The Importance of Prayer in Christianity

Learning Intentions
During this unit we will:
Consider why prayer is so important to Christians.
Experience different ways of worshipping God.
Success Criteria
Recognise that my relationship with God can develop through prayer.
Know that the language of the Church is Latin.
Have a greater understanding of the Nicene creed.
Understand the ways in which contemplation and meditation can be very effective ways of praying.
In your jotter.
Write a definition of prayer.
Prayer is a relationship with
Jesus Christ.
Some people think of prayer
something they have to do just
like checking something off a
to-do list. But that isn't really
prayer at all.
Prayer is like a conversation
between close friends.
Make a spider diagram with “friendship” in the middle, add
words around it that you associate with friendship.  Here
are a few words to get you started: loving, caring, warm,
sincere, personal and intimate.
These are words that should be used to describe our
prayer time with the Lord.
Prayer should not be dry or boring; it should be warm and
In your groups make a list of the
prayers that you know?
Latin is the language of the Church.
Until 1964 It was the language which Mass was
celebrated in.  Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI
thought that having the Mass in the language of the
people would allow people to be more involved and
participate in the prayers of the Mass.
Before Vatican II people didn’t join in any of the
prayers at Mass.
Do you think people
participate more if the Mass
is in Latin or English.
Explain your answer.
Get ready to pray.  Make sure you are comfortable and quiet.  Make the sign of the cross and your
teacher will play the music from the hyperlink.
The music which you will hear is the Lords Prayer (Our Father) sung in Latin.  The Lords Prayer is
printed in Latin below.
qui es in caelis,
sanctificetur nomen tuum.
Adveniat regnum tuum.
Fiat voluntas tua,
sicut in caelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,
et dimitte nobis debita
nostra sicut et nos dimittimus
debitoribus nostris.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
sed libera nos a malo.
Read the following profiles and then answer the questions in your jotter.
A profile of Joanna
Joanna is a second year student.
Plays netball for her school team.
Working towards her Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award
Travels 20 minutes by bus to and from school each day.
Cycles with her family at the weekend
Prepares a meal for her families dinner one evening a week.
How much time does Joanna have for prayer?
Explain your answer.
A profile of Nicolas
Nicolas is also a second year student
Nicolas spends hours on his ipad chatting to his
friends and playing games
Nicolas helps at the animal hospital when he can
Nicolas helps his family with shopping
Nicolas wants to leave school.
How much time toes Nicolas have for prayer?
What changes would you suggest to each Joanna and Nicolas to help them manage
their time better?
Plan a weekly timetable for Joanna and Nicolas.  Remember to include time for
study, homework, family and friends, prayer and relaxation.
Copy this into your jotter.
Christians are not alone when they pray.
Every Christian who prays is united with the prayer of Jesus and the whole family of the Church.  The heart
of all prayer is the loving relationship of Jesus with God his Father.  Jesus invites his disciples to be one with
him and pray ‘Our Father’.
This unity is most clear in the Church’s liturgy.  The formal prayers of the Church are addressed to God the
Father and commonly end with the words ‘Through Jesus Christ our Lord’.  In the Liturgy, the Church is
united with Jesus Christ.
We were anointed with oil at our Baptism and at this point we were called to share Christ’s mission as:
Priest, in worship of God
Prophet, in proclaiming God’s word
King, in service of God’s people
Prayer comes from the heart
There is a very personal dimension to prayer.
Every relationship grows through communication, it is through prayer
that we communicate with God.
Each person has to find his or her own way to pray and this can change
during a lifetime.
Some people find it easier to pray as part of a group.  Some people
prefer to be alone with God in silence.  Some see service to others as a
form of prayer.
Types of Prayer
The Nicene Creed
A creed is a set of statements of belief.  The Nicene
Creed sets out the main beliefs of Christianity.
The Nicene Creed explains the mystery of the Trinity.
During it we state that Jesus Christ is Consubstantial
with the Father.  This means that Jesus and God the
Father are of the same substance.
The Nicene Creed emphasises Jesus humanness
and Godliness.  For Catholics these are both very
Christians meditate using words which are often taken from scripture.  They
should be in a comfortable atmosphere, soft music is often used and some
candles are lit.
Your teacher will give you an opportunity to take part in a scriptural
Contemplation is a deep prayer of the heart.  It is the most advanced
form of silent prayer and does not involve words.  Contemplation is
the sense of being quiet and still in the presence of God.
Praise is a form of prayer that focusses on the greatness of God.
Look up Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8 in a Bible and copy the phrases into your
Praise often takes the form of singing.
Think about how fans sing before a football match – praising their team.  As
Christians, we praise God in the same way.
Look up Psalm 134, 135 or 136 in your Bible.  What is the Psalmist giving
praise for?
Intercession is a type of prayer that focusses on others.  The prayers of
intercession at Mass are often called the bidding prayers.  They
concentrate on the needs of the community, both the local community and
the global community.
Work in your group to create an information poster about the
importance of prayer.
You should include information about all of the different
types of prayer.
Your poster should also include a list of your favourite
Pray as you can, not as you can’t
In prayer, everyone is a learner.
Prayer is conversation with God.
She who sings prays twice.
Prayer is action.  Action is prayer
Prayer is praise of God.
Prayer is silence.
Which of these ideas would help someone who is new to prayer.  Explain why you
think that this is the case.
Which of these ideas would most help someone who was tempted to give up
praying.  Explain why you think that this is the case.
What advice would you give to someone who
says that they have given up praying because
their prayers are never answered?
The Eastern Church has a tradition of using icons as a means for
meditation and prayer.  They have been called ‘windows into
heaven’.  Icons are used with reverence and respect as holy
The making of an icon is prayer.  The icon painter prepared for his
or her work by meditation, prayer and fasting.
In what way do you think that an icon
can be used to help someone pray?
Prayer is a one to one with God
Write a paragraph which explains what
this means.
Slide Note

Explore the significance of prayer in Christianity, different ways of worshiping God, and the effectiveness of contemplation and meditation as forms of prayer. Understand prayer as a relationship with Jesus Christ, akin to a conversation between close friends. Reflect on the warmth, intimacy, and personal connection that should define one's prayer life. Dive into the use of Latin in Church prayers and the transition to Mass in vernacular languages. Consider the impact of Mass being conducted in Latin versus English on the participation of the faithful. Conclude by engaging in a prayer session, experiencing the Lord's Prayer sung in Latin.

  • Prayer importance
  • Christianity
  • Worship
  • Contemplation
  • Meditation

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Presentation Transcript


  2. Learning Intentions During this unit we will: Consider why prayer is so important to Christians. Experience different ways of worshipping God. Success Criteria Recognise that my relationship with God can develop through prayer. Know that the language of the Church is Latin. Have a greater understanding of the Nicene creed. Understand the ways in which contemplation and meditation can be very effective ways of praying.

  3. 3-14a In your jotter. Write a definition of prayer.

  4. Prayer is a relationship with Jesus Christ. Some people think of prayer something they have to do just like checking something off a to-do list. But that isn't really prayer at all. Prayer is like a conversation between close friends.

  5. Make a spider diagram with friendship in the middle, add words around it that you associate with friendship. Here are a few words to get you started: loving, caring, warm, sincere, personal and intimate. These are words that should be used to describe our prayer time with the Lord. Prayer should not be dry or boring; it should be warm and personal.

  6. In your groups make a list of the prayers that you know?

  7. Latin is the language of the Church. Until 1964 It was the language which Mass was celebrated in. Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI thought that having the Mass in the language of the people would allow people to be more involved and participate in the prayers of the Mass. Before Vatican II people didn t join in any of the prayers at Mass.

  8. Do you think people participate more if the Mass is in Latin or English. Explain your answer.

  9. Get ready to pray. Make sure you are comfortable and quiet. Make the sign of the cross and your teacher will play the music from the hyperlink. The music which you will hear is the Lords Prayer (Our Father) sung in Latin. The Lords Prayer is printed in Latin below. PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

  10. Read the following profiles and then answer the questions in your jotter. A profile of Joanna Joanna is a second year student. Plays netball for her school team. Working towards her Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award Travels 20 minutes by bus to and from school each day. Cycles with her family at the weekend Prepares a meal for her families dinner one evening a week. 1. How much time does Joanna have for prayer? Explain your answer.

  11. A profile of Nicolas Nicolas is also a second year student Nicolas spends hours on his ipad chatting to his friends and playing games Nicolas helps at the animal hospital when he can Nicolas helps his family with shopping Nicolas wants to leave school. 1. How much time toes Nicolas have for prayer? 2. What changes would you suggest to each Joanna and Nicolas to help them manage their time better? 3. Plan a weekly timetable for Joanna and Nicolas. Remember to include time for study, homework, family and friends, prayer and relaxation.

  12. Copy this into your jotter. Christians are not alone when they pray. Every Christian who prays is united with the prayer of Jesus and the whole family of the Church. The heart of all prayer is the loving relationship of Jesus with God his Father. Jesus invites his disciples to be one with him and pray Our Father . This unity is most clear in the Church s liturgy. The formal prayers of the Church are addressed to God the Father and commonly end with the words Through Jesus Christ our Lord . In the Liturgy, the Church is united with Jesus Christ. We were anointed with oil at our Baptism and at this point we were called to share Christ s mission as: Priest, in worship of God Prophet, in proclaiming God s word King, in service of God s people

  13. Prayer comes from the heart There is a very personal dimension to prayer. Every relationship grows through communication, it is through prayer that we communicate with God. Each person has to find his or her own way to pray and this can change during a lifetime. Some people find it easier to pray as part of a group. Some people prefer to be alone with God in silence. Some see service to others as a form of prayer.

  14. Types of Prayer

  15. The Nicene Creed A creed is a set of statements of belief. The Nicene Creed sets out the main beliefs of Christianity.

  16. The Nicene Creed explains the mystery of the Trinity. During it we state that Jesus Christ is Consubstantial with the Father. This means that Jesus and God the Father are of the same substance. The Nicene Creed emphasises Jesus humanness and Godliness. For Catholics these are both very important.

  17. THE NICENE CREED I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. Which Person(s) of the Trinity is being described? What does this mean?

  18. The Nicene Creed (cont.) Which Person(s) of the Trinity is being described? What does this mean? I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. through him all things God from God, Light from Light, were made. true God from true God, begotten, not made, Which Person(s) of the Trinity is being described? What does this mean? consubstantial with the Father;

  19. The Nicene Creed (cont.) For us men and for our salvation For our sake he was he came down from heaven, crucified under Pontius and by the Holy Spirit was Pilate, incarnate of the Virgin Mary, He suffered death and was and became man. buried, Which Person(s) of the Trinity is being described? What does this mean? Which Person(s) of the Trinity is being described? What does this mean?

  20. The Nicene Creed (cont.) and rose again on the third day He will come again in glory in accordance with the Scriptures. to judge the living and the He ascended into heaven dead and his Kingdom will and is seated at the right hand of have no end. the Father. Which Person(s) of the Trinity is being described? What does this mean? Which Person(s) of the Trinity is being described? What does this mean?

  21. The Nicene Creed (cont.) I believe in the Holy Spirit, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, the Lord, the giver of life, Which Person(s) of the Trinity is being described? What does this mean? who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who has spoken through the Which Person(s) of the Trinity is being described? What does this mean? prophets. Which Person(s) of the Trinity is being described? What does this mean?

  22. The Nicene Creed (cont.) I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. What does this line mean? and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. What does this line mean? What does this line mean?

  23. Meditation Christians meditate using words which are often taken from scripture. They should be in a comfortable atmosphere, soft music is often used and some candles are lit. Your teacher will give you an opportunity to take part in a scriptural meditation.

  24. Contemplation Contemplation is a deep prayer of the heart. It is the most advanced form of silent prayer and does not involve words. Contemplation is the sense of being quiet and still in the presence of God.

  25. Praise Praise is a form of prayer that focusses on the greatness of God. Look up Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8 in a Bible and copy the phrases into your jotter. Praise often takes the form of singing. Think about how fans sing before a football match praising their team. As Christians, we praise God in the same way. Look up Psalm 134, 135 or 136 in your Bible. What is the Psalmist giving praise for?

  26. Intercession Intercession is a type of prayer that focusses on others. The prayers of intercession at Mass are often called the bidding prayers. They concentrate on the needs of the community, both the local community and the global community.

  27. Work in your group to create an information poster about the importance of prayer. You should include information about all of the different types of prayer. Your poster should also include a list of your favourite prayers.

  28. Pray as you can, not as you cant In prayer, everyone is a learner. Prayer is conversation with God. She who sings prays twice. Prayer is action. Action is prayer Prayer is praise of God. Prayer is silence. Which of these ideas would help someone who is new to prayer. Explain why you think that this is the case. Which of these ideas would most help someone who was tempted to give up praying. Explain why you think that this is the case.

  29. What advice would you give to someone who says that they have given up praying because their prayers are never answered?

  30. The Eastern Church has a tradition of using icons as a means for meditation and prayer. They have been called windows into heaven . Icons are used with reverence and respect as holy things. The making of an icon is prayer. The icon painter prepared for his or her work by meditation, prayer and fasting.

  31. In what way do you think that an icon can be used to help someone pray? Prayer is a one to one with God Write a paragraph which explains what this means.

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