Royal Canadian Legion Remembrance Poster and Literary Contest

     Youth Education
       “We Will Remember Them”
For over 50 years the Royal Canadian Legion has been
supporting the Remembrance Poster
and Literary Contest
Its objective is to help encourage students to get
involved in this contest as a means to promote
remembrance of those who by land, by sea and in the
air laid down their lives for sovereign and country.  This
includes those in the past conflicts as well as those
currently serving.
Posters will be based
upon the subject of
Students are
challenged to exercise
their initiative and
create a poster, poem,
and/or essay on this
Progression of Poster Entries
(National Headquarters)
 Overview of Poster Contest
The Poster Contest is divided into 2
Black and White
Each Poster Category has
4 Categories
     Grades Kindergarten to 3
     (Kindergarten judged at
      Branch level only)
     Grades 4-6
     Grades 7-9
     Grades 10-12
Note:  If a poster displays any
colour on it then it is entered in the
Colour Division
Poster Contest Regulations
1.    This contest is open to all students in the Canadian School system.
2.    Entries to be no larger than 22” x 28” (56cm x 71cm). Poster of any
        shape may be received at Branches as long as it fits the 22” x 28”
        dimension when framed.
Contest I
 Entries will be accepted in Black and White on black or white PAPER or
BRISTOL BOARD only; using pencil, charcoal and/or India ink. 
Entries done on
canvas, photopaper or craft material such as foam, textiles or wood are not
Submissions that appear to be computer generated, rendered by AI or
machine will not be accepted.
Contest II
 Entries will only be accepted in Colour on PAPER or BRISTOL BOARD only.
Photographs and three-dimensional submissions made of tinsel, cotton or wooden
sticks for example, will not be accepted. 
Entries done on canvas, photopaper or
craft material such as foam, textiles or wood are not acceptable
. Submissions that
appear to be computer generated, rendered by AI or machine will not be accepted.
5.     If Canadian symbols are used, such as Canadian and provincial flags,
        coat of arms, and representative flowers, birds or animals, as well
        as all forms of Canadian historical and current military dress, shall
        be pre-eminent.
  Poster Contest Regulations
6.    Entries will be judged on originality, expression of designated subject
       drawing and illustration.
7.    Signatures on Poster/Literary entries are no longer required. However,
       students will attach an official Registration Form showing their legal
       names, address, age, grade, name and address of their school and
       local Legion Branch. The form is available from the local Legion branch
       or online at
 and attach it to their entry (no staples
       or tape please).
8.    All entries are to be submitted to the local Branch of the Royal
       Canadian Legion.
9.    Posters will be judged first at Branch: winners to Zone, to District
       and to Provincial level. Only 
First Place
 winners should be
       forwarded to each level. Provincial winners are submitted to
       Ottawa for judging at National level. Entries should be forwarded
       to the next level 
   Poster Contest Regulations
10.  National 1st place posters will be displayed at the Canadian
       War Museum in Ottawa for one year. 2nd and 3rd place
       national winners will be displayed at Parliament Hill during
       Remembrance week. All artwork will be returned to the
       artists through Provincial Commands.
A student
 may enter both a Black and White and Colour
       contests, but may submit only one entry for each category.
12.  The Youth Ed Chairs are encouraged 
to code
 all posters in
       pencil on the back of the Entry the Branch #, District &
       Zone, Poster Contest I or II, Category 1/2/3/4, example:
13. Students who have been out of the educational system for
       more than two consecutive years are ineligible to compete
       in the Poster Contest at any level.
To obtain the most current Entry Form (Registration Form), please go to Ontario Command’s website at
Overview of Literary
The Literary Contest is divided
into 2 Divisions:
Each Poem and Essay
Division has 3
       Grades 4-6
       Grades 7-9
       Grades 10-12
Word Count and Line Count
Line count (excluding
title) not to exceed 32
and is applicable to all
It is the Youth Ed
Chair’s responsibility to
ensure that entries
meet the guideline
regarding the number
of words or lines
before submitting it to
the next level.
Progression of Literary Entries
(National Headquarters)
Literary Contest Rules
This contest is open to all students in the Canadian school
Entries may be submitted in English or French.
Students will use only one side of an 8 ½” x 11” (22cm x 28cm)
Entries will be marked based on originality of thought,
expression, presentation, grammar, spelling and Canadian
content. The copying or reproducing of previously published
works in whole or in part, without either the written permission
from the author/source or, without identifying the
author/source in the work, will result in the work being
automatically disqualified.
Literary Contest Rules
Each student will clearly state on the Registration Form their legal
      name, address, age, grade, name and address of school, and
      local Legion Branch so that it remains with the entry.
Youth Ed Chairs are encouraged 
to code
 the back of all
      poems/essays in pencil the Branch #, District & Zone,
      Essay or Poem, Category 2/3/4. Example: 
. Please see the registration form.
6.    A student may enter both the Essay and Poem contests but may
       submit only one entry for each category.
7.    All entries are to be submitted to their local Branch of the Royal
       Canadian Legion.
8.    Students who have been out of the educational system for more
       than two consecutive years are ineligible to compete in the Literary
       Contest at any level.
Special Points to Remember
Students also include those who are homeschooled.
Students who have been out of the educational system for
more than two consecutive years are ineligible to compete
in the Literary Contest at any level.
enter the same category at two different
Branches/Zones/Districts.  Students who live in one Zone
and attend a school in another Zone may enter at the
branch closest to their school.
All entries are to be submitted to their local branch of the
Royal Canadian Legion.
Same entry can only be entered once (not year after year)
Watch for plagiarism such as the copying or reproducing of
previously published works. Having a look at past winners
on Command’s website is very useful.
And, of course, no job is
complete until the
paperwork is done!
Use only 
Entry Form
per entry.
All areas of the Entry
be completed.
All signatures must be
filled in.
Attach Entry Form to
entry-no tape, no staples,
preferably paperclips.
The Entry Form is
available in English &
French on Ontario
Command’s website:
       under Youth Programs
Ensure current Entry
Form is used—do not
disqualify entry if old
form is used—try to
correct the problem
before sending on to
Zone level. New Entry
Forms apply each year.
Keep a copy of completed
Entry Form for your
Permission to take a minor’s photo for publication is essential,
especially if you are the one taking the picture.  Other option is to have
the school take the picture and have them put into publication.
This form can
onto back of
entry form to
help save on
Forwarding Form
Use this form when sending
your 1
 place entries onto
next level.
Ensure entries coded in pencil
on back of entry.
Send original entry flat in a
safe case to protect it from
You may wish to take a photo
of your 1
 place entries.  This
is part of your tracking tool.
Keep a copy of this form for
your records.
Coding of Entries
To help keep track of
entries if they become
separated from
entry/permission form.
Coding of Entries
Information: Branch #638,
District G/Zone 6, Colour
Poster, Intermediate
 Place Colour Poster, Sofiya I. WCSS
Kanata Branch #638 District G
is the Branch
is District &
is the category
P-I (B & W Poster) or
P-II (Colour Poster)
 is the Division:
C-1 is Primary; C-2 is
Junior; C-3 is
Intermediate & C-4 is
This would be
coded as:
638; G6; P-II; C-3
Coding of Literary
Branch #34,
District E/Zone 5
 is the Branch
 is District
& Zone
is the
category: E is for
Essay and P is for
 is the
Division: C-2 is
Junior; C-3 is
Intermediate &
C-4 is Senior
This would be
coded as:
34; E5; P; C-3
Zachary E. Ramara, ON
District E-5 Orillia Br. # 34
Statistics Form
This form is used to help
calculate how many students
participate in this contest.
Please fill this form out and
send with your forwarding
Forward this form to your
Zone Chairs with the winning
entries in each category by
November 30
Public Speaking
Another contest the Legion supports is Public Speaking.
Students are encouraged to write their own speech on
any topic they choose. This provides an opportunity for
students to convey their thoughts, ideas or information
in a public forum.
Monies for this program are taken out of Branch funds
such as Lottery or General Account.
Progression of Public Speaking
Public Speaking Categories and Times
   Grades 1 to 3—3-5 minutes
   Grades 4-6—3-5 minutes
   Grades 7-9—3-5 minutes
   Grades 10-12—5-7 minutes
Contestant Registration
Visiting Dignitaries Form
Rules and Regulations for
Public Speaking
(as per Command)
The speaker may select their own topics. All speeches are to be the original work
of the speaker. 
The topics chosen by the individual speakers do not necessarily
reflect the views or opinions of the Royal Canadian Legion.  
The speaker will
credit authors and sources of material, if referring to another person’s work.
Speeches that repeat verbatim another person’s original work will not be
Visual aids, props, notes, cue cards, lecterns, etc. may be used to support the
speech, notwithstanding the fact that judges may add or subtract marks
according to the manner in which they are used.
Speakers are not allowed to use “PowerPoint” and “Projector” as a method of
presentation or as a tool during presentation.
The assistance of persons other than the Chair (or an appointed person) is not
permitted at any level of the contest.
A minimum of three competent judges are required, preferably with a teaching
background or similar profession.
English and French speakers will compete within the same contest at all levels.
Bilingual judges must be used when necessary. Speakers must compete in English
or French and must continue to speak in their chosen language throughout all
levels of the competition.
A speaker can only compete at one branch. If the speaker did not win at the
branch, the speaker is 
 allowed to compete again at another branch, even
though it is under the same Zone or District.
8.  The speakers must progress through all levels of the competition: Branch, Zone,
      District, Area and Provincial, using the same speech.  The speaker 
 compete at
      branch level first, before moving on to Zone or District.  There is no skipping of
9.   A penalty of 5% of the total marks received 
from each judge, 
shall be imposed to
      a speech that is either short or in excess of the time limit for that level, before the
      total scores are compiled. This penalty will be imposed by the Timekeeper and
      applied by the Scrutineer. No penalty will be levied for Grades 1-3.
10. A penalty of 5% of the total marks received 
from each judge,
 shall be imposed to
      any contestant who freezes. A contestant who freezes may continue but all
      speaking time used will count. This penalty will be imposed by the Timekeeper
      and applied by the Scrutineer.
11. No person, including press photographers, shall photograph, videotape or use
      any audio devices during the contest.
12. A microphone may only be used by a “Special Need” student. This student will
       require a certificate from a medical practitioner. The Chair must be informed
       of the need before the competition begins.
13. The provincial public speaking contest will be held on the first Saturday in May, of
       any given year.
14. Speakers may not identify themselves, except by first name, during the contest.
15. Speakers who are late for registration without 
“just cause”
 will be disqualified
       from the contest.
16. All wall clocks will be covered or removed during the contest.
17. All cell phones and other electronic devices are to be turned off during the
      competition.  Such devices cannot be used for any reason during the contest.
18. Coaching of any kind from the audience will not be permitted.
19. If you need to leave the room, please do so between speeches or at the break.
Do not 
enter or leave the room during a speech.
20. Any violation of the above rules and regulations will result in a penalty being
      imposed by the Chair and may include disqualification from this or any future
21. Judges will break their own ties. Judges will render a decision on all speakers
      without consultation with other judges or any other person
The judges’ 
      is final.
22. Standing Ovations are not allowed at any level of the competition.
23. At each level of the competition the Branch is to read the following disclaimer
      to the audience prior to the commencement of speeches: “Subject matter
      of speeches may not be suitable for all audiences”.
Judges Info Sheet & Scrutineer
Record Sheet
Public Speaking  Provincial
The winning student and one parent in each division from the four Legion
Areas will be offered an all-expense paid trip to the site of the provincial
Public Speaking Info for Youth
Ed Chair
Area Contests
The Province is divided into four areas, which rotate yearly:
Districts “A” & “B”
Districts “C”, “D” & “E”
Districts “F” & “G”
District “H” & “K”
District Location of Future Provincial Contests
2024 – District “D”
2025 – District “G”
2026 – District “H”
2027 – District “A”
2028 – District “C”
2029 – District “F”
2030 – District “K”
Prizes & Judging
1.    Branches, Zones, and Districts will provide suitable prizes,
        including runner-up prizes. Monetary prizes at Branches 
not be more than
 the zone and district prizes.
2.    Command plaques will be provided for 1
 place winners and 2
        place winners at the area contest.
3.    Prizes or awards shall NOT be taken from Poppy funds at any level.
There will be three to four judges at each level of competition. Judges may
rotate with only three (3) judges judging the speaker in each category.
Judges should come from a diverse cross section of the community. Whenever
there is a French speaker in any grade category, whether at branch, zone or
district, all the judges judging that category should all be bilingual.
Judges may only participate at one level of competition each year.
Judges should be rotated at the end of each division.
Each judge will render a final decision on all speakers without consultation with
other judges or any other person. The judges’ decisions are final, and they may
not discuss marks with anyone upon the completion of the contest.
Prizes and Judging Cont’d
6.  After the judges have totaled their scores for each speaker in a
     division, they will sign the score sheets. 
 break their own
7.  At the conclusion of each division, score sheets will be collected from
     the judges and timekeepers.
8.  The scrutineer will verify each judges’ tabulation and enter this on the
      record sheet.
9.  The scrutineer will make any adjustments to the tabulation in case of
      time penalties.
10. The scrutineer will 
total the score
 of each judge’s results.
11. Home schooled students are allowed to enter the public speaking
       competition and they compete at the branch closest to their homes. If
       the branch is not participating in the public speaking program,
       students are referred to another branch, under the same zone.
12. It is up to the branch to advise the schools on how many students they
       can accommodate at the competition or to limit the number of
       students competing at the branch level.
Timekeepers & Penalty
The timekeepers will be provided with a stopwatch or equivalent
timing device.
The timekeepers will begin timing when the speaker begins speaking.
A signal will not be given to the speakers if they exceed the time limit.
The timekeepers’ sheets will be collected at the conclusion of each
5% of the total mark 
received from each judge
 will be imposed on a
speaker whose speech is not within the stated time limits for each
division. This penalty will be applied by the scrutineers. No penalty for
time will be levied in the Grades 1-3.
A penalty of 5% will be imposed on any speaker who freezes. A
speaker who freezes will be allowed to continue. A “freeze” is a stop or
a pause of more than four seconds. It can also include a loss of
direction in which the speech flow or meaning is interrupted, or a
complete loss of speech occurs where the speaker may have to start
Ensure the Entry
form is filled out
completely and
The Forwarding
form needs to be
sent to your Zone
Chair prior to Zone
Public Speaking.
Your Zone Chair will
give you
instructions as to
how they wish the
Keep a copy for
The Statistics form
needs to be sent to
your Zone Chair prior
to Zone Public
Speaking.  Your Zone
Chair will give you
instructions as to how
they wish the
Keep a copy for
And now for our
newest program!
Remembrance Video
This contest provides
students with an
opportunity to reflect
their thoughts and ideas
on the topic of
Remembrance and use
their technological
knowledge to present a
short video of 30
seconds – 2 minutes on
this topic.
The Video Contest entry
form, rules, and
instructions are on Ontario
Command’s website under
Youth Programs – Branch
Youth Education Kit –
NYRC Booklet Guidelines
As Youth Education Chair
it is your responsibility is to
inform the schools/
students of this program.
Video Contest Categories
   Intermediate Level: Grades 7, 8 & 9
Senior Level: Grades 10, 11 & 12
All video entries must be submitted online at:
To submit finished video, it must be uploaded to
YouTube. Participants are required to provide
the public, sharable link to their finished video
during the online submission process.
Videos made by a group should be uploaded
and credited to a single group member
responsible for submitting. All correspondence
and prizing will be addressed only to the
submitting group member. Additional credits
can be included when completing the
submission form.
Judging is done by a special
committee as designated by Provincial
You might be asking yourself—
where do I start?
Some Chair’s introduce themselves to their local schools before the end of June to help
establish a relationship. This is a good time to let them know that Ontario Command’s
website will be updated over the summer
months regarding the Youth Education Contest Programs that the Legion supports. You
will want to visit your school(s) in early September so that the faculty has time to put it
in their schedule. You can get free information publications to give to your school(s)
(usually available in September).
Review your online Youth-Ed Kit forms and guidelines on Ontario Command’s website
(usually updated in early to mid-July). All current registration forms, forwarding forms,
and copies of rules and regulations, etc., can be found on Ontario Command’s website:
) or Dominion Command’s website:
Get an information letter ready with deadline dates for the school to have their entries
ready for pick up by you or your committee member(s) for judging and include your
contact information. Keep in mind when you set your deadline date that Branches’ first
place entries are to be delivered to your Zone Chair by November 30
for Zone judging.
Consider booking a date with your Branch for your judging.
Establish your prize amounts. Branch prize amounts not to exceed Zone amounts.
These funds are funded out of Poppy Monies. There is no need to have a special use
form filled out, but it should be in the Branch General Meeting minutes for future
reference. Ask your Treasurer to help with obtaining the denominations you will need
prior to presentation of prizes and certificates.
Attend the Youth Education Seminar that your Zone Chair hosts annually.
Get any supplies that you require (i.e., certificates from Command) ordered in enough
time for you to have available to fill out for presentation at your schools.
For your poster and literary contest, you will need 3 judges.  These can be
Branch/Auxiliary Members, Veterans, Community representatives—an artistic or literary
background would be beneficial.  Go over the rules with your judges and the judging
After picking up the entries from the school(s) check to make sure that forms are with
entries and are filled out and signed properly.  While you are at the school, remind them
of the Video Contest deadline as well as establish whether they are going to work with
you on a Public Speaking Contest. The school needs time to get that information out to
the students and get the program up and running. Another date to establish with the
school at this time is presentation of the awards (i.e., an assembly or special event at
your Branch).
Make sure your first-place entries moving onto Zone level are coded correctly.
Fill out your statistic and forwarding forms and send them with your first-place entries
to your Zone Chair.
If you have picture permission forms filled out, ask someone to take photos of your
presentation at the school(s). Consider putting them in a local newspaper. This is great
Public Relations!
Set up Public Speaking date with your Branch if you have students participating. This
event can be held sometime in January/February and must be before Zone Public
Speaking. Your Zone Chair will provide you with this information early in the fall so that
you can stay organized.
Some Branches put an article/ad in their local newspaper with contact information in
case there are students who are homeschooled wish to participate or if your school
does not participate. Set a deadline for entry.
Get your judges for Public Speaking. You will need a minimum of 3 judges,
preferably with a teaching background or similar profession. Go over the rules
with your judges and the judging guidelines. Their forms are in your information
Open your Public Speaking event with the Opening Ceremony as you would a
meeting/convention. Try to include the Marching on the Colours.
You will need 1-2 timekeepers, 1-2 scrutineers, and the forms they use are
included in your information package.
Have someone take pictures during the awards portion of your event to submit
to your local newspaper or invite them to join you that day.
Ensure all entry forms are complete and signed. Forward your first-place entries
to your Zone Chair prior to the Zone Public Speaking date. Include your statistics
and forwarding forms as well.
At your Public Speaking event, provide your first-place recipients with a letter
with details about date, registration time, and location of Zone Public Speaking.
This will act as a reminder for them. Also include your contact information and
inform your first-place recipients that should they not be able to attend Zone
Competition to contact you as soon as possible so that you can offer the chance
to your second-place winner.
Repeat these steps through to the District, Area and finally the Provincial level of
the Public Speaking Competition. Provincial Secretary will provide you with
letters & an expense form to hand your four Area Winners to be returned to
Command for fast processing. Encourage Area Winners to submit right away.
Need further help or guidance?
Don’t despair—help is there!!
Ask a fellow Branch member to help—
maybe the person who held the position
before you can provide some guidance.
Read your Officer’s Manual for Youth
Follow the Chain of Command--Contact
your next level for advice. (i.e., Branch
contact Zone Youth Education Chair)
We were all in those new-person-to-
the-volunteer-job-shoes once upon a time. Your
first year is a learning opportunity. Your
subsequent years are fine tuning how to make
your contests run as smoothly as you can.
Consider mistakes made one year a chance to
grow and learn from it to improve for next year.
Above all, relax and have fun with this wonderful
opportunity to inspire the youth of today!
“We have supplied our youth
with a past that they can
share and learn about in the
present to help preserve our
future and not be a fading
“We Will Remember Them”
Slide Note

The Royal Canadian Legion has been organizing the Remembrance Poster and Literary Contest for over 50 years to encourage student participation and promote remembrance of those who sacrificed for their country. The contest involves creating posters, poems, and essays on the theme of remembrance, with entries progressing from local branches to national level judging. Specific regulations govern the entry criteria, division categories, and accepted mediums, emphasizing the use of traditional art materials. Canadian symbols hold importance in the submissions.

  • Contest
  • Remembrance
  • Poster
  • Literary
  • Canada

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Youth Education We Will Remember Them

  2. For over 50 years the Royal Canadian Legion has been supporting the Remembrance Poster and Literary Contest Its objective is to help encourage students to get involved in this contest as a means to promote remembrance of those who by land, by sea and in the air laid down their lives for sovereign and country. This includes those in the past conflicts as well as those currently serving.

  3. Posters will be based upon the subject of REMEMBRANCE Students are challenged to exercise their initiative and create a poster, poem, and/or essay on this theme.

  4. Progression of Poster Entries Dominion (National Headquarters) Provincial District Zone Branch

  5. Overview of Poster Contest The Poster Contest is divided into 2 Divisions: Black and White And Colour

  6. Each Poster Category has 4 Categories Primary Grades Kindergarten to 3 (Kindergarten judged at Branch level only) Junior Grades 4-6 Intermediate Grades 7-9 Senior Grades 10-12

  7. Note: If a poster displays any colour on it then it is entered in the Colour Division

  8. Poster Contest Regulations 1. This contest is open to all students in the Canadian School system. 2. Entries to be no larger than 22 x 28 (56cm x 71cm). Poster of any shape may be received at Branches as long as it fits the 22 x 28 dimension when framed. 3. Contest I Entries will be accepted in Black and White on black or white PAPER or BRISTOL BOARD only; using pencil, charcoal and/or India ink. Entries done on canvas, photopaper or craft material such as foam, textiles or wood are not acceptable. Submissions that appear to be computer generated, rendered by AI or machine will not be accepted. 4. Contest II Entries will only be accepted in Colour on PAPER or BRISTOL BOARD only. Photographs and three-dimensional submissions made of tinsel, cotton or wooden sticks for example, will not be accepted. Entries done on canvas, photopaper or craft material such as foam, textiles or wood are not acceptable. Submissions that appear to be computer generated, rendered by AI or machine will not be accepted. 5. If Canadian symbols are used, such as Canadian and provincial flags, coat of arms, and representative flowers, birds or animals, as well as all forms of Canadian historical and current military dress, shall be pre-eminent.

  9. Poster Contest Regulations 6. Entries will be judged on originality, expression of designated subject drawing and illustration. 7. Signatures on Poster/Literary entries are no longer required. However, students will attach an official Registration Form showing their legal names, address, age, grade, name and address of their school and local Legion Branch. The form is available from the local Legion branch or online at and attach it to their entry (no staples or tape please). 8. All entries are to be submitted to the local Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. 9. Posters will be judged first at Branch: winners to Zone, to District and to Provincial level. Only First Place winners should be forwarded to each level. Provincial winners are submitted to Ottawa for judging at National level. Entries should be forwarded to the next level FLAT.

  10. Poster Contest Regulations 10. National 1st place posters will be displayed at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa for one year. 2nd and 3rd place national winners will be displayed at Parliament Hill during Remembrance week. All artwork will be returned to the artists through Provincial Commands. 11. A student may enter both a Black and White and Colour contests, but may submit only one entry for each category. 12. The Youth Ed Chairs are encouraged to code all posters in pencil on the back of the Entry the Branch #, District & Zone, Poster Contest I or II, Category 1/2/3/4, example: 452: F-5: P-II: C-1. 13. Students who have been out of the educational system for more than two consecutive years are ineligible to compete in the Poster Contest at any level. To obtain the most current Entry Form (Registration Form), please go to Ontario Command s website at

  11. Overview of Literary Contest The Literary Contest is divided into 2 Divisions: Poem And Essay

  12. Each Poem and Essay Division has 3 Categories Junior Grades 4-6 Grades 7-9 Intermediate Grades 10-12 Senior

  13. Word Count and Line Count Essay Poem Junior 350 Line count (excluding title) not to exceed 32 and is applicable to all Categories It is the Youth Ed Chair s responsibility to ensure that entries meet the guideline regarding the number of words or lines before submitting it to the next level. Intermediate 500 Senior 800

  14. Progression of Literary Entries Dominion (National Headquarters) Provincial District Zone Branch

  15. Literary Contest Rules 1. This contest is open to all students in the Canadian school system. 2. Entries may be submitted in English or French. 3. Students will use only one side of an 8 x 11 (22cm x 28cm) page. 4. Entries will be marked based on originality of thought, expression, presentation, grammar, spelling and Canadian content. The copying or reproducing of previously published works in whole or in part, without either the written permission from the author/source or, without identifying the author/source in the work, will result in the work being automatically disqualified.

  16. Literary Contest Rules 5. (a) Each student will clearly state on the Registration Form their legal name, address, age, grade, name and address of school, and local Legion Branch so that it remains with the entry. (b) Youth Ed Chairs are encouraged to code the back of all poems/essays in pencil the Branch #, District & Zone, Essay or Poem, Category 2/3/4. Example: 452: F-5: E: C-2 or 452: F-5: P: C-2. Please see the registration form. 6. A student may enter both the Essay and Poem contests but may submit only one entry for each category. 7. All entries are to be submitted to their local Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. 8. Students who have been out of the educational system for more than two consecutive years are ineligible to compete in the Literary Contest at any level.

  17. Special Points to Remember Students also include those who are homeschooled. Students who have been out of the educational system for more than two consecutive years are ineligible to compete in the Literary Contest at any level. Students cannot enter the same category at two different Branches/Zones/Districts. Students who live in one Zone and attend a school in another Zone may enter at the branch closest to their school. All entries are to be submitted to their local branch of the Royal Canadian Legion. Same entry can only be entered once (not year after year) Watch for plagiarism such as the copying or reproducing of previously published works. Having a look at past winners on Command s website is very useful.

  18. And, of course, no job is complete until the paperwork is done!

  19. Use only 1 Entry Form per entry. All areas of the Entry Form must be completed. All signatures must be filled in. Attach Entry Form to entry-no tape, no staples, preferably paperclips. The Entry Form is available in English & French on Ontario Command s website: under Youth Programs Ensure current Entry Form is used do not disqualify entry if old form is used try to correct the problem before sending on to Zone level. New Entry Forms apply each year. Keep a copy of completed Entry Form for your records.

  20. This form can be photocopied onto back of entry form to help save on paper. Permission to take a minor s photo for publication is essential, especially if you are the one taking the picture. Other option is to have the school take the picture and have them put into publication.

  21. Forwarding Form Use this form when sending your 1st place entries onto next level. Ensure entries coded in pencil on back of entry. Send original entry flat in a safe case to protect it from damage. You may wish to take a photo of your 1st place entries. This is part of your tracking tool. Keep a copy of this form for your records.

  22. Coding of Entries Purpose? To help keep track of entries if they become separated from entry/permission form.

  23. Coding of Entries First is the Branch number Second is District & Zone Third is the category P-I (B & W Poster) or P-II (Colour Poster) Fourth is the Division: C-1 is Primary; C-2 is Junior; C-3 is Intermediate & C-4 is Senior 2nd Place Colour Poster, Sofiya I. WCSS Kanata Branch #638 District G Information: Branch #638, District G/Zone 6, Colour Poster, Intermediate This would be coded as: 638; G6; P-II; C-3

  24. Coding of Literary Entries First is the Branch number Second is District & Zone Third is the category: E is for Essay and P is for Poem Fourth is the Division: C-2 is Junior; C-3 is Intermediate & C-4 is Senior Information: Branch #34, District E/Zone 5 Poem, Intermediate This would be coded as: 34; E5; P; C-3 Zachary E. Ramara, ON District E-5 Orillia Br. # 34

  25. Statistics Form This form is used to help calculate how many students participate in this contest. Please fill this form out and send with your forwarding forms. Forward this form to your Zone Chairs with the winning entries in each category by November 30th.

  26. Public Speaking Another contest the Legion supports is Public Speaking. Students are encouraged to write their own speech on any topic they choose. This provides an opportunity for students to convey their thoughts, ideas or information in a public forum. Monies for this program are taken out of Branch funds such as Lottery or General Account.

  27. Progression of Public Speaking Provincial Area District Zone Branch

  28. Public Speaking Categories and Times Primary Grades 1 to 3 3-5 minutes Junior Grades 4-6 3-5 minutes Intermediate Grades 7-9 3-5 minutes Senior Grades 10-12 5-7 minutes

  29. Contestant Registration

  30. Visiting Dignitaries Form

  31. Rules and Regulations for Public Speaking (as per Command)

  32. 1. The speaker may select their own topics. All speeches are to be the original work of the speaker. The topics chosen by the individual speakers do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Royal Canadian Legion. The speaker will credit authors and sources of material, if referring to another person s work. Speeches that repeat verbatim another person s original work will not be accepted. 2. Visual aids, props, notes, cue cards, lecterns, etc. may be used to support the speech, notwithstanding the fact that judges may add or subtract marks according to the manner in which they are used. 3. Speakers are not allowed to use PowerPoint and Projector as a method of presentation or as a tool during presentation. 4. The assistance of persons other than the Chair (or an appointed person) is not permitted at any level of the contest. 5. A minimum of three competent judges are required, preferably with a teaching background or similar profession. 6. English and French speakers will compete within the same contest at all levels. Bilingual judges must be used when necessary. Speakers must compete in English or French and must continue to speak in their chosen language throughout all levels of the competition. 7. A speaker can only compete at one branch. If the speaker did not win at the branch, the speaker is not allowed to compete again at another branch, even though it is under the same Zone or District.

  33. 8. The speakers must progress through all levels of the competition: Branch, Zone, District, Area and Provincial, using the same speech. The speaker must compete at branch level first, before moving on to Zone or District. There is no skipping of levels. 9. A penalty of 5% of the total marks received from each judge, shall be imposed to a speech that is either short or in excess of the time limit for that level, before the total scores are compiled. This penalty will be imposed by the Timekeeper and applied by the Scrutineer. No penalty will be levied for Grades 1-3. 10. A penalty of 5% of the total marks received from each judge, shall be imposed to any contestant who freezes. A contestant who freezes may continue but all speaking time used will count. This penalty will be imposed by the Timekeeper and applied by the Scrutineer. 11. No person, including press photographers, shall photograph, videotape or use any audio devices during the contest. 12. A microphone may only be used by a Special Need student. This student will require a certificate from a medical practitioner. The Chair must be informed of the need before the competition begins. 13. The provincial public speaking contest will be held on the first Saturday in May, of any given year. 14. Speakers may not identify themselves, except by first name, during the contest. 15. Speakers who are late for registration without just cause will be disqualified from the contest. 16. All wall clocks will be covered or removed during the contest.

  34. 17. All cell phones and other electronic devices are to be turned off during the competition. Such devices cannot be used for any reason during the contest. 18. Coaching of any kind from the audience will not be permitted. 19. If you need to leave the room, please do so between speeches or at the break. Do not enter or leave the room during a speech. 20. Any violation of the above rules and regulations will result in a penalty being imposed by the Chair and may include disqualification from this or any future competition. 21. Judges will break their own ties. Judges will render a decision on all speakers without consultation with other judges or any other person. The judges decision is final. 22. Standing Ovations are not allowed at any level of the competition. 23. At each level of the competition the Branch is to read the following disclaimer to the audience prior to the commencement of speeches: Subject matter of speeches may not be suitable for all audiences .

  35. Judges Info Sheet & Scrutineer Record Sheet

  36. Public Speaking Provincial Awards Division Time First Place (Gold Medal) Runner- up (3) (Silver Medal) Grades 1 3 3 5 minutes $200.00 $75.00 Grades 4 6 Grades 7 9 3 to 5 minutes $300.00 $100.00 $500.00 $150.00 3 to 5 minutes $1000.00 $200.00 Grades 10 12 5 to 7 minutes The winning student and one parent in each division from the four Legion Areas will be offered an all-expense paid trip to the site of the provincial finals.

  37. Public Speaking Info for Youth Ed Chair Area Contests The Province is divided into four areas, which rotate yearly: Districts A & B Districts C , D & E Districts F & G District H & K District Location of Future Provincial Contests 2024 District D 2025 District G 2026 District H 2027 District A 2028 District C 2029 District F 2030 District K PATTERN = E-B-D-G-H-A-C-F-K

  38. Prizes & Judging Prizes 1. Branches, Zones, and Districts will provide suitable prizes, including runner-up prizes. Monetary prizes at Branches should not be more than the zone and district prizes. 2. Command plaques will be provided for 1st place winners and 2nd place winners at the area contest. 3. Prizes or awards shall NOT be taken from Poppy funds at any level. Judging 1. There will be three to four judges at each level of competition. Judges may rotate with only three (3) judges judging the speaker in each category. Judges should come from a diverse cross section of the community. Whenever there is a French speaker in any grade category, whether at branch, zone or district, all the judges judging that category should all be bilingual. Judges may only participate at one level of competition each year. Judges should be rotated at the end of each division. Each judge will render a final decision on all speakers without consultation with other judges or any other person. The judges decisions are final, and they may not discuss marks with anyone upon the completion of the contest. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  39. Prizes and Judging Contd 6. After the judges have totaled their scores for each speaker in a division, they will sign the score sheets. Judges must break their own ties. 7. At the conclusion of each division, score sheets will be collected from the judges and timekeepers. 8. The scrutineer will verify each judges tabulation and enter this on the record sheet. 9. The scrutineer will make any adjustments to the tabulation in case of time penalties. 10. The scrutineer will total the score of each judge s results. 11. Home schooled students are allowed to enter the public speaking competition and they compete at the branch closest to their homes. If the branch is not participating in the public speaking program, students are referred to another branch, under the same zone. 12. It is up to the branch to advise the schools on how many students they can accommodate at the competition or to limit the number of students competing at the branch level.

  40. Timekeepers & Penalty Timekeepers The timekeepers will be provided with a stopwatch or equivalent timing device. The timekeepers will begin timing when the speaker begins speaking. A signal will not be given to the speakers if they exceed the time limit. The timekeepers sheets will be collected at the conclusion of each division. Penalty 5% of the total mark received from each judge will be imposed on a speaker whose speech is not within the stated time limits for each division. This penalty will be applied by the scrutineers. No penalty for time will be levied in the Grades 1-3. A penalty of 5% will be imposed on any speaker who freezes. A speaker who freezes will be allowed to continue. A freeze is a stop or a pause of more than four seconds. It can also include a loss of direction in which the speech flow or meaning is interrupted, or a complete loss of speech occurs where the speaker may have to start over.

  41. Ensure the Entry form is filled out completely and signed accordingly.

  42. The Forwarding form needs to be sent to your Zone Chair prior to Zone Public Speaking. Your Zone Chair will give you instructions as to how they wish the form/information sent. Keep a copy for yourself.

  43. The Statistics form needs to be sent to your Zone Chair prior to Zone Public Speaking. Your Zone Chair will give you instructions as to how they wish the form/information sent. Keep a copy for yourself.

  44. And now for our newest program!

  45. Remembrance Video Contest

  46. This contest provides students with an opportunity to reflect their thoughts and ideas on the topic of Remembrance and use their technological knowledge to present a short video of 30 seconds 2 minutes on this topic.

  47. The Video Contest entry form, rules, and instructions are on Ontario Command s website under Youth Programs Branch Youth Education Kit NYRC Booklet Guidelines As Youth Education Chair it is your responsibility is to inform the schools/ students of this program.

  48. Video Contest Categories Intermediate Level: Grades 7, 8 & 9 Senior Level: Grades 10, 11 & 12 All video entries must be submitted online at: To submit finished video, it must be uploaded to YouTube. Participants are required to provide the public, sharable link to their finished video during the online submission process.

  49. Videos made by a group should be uploaded and credited to a single group member responsible for submitting. All correspondence and prizing will be addressed only to the submitting group member. Additional credits can be included when completing the submission form. Judging is done by a special committee as designated by Provincial Representatives

  50. You might be asking yourself where do I start?


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