Revelation 8:1-13 - The Opening of the Seventh Seal and Trumpet Judgments

Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
A Quick Review:
A Quick Review:
Chapters 1 
Chapters 1 
- Introduction to Apokalypsis – The unveiling
- Introduction to Apokalypsis – The unveiling
Chapter 2 and 3 
Chapter 2 and 3 
– The messages to the Seven Churches
– The messages to the Seven Churches
Chapter 4 
Chapter 4 
– John enters heaven and sets the scene – “Throne”
– John enters heaven and sets the scene – “Throne”
Chapter 5 
Chapter 5 
– The “Seal” and the “Lamb that was slain”
– The “Seal” and the “Lamb that was slain”
Chapter 6 
Chapter 6 
– The opening of six seals and the four horsemen
– The opening of six seals and the four horsemen
White horse – making war
White horse – making war
Red horse – taking peace – make chaos
Red horse – taking peace – make chaos
Black horse – oppression and injustice
Black horse – oppression and injustice
Pale horse – death and hades
Pale horse – death and hades
Fifth seal – the cry of the martyrs – season of martrydom
Fifth seal – the cry of the martyrs – season of martrydom
Sixth seal – cosmic disruptions
Sixth seal – cosmic disruptions
Chapter 7 
Chapter 7 
– The sealing of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists and
– The sealing of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists and
the appearance of the saints of God – serving God and being
the appearance of the saints of God – serving God and being
shepherded by Jesus Christ.
shepherded by Jesus Christ.
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 – 6)
The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 – 6)
Verse 1
Verse 1
When he had
When he had
opened the seventh seal
opened the seventh seal
there was silence 
there was silence 
(sige = to command silence)
(sige = to command silence)
in heaven
in heaven
for about 
for about 
half and hour
half and hour
(only usage!)
(only usage!)
The awesome moment that scroll is opened!
The awesome moment that scroll is opened!
  Silence (in heaven) not necessary on earth
  Silence (in heaven) not necessary on earth
  Zech. 2:13 – “Be silent, O all flesh, before the Lord…”
  Zech. 2:13 – “Be silent, O all flesh, before the Lord…”
  Sige means to “hiss” - that a time of silence is commanded at
  Sige means to “hiss” - that a time of silence is commanded at
this point.
this point.
  “half and hour” is only used this one time in all the scripture.
  “half and hour” is only used this one time in all the scripture.
  Such a loud place is overcome with silence as if breathless!
  Such a loud place is overcome with silence as if breathless!
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 – 6)
The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 – 6)
Verse 2
Verse 2
And I saw 
And I saw 
the seven angels that stand before God
the seven angels that stand before God
According to Jewish tradition, there are seven angels that
According to Jewish tradition, there are seven angels that
stand before God’s presence ready to go at his command
stand before God’s presence ready to go at his command
Possibly the “seven-fold spirit of God”.
Possibly the “seven-fold spirit of God”.
Possible the seven lamps standing before the throne.
Possible the seven lamps standing before the throne.
and to them were given
and to them were given
 seven trumpets 
 seven trumpets 
  Trumpets were important to Jewish life:
  Trumpets were important to Jewish life:
1) call to alarm (army/attack)
1) call to alarm (army/attack)
2) call to assemble (worship/meet)
2) call to assemble (worship/meet)
3) call to awareness (important events)
3) call to awareness (important events)
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 – 6)
The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 – 6)
Verse 3
Verse 3
(allos = another of the same kind) 
(allos = another of the same kind) 
who had a golden censer 
who had a golden censer 
used in the OT temple (Ex. 30:1-9)
used in the OT temple (Ex. 30:1-9)
Priest filled with live coals from the burnt offerings
Priest filled with live coals from the burnt offerings
threw in incense to make smoke an aroma (Lev. 16)
threw in incense to make smoke an aroma (Lev. 16)
common use was brass – Day of Atonement was gold
common use was brass – Day of Atonement was gold
came and stood at the altar.
came and stood at the altar.
He was given much incense 
He was given much incense 
to offer,
to offer,
 the prayers of all the saints,
 the prayers of all the saints,
on the golden altar before the throne
on the golden altar before the throne
incense = prayers = precious, pleasant, and pleasing
incense = prayers = precious, pleasant, and pleasing
prayer releases the trumpet judgements
prayer releases the trumpet judgements
The “golden altar” = the “altar of incense” in the temple.
The “golden altar” = the “altar of incense” in the temple.
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 – 6)
The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 – 6)
Verse 4
Verse 4
The smoke 
The smoke 
(12 x in Rev.) 
(12 x in Rev.) 
of the incense,
of the incense,
together with 
together with 
the prayers 
the prayers 
of the saints,
of the saints,
Proseuche = earnest cries unto God
Proseuche = earnest cries unto God
  Mixed with incense – relationship to the covenant of God
  Mixed with incense – relationship to the covenant of God
  “Saints” = all God’s people – not super Christians
  “Saints” = all God’s people – not super Christians
  There is not scriptural teaching that we should pray
  There is not scriptural teaching that we should pray
     through “saints” of old.
     through “saints” of old.
  We pray to The Father – through the Son – for He
  We pray to The Father – through the Son – for He
     alone is worthy!
     alone is worthy!
  “Imprecatory psalms” 
  “Imprecatory psalms” 
(7,26,35,52,55,58…) = calls
(7,26,35,52,55,58…) = calls
     God to uphold His law and vindicate His people!
     God to uphold His law and vindicate His people!
went up before God
went up before God
from the angel’s hand.
from the angel’s hand.
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 – 6)
The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 – 6)
Verse 5
Verse 5
Then the angel took the censer
Then the angel took the censer
filled it with fire from the altar 
filled it with fire from the altar 
[in heaven]
[in heaven]
and hurled it onto the earth;
and hurled it onto the earth;
The earthly temple is a picture of the heavenly one. 
The earthly temple is a picture of the heavenly one. 
(Heb. 8:5 –
(Heb. 8:5 –
“They serve at a sanctuary that is a 
“They serve at a sanctuary that is a 
 of what is in heaven.”)
 of what is in heaven.”)
The prayers of God’s people turn the tool of worship into a
The prayers of God’s people turn the tool of worship into a
vehicle of judgement upon the earth
vehicle of judgement upon the earth
And their came
And their came
1) pearls of thunder,
1) pearls of thunder,
2) rumblings,
2) rumblings,
3) flashes of lightening,
3) flashes of lightening,
4) and an earthquake.
4) and an earthquake.
God’s power
and presence
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 – 6)
The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 – 6)
Verse 6
Verse 6
Then the seven angels
Then the seven angels
that had the seven trumpets
that had the seven trumpets
prepared to sound them.
prepared to sound them.
  So, the seven seals opened – the scroll reveals more specific
  So, the seven seals opened – the scroll reveals more specific
judgements through the trumpets and the bowls.
judgements through the trumpets and the bowls.
  Two ways of viewing the trumpets compared to the seals:
  Two ways of viewing the trumpets compared to the seals:
1) Poetic – repeating with more clarification – more detail
1) Poetic – repeating with more clarification – more detail
2) Sequential – moving from one to the next
2) Sequential – moving from one to the next
  There is no way to be absolutely sure, but with John’s use of the
  There is no way to be absolutely sure, but with John’s use of the
so regularly, I am choosing to see these as more
so regularly, I am choosing to see these as more
sequential events rather than repeated.
sequential events rather than repeated.
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
The First Four Trumpets (vs 7 – 12)
The First Four Trumpets (vs 7 – 12)
Verse 7
Verse 7
The first angel 
The first angel 
[The Earth]
[The Earth]
sounded his trumpet,
sounded his trumpet,
and there came hail and fire
and there came hail and fire
mixed with blood
mixed with blood
hurled down 
hurled down 
upon the earth
upon the earth
Reminds us of Sodom and Gomorrah, Joel 2:30 – “blood and
Reminds us of Sodom and Gomorrah, Joel 2:30 – “blood and
fire” in the last days, and plagues of Egypt.
fire” in the last days, and plagues of Egypt.
  “Blood” = probably the color red – Or blood from the bronze
  “Blood” = probably the color red – Or blood from the bronze
altar – possibilities: Nuclear detonation, volcanoes, or meteors
altar – possibilities: Nuclear detonation, volcanoes, or meteors
a third of the earth was burned up,
a third of the earth was burned up,
a third of the trees were burned up,
a third of the trees were burned up,
 the green grass was burned up.
 the green grass was burned up.
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
The First Four Trumpets (vs 7 – 12)
The First Four Trumpets (vs 7 – 12)
Verse 8
Verse 8
The second angel
The second angel
[The Sea]
[The Sea]
sounded his trumpet,
sounded his trumpet,
something like 
something like 
a huge mountain,
a huge mountain,
all ablaze,
all ablaze,
was throne 
was throne 
into the sea
into the sea
Not an actual mountain – but a large blazing mass - Possibly a
Not an actual mountain – but a large blazing mass - Possibly a
meteor. Local or global?
meteor. Local or global?
Verse 9
Verse 9
a third of the sea was turned into blood,
a third of the sea was turned into blood,
Reminds us of the plagues of Egypt (Ex. 7)
Reminds us of the plagues of Egypt (Ex. 7)
a third of the sea creatures died,
a third of the sea creatures died,
and a third of the ships were destroyed.
and a third of the ships were destroyed.
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
The First Four Trumpets (vs 7 – 12)
The First Four Trumpets (vs 7 – 12)
Verse 10
Verse 10
The third angel
The third angel
[The Rivers/Fresh Water]
[The Rivers/Fresh Water]
sounded his trumpet,
sounded his trumpet,
and a great star,
and a great star,
blazing like a torch,
blazing like a torch,
fell from the sky
fell from the sky
on a third of the rivers 
on a third of the rivers 
(100 in the world)
(100 in the world)
and on the springs of water
and on the springs of water
Verse 11
Verse 11
the name of the star is Wormwood 
the name of the star is Wormwood 
  “apsinthion” = undrinkable – sign of sorrow and bitterness
  “apsinthion” = undrinkable – sign of sorrow and bitterness
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
The First Three Trumpets (vs 7 – 12)
The First Three Trumpets (vs 7 – 12)
a third of the waters turned bitter,
a third of the waters turned bitter,
many peoples died
many peoples died
from the waters
from the waters
that had become bitter.
that had become bitter.
People die due to this “bitterness” which means that it is more
People die due to this “bitterness” which means that it is more
than just taste.
than just taste.
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
The First Four Trumpets (vs 7 – 12)
The First Four Trumpets (vs 7 – 12)
Verse 12
Verse 12
The fourth angel
The fourth angel
[The Heavens]
[The Heavens]
sounded his trumpet,
sounded his trumpet,
and a third of the sun was struck,
and a third of the sun was struck,
a third of the moon,
a third of the moon,
a third of the stars,
a third of the stars,
so that a third of them turned dark.
so that a third of them turned dark.
a third of the day
a third of the day
was without light,
was without light,
  and a third of the night.
  and a third of the night.
This strikes the entire earth – the sun is the foundation of all life.
This strikes the entire earth – the sun is the foundation of all life.
Similar to the ninth plague on Egypt. (Ex. 10)
Similar to the ninth plague on Egypt. (Ex. 10)
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
The Woe! for the Rest (vs 13)
The Woe! for the Rest (vs 13)
Verse 13
Verse 13
As I watched 
As I watched 
I heard an eagle
I heard an eagle
that was flying in midair
that was flying in midair
call out in a loud voice:
call out in a loud voice:
(ouai = exclamation of grief)  
(ouai = exclamation of grief)  
Woe to the inhabitants 
Woe to the inhabitants 
(katoikeo = those who
(katoikeo = those who
 of the earth,
 of the earth,
because of the trumpet blasts
because of the trumpet blasts
about to be sounded
about to be sounded
by the other three angels!”
by the other three angels!”
You think things are bad now! Just wait – it is going to get
You think things are bad now! Just wait – it is going to get
Session #10
Session #10
Rev. 8:1-13
Rev. 8:1-13
Slide Note

In Session #10, Revelation 8:1-13 is delved into, marking the dramatic moment of silence in heaven as the seventh seal is opened. The seven angels with trumpets and the angel with the golden censer contribute to the unfolding apocalyptic events. This session builds on previous chapters, setting the stage for the trumpet judgments to come.

  • Revelation
  • Seventh Seal
  • Trumpet Judgments
  • Apocalyptic Events
  • Biblical Interpretation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13

  2. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13 A Quick Review: Chapters 1 - Introduction to Apokalypsis The unveiling Chapter 2 and 3 The messages to the Seven Churches Chapter 4 John enters heaven and sets the scene Throne Chapter 5 The Seal and the Lamb that was slain Chapter 6 The opening of six seals and the four horsemen White horse making war Red horse taking peace make chaos Black horse oppression and injustice Pale horse death and hades Fifth seal the cry of the martyrs season of martrydom Sixth seal cosmic disruptions Chapter 7 The sealing of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists and the appearance of the saints of God serving God and being shepherded by Jesus Christ.

  3. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13 I. The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 6) Verse 1 When he had opened the seventh seal there was silence (sige = to command silence) in heaven for about half and hour (only usage!) The awesome moment that scroll is opened! Silence (in heaven) not necessary on earth Zech. 2:13 Be silent, O all flesh, before the Lord Sige means to hiss - that a time of silence is commanded at this point. half and hour is only used this one time in all the scripture. Such a loud place is overcome with silence as if breathless!

  4. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13 I. The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 6) Verse 2 And I saw (horao) the seven angels that stand before God According to Jewish tradition, there are seven angels that stand before God s presence ready to go at his command. Possibly the seven-fold spirit of God . Possible the seven lamps standing before the throne. and to them were given seven trumpets (salpigx) Trumpets were important to Jewish life: 1) call to alarm (army/attack) 2) call to assemble (worship/meet) 3) call to awareness (important events)

  5. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13 I. The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 6) Verse 3 Another (allos = another of the same kind) angel who had a golden censer (libanotos), used in the OT temple (Ex. 30:1-9) Priest filled with live coals from the burnt offerings threw in incense to make smoke an aroma (Lev. 16) common use was brass Day of Atonement was gold came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense (thymiama) to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne incense = prayers = precious, pleasant, and pleasing prayer releases the trumpet judgements The golden altar = the altar of incense in the temple.

  6. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13 I. The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 6) Verse 4 The smoke (12 x in Rev.) of the incense, together with the prayers (proseuche) of the saints, Proseuche = earnest cries unto God Mixed with incense relationship to the covenant of God Saints = all God s people not super Christians There is not scriptural teaching that we should pray through saints of old. We pray to The Father through the Son for He alone is worthy! Imprecatory psalms (7,26,35,52,55,58 ) = calls God to uphold His law and vindicate His people! went up before God from the angel s hand.

  7. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13 I. Verse 5 Then the angel took the censer filled it with fire from the altar [in heaven] and hurled it onto the earth; The earthly temple is a picture of the heavenly one. (Heb. 8:5 They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. ) The prayers of God s people turn the tool of worship into a vehicle of judgement upon the earth And their came 1) pearls of thunder, 2) rumblings, 3) flashes of lightening, 4) and an earthquake. The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 6) God s power and presence

  8. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13 I. The Seventh Seal is Opened (vs 1 6) Verse 6 Then the seven angels that had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them. So, the seven seals opened the scroll reveals more specific judgements through the trumpets and the bowls. Two ways of viewing the trumpets compared to the seals: 1) Poetic repeating with more clarification more detail 2) Sequential moving from one to the next There is no way to be absolutely sure, but with John s use of the term then so regularly, I am choosing to see these as more sequential events rather than repeated.

  9. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13 II. The First Four Trumpets (vs 7 12) Verse 7 The first angel sounded his trumpet, 1) and there came hail and fire mixed with blood hurled down upon the earth. Reminds us of Sodom and Gomorrah, Joel 2:30 blood and fire in the last days, and plagues of Egypt. Blood = probably the color red Or blood from the bronze altar possibilities: Nuclear detonation, volcanoes, or meteors 2) a third of the earth was burned up, 3) a third of the trees were burned up, 4) and all the green grass was burned up. [The Earth]

  10. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13 II. The First Four Trumpets (vs 7 12) Verse 8 The second angel sounded his trumpet, 1) and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was throne into the sea. Not an actual mountain but a large blazing mass - Possibly a meteor. Local or global? Verse 9 2) a third of the sea was turned into blood, Reminds us of the plagues of Egypt (Ex. 7) 3) a third of the sea creatures died, 4) and a third of the ships were destroyed. [The Sea]

  11. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13 II. The First Four Trumpets (vs 7 12) Verse 10 The third angel sounded his trumpet, 1) and a great star, Verse 11 the name of the star is Wormwood (apsinthion) apsinthion = undrinkable sign of sorrow and bitterness [The Rivers/Fresh Water] blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers (100 in the world) and on the springs of water

  12. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13 II. The First Three Trumpets (vs 7 12) 2) a third of the waters turned bitter, 3) many peoples died from the waters that had become bitter. People die due to this bitterness which means that it is more than just taste.

  13. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13 II. The First Four Trumpets (vs 7 12) Verse 12 The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, 1) and a third of the sun was struck, 2) a third of the moon, 3) a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. 4) a third of the day was without light, and a third of the night. This strikes the entire earth the sun is the foundation of all life. Similar to the ninth plague on Egypt. (Ex. 10) [The Heavens]

  14. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13 III. The Woe! for the Rest (vs 13) Verse 13 As I watched (horao), I heard an eagle call out in a loud voice: Woe! (ouai = exclamation of grief) Woe! Woe to the inhabitants (katoikeo = those who love/reside) of the earth, because of the trumpet blasts about to be sounded by the other three angels! You think things are bad now! Just wait it is going to get personal! that was flying in midair

  15. Session #10 Rev. 8:1-13


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