The Final Exodus: God's Command to Pharaoh and Israel's Journey

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In this series of images and text, the story of the final exodus is retold, depicting biblical scenes from Exodus 9:13 where the LORD commanded Moses to ask Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go. The narrative references Psalms 80 and reflects on the significance of planting the vine in the right soil, drawing parallels to believers in modern times. The images and verses symbolize the journey of God's chosen people and the importance of following divine guidance.

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  1. The Final Exodus The Final Part 3 EXODUS 9:13 And the LORD said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me. 10/25/2020 1

  2. Oct. 28th Matt & Melody Cross Laina Martin Oct. 30th David Stevens 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 2

  3. The Final Exodus Part 3 EXODUS 9:13 And the LORD said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me. 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 3

  4. PLANTING.THE.VINE & WHERE.TO.PLANT.IT 19 (Ps. 80) God's people in Egypt. They were a good vine, God's chosen. But if a good vine isn't set in good ground, it will not bring forth good fruits. It depends on where the vine is planted will determine the results of the crop. So God picks up Israel out of a barren ground. It's something like today. We've got in the land many fine believers, mixed in all denom- inational churches. They come from different denominations and different walks of life. I have never tried any time to run down any certain person, or denomination; because in them all is good people. They are God's called and chosen people. 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 4

  5. PSALM 80:8-11 Thou hast brought a vine out of Egypt: thou hast cast out the heathen, and planted it. 9 Thou preparedst room before it, and didst cause it to take deep root, and it filled the land. 10 The hills were covered with the shadow of it, and the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedars. 11 She sent out her boughs unto the sea, and her branches unto the river. 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 5

  6. PLANTING.THE.VINE & WHERE.TO.PLANT.IT 19 (Ps. 80) God's people in Egypt. They were a good vine, God's chosen. But if a good vine isn't set in good ground, it will not bring forth good fruits. It depends on where the vine is planted will determine the results of the crop. So God picks up Israel out of a barren ground. It's something like today. We've got in the land many fine believers, mixed in all denom- inational churches. They come from different denominations and different walks of life. I have never tried any time to run down any certain person, or denomination; because in them all is good people. They are God's called and chosen people. 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 6

  7. 20 Could you have condemned Israel while it was in Egypt? they were planted in Egypt. That's the way many people are in churches today: good people, just planted in the wrong place They can't bear its fruit A good healthy vine doesn't even have to be sprayed. It's healthy enough to throw off all of its enemies. So is it with a borned again Christian. You don't have to be spraying them all the time and patting them on the back. They're spiritually healthy enough to throw off all of the scandal of the world. They are living off true nourishment. 59-0920 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 7

  8. THE.FUTURE.HOME 177 He used the same word when He said, "Loose the colt and let him go." Same thing at the resurrection of Lazarus, "Loose him! Change him! He's been tied; let him go!" What does it mean? The earth will be loosed from the grip of Satan. It'll be loosed from politics, from denomin- ational religious systems; to be used for the Kingdom of God, to be establish it here on the earth. But as long it's in the hands of Satan, politics... Satan the ruler of the earth, he owns it; it belonged to him, but now Christ has redeemed 10/25/2020 it. The Final Exodus 3 8

  9. 181 One time, I was his property, but not now. One time, that little woman was his property, but not now. He come to loose the grip of it. He loosed the grip of sin, of Satan, upon my life, upon your life, and now we're not his. Have you heard me say in prayer, "take your hands off of God's property"? Have faith to claim your own. That's your rights. "Take your hands off of her!" See, faith will do it. Not annihilate it, just, "Take your hands off of it," to loose it, let it go, pass it away. 64-0802 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 9

  10. ROMANS 8:21-22 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. ADOPTION.4 80 Now, the world and nature is groaning, crying; everything's a moving what? For the manifestation of the sons of God, when true sons, born sons, filled sons speak and their word is backed. I believe we're on the border of it right now. 60-0522 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 10

  11. THE.ANGEL.OF.GOD48-0304 47 The great march of the antichrist has started. O God, have mercy. THE.GOD.OF.THIS.EVIL.AGE 65-0801 78 It was Satan's ambition to be wor- shiped like God. Now he is ready, with his edu- cated bride by his own knowledge smart intellectual, and educated, to deceive the whole world, and become a "god. All heading up into the person of the antichrist, which is already crowned "the vicar of God " 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 11

  12. THE.GOD.OF.THIS.EVIL.AGE 63 "Children of disobedience." If the anti- christ, beginning there in the infancy of disobedience, what will it be when it heads up in the person of the antichrist? How deceptive it'll be! 65-0801 THE.JUNCTION.TIME 94 And the mark of the antichrist is to reject that Holy Ghost. 56-0122 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 12

  13. GOD.HATH.A.PROVIDED.WAY Before these great disasters happen, God always gives a warning and makes a way of escape. He prepares it. 56-0108 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 13

  14. ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH 43 God's now loosening up the church everywhere, getting in order now so He can get into the rapture, got to give it rapturing faith beforeit can go in therapture. 53-0326 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 32

  15. JEHOVAH.JIREH.3 10 Now every Word is true. Now, I may not have faith enough to make every Word of It act, but I certainly wouldn't stand way of anybody that did have that faith. Enoch had faith enough, one day, to take an afternoon stroll with God, and just kept on walking, went up Home without dying. Now, I think the Church has got to come to that, to a Rapturing faith. 64-0404 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 15

  16. WORLD.IS.AGAIN.FALLING.APART 13 The last name that's redeemed, put on that Book that settles it, He comes to claim what He redeemed. And it might be a strange time. Did you ever think: people will go right on preaching It's too late then, it's all over just like it did in the days of Noah And we don't know what time these things might happen. And let's be warned. 63-1127 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 16

  17. 1. HisWord 2. His Presence PSALM57:2 I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things forme. LEADERSHIP And, Lord, I pray that Your Presence will always be in this camp of people 65-1031 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 17

  18. This is a Mangati sister. She received the Message more than ten years ago. From then she didn't find believers and a church to worship. We met her last Sunday at Endasaki. It is really hard in the jungles. She loves the Lord. She can't read but believes the Message. She has been staying home all these years. 10/25/2020 18

  19. Endasaki Church, Tanzania 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 19

  20. MICAIAH.THE.PROPHET 18 He's still God. He's right on schedule. The only thing for us to do is just schedule our faith with His being here, and it'll happen. 61-0426 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 20

  21. 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 21

  22. THE.TOKEN 24 I am looking for a time of a break forth, of the Spirit of God, in these last days that we're now living in; for another surge of the Holy Spirit, into the Church; for a rapturing faith, just before it comes. And everything is sitting straight in order for that. And I believe that we're now at the time that the Word should have preeminence. 63-1128 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 33

  23. Timeline Bride Age Luther Wesley Pentecost 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 23

  24. Timeline 373-6 Notice, these men are kept alive by God from their original ministry for future service; they served it so well. Just think, that spirit of Elijah ministers five times: Moses, two. Watch, kept alive for further service... THE.FIFTH.SEAL63-0322 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 24

  25. REVELATION 6:15-17 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 25

  26. WHY.I'M.AGAINST.ORGANIZED.RELIGION 194 The 17th chapter of Revelations explains that she is a church that sits on seven hills, the Vatican City, that rules all the kings of the earth (that's exactly what's right), and the Presidents too, so forth. She is there, holding the wealth of her world in her hand. 62-1111 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 26

  27. COD out, the Bride is called, we have already entered into the tribulation period? No, no, no, you're... I wished that I could just have more time on that. The Bride, when she's taken from the church, then the church age will cease. Laodicea goes into chaos; the Bride goes to glory; and the tribulation period sets in upon the sleeping virgin for three and a half years while Israel is getting its prophecy; then tribulation sets in upon Israel; and then comes the battle of Armageddon which destroys all things. 392. The church age ending and has blacked 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 27

  28. And then, the Bride returns back with the Groom for a thousand years, the millennium reign; after that comes the white throne judgment; after that comes the new heavens and new earth and the new city coming down from God out of heaven. Eternity and time blends together. 64-0830 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 28

  29. John the Baptist LUKE 3:15-16 15 And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not; 16 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire: 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 29

  30. WITNESSES 21 John, was a witness. Something was going to take place. He didn't know just where the Messiah was, but he knowed, according to the Scripture, and according to what he had heard. In the wilderness One told him, "Go baptize." That's what he heard, and saw was the Spirit of God like a dove, he bear record, "This is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world " 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 30

  31. CONVINCED & THEN.CONCERNED 25 John knew it was time to ask repentance, make ready for Messiah His coming was near. He was with them then. Let's parallel this... John was so sure that the Messiah's appearing was close, said, "There's One among you now that you know not, and He's the One that's going to baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire." Now, John didn't know Him as yet, but he knowed His coming was so close that He was already in the midst of the people. 62-0521 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 31

  32. He was a witness, because he both seen and heard. He was a correct witness of God, and in line with the Word. John didn't know just exactly when Jesus was going to appear. But John knew that it would be in his day, for He knew that he was a forerunner of the coming of the Son of God. For he said, "There stands One in your midst, Whose shoes I'm not worthy to bear, will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire." He was a witness, because he had heard, and then he saw, and it confirmed his testimony. 56-1004 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 32

  33. WORKS.IS.FAITH.EXPRESSED 192 Walking out of the crowd come the Messiah; just an ordinary young man walking down, dressed like other man. Said, "Behold, there's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." 195 He knew Him because there was supposed to be a sign about that time. (Are you catching It?) John knew just about the hour, 'cause he was a prophet. It was revealed to him. And when he seen that sign, he said, "He's standing among you." He knew It was there. 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 33

  34. 196 Oh, I see the sign that the end time is here. I see the things that's promised, for this end-time Message, coming to pass (unfolding) just exactly like the Scripture said. And I know that the time is at hand! I say that without hesitance. I believe it's right at hand, for I see the signs that He said would happen just before that time. It's ready to happen now. 65-1126 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 34

  35. THE.IMPERSONATION.OF.CHRISTIANITY 57 A gift of knowledge in the Bible is prophecy which goes up and finds out these things that are to come and brings them back down, but they must compare with the Bible. If they're out of the Book, then they're not received, because the Judge judges by the Book. So it must be on the Word. Then the Word that God has spoken before the foundation of the world, it isn't that God speaks and says something to the prophet at that time, it is that the prophet catches what God has already said. For the Word was before the foundation of the world. God spoke the Word, and It's laying way out, stretched out in time. And the prophet goes up and sees the time coming. 57-0120 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 35

  36. THE.FEAST.OF.THE.TRUMPETS 165 (Vision of the Bride) That little Bride, of every nation, perfectly walking before the Lord. There'll be a time when they'll say, "I thought the Church was to go before the persecution. I thought there was a Rapture. "It's already passed and you knew it not. That's what He said about John one time. "How say the scribes, that Elias must first come?" He said, "He's already come." And even the disciples didn't know it. 169 The Rapture will be the same way. He didn't promise to show Elias like that, but He promised to take the Bride like that. "In a hour that you think not," just a change, in a moment of a twinkling of an eye, be caught away. Then you're left, then that's the time! 64-0719 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 36

  37. THE.TRIAL 50 "When I took my sign that God give me and went down before Pastor Pharaoh, he tried to make my gift look kind of shady. He said, Any cheap fortune teller or Egyptian can do that.' And he got Jambres and Jannes, and actually impersonated everything that I done. But that didn't stop me, because the Voice that sent me was a Scriptural Voice, and I stayed with it. It was the Word of God. "It was a Scriptural sign and a Scriptural Voice, 'For I remember My promise, and the time is at hand.' 64-0419 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 37

  38. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS.ON.THE.SEALS 212 Look back down; examine yourself with the Word, see where you're at. You women that's got short hair, let her grow. If you're wearing shorts, take them off. Act like a lady. If you men are still smoking cigarettes and run to pool halls, stop it. I don't care how much you profess. If you're still holding that organization and saying, "This is it," you'd better stop. Look down and examine it with the Word... 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 38

  39. We ought to lived above the short hair and all this age now; we're back into something now that God's revealing the hidden mysteries that's been put on the Book before the foundation of the world. And those who have obeyed in these small things will catch it in these other things. If they haven't, it'll go over the top of your head as far as the east is from the west. 63-0324 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 39

  40. The Goal: THE.BREACH 106-4 The Seals was broke. Why? In the last Church Age to reveal thesetruths. Why? The Lamb broke the Seals and revealed them to His church in order to collect His subjects for His Kingdom, His Bride. He wants to bring His subjects to Him now. 63-0317 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 31

  41. 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 41

  42. POSITION.IN.CHRIST 55-0116 8 God's got a time for all things.... We plant corn. We got a time that we plow corn. Then at the time, we harvest corn. The spring rains come, the drought through the summer, the fall rains, the snows. You just can't say I plant my wheat today and tomorrow and go out and harvest it. God has seasons for His Word. He has times in the Scripture where It said, "And the Presence of the Lord was there to heal the sick." That's when Jesus was ministering too Maybe at other times the Presence of the Lord wasn't there to heal the sick. And we find out that God works everything seasonally Moses, what he failed to find was the time limit of God. 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 42

  43. 9 Then when God revealed Himself to him in the burning bush, he found out then that the very thing that was in the burning bush was the thing that he lacked. And I think that's a whole lot with us today, that many times we try to do the program ourselves and fail to get what was in the burning bush, the direct revelation of the will and time of God. What good would it do you to plant some corn out here today? (January 16) It would rot.... Nothing happen. If it happened to sprout the cold weather would kill a germ. It wouldn't work. We got to have the season for it. 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 43

  44. 10 So Moses found out now, the real direct Word of God and the time of God, and the revelation of everything to do, now, try to keep him out of Egypt. Right back to Egypt he went just as hard as he could go, for he knew that God had promised deliverance, and the time had come for deliverance. Now, Moses was looking first at the Word Now, he had to have a direct contact with God to know how and when to do it. 11 Now, we as Full Gospel people, I think have made many mistakes by looking into the Word, and say, "God said this." And we failed to find the direct revelation of our life to fit in that program. When we find that, then it's got to happen We have got to do what God has revealed to us to do. Brother Graham is doing that; God has revealed to him a world wide revival, and he's making a good show of it too. And I appreciate him. And I'm trying my best by the revelation that God has given me to minister to the sick people, to what He told me to do. 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 44

  45. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS 276. Brother Branham, will the Bride go through the persecution as the early apostolic church did? No, I just explained that a few minutes ago. No, next thing is a rapture now. Remember, we're at the promised land; we're at the border. You understand the march of Israel? 64-0823 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 45

  46. GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP 195 Now, Jesus Himself said, "At the day when the Son of man is being revealed..." in other words, "the Son of man, the ministry of Jesus Christ Hisself." The church will come through justification, through Luther; through sanctification, through Wesley; through the baptism of the Holy Ghost, or the Pentecostals; and grow right on into the perfection of the Son of man, that when Husband and Wife will be the same-self persons. God will be so manifested into His Bride, His church, till they'll both be the same. They are one. Now, you see where we're at. 65-0425 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 46

  47. 305 Oh, brother, watch! Exactly, to call all, call them out of the denominations and traditions. Now we see the church of pentecost age is finished. The Bride must step out of the way, to go up now; so the two servants of God, (Rev. 11) can appear upon the scene, to sound the Seventh Trumpet to them, make known to them the Christ. 307 The 7th angel, messenger, say, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!" Not, "behold my Methodist, my Baptist, my Pentecostal." But, "The Word, the Son of God, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world," for no other foundations is there! How long have we got? The Jews are in their homeland. The Bride is called. Scripturally, everything just exactly what He promised. We're ready. The hour is here. 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 47

  48. I Cor. 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. I Thes. 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 48

  49. THE.FEAST.OF.THE.TRUMPETS 64-0719 135 Now notice the trumpets that we're speaking of, is a call together for either a feast, for war, for a person, some sacred day, or something like that. You say, "For a person?" Yeah. Or, for the year of jubilee, the announcing of the coming of freedom, when they could go back The trumpet sounded, and the trumpet denotes either war, or a feast day. Or, what it means, is, "a gathering together of the people " 136 Paul said, "When the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who can prepare themselves for war, or for peace, or whatever it is?" Who knows? You have to know what the trumpet sounds. 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 49

  50. 137 Therefore, when the trumpet sounds, we see something in the earth today. There is a great trouble somewhere. Everybody knows it. Everybody has become a neurotic. The whole world is a neurotical world, we know there is something wrong Now, the only way you'll know what the trumpet sound is, is to look what the Music Sheet says. That's what's the matter today. We got too many directors not in the Spirit of the Composer. They say, "The denomination, well, we believe this." 141 No matter what you say, the Bible is right. Beat it out according to the Sheet Music right here before it, then the great symphony of God's great act is playing out just right, then we can see the hour and where we're standing. 10/25/2020 The Final Exodus 3 50


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