Philea: Advocating for European Philanthropy Through Policy and Legal Affairs

Our community
Membership of Philea
The combined membership of Philea is
comprised of:
250 foundations with an annual expenditure of
€22 billion 
and assets of over 
€200 billion
30 national 
associations representing
10,000 foundations 
33 countries 
around the world
As well as affiliate members including
universities, NGOs
, and 
Our purpose | Who we are
of European
Harness the immense multidimensional
potential of European philanthropy
Philea Policy work
policy work
Advocating for and connecting the sector 
Goal 1
: Philanthropy thrives in an enabling
 policy trends at national,
European, international level
 and other stakeholders
oal 2: The community is well connected to key
We represent the sector in different fora, create
strategic engagement opportunities
EuroPhilantopics: December 3rd 2024
Enabling Environment | LAC
Our Legal Affairs Committee (LAC)
The LAC, in numbers:
National Associations
Enabling Environment | 
monitoring and analysis
 & regulations:
evidence to policy
Weekly monitoring & quarterly
2021 comparative highlights
2022 European briefing of Lilly School
Philanthropy Index
2023/2024 cross-border case studies
 update of 40 national country profiles
Enabling Environment | analysing the laws & regulations
Comparative Highlights of
Foundation Laws
 - 2021
Complex picture, 
great variety
Legal traditions & cultures: 
ivil law 
common law
Definitions of “public benefit” either defined in
tax law or framework or public benefit law vary,
but common core elements are present
 – in particular tax laws
Enabling Environment | analysing the laws & regulations
Taxation of public benefit
1. Corporate income tax and capital gains tax exemption
In the majority of countries, tax exemptions for income
from asset administration and, to some extent, economic
Most countries tax income from unrelated 
activity but exempt income from 
small scale
 economic activity
Rules in place to avoid unfair 
competition with for-profit
2. Eligibility to receive tax-incentivised donations
3. VAT  
(exemption of relief but treated as final consumer)
Enabling Environment | analysing the laws & regulations
Criteria for “public benefit”
1. Pursuance of a public benefit purpose
Purpose that is deemed to be public benefit (open list
versus closed list of purposes at national level)
Supporting the public at large / no closed list of
2. Non-distribution constraint
For commercial activities – no profit distribution
Only reasonable remuneration & admin costs
In case of dissolution, assets must go to public benefit
 How does this relate to concept of SE?
rimacy of 
purpose over profit, reinvestment of
most of the profits to carry out activities in the “collective
interest” or “general interest”.
Enabling Environment | analysing the laws & regulations
Tax incentives for donors –
philanthropic giving
he recipient 
of the donation 
must be a recognised
public-benefit organisation
(what about social economy
organisations/social enterprises?)
Individual donors 
receive a tax incentive for donations in
the form of either a tax credit or tax deduction
 up to
specific threshold, most commonly expressed as a
percentage of the donor’s total annual taxable income. 
orporate donors 
generally get a tax incentive when
giving to public-benefit organisations
 up to a certain
 None in 
Slovakia and Sweden. However, in
as business expenses. 
Enabling Environment | analysing the laws & regulations
Cross-border Philantropy tax
Societal issues do not stop at borders/citizens and
companies become global
Tax treatment of public benefit
foundations/organisations active across-borders 
put tax exempt status at risk in a couple of MS
Tax incentives for individual and corporeta donors
when donations go across-border – in the past public
benefit ended at borders – what is the situation today?
Non-discrimination rule by the European Court of Justice
The non-discrimination principle does not yet work
Enabling Environment | Policy engagement
Not all 
 but most 
EU Member
and court cases
Divergent approaches to
comparability test and 
no legal
administrative burden
high costs
discrimination de
What could be done?
Enabling Environment | Policy engagement
Multilateral treaty?
Bilateral treaties?
Recommendations to EU
Member States to provide for:
Automatic comparability?
A functional approach for
the comparability test?
EU level action 
– multilingual
Improve information sharing
Enabling Environment | analysing the laws & regulations
Other b
arriers to (cross-border)
 of legal personality
Moving the seat and merging
Implementing the 
non-discrimination principle,
tax barriers
registration and reporting
requirements (BO registers etc)
 rules on 
 funding flows
Banks are derisking
EU Council Recommendation on civic space published during Swedish
in December 2022 – follow up events on collaboration among public
and philanthropic funders to support civic space
November 27
th 2023 
Council Recommendation 
on Social Economy
towards an enabling environment 
and call to 
Member States 
procedures around cross-border philanthropy taxation
September 6th 2023: proposal for a legislative initiative 
European Cross-
Associations and NPOs
: Key issues for the enabling environment & collaboration
Enabling Environment | 2023
 key moments
SE Council Recommendations call Member States to:
ensure that taxation systems do not hinder the development of the social economy and assess
tax systems sufficiently encourage its development
develop tax incentives for the social economy
, if not already granted, which may include:
corporate tax exemptions on profits retained by social economy entities;
income tax incentives in the form of deductions or tax credits granted to 
 donors or a designation scheme according to which taxpayers can indicate to their
tax authority the set percentage of their income tax liability to be allocated to public-benefit
review the tax co
mpliance burden for social economy entities 
and where possible reduce it;
facilitate compliance on a practical level for public-benefit cross-border donations for
taxation purposes,
 for instance by issuing a standardised form of the recipient entity established
in another Member State on the amount of the donation, identifying both the recipient and the
donor; …
Other sector recommendations around taxation
Public benefit foundations and SE organisations and their donors need enabling tax
frameworks at Member State level – 
in particular 
ndividual and corporate donors should get tax
incentives when donating to social economy organisations  (also across-borders)
Need to overcome barriers to cross-border work:
/best practice for
 States on how to 
 the non-
discrimination principle
/ease processes/prepare standardised forms/templates
Philea  welcomes this new momentum 
- n
to Association Statute there should be a European Foundation Statute
Potential new EU legislative initiative: 
Directive on mutual recognition of tax-exempt public
benefit organisations with the EU 
(EU MS to grant each others tax exempt public benefit
organisations automatic equivalency so that donors can get a tax incentive) 
Additional points for social enterprises:
social costs
need to be considered
 (in line with EESC INT/447 Diverse forms of Enterprise)
If not already in place, tax policies should promote 
VAT exemptions or reductions for critical services
simplification of tax compliance through digital solutions 
and streamlined processes
Thank you!
Slide Note

Philea is a community of 250 foundations with substantial assets, working towards harnessing the potential of European philanthropy. They advocate for an enabling environment in policy work, connect stakeholders, and analyze foundation laws across diverse legal traditions. The Legal Affairs Committee plays a crucial role in monitoring and analyzing laws and regulations to support the philanthropic sector.

  • European philanthropy
  • Policy advocacy
  • Legal affairs
  • Foundation laws
  • Stakeholder engagement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Membership of Philea The combined membership of Philea is comprised of: 250 foundations with an annual expenditure of 22 billion and assets of over 200 billion 30 national associations representing approximately 10,000 foundations across Europe 33 countries around the world As well as affiliate members including universities, NGOs, and multilateral organisations Our community

  2. voice of European Philanthropy Why we are here Who Who we are we are What we want to achieve Harness the immense multidimensional potential of European philanthropy Our purpose | Who we are

  3. Philea Policy work Advocating for and connecting the sector Goal 1: Philanthropy thrives in an enabling environment We monitor & analyse policy trends at national, European, international level and engage with policymakers and other stakeholders Goal 2: The community is well connected to key stakeholders We represent the sector in different fora, create strategic engagement opportunities EuroPhilantopics: December 3rd 2024 Philea policy work

  4. Our Legal Affairs Committee (LAC) Co-chair: The LAC, in numbers: 32 members 25 countries 23 National Associations representatives Isabel Pe alosa Spanish Association of Foundations (AEF) Ludwig Forrest King Baudouin Foundation 9 Foundation representatives Enabling Environment | LAC

  5. Mapping laws & regulations: evidence to policy Weekly monitoring & quarterly newsletter 2021 comparative highlights 2022 European briefing of Lilly School Philanthropy Index 2023/2024 cross-border case studies 2024 update of 40 national country profiles Enabling Environment | monitoring and analysis

  6. Comparative Highlights of Foundation Laws - 2021 Complex picture, great variety Legal traditions & cultures: civil law versus common law Definitions of public benefit either defined in tax law or framework or public benefit law vary, but common core elements are present Constantly evolving in particular tax laws Enabling Environment | analysing the laws & regulations

  7. Taxation of public benefit foundations 1. Corporate income tax and capital gains tax exemption In the majority of countries, tax exemptions for income from asset administration and, to some extent, economic activities. Most countries tax income from unrelated economic activity but exempt income from purpose related economic activity or small scale economic activity. Rules in place to avoid unfair competition with for-profits 2. Eligibility to receive tax-incentivised donations 3. VAT (exemption of relief but treated as final consumer) Enabling Environment | analysing the laws & regulations

  8. Criteria for public benefit 1. Pursuance of a public benefit purpose Purpose that is deemed to be public benefit (open list versus closed list of purposes at national level) Supporting the public at large / no closed list of beneficiaries 2. Non-distribution constraint For commercial activities no profit distribution Only reasonable remuneration & admin costs In case of dissolution, assets must go to public benefit How does this relate to concept of SE? Primacy of social purpose over profit, reinvestment of most of the profits to carry out activities in the collective interest or general interest . Enabling Environment | analysing the laws & regulations

  9. Tax incentives for donors philanthropic giving The recipient of the donation must be a recognised public-benefit organisation (what about social economy organisations/social enterprises?). Individual donors receive a tax incentive for donations in the form of either a tax credit or tax deduction up to a specific threshold, most commonly expressed as a percentage of the donor s total annual taxable income. Corporate donors generally get a tax incentive when giving to public-benefit organisations up to a certain threshold. None in Slovakia and Sweden. However, in Sweden, deductions as business expenses. Enabling Environment | analysing the laws & regulations

  10. Cross-border Philantropy tax barriers Societal issues do not stop at borders/citizens and companies become global Tax treatment of public benefit foundations/organisations active across-borders can put tax exempt status at risk in a couple of MS Tax incentives for individual and corporeta donors when donations go across-border in the past public benefit ended at borders what is the situation today? Enabling Environment | analysing the laws & regulations

  11. Non-discrimination rule by the European Court of Justice

  12. The non-discrimination principle does not yet work Not all but most EU Member States comply - infringement procedures and court cases Divergent approaches to comparability test and no legal security, administrative burden & high costs, discrimination de facto Enabling Environment | Policy engagement

  13. What could be done? Multilateral treaty? Bilateral treaties? Recommendations to EU Member States to provide for: Automatic comparability? Simple/transparent procedures? A functional approach for the comparability test? EU level action multilingual templates? Improve information sharing tools Enabling Environment | Policy engagement

  14. Other barriers to (cross-border) philanthropy Recognition of legal personality Moving the seat and merging across-border Implementing the non-discrimination principle, tax barriers Tightening registration and reporting requirements (BO registers etc) Specific rules on foreign funding flows (Hungary) Banks are derisking Enabling Environment | analysing the laws & regulations

  15. 2024: Key issues for the enabling environment & collaboration opportunities EU Council Recommendation on civic space published during Swedish Presidency in December 2022 follow up events on collaboration among public and philanthropic funders to support civic space November 27th 2023 Council Recommendation on Social Economy frameworks | towards an enabling environment and call to Member States to ease procedures around cross-border philanthropy taxation September 6th 2023: proposal for a legislative initiative for European Cross- Border Associations and NPOs (ECBA) Enabling Environment | 2023/2024 key moments

  16. SE Council Recommendations call Member States to: 1. ensure that taxation systems do not hinder the development of the social economy and assess whether tax systems sufficiently encourage its development; 2. develop tax incentives for the social economy, if not already granted, which may include: corporate tax exemptions on profits retained by social economy entities; income tax incentives in the form of deductions or tax credits granted to individual or corporate donors or a designation scheme according to which taxpayers can indicate to their tax authority the set percentage of their income tax liability to be allocated to public-benefit entities;.... 3. review the tax compliance burden for social economy entities and where possible reduce it; 4. facilitate compliance on a practical level for public-benefit cross-border donations for taxation purposes, for instance by issuing a standardised form of the recipient entity established in another Member State on the amount of the donation, identifying both the recipient and the donor;

  17. Other sector recommendations around taxation Public benefit foundations and SE organisations and their donors need enabling tax frameworks at Member State level in particular individualand corporate donors should get tax incentives when donating to social economy organisations (also across-borders) Need to overcome barriers to cross-border work: Guidance/best practice for Member States on how to better implement the non- discrimination principle/ease processes/prepare standardised forms/templates European Cross-Border Associations proposal Philea welcomes this new momentum - next to Association Statute there should be a European Foundation Statute Potential new EU legislative initiative: Directive on mutual recognition of tax-exempt public benefit organisations with the EU (EU MS to grant each others tax exempt public benefit organisations automatic equivalency so that donors can get a tax incentive) Additional points for social enterprises: internalisation of social costs need to be considered (in line with EESC INT/447 Diverse forms of Enterprise) If not already in place, tax policies should promote VAT exemptions or reductions for critical services The simplification of tax compliance through digital solutions and streamlined processes

  18. Thank you! Hanna Surmatz


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