Shock: Types, Classification, and Clinical Course

Shock is a state in which there is failure of the circulatory
system to maintain adequate cellular perfusion resulting in
widespread reduction in delivery of oxygen & other nutrients
to tissues.
Classification of shock
Shock can be divided into:
A. Hypovolemic shock: 
This is shock caused by reduced blood volume.
B. Cardiogenic shock: 
This is shock that results from severe depression of
cardiac performance.
C. Distributive shock: 
Distributive shock refers to a group of shock subtypes
caused by profound peripheral vasodilatation despite normal or high
cardiac output.
Septic shock
This is a kind of shock caused by systemic microbial infection,
most commonly by gram – negative infection (endotoxic shock)
but can also occur with gram – positive or fungal infections.
Stages of shock
1) An initial nonprogressive  phase 
: It is also called a period of early compensatory
period, during which compensatory mechanisms are activated & perfusion of vital
organs maintained.
2. Progressive stage (Established shock):
This is characterized by tissue hypoperfusion
with onset of worsening circulatory & metabolic imbalances including acidosis.
3. An irreversible stage 
:A stage at which, even if hemodynamic disorders are corrected
survival is not possible.
Morphology of septic shock
All organs are affected in severe shock. In shock, there is widespread tissue
hypoperfusion involving various organs such as the heart, brain, & kidney.
This leads to widespread hypoxic tissue necrosis.
Clinical course of shock
Patient with shock may manifest as having a
1- weak.
2-rapid pulse.
4- cool.
5- clammy.
6-cyanotic skin.
Slide Note

Shock is a critical state where the circulatory system fails to adequately perfuse cells, leading to oxygen and nutrient delivery reduction. It can be classified into hypovolemic, cardiogenic, and distributive types, with septic shock caused by microbial infections. Shock progresses through stages from initial compensatory mechanisms to irreversible organ damage. Organs are severely affected in septic shock, leading to widespread tissue hypoperfusion. Clinical manifestations of shock include weak pulse, rapid heart rate, tachypnea, cool clammy skin, and cyanosis.

  • Shock
  • Circulatory System
  • Hypovolemic Shock
  • Cardiogenic Shock
  • Distributive Shock

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 8-Shock Shock is a state in which there is failure of the circulatory system to maintain adequate cellular perfusion resulting in widespreadreductionindeliveryofoxygen&othernutrients totissues.

  2. Classification of shock Classification of shock Shockcanbedividedinto: A A..Hypovolemic B B.. Cardiogenic cardiacperformance. C C..Distributive caused by profound peripheral vasodilatation despite normal or high cardiacoutput. Hypovolemicshock Cardiogenic shock shock::Thisisshockcausedbyreducedbloodvolume. shock:: This is shock that results from severe depression of Distributiveshock shock::Distributiveshockreferstoagroupofshocksubtypes

  3. Septic shock This is a kind of shock caused by systemic microbial infection, most commonly by gram negative infection (endotoxic shock) butcanalsooccurwithgram positiveorfungalinfections.

  4. Stages of shock Stages of shock 11) ) An An initial period, during which compensatory mechanisms are activated & perfusion of vital organsmaintained. 2 2..Progressive withonsetofworseningcirculatory&metabolicimbalancesincludingacidosis. 3 3..An Anirreversible survivalisnotpossible. initial nonprogressive nonprogressive phase phase : It is also called a period of early compensatory Progressivestage stage(Established (Establishedshock) shock)::Thisischaracterizedby tissuehypoperfusion irreversiblestage stage:Astageatwhich,evenifhemodynamicdisordersarecorrected

  5. Morphology of septic Morphology of septic shock shock Allorgansareaffectedinsevereshock.Inshock,thereiswidespreadtissue hypoperfusioninvolvingvariousorganssuchastheheart,brain,&kidney. Thisleadstowidespreadhypoxictissuenecrosis.

  6. Clinical course of shock Clinical course of shock Patientwithshockmaymanifestashavinga 1-weak. 2-rapidpulse. 3-tachypenia. 4-cool. 5-clammy. 6-cyanoticskin.

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