf, verse 176: So relate the stories in order that they may reflect. The Prophet (SAW) said, The best generation is my generation, then the one that follows them, then the one that follows them. (Muslim)

  3. PART 2: THE CUSTODIAN OF THE UMMAH ABU UBAYDAH (AMIR B. ABDULLAH B. AL-JARRAH) His appearance was striking, tall and slim with a sparse beard He was courageous and decisive in tough situations, yet extremely modest and shy He was forced to take the life of his father, Abdullah b. al-Jarrah in the Battle of Badr During the Battle of Uhud, he was one of the ten who rescued the Messenger of Allah by encircling him He was sent on many sensitive missions, including the collection of jizyah from Bahrain, because he was committed to Islam but also open-minded towards non-Muslims

  4. ABU UBAYDAH, CONT. During the rule of Umar b. al-Khattab, he was stricken with the plague while leading the Muslim army in Syria. His last advice to the ummah: "Let me give you some advice which will cause you to be on the path of goodness always. Establish Prayer. Fast the month of Ramadan. Give Sadaqah. Perform the Hajj and Umrah. Remain united and support one another. Be sincere to your commanders and do not conceal anything from them. Don't let the world destroy you for even if man were to live a thousand years he would still end up with this fate that you see me in." The Prophet (SAW) said, 'Every Ummah has an amin (trustworthy custodian) and you are the amin of this Ummah.

  5. REVIEW QUESTIONS What are some of the unique qualities of Abu Ubaydah? What quality stands out over the rest? Who was Abdullah b. Al-Jarrah and what was the significance of his death? How did Abu Ubaydah show his selflessness in the Battle of Uhud? Name five important points from his final advice.

  6. PART 3: THE MASTER OF AL-QURAN ABDULLAH B. MAS UD He was the 6thperson to embrace Islam at the hands of the Prophet (SAW) and Abu Bakr He was a young man of small stature who used to tend the flocks of Uqbah b. Mu ayt, known as Ibn Umm Abd When people teased his skinny legs, the Prophet said those legs would be like Mt Uhud on the Day of Judgment He became a servant of the Prophet (SAW) and accompanied him on journeys Hudhayfah b. Al-Yaman said Verily, the closest person resembling the Prophet in his manner and traits is Abdullah b. Masud from the time he leaves his house until he returns

  7. ABDULLAH B. MASUD, CONT. He was the best reciter of the Quran and the most knowledgeable in its meanings. The Prophet (SAW) said, Whoever wants to read the Quran as fresh as when it was revealed, then let him read according to the recitation of Ibn Umm Abd. By Him besides Whom there is no God, no verse of the Book of Allah has been revealed without my knowing where it was revealed and the circumstances of its revelation. By Allah, if I knew there was anyone who knew more of the Book of Allah, I will do whatever is in my power to be with him. Once during his khalifah, Umar met a caravan who said they came from a deep valley (min fajj amiq) and were going to the ancient house (ila l bayt l-atiq). Realizing there was a learned person among them, he asked

  8. ABDULLAH B. MASUD, CONT. Which part of the Quran is the greatest? Surah Baqarah, verse 255 (Ayat al-kursi): Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.

  9. ABDULLAH B. MASUD, CONT. Which part is most clear on justice? Surah An-Nahl, verse 90: Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded. What is the most comprehensive statement? Surah Al-Zalzala, verse 7-8: So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it. And whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it.

  10. ABDULLAH B. MASUD, CONT. Which part gives rise to the most hope? Surah Al-Zumar, verse 53: Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."

  11. REVIEW QUESTIONS How did Ibn Mas ud become a master of the Quran? What were his most important qualities? What do you understand from his answers to Umar s questions?

  12. PART IV: THE FIRST AMBASSADOR OF ISLAM MUS AB B. UMAYR He was born into luxury and wealth in Makkah; considered the best-dressed and most intelligent, handsome young man of his time After learning of Muhammad s (SAW) secret meetings at the house of al-Arqam near al-Safa, Allah opened his heart and he embraced Islam during his first meeting His mother, Khunnas bint Malik, became his major obstacle and tied him up when she found out he was Muslim He escaped and fled to Abyssinia during the first hijrah, then returned but was cut off by his mother

  13. MUSAB B. UMAYR, CONT. He was chosen by the Prophet (SAW) as the first ambassador to Yathrib because of his character, fine manners, knowledge and recitation of Quran, and sharp intellect Within a year of his arrival in Madinah, Islam spread rapidly, setting the stage for the Second Pledge of al-Aqabah, where the representatives of Yathrib pledged to protect the Prophet with their lives He earned the title of Mus ab al-khayr (Mus ab the Good) due to his role in building the community and helping people enter Islam During the Battle of Uhud, when the Muslims thought the Prophet (SAW) had been killed, Mus ab gained martyrdom while shouting, Muhammad is only a messenger. Messengers have passed away before him. These verses were later revealed in the Quran! When he was buried, he did not even have enough cloth to cover his body, the same man who was once known for his elegant clothing!

  14. REVIEW QUESTIONS What made him the right choice to do outreach in Yathrib? How was he effective in da wah? What were the verses revealed in the Quran that completed the words of Mus ab in the Battle of Uhud?

  15. PART V: THE KNIGHT OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD B. MASLAMAH He was tall, dark and powerful, a giant among the companions of the Prophet (SAW) in body and in deeds He accepted Islam at the hands of Mus ab b. Umayr When the Prophet (SAW) came to Madinah, he paired the believers, and Muhammad b. Maslama was paired with Abu Ubaydah b. al-Jarrah; both were quiet, thoughtful, trustworthy and courageous He participated in all the military campaigns of the Prophet (SAW) except Tabuk, because he and Ali b. Abi Talib were in charge of the force to protect Madinah

  16. MUHAMMAD B. MASLAMAH, CONT. He guarded the camp of Muslims the night before the Battle of Uhud and was one of the ten people who shielded the Prophet (SAW) He was sent on numerous special missions to defeat the enemies of Allah, and became known as the Knight of the Prophet (SAW) During the rule of Umar b. al-Khattab, he became a minister and close confidante and adviser, including burning down the palace of Sa d b. AbiWaqqas at Kufah. When civil war broke out during the time of Uthman b. Affan, he refused to participate and broke the sword given to him by the Prophet (SAW)

  17. REVIEW QUESTIONS How was Muhammad b. Maslamah complementary to Abu Ubaydah b. al-Jarrah? Why was he named Knight of the Prophet ?

  18. PART VI: THE FIRST TRANSLATOR OF AL-QURAN SALMAN AL FARSI He grew up in Isfahan, Persia in the home of a village chief, and became devoted to the Magian religion at an early age; custodian of the sacred flame He had a sharp intelligence and used to impress Christians by his concepts of God His father feared for his religion and imprisoned him at home, but Salman escaped to Greater Syria, the birthplace of Christianity. In Syria, he spent years serving leading bishops, but his quest for truth had not ended. When he heard of an Arabian prophet who was extremely honest and wouldn t consume charity, he paid a group of merchants to take him there. They tricked him and sold him as a slave.

  19. SALMAN AL-FARSI, CONT. He ended up in Yathrib, where he toiled away, waiting for the coming of Muhammad (SAW) When he met the Prophet (SAW), he tested him by offering dates that were charity, offering him a gift, and looking for the sign of prophethood between his shoulder blades The Prophet (SAW) and his companions paid the price for Salman s freedom and was made a brother to Abu Darda During the Battle of Khandaq, he advised covering the weak part of Madinah was a trench When people vied to have him on their group, the Prophet said, Salman is from us, ahl-bayt. He was known for his vast knowledge Ali said he was like Luqman the Wise Ka b al-Ahbar said Salman is filled with knowledge and wisdom like an ocean that does not dry up. He translated parts of the Quran into Persian; the first to translate Quran into a foreign language

  20. REVIEW QUESTIONS What was the significance of the flame to the Majus? What were the signs of the Prophethood that Salman was looking for? What was the last sign between the Propeht s shoulder blades? Why was Salman s role in the Battle of the Trench so significant? What is the implication of Salman being called ahl-al-bayt ?

  21. PART VII: THE HOST OF THE PROPHET (SAW) ABU AYYUB (KHALID B. ZAYD B. KULAYB OF BANU NAJJAR) When the Prophet (SAW) reached Madina after his hijrah, he let his camel decide who would host him; the camel chose the home of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari The Prophet (SAW) stayed in Abu Ayyub s home for almost 7 months; when the masjid was built, he moved Abu Ayyub and his family into the rooms built for his own family! During the civil war of the khilafah of Uthman, he sided with Ali When Mu awiyah assumed leadership, Abu Ayyub continued to serve the army, despite his 80 years of age In the war against the Romans, he fell ill and asked for his body to be taken to the walls of Constantinople, where his grave is still a place of respect

  22. PART VIII: THE WISE MAN OF THIS UMMAH ABU D-DARDA He became Muslim through the persuasion of Abdullah b. Rawaha, who broke his personal idol He was soon known and admired for his devotion to Islam, having given up his thriving business for the sake of worship and attaining knowledge The Prophet (SAW) assigned a bond of brotherhood between Abu-Darda and Salman al-Farsi and once said, He is the wise man of my nation. He emerged as a man with invaluable wisdom. Once, a man asked him for advice, and he answered: Remember Allah in distress, He will remember you in prosperity. If you attempt anything then first (try to) understand what the result will be.

  23. FAMOUS SAYING OF ABUD DARDA If I knew Allah would accept just a single prayer of mine, that would be more beloved to me than owning the whole world and what it encompasses; for Allah says, Verily, Allah accepts only from those who are conscious of Him. (Al-Maidah, 27) Were it not for three things, I would not wish to stay in this world The lowering of my face during prostration to the Creator, day and night; the thirst of the midday heat (because of fasting); and gatherings with those who select their words as if they were selecting fruit. He once stopped a group of men insulting and beating a man because of a grave sin, telling them, I only detest what he has done and if he abandons such a practice, he is my brother. The man began to cry and publicly announced repentance.

  24. ABUD DARDA, CONT. He participated in all major military confrontations as a frontline fighter, described by the Prophet (SAW) as an excellent soldier during the Battle of Uhud During the Caliphate of Umar, he asked permission to leave for Syria, but was told he must assume an official duty. He promised to go and instruct the people of their Lord and the teachings of the Prophet (SAW) and lead them in prayers He later became head of Judiciary Courts in Damascus and lived there until his death

  25. REVIEW QUESTIONS How did Abu Ayyub and Abu d-Darda live up to the title of al-Ansari ? What were the most prominent qualities of the two men? Where is the grave of Abu Ayyub today? What are some of the important gems of Abu d Darda s wisdom? What value would this be for Muslims today?

  26. PART IX: FEMALE SHADOWS IN THE SUN The role of women in early Islam is often misunderstood or downplayed, but they have been a vital part of the ummah since its inception Khadijah bint Khuwaylid was the first to believe and helped consolidate the Prophet (SAW) and his companions in the early days Sumayyah, wife of Yasir and mother of Ammar, was the first shahidah from the Prophet (SAW) s followers A ishah bint Abi Bakr memorized and narrated more than 2,000 ahadith Muslim women suffered through the Makkan period, made hijrah to Abyssinia and Madinah, struggled through the Madinan period and even participated in the military

  27. PART X: THE SECOND MOTHER OF THE PROPHET BARAKAH (UMM AYMAN) She was a young Abyssinian with unknown roots and ancestry who ended up on the slave market, but luckily came into the hands of Abdullah b. Abdul Muttalib She became responsible for the domestic affairs of Abdullah s wife Aminah and stayed with her while Abdullah left for a journey and she realized she was pregnant She was the first to hold Muhammad (SAW) after he was born When Muhammad (SAW) was 6, Aminah and Barakah travelled north to visit the grave of Abdullah; Aminah became deathly ill and left her son in the care of Barakah Barakah brought Muhammad (SAW) to Abdul Muttalib, then Abu Talib, but always stayed with him, even after his marriage to Khadijah

  28. BARAKAH, CONT. She eventually married Ubayd b. Zayd and gave birth to a boy named Ayman When her husband passed away, she returned to Muhammad (SAW) and Khadijah She and Zayd b. Harithah both accepted Islam in the household of the Prophet (SAW) and used to carry valuable information to the house of al-Arqam, traversing many obstacles of the mushrikin Umm Ayman and Zayd married and had a son, Usamah She made the hijrah on her own through the harsh terrain; when she arrived the Prophet (SAW) cried out, Ya Umm Ayman, ya Ummi, surely there is a place in paradise for you. and wiped her face, massaged her feet and rubbed her shoulders She was integral in the community; distributed water and cared for the wounded during the Battle of Uhud

  29. PART XI: THE HIDDEN ADVISOR OF THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH UMM SALAMAH (HIND B. SUHAYL OF BANU MAKHZUM) Her husband Abdullah and her were among the first to embrace Islam They suffered so much in the early Makkan period that they were allowed to make hijrah to Abyssinia, but they returned due to their love for Makkah Later migrated to Yathrib due to increased torment, but Hind and her boy were imprisoned, then finally released after a year Abu Salamah was fatally wounded in the Battle of Badr. He used to pray, Oh Lord, give me in return something good from it which only You, Exalted and Mighty, can give. Umm Salamah made this dua after his death, but couldn t imagine who would be a better husband

  30. UMM SALAMAH, CONT. When the Prophet (SAW) proposed to her, she said, O Messenger of Allah, I have three characteristics. I am a woman who is extremely jealous and I am afraid that you will see in me something that will anger you and cause Allah to punish me. I am a woman who is already advanced in age, and I am a woman who has children. He replied, Regarding your jealousy, I pray to Allah, the Almighty, to remove it from you. Regarding your age, I am afflicted with the same problem. Regarding your dependent family, your family is my family. Umm Salamah became ummul-mu minin, a trusted advisor and loyal wife till the end

  31. PART XII: THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE WOMEN OF AL-MADINAH NUSAYBAH BINT KA B She was among the 75 representatives of the people of Yathrib at the Second Pledge of al- Aqabah She was highly intelligent, courageous and resolute She went out on the Day of Uhud to treat the wounded, but ended up defending the Prophet (SAW) with her body along with 9 others who shielded him The Prophet (SAW) asked those who were running away from the battle to give their shield away, and he gave it to Nusaybah; she sustained >12 wounds! The Prophet reported, Whenever I looked to the right or the left, I saw her fighting in front of me! The Prophet (SAW) later visited her to see how her condition was after so many injuries After the death of the Prophet (SAW), she went to the Battle of Yamamah against Musaylamah the Liar; received >12 wounds and almost lost her hand

  32. REVIEW QUESTIONS What were some of the roles played by early Muslim women? Name some other famous women. What is the significance of Nusaybah s role in al-Yamamah?

  33. PART XIII: DECISIVE ACTIONS IN THE SHADOWS Dar l-Arqam, The First Islamic Center, sanctuary of the Muslims: Home of al-Arqam b. Abi l-Arqam b. Asad, who accepted Islam just after Abu Bakr In the 5thyear of prophethood, the Prophet (SAW) took the home of al-Arqam near al-Safa as a temporary center for Islamic activities Here, new Muslims would meet secretly, embrace the new faith, and hear the message of the Quran

  34. ONE OF THE GREATEST SALES IN HISTORY SUHAYB B. SINAN 20 years before the Prophet (SAW) s mission, was a wealthy Arab governor of the Persian city Uballah (in Iraq), Sinan b. Malik His blonde-haired son Suhayb was captured by Byzantine raiders at the age of 5, and sold in the slave market of Constantinople Suhayb eventually escaped to Makkah and became a prosperous merchant; he was known as Suhayb l-Rumi because of his heavy accent and blonde hair He accepted Islam in dar l-Arqam with Ammar b. Yasir

  35. SUHAYB, CONT. After being imprisoned during the hijrah, he bartered all of his riches for freedom. A verse was revealed based on his actions: And there is a type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of Allah. And Allah is full of kindness to His servants. (Surat l-Baraqah, 207) The khalifah Umar chose him to lead the ummah after he had been stabbed, while the 6 leading sahabah decided on a new leader He is considered by many historians to be Sabiq l-Rum, the forerunner of the Roman (European) Muslims

  36. THE FIRST MUSLIM TO ENTER MAKKAH RECITING TALBIYAH In 6 A.H., Thumamah b. Uthal of Banu Hanifah at al-Yamamah was one of 8 leaders of Arabia to receive a letter from the Prophet (SAW) Thumamah was known for harboring a strong desire to kill the Prophet (SAW) and end his mission He left for Makkah to perform Umrah for his idols, but was taken prisoner by a Muslim military party and brought to Madinah instead, where he was tied to a pole in the masjid Thumamah was held there for 3 days while he tried to bargain for his freedom

  37. THUMAMAH, CONT. After the third day, the Prophet (SAW) released him, and he initially set off. However, Allah opened his heart and he soon returned to announce his Islam! He then continued to Makkah to perform Umrah for Allah instead. He entered Makkah shouting Talbiyah and was nearly killed by the Quraysh, but was ultimately left alone because they feared his tribe Thumamah declared a boycott on all supplies going to Makkah, which was so successful that the Quraysh begged the Prophet to have it lifted This ultimately led to the Opening of Makkah

  38. PART XIV: A VALUABLE TRANSFORMATION AL-TUFAYL B. AMR AL-DAWSI Al-Tufayl was a well known Arab leader for his good works and character He was a master poet and had tremendous influence over people During the early Makkan period, he left his village Tihamah for Makkah, where the Quraysh informed him that Muhammad (SAW) had disrespected their religion and bewitched the people with his captivating speech. Al-Tufayl stuck cotton in his ears to avoid hearing these words, but was soon aptivated by the prayer, speech and mannerism of Muhammad (SAW) After hearing the Prophet (SAW) recite Surat l-Ikhlas and Surat l-Falaq, he remarked: I swear by Allah, I had never heard such beautiful words before. Neither was a more noble or just mission ever described to me.

  39. AL-TUFAYL, CONT. Al-Tufayl eventually returned to Tihama and convinced his father, wife and only a few members of his tribe to embrace Islam. When the Prophet (SAW) heard of the reluctance of Daws, he prayed and asked for their guidance, and told Tufayl, Go back to your people, befriend them, treat them gently and invite them to Islam. By the time of Khaybar, 80 families came to Madinah to announce their Islam Al-Tufayl stayed with the Prophet (SAW) until the liberation of Makkah, when he was again sent to Tihamah Al-Tufayl set fire to their idol, and the entire tribe embraced Islam at once!

  40. REVIEW QUESTIONS What was the importance of dar l-Arqam? What was the significance of the actions of Thumamah when he returned to his people after embracing Islam? What do we learn about da wah from his life?

  41. PART XV: THE KEEPER OF SECRETS OF ALLAH S MESSENGER (SAW) HUDHAYFAH B. AL-YAMAN His father was a Makkan from the tribe of Abs, but fled to Yathrib and settled there His parents were among the first in Yathrib to accept Islam, so he became Muslim before meeting the Prophet (SAW) In the Battle of Uhud, Hudhayfah s father was killed accidentally by the Muslim soldiers, but Hudhayfah refused the blood money, forgave the Muslims and donated the money to the poor The Prophet (SAW) noted 3 exceptional qualities in him: unique intelligence in difficult situations, spontaneous response to the call for action, and a unique ability to keep secrets The Prophet (SAW) confided in him the names of the munafiqun, and he became known as the keeper of the secrets of Allah s Messenger (SAW).

  42. HUDHAYFAH, CONT. During the Battle of the Trench, he was sent across enemy lines to determine the position of the Quraysh He lived in constant fear of evil, corruption and deception, and became a source of moral guidance in times of fitnah During the khilafah of Umar, he led an army and governed a province in Iraq, always staying true to the Prophetic example despite his acquired power and wealth When he was asked to be a leader of newly conquered Persian lands, he said, Beware of places of fitnah and intrigue. They asked, What are places of fitnah and intrigues? The doors of rulers where some people go and try to make the ruler or the governor believe lies and praise him for qualities he does not possess.

  43. HUDHAYFAH, CONT. One of his most famous reports on the Last Days: The people used to ask the Messenger of Allah (SAW) about the good, and I used to ask about evil out of fear of it reaching me. I asked, O Messenger of Allah (SAW), we were living in ignorance and evil, and then Allah brought this good to us. Will there be any evil after this good? He replied, Yes. Then I asked, Will there be any good after that evil? He replied, Yes, but it will be tainted. So I asked, What will be its taint? He replied, A people who guide others to other than my Sunnah. You will approve of some of their deeds and disapprove of others. I further asked, Then will there be any evil after that good? He said, Yes, callers at the gates of Hell. Whoever responds to their call, they will throw him into the Fire. I then said, O Messenger of Allah, describe them to us. He said, They will be from our people and speak our language. I asked, So what do you order me to do if that reaches me? He said, Stick to the united body of Muslims and their leader. I further asked, What if they have neither a united body nor a leader? He replied, Then keep away from all of those sects, even if you have to bite onto the roots of a tree until death reaches you and you are in that state. (Sahih Muslim, Vol 3, pgs 1475-1476, hadith #18)

  44. REVIEW QUESTIONS What important qualities did Hudhayfah possess? What do you get from this hadith that will be useful today?

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