The Beatitudes and Commandments in the Kingdom of Heaven

Lesson 7
The Beatitudes describe the character of those who enter the
Kingdom of heaven.
Believers must have a righteousness that exceeds that of the
scribes and Pharisees.
A righteousness based on the LAW, which is now written on
our hearts with Holy Spirit inside enabling us to keep it.
Jesus did NOT do away with the Law, but fulfilled it, enabling
us to fulfill it by faith in Him, thereby receiving Holy Spirit.
“You shall not murder”. Premeditated killing
Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy 
all say that if a man
murdered someone, his life was required.
Deut. 19   
Cities of refuge for the manslayer to run to, not the
murderer. This was unintentional death. Here he could escape
the avenger of blood if he was able to get inside before the
avenger caught him.
Avenger of blood: 
nearest relative of a murdered person. It
was his right and duty to slay the murderer; it shows that
every life is sacred.
Jesus said that if a believer (He is speaking to crowds but
specifically to His disciples 5:1) is angry with his brother, he is
guilty of murder before the court.
Anger leads to verbal attacks which leads to hate which leads
to murder. This is NOT of the Spirit of God who lives inside.
Righteousness that surpasses that of the scribes and
Pharisees comes from the heart of flesh, Holy Spirit.
John 3:16; Rom. 5:6-10 
God loved the world, died for those
who will believe in Him and for those who will not.
It is the Christian’s responsibility to make reconciliation with
the fellow Christian that he knows has something against him
Jesus defined adultery: looking, lusting, it all began in the
Prov. 4 & 23 and Matt. 15 
show how the heart is the source.
“Looks” meant continuous action; to stare with the purpose of
New Covenant: New Heart   We are led by the Spirit now
Matt. 5:29-30 
tells us how to control adultery by being self
controlled. Get rid of whatever is causing the sin.
Gal. 5:22-23 
Self control is included in the Fruit of the Spirit
2 Cor. 10:3-5 
says to take every thought captive to the
obedience of Christ. We aren’t waging battle according to the
flesh, yet it IS the flesh that is tugging at us.
“To take captive” is a military term. To take under control like
a prisoner!!! But only the one who is the victor takes
 made a covenant with his eyes BEFORE the next
temptation presented itself.
Phil. 4:8 
Christians CAN control their thoughts and think on
this whole list of things, which will defeat sin.
They had heard that they just needed a certificate of divorce
to be given to the wife so she could be sent away.
Jesus said the only reason for divorce was sexual immorality
which broke the marriage covenant.
Mal. 2:13-16 
God’s heart hates divorce and even calls it
dealing treacherously. “to betray, unfairness, deceitful”
Luke 16:18; Matt. 19:7-9 
Pharisees said Moses had allowed
divorce because of their hard hearts. But it was not that way in
the beginning in the garden. 
Gen. 2:24 
Another result of the
Certificate of divorce: 1) Took some time   2) Took a priest or
Levite to write it   3) Probably required the return of the
Think about Joseph and Mary: “quietly put her away” 
I Cor. 7:10 
Written to Christians: don’t divorce. But if a wife
leaves, she is to stay unmarried or be reconciled.
I Cor. 7:12-16 
Believers married to unbelievers. IF the
unbeliever wants to stay married, then there is no divorce. If
the unbeliever wants divorce, then let him or her leave; they
are not under bondage regarding divorce and remarriage.
Deut. 24:1-4  
The divorced wife could not return to her first
husband if she was put away by a second husband, or even if
the 2
 husband died. Adultery undermines the very fabric of
society and the home. The covenant had been broken and
cannot be restored.
God opposed divorce in Israel because it weakened the nation
and threatened the birth of the Messiah.
Don’t make false vows, fulfill your vows to the Lord.
Heb. 6:13-18 
God swore by Himself because there was
nothing greater and because He CANNOT lie and does not
change. So, God cannot break Covenant.
Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy 
say if you break your
vow it profanes the Lord’s name.
James 5:12 
Don’t swear an oath! Don’t fall under judgment
Matt. 5:37 
Let your yes be yes and your no be no.
The Law said make just restitution and just punishment.
 pity was to be shown
It was a deterrent for evil.
Exodus 21 
Leviticus 24 
all state a life for a life
Deut. 19:15-21 
Speak of giving false testimony! Whatever he
testified falsely to will be done to him!!
It also adds tooth for tooth, hand for hand and foot for foot.
Matt. 5 
Jesus goes to the heart again, because one must die to
self: blessed are the meek/ gentle  vs.5
Matt. 5:43 
Love your neighbor is in the Law: hate your enemy
is not. It was added
So again, loving your neighbor is a requirement for those who
are surpassing the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees
God sends rain upon the righteous and unrighteous and
causes the sun to rise on both.
Rom. 13:10 
Love is the fulfillment of the Law.
Luke 10:25-37 
Parable of the Good Samaritan. The priest and
Levite pass the man, the Samaritan has compassion and
ministers to him. Jesus said, “Go do likewise”
Rom. 12:18 
IF possible, so far as it depends on YOU, be at
peace with all people
Feed your enemy, never take revenge, overcome evil with
Love does no wrong and helps those who are in need
expecting nothing in return.
Leave room for God’s wrath, that’s not your job. Your job is to
Romans 12:20 
as explained by Barnes commentary
Natural result of showing our enemy kindness would be
expressive of intense agony of shame, remorse of conscience,
a conviction of the evil of his conduct – salvation and peace
with God.
People resist wrath, anger, and power but goodness they
cannot resist; it finds its way to the heart, and the conscience
does its work so that the sinner is overwhelmed at the
remembrance of his crimes.
Slide Note

The Beatitudes and commandments reveal the character expected in the Kingdom of Heaven, emphasizing righteousness surpassing the scribes and Pharisees. They highlight the importance of internal righteousness, guided by the Holy Spirit. Jesus emphasizes the seriousness of actions like anger and lust, linking them to murder and adultery, showing that they begin in the heart. Believers are called to reconcile with one another and exercise self-control, as highlighted in the Scriptures.

  • Beatitudes
  • Commandments
  • Kingdom of Heaven
  • Righteousness
  • Holy Spirit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lesson 7

  2. The Beatitudes describe the character of those who enter the Kingdom of heaven. Believers must have a righteousness that exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees. A righteousness based on the LAW, which is now written on our hearts with Holy Spirit inside enabling us to keep it. Jesus did NOT do away with the Law, but fulfilled it, enabling us to fulfill it by faith in Him, thereby receiving Holy Spirit.

  3. You shall not murder. Premeditated killing Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy murdered someone, his life was required. Deut. 19 murderer. This was unintentional death. Here he could escape the avenger of blood if he was able to get inside before the avenger caught him. Avenger of blood: was his right and duty to slay the murderer; it shows that every life is sacred. Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy all say that if a man Deut. 19 Cities of refuge for the manslayer to run to, not the Avenger of blood: nearest relative of a murdered person. It

  4. Jesus said that if a believer (He is speaking to crowds but specifically to His disciples 5:1) is angry with his brother, he is guilty of murder before the court. Anger leads to verbal attacks which leads to hate which leads to murder. This is NOT of the Spirit of God who lives inside. Righteousness that surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees comes from the heart of flesh, Holy Spirit. John 3:16; Rom. 5:6 who will believe in Him and for those who will not. It is the Christian s responsibility to make reconciliation with the fellow Christian that he knows has something against him John 3:16; Rom. 5:6- -10 10 God loved the world, died for those It is the Christian s responsibility to make reconciliation with the fellow Christian that he knows has something against him

  5. Jesus defined adultery: looking, lusting, it all began in the heart! Prov. 4 & 23 and Matt. 15 Looks meant continuous action; to stare with the purpose of lusting. New Covenant: New Heart We are led by the Spirit now Matt. 5:29 controlled. Get rid of whatever is causing the sin. Gal. 5:22 Prov. 4 & 23 and Matt. 15 show how the heart is the source. Matt. 5:29- -30 30 tells us how to control adultery by being self Gal. 5:22- -23 23 Self control is included in the Fruit of the Spirit

  6. 2 Cor. 10:3 obedience of Christ. We aren t waging battle according to the flesh, yet it IS the flesh that is tugging at us. To take captive is a military term. To take under control like a prisoner!!! But only the one who is the victor takes prisoners. Job temptation presented itself. Phil. 4:8 this whole list of things, which will defeat sin. 2 Cor. 10:3- -5 5 says to take every thought captive to the Job made a covenant with his eyes BEFORE the next Phil. 4:8 Christians CAN control their thoughts and think on

  7. They had heard that they just needed a certificate of divorce to be given to the wife so she could be sent away. Jesus said the only reason for divorce was sexual immorality which broke the marriage covenant. Mal. 2:13 dealing treacherously. to betray, unfairness, deceitful Luke 16:18; Matt. 19:7 divorce because of their hard hearts. But it was not that way in the beginning in the garden. Gen. 2:24 fall. Mal. 2:13- -16 16 God s heart hates divorce and even calls it Luke 16:18; Matt. 19:7- -9 9 Pharisees said Moses had allowed Gen. 2:24 Another result of the

  8. Certificate of divorce: 1) Took some time 2) Took a priest or Levite to write it 3) Probably required the return of the dowry. Think about Joseph and Mary: quietly put her away Matt. 1:19 I Cor. 7:10 leaves, she is to stay unmarried or be reconciled. I Cor. 7:12 unbeliever wants to stay married, then there is no divorce. If the unbeliever wants divorce, then let him or her leave; they are not under bondage regarding divorce and remarriage. Matt. 1:19 I Cor. 7:10 Written to Christians: don t divorce. But if a wife I Cor. 7:12- -16 16 Believers married to unbelievers. IF the

  9. Deut. 24:1 husband if she was put away by a second husband, or even if the 2ndhusband died. Adultery undermines the very fabric of society and the home. The covenant had been broken and cannot be restored. God opposed divorce in Israel because it weakened the nation and threatened the birth of the Messiah. Deut. 24:1- -4 4 The divorced wife could not return to her first

  10. Warning: Heb. 6:13 nothing greater and because He CANNOT lie and does not change. So, God cannot break Covenant. Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy vow it profanes the Lord s name. James 5:12 Matt. 5:37 Warning: Don t make false vows, fulfill your vows to the Lord. Heb. 6:13- -18 18 God swore by Himself because there was Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy say if you break your James 5:12 Don t swear an oath! Don t fall under judgment Matt. 5:37 Let your yes be yes and your no be no.

  11. The Law said make just restitution and just punishment. No It was a deterrent for evil. Exodus 21 Deut. 19:15 testified falsely to will be done to him!! It also adds tooth for tooth, hand for hand and foot for foot. Matt. 5 self: blessed are the meek/ gentle vs.5 No pity was to be shown Exodus 21 and Leviticus 24 Deut. 19:15- -21 Leviticus 24 all state a life for a life 21 Speak of giving false testimony! Whatever he Matt. 5 Jesus goes to the heart again, because one must die to

  12. Matt. 5:43 is not. It was added So again, loving your neighbor is a requirement for those who are surpassing the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees God sends rain upon the righteous and unrighteous and causes the sun to rise on both. Rom. 13:10 Luke 10:25 Levite pass the man, the Samaritan has compassion and ministers to him. Jesus said, Go do likewise Matt. 5:43 Love your neighbor is in the Law: hate your enemy Rom. 13:10 Love is the fulfillment of the Law. Luke 10:25- -37 37 Parable of the Good Samaritan. The priest and

  13. Rom. 12:18 peace with all people Feed your enemy, never take revenge, overcome evil with good Love does no wrong and helps those who are in need expecting nothing in return. Leave room for God s wrath, that s not your job. Your job is to love. Rom. 12:18 IF possible, so far as it depends on YOU, be at

  14. Romans 12:20 Natural result of showing our enemy kindness would be expressive of intense agony of shame, remorse of conscience, a conviction of the evil of his conduct salvation and peace with God. People resist wrath, anger, and power but goodness they cannot resist; it finds its way to the heart, and the conscience does its work so that the sinner is overwhelmed at the remembrance of his crimes. Romans 12:20 as explained by Barnes commentary

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