P2IO Scientific Council Close-Out Meeting Summary (November 23-24, 2017)

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The P2IO Scientific Council conducted a close-out meeting on November 23-24, 2017, focusing on the progress made since the previous meetings. Topics included evaluating LabEx objectives, flagship projects, future plans, funding strategies, and more. The Council commended the management for accomplishments but expressed concerns about director replacements. Collaboration and efficiency were highlighted throughout the meeting.

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  1. Scientific Council Close-out (November 23-24, 2017)

  2. i r f u i r f u i r f u Preliminary y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 2 Fifth SC meeting following previous SC meetings (June 2016, Dec 2014, Sept 2013 & June 2012) Excellent preparation of the meeting in close collaboration between P2IO management and SC: Update of the P2IO SC mandate with specific requirements for this meeting Availability prior to the meeting of: Summary by Philippe of the major P2IO activities since last SC meeting Doc & Link to the P2IO day (Nov 15 2017): https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/16330/timetable P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  3. i r f u i r f u i r f u Mandate y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 3 General LabEx evaluation Is the Labex fulfilling its objectives and goals? Is there a need to reconsider them? Relevance and ambition of future plans, and of the strategy to achieve them. What are the obstacles and problems the Labex faces? Is the Labex funding strategy appropriate? Are there key, overarching scientific questions that may have been overlooked in the current activities? Does the Labex promote the exploration of new frontiers? Specific to the present meeting Appraisal of the 5 on-going flagship projects Comments about the proposed strategy for P2IO renewal (2020-2024) Evaluation of the 11 Expressions of Interest P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  4. i r f u i r f u i r f u Agenda https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/16567/ y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 4 Nov 23 : P2IO status report Quark touch Flagship projects: JWST PRAE Terra Incognita CANEVAS HGCFC Poster session Excellent Posters preparations Very efficient information and opportunity for direct exchange between SC members and projects responsible Nov 24: Paris-Saclay University status P2IO beyond 2020 P2IO renewal context Expressions of Interest Closed session with the laboratory directors for their feedback and constructive exchanges P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  5. i r f u i r f u i r f u P2IO Status Report y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 5 The Scientific Council congratulates the P2IO management for the excellent progress since last SC meeting in June 2016, confirming the outstanding accomplishments signified by the Mid-Term review end of 2015. The Council is pleased to see that the (new) governance (CoDir) managed by one Director & Deputy and 11 technical experts broadly distributed over the participating institutes with an excellent link to the scientific community is working well with decisions usually taken by consensus. Nevertheless, the Council is concerned with the replacement of the Director and his deputy who both expressed their wish to step down already last year after their two years mandate, and strongly reiterate their wish after now three years de bons et loyaux services . Considering the importance of the next two years till the completion of the (present) P2IO labex by end 2019 and the necessary work to prepare the future from 2020, the Council strongly recommends to nominate by the end of the year a new Deputy Director to work closely with the present Director during the first half of next year and take over from July 2020. P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  6. i r f u i r f u i r f u P2IO Status Report y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 6 The Council is satisfied with the excellent progress of the Emblematic Projects (reported individually later). It appreciates that his recommendation last year to complement the (large) emblematic projects by allocating (small) R&D projects, Doctoral or post-doc students on themes less covered by the Emblematic Projects in order to ensure more uniform distribution of resources through the P2IO labex , has been followed. few additional The Council notes the now up & running selection process of Ph.D. candidates and small research projects that seems to result from the attainment of a true consensus of priorities among participants. The Council notes the high quality of the presentations at the poster session and very much enjoyed the enthusiastic and informed discussions with the graduate students and post doctoral authors. P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  7. i r f u i r f u i r f u P2IO Status Report y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 7 The P2IO Council strongly supports the preparation of a P2IO renewal request. (developed later) The Council appreciates the efforts and new initiatives made last year to improve the visibility of the labex and its outreach, especially: SCOPI: S minaire Commun des Origines et de la Physique des deux Infinis. P2IO thesis prizes A programme d attractivite Emilie du Chatelet The Quart Touch is an excellent example of an innovative outreach effort. The project is to build a catchy video game, the candycrash of particle physics. It is a real challenge to transform a video game into learning particle physics concepts and tools without the player loosing the excitement of the hunt and the sense of adventure. The team combination of particle physics expertise with a hired engineer and video game professional expertise seems adequate to optimize the effort. We are looking forward to the first tests with non expert public. P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  8. Emblematic projects 8 JWST PRAE Terra Incognita CANEVAS HIGHTEC P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  9. i r f u i r f u i r f u Evolution of matter from the interstellar medium to exoplanets with the JWST y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 9 JWST is a flagship international facility and the project is set to exploit the data which will result across several important scientific areas The project is well organized across the 4 WPs Progress towards objectives appears to have been very good The difference made by P2IO funding was not always explicitly given There is obviously a great deal of collaborative activity taking place although it was not clear how far opportunities for young researchers outside P2IO had been advertised and taken up There was a comment at the end of the presentation about further resources being required. It is suggested that (subsets of) the project would make potentially excellent bids for ERC funding for example, to allow completion and continuation of critical aspects P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  10. i r f u i r f u i r f u PRAE y y y Platform for Research and Applications with Electrons s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 10 Findings of the SC Flagship project mobilizing large number of researchers (60+) with complementary expertise from IMNC, IPNO and LAL Balance of technology developments, fundamental and applied research Reusing existing accelerator building with construction of an extension Phased approach allowing deployment flexibility depending on the available resources: Current optimized version with 2 beamlines rather than 3 Outsourcing RF, hi-gradient linac and recovering SLAC modulator National (LPC Caen, Institut Curie) & international (JGU Frankfurt, GWU Washington) collaborations SC concerns were very well addressed (e.g., full costing and timeline of the project has been established with proper project monitoring) The added value of VHEE beams compared to proton therapy and photon therapy from a radiobiological point of view still need to be documented by in vivo (cells, animal)proof of concept Education and training could be enhanced given the breadth of the project Concerns of the SC Alternative plans for funding to complete program and at the end of current Labex cycle Are oncologists already involved in the medical application of the project? Recommendations The SC is encouraging to pursue this flagship beyond the current Labex cycle by: Involving oncologists as soon as possible in the project Making sure the issues with exiting structure can be made compatible with the project planning, including radiobiological dimension in terms of present day safety and security requirements P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  11. i r f u i r f u i r f u Charting Terra Incognita of Exotic Nuclei y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 11 Observations This is a project involving IPNO, CSNSM and Irfu/SPhN Project addresses topics of current interest, i.e. measurements of masses, spins-parities, charge-radius differences, and magnetic and quadrupole moments for exotic nuclei. Initial measurements at ALTO facility: various equipment, POLAREX, MLLTRAP and Lino are in place and prepared for commissioning. Congratulations on securing extra finances (more than doubled the budget) obtained for new beam-line configuration. Comments SC appreciates: Use of phase-imaging technique is excellent for high-precision mass measurements. Power of in-trap (MLLTRAP) spectroscopy for reaching to pure isotopic measurements. Laser-induced nuclear orientation for measurements of magnetic and quadrupole moments. A window of opportunity (2019-2023) exits to do many measurements at ALTO before moving equipment to SPIRAL2 DESIR, i.e. behind S3 (Super Spectrometer Separator) Recommendations Make use of the window of opportunity to do as many measurements as possible. Finances for running should be granted by IPN directorate. P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  12. i r f u i r f u i r f u CANEVAS: y y y CAmera NEctarcam VAlidation at Paris-Saclay s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 12 build and test a first prototype with astronomical data to validate the design & operations of NectarCAM, camera design for Medium Size Telescopes of CTA The project has made significant progress in several areas since the last meeting, both technically and in terms, for example, of the vital inception of the MST-N sub-consortium As mentioned in last year s report, the inclusion of a significant outreach component is applauded, but there was little mention of progress on this aspect in the presentation There was however explicit reference to the essential role P2IO funding has played Due to factors beyond the control of the project, it appears that on-sky testing at the La Palma site will at best happen towards the end of the current P2IO LabEx. The project has dealt with such delays in a productive and effective manner previously and this gives the Scientific Committee some reassurance that this will happen in this instance P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  13. HIGHTEC i r f u i r f u i r f u High Granularity Calorimetry for Future Collider Experiments in High Energy Physics y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 13 Ambitious project in calorimetry that combines the particle flow concept with high granularity calorimetry. Three major labs (LLR, LAL, IRFU), three major frames SiW-ECALP(ILC), HGCAL(CMS), HGTC(ATLAS). Addresses crucial issues for the future of hep-ex, e.g. Higgs studies. Assessment: Important synergies established among three labs, with several achievements on mechanical design, FE and BE electronics and joint exploitation of local Omega micro-electronics lab. Visible progress towards 5D imaging calorimeters (position, energy, time), confirmed by test beam results. P2IO was key in securing extra funding for activities beyond 2019. Question: What are the realistic prospects, timelines and costs for implementation in real collider detectors? P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  14. i r f u i r f u i r f u Paris-Saclay: present landscape COMUE Paris-Saclay Future P2IO ? y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a UPSaclay NewUni about 10000 students about 60000 students Shanghai ranking: 16? Scientific Council, November 23rd 2017

  15. P2IO beyond 2020 15 P2IO renewal Expressions of Interest P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  16. i r f u i r f u i r f u P2IO labex renewal y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 16 The P2IO Council strongly supports the preparation of a P2IO renewal request. The P2IO labex has already demonstrated his excellence and usefulness as identified as (one of) the best Labex and emphasized in the mid term review. We are confident of a successful completion by the end of the present phase in Dec 2019. The Council is convinced that a P2IO (or similar) labex fostering the synergies between the various scientific institutes in the area and enhancing their visibility will be extremely useful in the future from 2020. The present reflection about the possible division of the institutes in two entities makes the case for a labex even stronger to help bridging the gap between them. In this context, the Council appreciates the initiatives launched to start the preparation of the P2IO renewal by requesting Expression of Interest (analysed later). The Council recommends to launch rapidly a reflection together with the Laboratory Directors and Tutelles about the subjects to be developed in a document by June 2018 proposing P2IO renewal to make it attractive to improve the chances of success and including: not only examples of expression of interests but also an ambitious scientific strategy and a review of the Physics parameters landscape. It should also certainly include a summary of the added value of the P2IO labex in the present phase from 2011 to 2019. P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  17. i r f u i r f u i r f u Expressions of Interest y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 17 Accelerators: ALP-ALPEX (laser -plasma acceleration) e-IPHI (thermal neutrons) PERLE (energy recovery linac) P2 Cosmo2stars (structure formation) LISA (gravitational waves and multi messenger) SCIENCe (CMB calibration facility) --- Hyper-Kamiokande Advanced bolometers for neutrinos, axions and dark matter --- Stellar and planetary systemsformation Gluonometrie (gluon tomography and saturation) P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  18. PROPOSAL PREPARATION In the proposal for P2IO renewal it would be important to: take into account of the evolution of the field since 2011, restructuring the main themes of activity, if needed have a clear idea of the procedure and criteria for selecting hyper- emblematic projects; they should seed new activities or strengthen interactions keep a good balance between focused funding (Hyper-emblematic projects) and more distributed funding (postdocs, Ph.D. students) encourage to apply in areas not yet proposed

  19. The SC appreciated that the EoI brought to the arena emergent areas and new frontier research topics not included in the previous set of emblematic projects. There is not enough information nor time to make a considered comparative scientific assessment of the individual projects The SC understands the point of not presenting too many individual projects in the renewal application. However, we believe that, for presentation purposes, the inclusion of the projects in five groupings can help to emphasize the synergies between projects inside each group. It should not be implied though that these are the five lines to be represented in the final choice, neither that one from each group should be retained.

  20. Argue with ~ 2 examples the success of projects giving quantitative and concrete evidence of: Scientific achievements in which P2IO has made a visible difference Reinforcement of preexisting cross-lab interactions/collaborations Totally new cross-lab interactions and collaborations seeded Increased international impact and involvement seeded Shared use or development of common infrastructure Extra funds arguably attracted by the P2IO seeding funds Recommendation: for future review-presentations, all speakers should be asked to prepare explicit answers to those questions Consider a dual scientific strategy: consolidation + innovation Consolidation and qualitative improvement of established local expertise Innovative projects fostering the development of emerging areas and expertise in frontier research locally under-represented

  21. i r f u i r f u i r f u Next y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 21 Draft report by end Dec 2017 SC available if needed to help in the review of the document to propose a P2IO labex renewal Future SC meeting? P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out

  22. i r f u i r f u i r f u Thanks y y y s s s a l c a a l c a a l c a 22 To all speakers for their excellent preparation To the P2IO management for the excellent scientific organization and the very complete information provided before the meeting To the lab directors for their (constructive) input To the administrative staff for excellent administrative support Congratulations for the very effective P2IO management by Philippe , Pierre-Olivier and their dedication during the last 3 years. P2IO Scientific Council 23-24/11/2017 Close out


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